Developing Telepathy

(Q) said:
Within ones own mind, that could be true. But, one cannot access anothers thoughts, that is pure horsepucky. That has never been shown by anyone.

It is not horsepucky. It is true. Forget about "I didn't see it on the discovery channel, so you must be lying.

I think scientists are myopic. They only see science. They have no clue about politics or social agendas. As a scientist, the only thing they can see is "prove something is true or not". They fail to see that politicians and regular people have the motive to interfere with scientific fact. If science says that politicians all have a mental problem and should be in insane asylums, you can bet the politicians will murder that scientist and burn his research.

Scientists need to come out of the lab and see how the violent really truly run the world. All that stuff from school and the media about democracy and stuff is just brain programming to keep you working in the lab, making new inventions to make the violent elite wealthy.

(Q) said:
One is also warned against egoic attachments to these 'powers' when others go 'oooohhh and aahhhh' and "Aren't you special!" and feed the ego. That alone is a good reason to keep one's 'abilities' to oneself.

And why do they do this? Because people like you or the other naysayers in this thread say "well if you can read minds, why don't you go to amazing randi and get 1 million dollars?". The warnings against getting a big head are reasonable warnings because the first thing most people think of is, "How can I use this ability to take advantage of others for my own selfish needs?".

Don't let them fool you though. Most of them do use telepathy for their own selfish needs.

(Q) said:
More excuses and more crap. Since no one has ever shown those abilities,

You really ought to be more accurate or truthful. "No one has ever shown these abilities to you, the poster known as Q.

(Q) said:
then no one has ever called someone special preceded by ooohs and aaahs. And if they were to keep it to themselves, why are so many nutjobs claiming they have the ability, regardless of the fact they cannot show their abilities to anyone.

Because you fail to listen. I think I or someone else mentioned that people can naturally resist telepathy. Some can, some cannot, some to varying degrees. If you say to yourself, "I am not going to let my mind be read", and you do it with full concentration, focus and will power, you can probably stop most people.

So if a test is set up, and you are sitting there with your full intellect and willpower, thinking, "This is bullshit", then nothing will happen. Not because it is false or a lie. But because you have stopped the test with your refusal to cooperate.

Then like I said before. If someone says to you "you killed someone and buried their body in the park", are you going to jump up and attack them for that? Everyone has things to hide. Everyone. Because of this, most people, if they really did think telepathy was real, would do anything possible to stop it, or stop the people who can do it.
Happeh, I see the world has been unkind to you. I can think of no other reason that you would:
a) Believe in the conspiracy theory of government.
b) Reject the logic of science.
c) Apply rigid stereotyping to the diversity of humanity.
d) Grasp at the ephemeral straws of pseudo-science
It's quite an unattractive combination. Interestingly, you could change. An open mind, an education and a little more trust in real people might just do it. Are you ready to give it a shot?
Happeh said:
It is not horsepucky. It is true. Forget about "I didn't see it on the discovery channel, so you must be lying.

It is horsepucky. And the Discovery Channel is usually horsepucky, too.

Happeh said:
I think scientists are myopic. They only see science. They have no clue about politics or social agendas.

Its clear you've no first clue about science. Sometimes politics and agenda are painfully clear to researchers. And the comment, "they see only science," is telling as well. I suppose you're referring to "only that which is measurable." But what you're really saying is, "science won't use its imagination while testing an idea." Well, no kidding, Barney. Your imagination's fine for pretending rain is lemon drops and gum drops (and "oh, what a rain it would be"), but for explaining the world, science relies on the material and the physical. Reality.

Duendy is always going on about "materialist" this and "materialist" that, but face it. If it isn't material, then what is it? If it isn't real, then its fake. imagined.

So called "telepaths" and 'esp' proponents are fake. imagined.

There is no telepathy. Anyone who says there is, is full of shit, lying, or deluded (or some combination thereof).
shaman_ said:
Huh? You don't make a whole lot of sense here. You go from the accusation that science says all material is lifeless except err scientist's brains so it is immoral (?!) because power corrupts. Righty.

me))))))was emphasizing scientist's high n mighty opinion of hirself is all. ie., they--the mscientists--assume complexmatter produces consciousness. but rthat THEIRprecious brain-producing-consciousnesses will be top o' the tree. how many times the the mscientists here take on that superior ground ....?exxxxactly! wasn't so hard was it?

Don't know what you mean by things getting hostile either.

me))i know. caus YOUR on their side so yous dont feels it darlin

If science has crushed any worldviews then those people will have to deal with the truth. This is not immoral. Science is not there to comfort people with delusions.

me)))))but heyyy. come close....closer still. bit closeer.....pssst. 'yu dont KNOW 'the truth''ll impose your WORLDVIEW. andin the pocess are making a godamn awafgul mess of it, despite all yer flashy gadgits. and actually all them flash gadgets spew toxic shit

Yes reality often seems boring to believers. I guess this is why you are so keen to believe in anything that will make your life seem more interesting.

me)))))and you know reality huh. all you know is facts facts facts, like yer friends. like A machine! a huge part of your being you have let atrophy!

Do you have a better test for telepathy duendy?
test shmest
Do you understand the difference between science, technology, business and politics Duendy?
Science investigates, technology applies discoveries, business implements them, politics structures them. Try not to confuse the different roles.
Ophiolite said:
Do you understand the difference between science, technology, business and politics Duendy?
Science investigates, technology applies discoveries, business implements them, politics structures them. Try not to confuse the different roles.
oh shneezle dizzle....who ya patronizin?


i a tellyou youuuu. that all those supposedly sepARate 'roles' is wokin fo mr maaaan. put that in yer chrimbo-pipe and smioke it
Happeh daze:

I think scientists are myopic. They only see science. They have no clue about politics or social agendas. As a scientist, the only thing they can see is "prove something is true or not". They fail to see that politicians and regular people have the motive to interfere with scientific fact.

This has been a serious flaw in your argument, your own perception of scientists, which you clearly have wrong. Scientists are people, smart people, who are apt to know as much or more than the common layman when it comes to local and world affairs. In fact, they may know much more considering they might be privy to information others are not.

The only thing myopic is your perception of reality.

If science says that politicians all have a mental problem and should be in insane asylums, you can bet the politicians will murder that scientist and burn his research.

Silly, in the extreme.

Scientists need to come out of the lab and see how the violent really truly run the world.

Again, your perception of reality is seriously lacking. Scientists are not imprisoned in laboratories.

Don't let them fool you though. Most of them do use telepathy for their own selfish needs.

Like boasting on internet forums?

You really ought to be more accurate or truthful. "No one has ever shown these abilities to you, the poster known as Q.

Please provide evidence that it has been shown, to anyone.

If you say to yourself, "I am not going to let my mind be read", and you do it with full concentration, focus and will power, you can probably stop most people.

I would never say that, I would welcome anyone to read my mind. I'm sure other 'naysayers' here would do the same.

So if a test is set up, and you are sitting there with your full intellect and willpower, thinking, "This is bullshit", then nothing will happen. Not because it is false or a lie. But because you have stopped the test with your refusal to cooperate.

That is just a petty excuse and a strawman argument.

Then like I said before. If someone says to you "you killed someone and buried their body in the park", are you going to jump up and attack them for that? Everyone has things to hide. Everyone. Because of this, most people, if they really did think telepathy was real, would do anything possible to stop it, or stop the people who can do it.

Please, you're letting your imagination run amok, again. Another petty excuse and strawman argument.

And speaking of arguments, yours is getting weaker as you progress.
Ophiolite said:
Happeh, I see the world has been unkind to you. I can think of no other reason that you would:
a) Believe in the conspiracy theory of government.

I believe it because it is true.

Ophiolite said:
b) Reject the logic of science.

I do not reject the logic of science.

Ophiolite said:
c) Apply rigid stereotyping to the diversity of humanity.

I ignore the mind warping that is meant to make people powerless slaves. I use stereotypes that are accurate to some degree just as anyone in the world does. If I see a pit bull, I walk away. Sure it is a stereotype. I will never be bitten by a pitbull because I believe in that stereotype.

Ophiolite said:
d) Grasp at the ephemeral straws of pseudo-science

What makes you say this? You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt I am wrong. We both know you cannot do this.

Ophiolite said:
It's quite an unattractive combination. Interestingly, you could change. An open mind, an education and a little more trust in real people might just do it. Are you ready to give it a shot?

Give what a shot? I have an open mind and an education. Your assertion that any people are real is fallacious. All people are liars. You just have to wait. No one on this earth will disappoint you. They will lie to you if you give them enough time. It is law of the universe.
SkinWalker said:
Its clear you've no first clue about science.

If you believe that, it is clear you jump to conclusions. You do not know me well enough to say that.

SkinWalker said:
There is no telepathy. Anyone who says there is, is full of shit, lying, or deluded (or some combination thereof).

Nope. It is you that is full of shit, lying, or deluded. I don't know how many times I have to say that no one that is a telepath is going to have anything to do with haters or name callers. They don't have to prove anything to you. You should be on your knees begging them to prove it. Not beating them over the head with negative comments. They are not children that you beat in to submission.
(Q) said:
Happeh daze:

I think scientists are myopic. They only see science. They have no clue about politics or social agendas. As a scientist, the only thing they can see is "prove something is true or not". They fail to see that politicians and regular people have the motive to interfere with scientific fact.

This has been a serious flaw in your argument, your own perception of scientists, which you clearly have wrong. Scientists are people, smart people, who are apt to know as much or more than the common layman when it comes to local and world affairs. In fact, they may know much more considering they might be privy to information others are not.

Sure they are. But people are slaves. They believe that all scientists are 100 percent correct all of the time. I have to shout loudly that scientists make mistakes to wake people up so they admit that scientists do make mistakes.

(Q) said:
If science says that politicians all have a mental problem and should be in insane asylums, you can bet the politicians will murder that scientist and burn his research.

Silly, in the extreme.

What am I supposed to say to this? Call you names? That statement is obviously completely untrue. Many scientists have been murdered thruout history in order to repress one scientific idea or another. It is a matter of historical record. Why would you say something like that and totally destroy any credibility you might have had? Who was it that was burned at the stake for saying the sun was the center of the solar system? Galileo?

(Q) said:
Scientists need to come out of the lab and see how the violent really truly run the world.

Again, your perception of reality is seriously lacking. Scientists are not imprisoned in laboratories.

This is really tedious. We all know that scientists have a reputation for being geeks. If you want to interpret my words literally to say I am saying they are imprisoned, you are being foolish. Their minds are imprisoned by the narrow rules of science. They need to break that and look at the real world of politics etc.

(Q) said:
Don't let them fool you though. Most of them do use telepathy for their own selfish needs.

Like boasting on internet forums?

I don't know. Have you seen them do that?

(Q) said:
And speaking of arguments, yours is getting weaker as you progress.

And speaking of arguments, yours is so boring I gave up dealing with such stupidity. Play word games with someone else. I have better things to do with my time.
Damn materialists flock to threads like this, having nothing to contribute nor are even wanted; too 'clenched' and 'clueless' to even know that though. They come and scream and rage and shout and denigrate and hold their breath and turn purple, squinch their tiny glazed eyes and ... and hope that all their obnoxious, clueless noise will close the thread in the name of their god 'Empirical Science'. And it often works, as they have nothing to contribute, are notoriously uncreative and turn a pleasant respectful discussion ugly by their presence.
Responding to them just fuels their pathology.
Go away. Shoo.
Perhaps a citronella candle will keep them away and on their own turf.
I don't know how many times I have to say that no one that is a telepath is going to have anything to do with haters or name callers. They don't have to prove anything to you.

If that statement is true it disproves, at the very least, that you have anything to do with telepathy. The reason is, the more skeptics say "nay," you respond with a zeal as if you have something to prove. These alleged 'telepaths' have nothing to prove, but they are the loudest of all the woo-woos on the board. How full of shit is that?

The reality of it is simple, you need attention. You crave it. Everyone likes to feel important, and telling these lies or believing these delusions gets you in that zone of apparent self-actualization. The key word there is apparent. You think you are being satisfied. But all you do is talk shit. Anyone can SAY they are a telepath. Anyone can claim anything they want. Demonstrating it is beyond your capability -BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST.

The irony is, that while you might have some minimal admiration reflected in the comments of one or two other woo-woo's on the board, the vast majority are laughing it up. It isn't a net result of respect you earn, but (at best) that of pity. I genuinely pity the fellow human that gets so wrapped up in such fantasies that they cannot let go.
nameless said:
Responding to them just fuels their pathology.
Go away. Shoo.
Perhaps a citronella candle will keep them away and on their own turf.

This *is* our "turf." This is science board, not a woo-woo one. The parapsychology and pseudoscience sub-forums are where we come to discuss the effects of pseudoscience, ridicule nutters, and generally take the piss out of woo-woo's that wander in and think they have something scientific to contribute. This is SciForums.

But speaking of pathology, from an anthropological point of view, your need for status among your peers seems to keep you coming back to this thread in spite of your statement in an earlier post that you were leaving the thread. Don't worry, it is very consistent with the pathology of the woo-woo.
No, moron, this thread is NOT yours. What have you added to the original question besides crapping all over it? Is that all of which you are capable? Cant add anything? Then shut the fuk up and leave!
nameless said:
Pseudopsychocementheadedarrogantignorantbullshit! Your 'opinion' has been noted. You may leave

I think I'll stay, thanks. My opinion is based on fact, however. Yours is grounded in fantasy.

As I said: anyone who claims to be a telepath is lying or deluded.

I offer the above statement provisionally, of course. But to change my mind, someone need only demonstrate it under controlled experiment. Many have tried. Each gave a lame excuse why it didn't work.
nameless said:
No, moron, this thread is NOT yours. What have you added to the original question besides crapping all over it? Is that all of which you are capable? Cant add anything? Then shut the fuk up and leave!

It belongs to me now. I've taken over. You can stay, but I've reported your ad hominem remarks to the moderators for review. Really... you must learn to control your temper. One should think that if a telepath were to exist, he/she would have some control over basic emotions.

nameless said:
Typical 'tiny dick' pathology. Probably drive an SUV too. It must suck to be you!

I don't recall making any comments about your anatomy. Your size is your business
If there were any moderators they would have stopped your crapping all over the topic a long time ago before you hijacked it. And now you go running to the teacher... Hahahahahahaahah... Bye bye
Happeh said:
Who was it that was burned at the stake for saying the sun was the center of the solar system? Galileo?
Your ignorance is substantial. Tell us, who was burnt at the stake for saying the sun was the centre of the Solar System? Certainly not Galileo, who was too much of a pragmatic politician to fall into that trap.
Perhaps you were thinking of Giordano Bruno, who was certainly influenced by Copernicus. However, when he was burnt at the stake the Roman Catholic church had no position on Copernicanism. He was burnt for the heresy of docetism.
So, tell us, who was this mystrey man (or woman) burnt at the stake for declaring the Earth was not the centre of the Universe?
We await your elucidation.
Happeh said:
All people are liars. You just have to wait. No one on this earth will disappoint you. They will lie to you if you give them enough time. It is law of the universe.
You poor bastard.