Developing Telepathy

belief is the rationalisation of reaons, for acceptance of information or phenomean of which the questioning conscioousness has no certainty.

if i experience the moon everynight, there is no uncertainty which needs to be rationalised in order to integrate the phenomena into my existing schema of reality.
i have also said and will stand by this statement that i am not here to prove anything to any one. i have no need to validate anything about myself on this forum. there is no evidence of anything that i expereince, and i have no reasons why i would need to provide any. as i said i am only here to balance the argument, to offer opinions and an alternative perspective. that is all.
ellion said:
i dont believe in it.

i have experiece of it.

there is a difference.
explain this qoute of yours ellion

belief and believe are two different words ellion

so you experienced telepthy and by your own admission you do not believe your own experience. that is essentialy what you said in the above qoute.
i am not wasting my time arguing about my grammar.

i have no expectations of any members here.
leopold99 said:
so you experienced telepthy and by your own admission you do not believe your own experience. that is essentialy what you said in the above qoute.
any comments about this ellion?
i answered it above. i have answered it nearly everytime you have asked on other threads inculding this one. here is my answer once more;

belief is the rationalisation of reaons, for acceptance of information or phenomean of which the questioning consciousness has no certainty.

if i experience the moon everynight, there is no uncertainty which needs to be rationalised in order to integrate the phenomena into my existing schema of reality.
thats very nice of you. :)
i would appreciatte if you also remember i prefer not to play games but i am more than able to if you make me.
oh, no need to thank me because i will rub it in your face just like you rub it in other peoples faces.
what is it that you will rub in my face! the fact that i have answerd your questions again and agina but you are failing to recognise such. i think that is more a reflection of you than it is of me.
light: am i being ignored;
thats okay you have a valid reasdon to ignore me now yes?
leopold what are you talking about "rub it in my face?"

what is there to rub in my face?
light consitently shows an aversion to me. he will engage with me to a minimal degree but when i have started to get underneath his beliefs he ignores me. maybe that is my imagination, i would be delighted to have it shown to me that it is my imagination and he is not ignoring me. i am sure he would be a valuable source on these forums if he could learn to face his own bullshit.
you worry too much
i will rub nothing in your face
but you should take it easy on other people ellion

peace ;)