Developing Telepathy

Happeh said:
U just don't get it. Why should anyone trust you?

Because I am sincere and have a history of engaging with 'PSI' members (Zanket, BlueMommaPhish, Devil Inside, to name a few) in a very positive manner. Basically, I've established credibility and trust.
Ophiolite said:
I used to have lots of it before decimalisation.

Don't you mean £Sd? ;)

Ophiolite said:
Gut feelings, for me at least, run at a lot higher than a 50% success rate.

I assume the 50/50 thing (ignoring intuition) only holds on equally likely outcomes. Certainly doesn't work with lottery numbers...

Happeh said:
That is why I and other people tell you to have faith. If you have faith there is telepathy, and you walk around thinking that with a positive, good, friendly attitude, maybe one of them will decide to approach you.

It is all common sense if you only thought about it for a few minutes.

Have you been approached by any telepaths yet?
Crunchy Cat said:
Because I am sincere and have a history of engaging with 'PSI' members (Zanket, BlueMommaPhish, Devil Inside, to name a few) in a very positive manner. Basically, I've established credibility and trust.

I'll jump in and support Crunchy Cat.
From my experience CC has always maintained an open mind on these issues without lessening the criteria for proof. He has approached psi contentions with integrity and unfortnately this integrity has not allways been reflected.

It is up to the contender to prove his position.

A telepathic trial was undertaken not so long ago in which CC was a major particpant. The thread is linked:

Real time telepathic trial
if you read it you will find support for my opinion of CC's integrity.

I myself have full belief in the pheno of telepathy. I personally experience it every day, however it is often forgotten that telepathy requires at least two people. And to be perfectly honest people don't like having their minds read or manipulated.

So when it comes to developing telepathy, one must always keep in mind that other persons may and usually do instinctively defend and protect themselves. This is in essence why telepathy has yet to be proven as a deliberately willed pheno.

Human instincts also need to be developed. Now if someone has a way of developing someone elses instincts...let me know....
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If Randi had one million dollars for a person who can come to his lab, sit in a chair, and on command come up with a genius level insight regarding something, Einstein would have died broke and been shown to be a fraud (at least by people who don't really know, or perhaps they do, perhaps thats why Randi is so secure in his understanding that he'll never have to fork over any money. His experimental 'constraints' violate the nature of that which is to be 'studied'). Some things are not applicable to command performances. That fact does not in itself invalidate those things, only the credibility or the intelligence of the 'experimenter/showman'.

Yes, telepathy can be 'accessed' by training, just not necessarily in the area that you think. It is not a superior brain function, it is something related to all being One. If there is only One Mind, and there is, then it is certainly no trick to access 'thoughts' wherever or whenever they might occur. This is just one siddhi (power) that is found on a sincere inward search for 'Truth/Reality'.
Seeking the 'powers' without the 'inner work' is seeking victory without war.
One is also warned against egoic attachments to these 'powers' when others go 'oooohhh and aahhhh' and "Aren't you special!" and feed the ego. That alone is a good reason to keep one's 'abilities' to oneself.
Many stop at this place of ego comfort and progress no further.
Do know, however, that once you have found and made use of the 'access code', the more that you excercise the 'ability', the easier, stronger and more 'at Will' it becomes.
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Quantum Quack said:
And to be perfectly honest people don't like having their minds read or manipulated.

So when it comes to developing telepathy, one must always keep in mind that other persons may and usually do instinctively defend and protect themselves. This is in essence why telepathy has yet to be proven as a deliberately willed pheno.
First, people are not aware of being manipulated at that level, and their ego would not allow them to believe it even if they were told!
Second, perhaps one in a million has the training or the natural talent to realize what is happening. The others are absolutely clueless in their sleepwalk. Truly 'experiencing' what they 'think' and 'experience' is also a great act of empathy with no ill-will at all. It would be like having 'ill-will' toward 'self'. All is One.
It is all poppycock. If you claim otherwise, you need only provide the evidence, otherwise it remains poppycock.
Your beliefs are absolutely irrelevent to any and all but yourself. We all believe what is most rewarding to believe. Logic and evidence has little to do with it. Ask a Xtian! Or a 'Materialist'! My experience is not open to your evaluation. I need prove nothing to you and obviously you either have not read or do not understand my above post re: Randi.

When you gaze skyward on a beautiful clear summer's day and see the blue sky, would you consider that you have a 'belief' that the sky is blue or does your experience 'trump' belief? What would you think of someone arguing that it is not blue but fuscia while standing next to you? What if he asks you to 'prove' it is blue?

"Unclench your Mind!"
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nameless said:
When you gaze skyward on a beautiful clear summer's day and see the blue sky, would you consider that you have a 'belief' that the sky is blue or does your experience 'trump' belief?

Belief really doesn't play a role hear. The wavelength of the sky's coloration can be measured and it falls in a range that humans consider 'blue'.

nameless said:
What would you think of someone arguing that it is not blue but fuscia while standing next to you? What if he asks you to 'prove' it is blue?

Measure the wavelength and show where it falls.
Crunchy Cat said:
Belief really doesn't play a role hear. The wavelength of the sky's coloration can be measured and it falls in a range that humans consider 'blue'.

Measure the wavelength and show where it falls.
Yo Crunch, are you serious here? This? is your response?
First, I didn't offer what I did for a knee-jerk argument from within clenched minds.
Sorry, but experience trumps speculation, IMHO.
I was answering a serious question from one seriously questioning. In this area I have experience and you toddle up to me with your wires and machines and tell me to look at them and not upon the vault above so that you may 'prove' to me that what I experience is false, and your little machines and wires will 'prove' it so?!?!? A machine that wouldn't know 'blue' if it were made of lapis with turquoise dials? Only Mind can know 'blue'. A machine can 'know/experience' nothing. You couldn't have been serious... Hahahahahahaah....

It is easy to see what YOU 'believe' in!

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Science alone is the Great and Powerful Oz!!!"

"Unclench your Mind!"
It seems that some people are completely certain that telepathy exists but there is always an excuse why no one can prove it...
shaman_ said:
It seems that some people are completely certain that telepathy exists but there is always an excuse why no one can prove it...
Only a maniac is 'completely certain' about anything!
I am not certain through belief, my knowledge is experiential. Telepathy is as common to me in my everyday life as sucking wind is in yours. My words are not born of hypothesis and extrapolation, they are accurate descriptors of my daily life.
Did you not read or understand my previous post about 'evidence'?
Ok, let me try this another way.
Imagine that I have a leg missing.Gone from the knee down.
You are sitting 5 meters from where I am sitting.
We have not seen each other as the room has been dark since our entry.
You are blindfolded.
the light is turned on.
I tell you that I have my leg missing.
You ask me to prove it.
You want to 'smell' it gone.
As your nose is incapable of the transmission of this data, your sense of smell is incapable of providing 'evidence' of that which is directly before it.
Get where I'm going here. It isn't difficult if you try...
I respond, sir, remove your blindfold that you may see that which is before you!
You reply, "I, sir, shall not as I have a very fine nose and olfactory sense in general. Beneath it the bouquet of many fine flavors have appreciateively trod! And, sir, this finely tuned proboscis can detect no reality in your claim of leglessness!"
Perhaps you wish to use your sense of touch?
From 5 meters away, though I be well beyond range, you know of the fine services that your delicate sense of touch is capable of rendering.
Stop me if you are understanding what I am saying.
Have you no machine to help you understand? Some equation?

There are many flavors of evidence, even within science. To insist on that which you insist denotes the same blind 'faith', simple 'belief', that any zealous fundamentalist exhibits when he refuses to even recognise the simplist scientific principle right before his eyes. Your fundamentalism is no better because it is called 'empiricism' then the fundamnentalism of any other religion.

Unclench your Mind!
nameless said:
Only a maniac is 'completely certain' about anything!
zealous fundamentalist exhibits when he refuses to even recognise the simplist scientific principle right before his eyes. Your fundamentalism is no better because it is called 'empiricism' then the fundamnentalism of any other religion.
Unclench your Mind!
No. I just want someone to prove that they can use telepathy. You respond like this is an unreasonable request.

Don't worry about my beliefs; forget the analogies involving blindfolds. If such a thing exists surely there is some way to demonstrate it.
you got to understand the context your asking this in...IF materialistic acience could harness the paranormal for its greedy fukin progress trip and perpetual wars it fact the elitists you dont believe in actually apparently ARE believing in the occult and seek to use it along wit materialistic science for their vile purposes

you have to understand that your mindset ala 'science' --its origins, is immoral, in that it is mechanical/solless having agreed to leave VALUE OUTof its proceedings

do you see the problem?

it means your relentelessly trying to fit in subtle experience into your machine-box of tricks cannot ever win, and if it does 'find out' about 'telepathy', whatever.... will carry on doin what it knows best. which is mechanical and immoral.....having lost its soul right at the beginning
duendy said:
you got to understand the context your asking this in...IF materialistic acience could harness the paranormal for its greedy fukin progress trip and perpetual wars it would..........
One thing at a time duendy. We are not discussing what anyone would do with it. I want someone to show that it exists.

duendy said:
in fact the elitists you dont believe in actually apparently ARE believing in the occult and seek to use it along wit materialistic science for their vile purposes
Please stick with the subject.

duendy said:
you have to understand that your mindset ala 'science' --its origins, is immoral, in that it is mechanical/solless having agreed to leave VALUE OUTof its proceedings
Science is a method duendy. It is not immoral. Again duendy you really should do a basic physics or chemistry course. I don't mean that as an insult but you have shown over and over that you do not understand that which you are criticising.
duendy said:
do you see the problem?
Yes the problem is that no one seems to have telepathy.

duendy said:
it means your relentelessly trying to fit in subtle experience into your machine-box of tricks cannot ever win, and if it does 'find out' about 'telepathy', whatever.... will carry on doin what it knows best. which is mechanical and immoral.....having lost its soul right at the beginning
Yes yes more science bashing. As I said in a previous post it just sounds like excuses why no one is able to show that they have telepathy. It really shouldn't be that hard.
shaman_ said:
One thing at a time duendy. We are not discussing what anyone would do with it. I want someone to show that it exists.

me))i know i know ya do luv...

Please stick with the subject.

me)))))i dont like specializin, but ok just this once

Science is a method duendy. It is not immoral. Again duendy you really should do a basic physics or chemistry course. I don't mean that as an insult but you have shown over and over that you do not understand that which you are criticising.

me))))does science Do itself?....did science invent itself?...can we dispense with Glaileo's part in it, and the rest, like Bacon, Descartes and so on...welll?
the answer is no. science is used by people with subjective as well as objective mindsets

Yes the problem is that no one seems to have telepathy.

me))))how do yo KNOW?.....i know what yu are gonna say next cause i'm telepathic. ie., 'noone has proved it yet'.am i right? THERE dear boyyy is your eveeedence!!

Yes yes more science bashing. As I said in a previous post it just sounds like excuses why no one is able to show that they have telepathy. It really shouldn't be that hard.
let me ask you this. how do you envisage a succesful scientific experiment proving telepathy to your specifications?
nameless said:
Yo Crunch, are you serious here? This? is your response?
First, I didn't offer what I did for a knee-jerk argument from within clenched minds.

The response is intended to remove the 'belief' assertion from the equation.

nameless said:
Sorry, but experience trumps speculation, IMHO.
I was answering a serious question from one seriously questioning. In this area I have experience and you toddle up to me with your wires and machines and tell me to look at them and not upon the vault above so that you may 'prove' to me that what I experience is false, and your little machines and wires will 'prove' it so?!?!? A machine that wouldn't know 'blue' if it were made of lapis with turquoise dials? Only Mind can know 'blue'. A machine can 'know/experience' nothing. You couldn't have been serious... Hahahahahahaah....

* Person 'A' consistently experiences hearing people talk when nobody is around. Because the idea is attractive and the exerpience exists, he concludes he has long range telepathy.

* Person 'B' consistently experiences hearing people talk when nobody is around. He carefully writes down the content of the words he hears and realizes that it is nonsensical and doesn't correspond to truth. He next measures the electrical activity in his brain and realizes that at least one part of his brain is out of sync (frequency-wise). When this is corrected with a TSM device, the voices disappear and upon further experimentation the voices can be induced in others by artifically de-syncing the same part of the brain. Person 'B' reviews the evidence and sees it supports the notion that his brain has an information processing defect that creates auditory 'noise'.

nameless said:
It is easy to see what YOU 'believe' in!

That's just it, I try my hardest to eliminate 'belief' as a way to understand reality.

nameless said:
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Science alone is the Great and Powerful Oz!!!"

Science has proven to be the best way to ask reality questions and get truthful answers.
nameless said:
Only a maniac is 'completely certain' about anything!
I am not certain through belief, my knowledge is experiential.

To my experience you are either lying or deluded. You can either demonstrate the telepathy or you can't.

It still amazes me that the people who announce the loudest that 'telepathy' exists are the very people who claim the skeptic can never see it. Bad energies, right.

One things for sure, in the interest of boosting your self image among the gallery of believers, you're willing to face down the big, bad skeptic and earn points with them. They speak your srcreen name at woo-woo sites far and wide.

Telepathic claims are all about personal attention. .... unless someone is willing to prove differently.