Developing Telepathy

The Pentagon has admitted that the U.S. intelligence agencies called the
N.S.A. , C.S.S ,D.I.A. , D.A.R.P.A. , C.I.A. , the
D.H.S. , and the F.B.I. Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit, has the
technology to pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast via satellites and any other form of technology
which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet,
and the telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology
SYNTHETHIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it.

talk about big brother
I think the more relevant effort would be the stargate program on remote viewing.
See the book MINDTREK by Joe McMoneagle.

I found a list of typical tendencies of psi prone people that some may find interesting.
ambidextrousness, interested in the arts (usually does more than one modality), a need to spend a lot of time alone, problems with the endrocrine system, being a night owl requiring little sleep, and high instance of electrical equipment plus watches malfunctioning around them.

Anyone fit the profile?
wasnt the stargate program designed to discredit Remote Viewing?
Crunchy Cat said:
The difference is the words. The similarity is they don't refer to anything that appears to exist.

The difference is the words and the meaning. 'Life Force' is undefined... doesn't refer to anything that appears to exist. Energy exists and has a very clear meaning. Humans have energy (ex. chemical and electrical). A new form of energy being claimed (i.e. 'spiritual energy') doesn't have any evidence for it's existence.

You are playing so many word games it is frustrating to speak to you.

You say Life Force is undefined. You say that hara is the japanese word for life force.

Follow very closely.

Why do the japanese have a word for something that you, in your infinite wisdom, say does not exist?

Are you claiming that you know more than the entire Japanese culture that developed this word and concept? You. Been alive for a few decades maybe. Know more than the entire Japanese culture which has been around for centuries.

Don't you think it is more likely that there is such a thing as life force? Or human energy?
Happeh said:
You are playing so many word games it is frustrating to speak to you.

So sorry.

Happeh said:
Why do the japanese have a word for something that you, in your infinite wisdom, say does not exist?

I don't ever think I claimed to have infinite wisdom. Regardless, the answer is the same for why we have a words hobbit, deodanth, phraint, inuyasha, tetsusaiga, vulcan, unicorn, pegasu, werewolf, zombie, etc. Concept exists and a word is assigned to it. The concept doesn't have to have any relation with what exists in reality.

Happeh said:
Are you claiming that you know more than the entire Japanese culture that developed this word and concept? You. Been alive for a few decades maybe. Know more than the entire Japanese culture which has been around for centuries.

I am not claiming anything. There exists a concept... and there is no evidence to support it is real.

Happeh said:
Don't you think it is more likely that there is such a thing as life force? Or human energy?

Not in the least
We mustn't forget we are dealing with those for whom fantasy is reality. For these, the words you list are as real as any other. Much the same applies to those who acknowledge works of speculative fiction like that of McMoneagle.
leopold99 said:
The Pentagon has admitted that the U.S. intelligence agencies called the
N.S.A. , C.S.S ,D.I.A. , D.A.R.P.A. , C.I.A. , the
D.H.S. , and the F.B.I. Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit, has the
technology to pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast via satellites and any other form of technology
which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet,
and the telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology
SYNTHETHIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it.

talk about big brother
i have done a google search on synthetic telepathy.
and 95% or more of the returned results starts with or includes the following
"synthetic telepathy, although there is nothing paranormal about it"
why that is i don't know
one thing i can say is that 95% of the entrys are of the same source
the other 5% seem to deal with the occult
SkinWalker said:
We mustn't forget we are dealing with those for whom fantasy is reality. For these, the words you list are as real as any other. Much the same applies to those who acknowledge works of speculative fiction like that of McMoneagle.

This is true and a natural question that arises is what is present or what is missing that prevents internalization of truth?
Crunchy Cat said:
This is true, it doesn't produce conciousness. We're just not to that level of technology yet.

me)))))))not at that levelof technology yet..???? NO. the reason you efven believe that is cause of your myth that complex matter produces conscousness

The 'expectation' in question is not something that was set by people. It's something that has been set by reality with evidence.

me))you mean you have replaced 'God' wit your 'lawsof nature' as your interpretations determine them and impose them oppressively on everyone

If reality produced a contradiction then that expectation would change... so far this has not been the case. The biggest fundamental difference between 'us' that leads to situations like this is how we go about understanding reality. It's 'evidence' vs. 'belief'. Reality tends to validate the former and contradict the latter (thus serving as a point of evidence that 'belief' simply doesn't work for this purpose).

me)))look CC. theee best example of where belief becomes science or vice versa is themental health movement........also, what abut classical physics? forgot that phase? people then thought tyhey knewit all didn't they. thought they had it all sused did the scientists. then QM came to blow all that presumption away causing great shock. so why do you think NOW is any different?

I disagree. Heck I an even dig up an article for you about how OOBE's were researched in science and the results let to a discovery of how to reproduce it.

ypou mean Susan Blackwood (bet i'vegotname wrong)......well we are back to your presumption that because electrically manipultaing brain can facilitate experiences similar to OBEs etc that that means your manipulation is PRODUCING it. but that is not the case. is similar to the argument that say taking a psychedeic, the drug is 'doing it'....when really the substance is a TRIGGER--a changer of consciousness. the CONTENT--its origins, meaning, hows and wherefores remains unknown to mscience.
btry CC, there exists a thread in these forums that very much focuses on OBEs. care to refresh it, and see what they have to say regarding your presumptions about it. tis is the only way we learn init?
leopold99 said:
i have done a google search on synthetic telepathy.
and 95% or more of the returned results starts with or includes the following
"synthetic telepathy, although there is nothing paranormal about it"
why that is i don't know
one thing i can say is that 95% of the entrys are of the same source
the other 5% seem to deal with the occult

I know wikipedia mentions 'techlepathy' but most of google's results on 'synthetic telepathy' look a bit ... erm ... conspiracy-theory oriented.
Crunchy Cat said:
I don't ever think I claimed to have infinite wisdom. Regardless, the answer is the same for why we have a words hobbit, deodanth, phraint, inuyasha, tetsusaiga, vulcan, unicorn, pegasu, werewolf, zombie, etc. Concept exists and a word is assigned to it. The concept doesn't have to have any relation with what exists in reality.

You are wrong. You think the words refer to what you see in a hollywood movie. All of those words were invented to describe human beings with certain traits.

There are zombies. I see zombies everyday. Not flesh eating guys with parts falling off. Brain dead and damaged people are zombies. I got lots of pictures if you are interested.

All of those words are meant to describe a human being with specific traits. They do not describe a separate animal species that possessess the describe traits.

Crunchy Cat said:
Not in the least

Just like I said. You Crunchy, the superior westerner, know more than the entire Japanese culture. And the Chinese culture. And the Thai culture.

I should find that news clipping for you. The one in which a top Thai government official said "we read people's minds".

Of course to you, he is a crazy top government official. He is not a dignified, capable man of high status who is telling the truth.
SkinWalker said:
We mustn't forget we are dealing with those for whom fantasy is reality. For these, the words you list are as real as any other. Much the same applies to those who acknowledge works of speculative fiction like that of McMoneagle.

We musn't forget those that refuse to beleive anything unless you hold them down, staple their eyes open, and force them to look at the evidence until they stop lying and admit they have no idea what the reasons are for what they are looking at.
Crunchy Cat said:
This is true and a natural question that arises is what is present or what is missing that prevents internalization of truth?

That makes me wonder too.

Crunchy and Skin. What is it that prevents you from acknowledging the truth?

I said it was fear. You are afraid someone will read your mind and found out you stole a candy bar when you were a kid. People denied fear was a reason.

What other emotion can provide so much energy that you can deny reality consistently for months on end?
Happeh said:
That makes me wonder too.

Crunchy and Skin. What is it that prevents you from acknowledging the truth?

I said it was fear. You are afraid someone will read your mind and found out you stole a candy bar when you were a kid. People denied fear was a reason.

What other emotion can provide so much energy that you can deny reality consistently for months on end?

Months? How about years? And include me in that group also.

You don't realize how stupid you sound here Happeh. If there really WAS such a thing as telepathy, how could fear and being afraid stop someone from reading your mind??????
What if I said I could fly? You would ask to see this amazing ability right?

What if I then I refused to show you because your need for evidence is mechanised and close-minded. I can fly anywhere I want just not in front of people - you will have to take my word on it.

You would suspect that I could not actually fly.

Well my next response to you then is that you are just afraid and living in denial of my fantastic powers!

Would you be afraid? No. Sound ridiculous? Yes.
Yes you do.
duendy said:
me)))))))not at that levelof technology yet..???? NO. the reason you efven believe that is cause of your myth that complex matter produces conscousness

It's not a belief in a myth. It's not even a theory. There is simply evidence that suggests it. There is no evidence I am aware of that even remotely hints at anything else.

duendy said:
me))you mean you have replaced 'God' wit your 'lawsof nature' as your interpretations determine them and impose them oppressively on everyone

'Laws of nature' as a concept has a limited scope. I am referring to reality itself (the very structure of it). It's not a replacement for 'God'... in fact typically 'God' is a substitute for 'reality'.

duendy said:
me)))look CC. theee best example of where belief becomes science or vice versa is themental health movement........also, what abut classical physics? forgot that phase? people then thought tyhey knewit all didn't they. thought they had it all sused did the scientists. then QM came to blow all that presumption away causing great shock. so why do you think NOW is any different?

Psychiatry deals with the human brain and unfortunately there is alot of knowledge work that remains to be done. I would presume this is why mistakes are common. Science is all about asking questions of reality, getting answers, and interpreting the answers. Sometimes the question we ask is stupid or limited in scope, sometimes we ask the wrong questions or don't know how to ask, and sometimes we misinterpret the response. As a process, science is hands down the most successful way to understand reality. Do people wielding the process make mistakes asking and interpreting? Yep of course.

duendy said:
ypou mean Susan Blackwood (bet i'vegotname wrong)......well we are back to your presumption that because electrically manipultaing brain can facilitate experiences similar to OBEs etc that that means your manipulation is PRODUCING it. but that is not the case. is similar to the argument that say taking a psychedeic, the drug is 'doing it'....when really the substance is a TRIGGER--a changer of consciousness. the CONTENT--its origins, meaning, hows and wherefores remains unknown to mscience.

The point wasn't that the research was intended to figure out how to produce conciousness. The point is that research into experience is being performed (it was asserted earlier that this wasn't the case and here we are... both contradicting that assertion).

duendy said:
btry CC, there exists a thread in these forums that very much focuses on OBEs. care to refresh it, and see what they have to say regarding your presumptions about it. tis is the only way we learn init?

I would rather spend my time asking for evidence to the claims of 'telepathy' and 'spiritual energy' existing... which nobody (including yourself) has provided.
Crunchy Cat said:
It's not a belief in a myth. It's not even a theory. There is simply evidence that suggests it. There is no evidence I am aware of that even remotely hints at anything else.

me)))all you have is 'evidence that SUGGESTS' NOT proof. what we are saying is is tht the questions you ask from that suggestion of evidence can only be limited. for your point of view demands you discount anamlous experience from yeardot. absurd.

'Laws of nature' as a concept has a limited scope. I am referring to reality itself (the very structure of it). It's not a replacement for 'God'... in fact typically 'God' is a substitute for 'reality'.

me))))but you are LOOKIN and understanding your 'laws of evidence' from your own subjective interpretation of them whilst pretending to be wholly objectve. an impossibility, for you are both objective and subjective, as is all reality.

Psychiatry deals with the human brain and unfortunately there is alot of knowledge work that remains to be done. I would presume this is why mistakes are common. Science is all about asking questions of reality, getting answers, and interpreting the answers. Sometimes the question we ask is stupid or limited in scope, sometimes we ask the wrong questions or don't know how to ask, and sometimes we misinterpret the response. As a process, science is hands down the most successful way to understand reality. Do people wielding the process make mistakes asking and interpreting? Yep of course.

me)))))so you admit you make mistakes. yet not about your ontological interpretation of the WHOLE of reality....!!

The point wasn't that the research was intended to figure out how to produce conciousness. The point is that research into experience is being performed (it was asserted earlier that this wasn't the case and here we are... both contradicting that assertion).

me))sorry, dont understand what you mean here?

I would rather spend my time asking for evidence to the claims of 'telepathy' and 'spiritual energy' existing... which nobody (including yourself) has provided.
and whati is saying isss. how do you know your questions aren't limited. reverse back to pre QM, right? you know te story i presume. weren't te classical scientists asking questions from a limited perspetive? that is what i have learnt. and tis is why what they began inding out disturbed many of the pioneering physcists so much. still does.
So compare then with now. we are years into QM aren't we. is thaty it? how do you see things going??
i have already informed you that THE BIG QUESTIOn now for philosophy, cognitive sciene and QM is CONSCIOUSNESS. do you not believe me? think i am making this up. or is your emphasis in explorng consciousness from a materilistic point..of view? you seem to. but how can you be so sure?