Developing Telepathy

SkinWalker said:
Telepathy has no apparent users; no apparent cause; no apparent evidence.
what about brainwaves? with a suitable decoder our thoughts could be transmitted and recieved over a distance.
This still isn't telepathy. The human brain has different frequencies that can be measured on the electromagnetic spectrum that can be correlated with confidence to specific activities, but there is no evidence that discreet data is transmitted with these waves. Indeed, it is very likely that all neural activity needed by the body and brain is transmitted via neural pathways.

Don't get me wrong, I believe whole heartedly in exploring the possibilities such things, but I still maintain that nutters that believe themselves to have "psychic powers" are nutters and nothing more. For the very reasons that Happeh gave in the quote in my last post.
SkinWalker said:
but I still maintain that nutters that believe themselves to have "psychic powers" are nutters and nothing more.
i see, and agree
isn't telepathy thought transmission over a distance?
duendy said:
have you ever had pychedelic experience and seen body language that way??
Please define psychedelic. My singular drug is alcohol. Hardly psychedelic! I don't know quite what you are asking.
Ophiolite said:
Please define psychedelic. My singular drug is alcohol. Hardly psychedelic! I don't know quite what you are asking.
...err, like have you had psychedelic experience and seen body language whilst doing so

i am not trying to one-up ya. i am not comin on as guru etc and claiming yo are worthles cause yo aint 'enlightened'....You hve freedom to experiment if you so wish

what i am getting at is, that my very first LSD Trip when 15 hd me in this situation at this prty........i didn't know what i had taken. it was tiniest of hlf a blue tab..........others at prty weren't trippin but were plying a game of TELEPATHY....ll comin clear huh?

so i m sat on couch and watchin tese people try and telepathize what thi person i thinking and drawing...and i am atching ll of this as trip comes up. i was hysterically lughing wtching their body lngage which revealed t me teir characters and what they were feeling. and the irony of theat and the game they were playing which in my dimension seemed SO absurdly limited just cracked me up....dont judge me. i was this 15 yar old kid and am rlaying to you what happned is all

right. can you not fthom a continuum betyween body language and more subtle forms of communiction....nd what bout with plants, trees, stones...etc...or is that TOO much for you to consider??
Beethoven's symphonys are a form of communication, from Beethoven to the listener. The major effort, and perhaps the major reward, is made (and received by Beethoven). As the 'intellect' of the other party in the communication declines, the communication becomes more one sided, till it is essentially a from of introspection. Nothing wrong with that. Very effective in fact. But it is not communication with another, it is communication with self. [Hence my attraction to solipsism.]
I believe that understanding intuition is the first step to developing telepathic abilities. If you are conscious of intuitive sensations like the "gut instinct" and pay attention to their symbolic meanings you have taken the first steps into the psi world, next should be the "intuitive pops" of information also called "psychic hits". Become aware of these intuitive events, consciously persue the symbolic meanings and you are half way to telepathy also called "mind speak".
I believe that understanding intuition is the first step to developing telepathic abilities.

Intuition has nothing to do with telepathy.

If you are conscious of intuitive sensations like the "gut instinct" and pay attention to their symbolic meanings

Gut feelings are 50/50, like any guesswork. They have no symbolic meanings.

"mind speak".

Horse pucky.
(Q) said:
Gut feelings are 50/50, like any guesswork. They have no symbolic meanings.
You must have a screwed up life. Gut feelings, for me at least, run at a lot higher than a 50% success rate. As I noted earlier, intuition is the subconscious processing of recently received data, integrated with prior experience. On that basis we should expect a much higher success rate than that due to poor chance - unless we are crap at processing data, remembering past experience, and correlating the two.
Crunchy Cat said:
Let's get right to the point. Can you or anyone you know demonstrate telepathy? That 'faith' based BS is a copout... the observer doesn't have to be the experiencer to form a proof.


I told you it will never happen. No one is going to put themselves in front of a gunsight.
Ophiolite said:
Nonsense. It is clear your alleged spirituality has done nothing for your imagination. Here is a scheme that would work perfectly.

The target subject enters a room with ten individuals. One of the ten individuals is the telepath. The target subject does not know which individual this is. The target subject sits in the room for an agreed time, leaves, and summarises his thoughts during that period, in writing. These are witnessed and placed in a sealed envelope.
All ten, including the telepath, who remains anonymous, leaves, and privately right down notes on a sheet which is witnessed and sealed. The telepath identifies himself as such on his sheet, the others write whatever they please.
They all leave..

Complete safety for the telepath.

You have no idea how the real world works. You believe in the safe civilized world you see on TV. That world is a lie meant to keep you stupid. There is one very obvious flaw in your plan. You don't see it because you live in a fantasy world.

What is to stop someone from killing everyone involved in the experiment? Sort of like when they drop bombs on Iraq and whoever is underneath dies. And, oh well, that is too bad.

Ophiolite said:
By the way, if you really believe that a telepath would be murdered in the circumstances where he demonstrated his powers, you are associating with the wrong kinds of people.

It is not the people I associate with. It is reading the world news. The Isrealis murder palestinians everyday. No one cares. The USA murders Iraqis everyday. No one cares. The British murdered Menenzes on a subway crowded with people. Do you even know who menenzes is?

Who is going to care if someone murders some guy who was a telepath? Seriously? Are you going to hunt down the murderers and bring them to justice?

Ophiolite said:
The spiritual persons I know are not possessed, do not claim telepathy or any special powers, yet they are happy balanced people. They also work, they earn money, they buy material things, but they are not defined by their possessions. They understand that money is useful, but is not everything. Your have created a false dichotomy. Black and white. Good and evil. No shades of grey.
In this approach you are mistaken. Badly mistaken. Corruptly mistaken.

Sure. Whatever you say. Spiritual means what it means to different people. Scientific people say "the dicitionary says it means this so that is what it means". Only to people who agree to be submissive to the dictionary. My definition of spirituality is probably different from other peoples.

There is good and evil. There is black and white. Evil's job is to cloud people's minds so they can no longer tell the difference between good and evil. The USA tortures people. The entire world knows it. Does anyone do anything about it? No. Because the evil that has inhabited the white house has clouded everyone's mind with legal opinions this and that.

Don't let my use of the word evil throw you. I am not saying it like a preacher shouting evil at a service. I am saying evil like I say laundry or car or bank. Evil is a word that describes people and the actions of people. No big deal, no hysteria, nothing mystical or magical.
Happeh said:
The British murdered Menenzes on a subway crowded with people. Do you even know who menenzes is?

Who is going to care if someone murders some guy who was a telepath?

Why didn't a telepath tell Menezes not to go to work that day?
You must have a screwed up life. Gut feelings, for me at least, run at a lot higher than a 50% success rate.

If you base your gut feelings stricly on guess work, I can't see how that could be any higher than 50/50 chance overall. But if you base gut feelings on evidence, that could tip the scales in your favor.

I'm assuming the gut feelings that candy has are based on guess work.
Happeh said:

I told you it will never happen. No one is going to put themselves in front of a gunsight.

Forget about the media. They can put themselves in front of me... no guns/weapons/other devices. Hell, I'll even sign an affidavit stating no harm will come to any such person.
Crunchy Cat said:
Forget about the media. They can put themselves in front of me... no guns/weapons/other devices. Hell, I'll even sign an affidavit stating no harm will come to any such person.

U just don't get it. Why should anyone trust you? If someone grabbed you and pulled your toenails out, you would tell them anything.

Bush and the gang pull out peoples toenails everyday because they enjoy it.

Tony Blair had a judge sign an affidavit that the death of David Kelly was a suicide. Anyone with a brain knows it was assasination.

Let go of it. It will never happen. If you are truly curious, think that way. Someone will come to you.

Let me put it this way. If you are walking around thinking "Telepathy is bullshit. Those telepathic people are bullshit. If I meet anyone trying to say telepathy is real, I will attack them and ridicule them".

Then you meet a telepathic guy. You don't know it of course. He reads all that shit in your head above. Do you really think the man is going to talk to you? Your mind says as plain as day that you will attack and ridicule anyone talking about telepathy.

That is what you guys never figure out. You are so sure you are right, your brain switches off. If people really have telepathy, they know what you are thinking. If you are thinking bad things or hurtful things or unbeliveing things, they will read that from your mind and never waste time on you.

That is why I and other people tell you to have faith. If you have faith there is telepathy, and you walk around thinking that with a positive, good, friendly attitude, maybe one of them will decide to approach you.

It is all common sense if you only thought about it for a few minutes.
More strawman, paranoia laden poppycock.

For someone that seems to assert it is pointless to try and prove "telepathy," you are very fixated on arguing for it!

Mystery-mongers and significance-junkies always seem to seek status with wild, speculative claims that can never be proven. That's always the safe route in their minds, after all: safe with the knowledge that no matter what, the skeptics will never be able to prove a negative, and therefore it will make you look smart among the gullible when the other significance-junkies in the gallery chime in (like Candy and Devil Inside) and say what a good job you're doing with the skeptics.

How pitiful to be that insecure so as to seek acknowledgement from such peers.