Developing Telepathy

Candy, intuition is not a sense, it is the subconscious processing of recently received data, integrated with prior experience. It is, as you suggest, a valuable survival tool.
Crunchy Cat said:
Yes, a fantasy television show is a great way to judge reality.

I pay 30% of my annual wages in taxes (which is reasonable for all the services provided), I drink champagne, eat caviar, and aside from the occasional jury duty request, my government isn't asking me for any special favors.

U know? Life is odd. Society tells you stereotypes are wrong and bad. That is a lie. Stereotypes are truth.

I have run into the same 98% of lemmings that say "You are talking about a movie or TV" in the same tone you use. What happened to the intelligence human beings are supposed to have?

Who made movie and TV? Humans. Who are the TV and movie shows about? Humans. Who writes the shows? Humans. Who do the writers base their characters on? Humans.

But for some reason saying a movie or TV show points at some aspect of human life is the most outlandish thing these lemmings have ever heard.

The human race is headed for a crash. Stupidity is going to reach critical mass. Then there will be a big war like WW III to thin all of them out.

(Q) said:
Happeh sez:

Of course there is ESP and telepathy. Of course it can be developed. There is lots of literature about how to do it... I tell you for fact that people can have telepathy.

1 million dollars is a joke. I can go to wall street and make billions.

So, why aren't all those people making billions on Wall Street from telepathy? Why hasn't anyone successfully taken the 1 million dollar challenge and walked away with that?

Why, instead, are they trying to sell you literature on telepathy?

There are crooks out there. Evil works by watching what works successfully for good, then copying the same methods. What can you do?

As for your question, it shows how you are and what you think. You are about money and possessions. You don't believe in telepathy or other things, so you have no idea of what alternatives there are to life other than chasing money.

Someone like you will find it impossible to believe there is anything better than money. That is your choice and your belief. It is not accurate. You are welcome to do as you please as an adult in this world. Including being wrong.
One could very easily argue that those that buy into conspiracy theories without any basis in fact are simply lemmings. It sounds good, so they buy it.

P.T. Barnum's dream.
Happeh said:
There are crooks out there. Evil works by watching what works successfully for good, then copying the same methods. What can you do?

As for your question, it shows how you are and what you think. You are about money and possessions. You don't believe in telepathy or other things, so you have no idea of what alternatives there are to life other than chasing money.

Someone like you will find it impossible to believe there is anything better than money. That is your choice and your belief. It is not accurate. You are welcome to do as you please as an adult in this world. Including being wrong.

Your reply had nothing to do with (Q)'s comment. He made the simple logic that if it isn't about the money, why then are these scam artists so bent on selling their wares. Moreover, there's no reason to believe in telepathy other than blowing the woo-woo whistle of the bullshit train. Telepathy has no apparent users; no apparent cause; no apparent evidence. There are only a few woo-woos who claim it exists or that they can do it, many quite vocally. They're not willing to prove it, but always bitch and moan that skeptics don't know what they're talking about. Of course we do. We're talking about the poppycock that humans are willing to believe in. We're talking about the lack of critical thinking and logical reasoning that exists among people today.

So rather than address (Q)'s comment directly, you construct a strawman about his "materialist" nature... the same tactic creationist nutters throw at scientists who reject "intelligent" design.
Happeh said:
U know? Life is odd. Society tells you stereotypes are wrong and bad. That is a lie. Stereotypes are truth.

Like 'believers'? There is a stereotype about them and very few tread off that path.

Happeh said:
I have run into the same 98% of lemmings that say "You are talking about a movie or TV" in the same tone you use. What happened to the intelligence human beings are supposed to have?

Who made movie and TV? Humans. Who are the TV and movie shows about? Humans. Who writes the shows? Humans. Who do the writers base their characters on? Humans.

But for some reason saying a movie or TV show points at some aspect of human life is the most outlandish thing these lemmings have ever heard

As I recall, Babylon 5 was about many species including two very old ones whom were about as human as pineapples. Babylon 5 was also classified as science fiction... FICTION. That means made up crap... fantasy... and it is imagination that spawned the concept and use of telepaths.

Happeh said:
The human race is headed for a crash. Stupidity is going to reach critical mass. Then there will be a big war like WW III to thin all of them out.


I agree, there are far more 'believers' in the world... they make up the vast majority of the population and they will repeatedly have conflict with each other.
Happeh, would you care to present a single piece of evidence for telepathy, other than spurious claims of charlatans, scripts from sf movies, or rehashes from your own recollections, posing as original thought?
Please excuse the terse nature of my question: I didn't want you think I was on your side of the fence.
SkinWalker said:
One could very easily argue that those that buy into conspiracy theories without any basis in fact are simply lemmings. It sounds good, so they buy it.

P.T. Barnum's dream.

Sure. PT Barnum was evil. He watched priests or whoever bring people into the church. Then he stole their methods and used it to bring people to the circus.

Capitalism is evil. They take what works in converting regular human beings into spiritual people, and use it to teach them to think working and spending money is their purpose in life.
So using 'methods' to 'convert' people into spiritual beings - according to your definition of spirituality - is acceptable, whereas the same methods used to 'convert' them to a different viewpoint is evil. How exactly, using any method of logic known to the Greeks, or my Aunt Marie, would you justify that?
I think you are just winding us up.
SkinWalker said:
Telepathy has no apparent users; no apparent cause; no apparent evidence.

What you are really saying is that since you are not telepathic, no one is. If you watch a whorehouse, it has no apparent users. That is because they go in the back door. They are trying to hide.

SkinWalker said:
There are only a few woo-woos who claim it exists or that they can do it, many quite vocally. They're not willing to prove it, but always bitch and moan that skeptics don't know what they're talking about.

What you call bitching and moaning is a person's loss as to prove something that can only be proved if you can do it. There is no way to prove telepathy to an outside person. By definition it is unspoken communication between two people. If you can't hear it and you don't have telepathy, there is no possible way to prove it to you. People are forced to try to get you to listen and have faith. That is the only way.

SkinWalker said:
Of course we do. We're talking about the poppycock that humans are willing to believe in. We're talking about the lack of critical thinking and logical reasoning that exists among people today.

What if I told you that your critical thinking was the reason you do not have telepathy? That telepathy is associated with the artistic part of the brain. That by you consciously choosing to emphasize the factual part of your brain, you literally shut the door on your possible telepathic ability?

For instance. How do you know who is responsible for the thoughts in your head? Because you are rational, of course the response is "I am". How can you be completely sure? Have you ever had an odd thought and said "Why did I think that?". Some thought that is totally not you. You disregard it because it is not you.

Maybe it was somebody else's thought. Maybe that is why it was strange and did not belong in your head. If you believed in telepathy, you might look around you and see which person the thought belonged to. If you find yourself thinking of sex, maybe it is the women dressed up and going to the bar. If you find yourself thinking of crime, maybe it is the dirty and sneaky looking guy in the corner. You never look because you are certain that all the thoughts in your head can only be yours.
Crunchy Cat said:
Like 'believers'? There is a stereotype about them and very few tread off that path.

Sure. You say that like it is bad. That is how scientific people are. Belief is a force that truly works. If you believe you can ride a bicycle, you usually can. If you believe you will fall down, you usually do. The only difference is in the emotional confidence of the person. For some reason scientists think that is stupid.

Crunchy Cat said:
As I recall, Babylon 5 was about many species including two very old ones whom were about as human as pineapples. Babylon 5 was also classified as science fiction... FICTION. That means made up crap... fantasy... and it is imagination that spawned the concept and use of telepaths.

Yes it is a movie that is fiction. I agree. I also said somewhere that all TV shows are written by humans and based on humans. The aliens part is fiction as far as I know. I know the telepathy stuff is not.
Ophiolite said:
Happeh, would you care to present a single piece of evidence for telepathy, other than spurious claims of charlatans, scripts from sf movies, or rehashes from your own recollections, posing as original thought?
Please excuse the terse nature of my question: I didn't want you think I was on your side of the fence.

No I will not. I don't want you to think that I can't. It is that telepathy is impossible to prove.

What you are asking for is proof of something that would literally result in murder or some kind of violence. Honestly. What do you think would happen if someone got on TV and repeated verbatim every word that every person in front of them thought?

They would be lynched by the TV studio crew. The crew would be so afraid that their drug habits, their sexual habits and what they have been stealing from the studio would be exposed, they would kill the person then and there.

Any person who undeniably proves that telepathy works would probably be murdered. Now if you and I were in a room somewhere with no witnesses, and I was able to prove it to you there, that would be different. If you tried violence, I would be confident I could deal with 1 person. I might suggest tying you to a table to prevent your violent urges from being acted on.

That is only if I could do it. I can't prove it to you. But what I describe above is the only safe way anyone can prove telepathy to another person. One on one action with someone they trust.
Ophiolite said:
So using 'methods' to 'convert' people into spiritual beings - according to your definition of spirituality - is acceptable, whereas the same methods used to 'convert' them to a different viewpoint is evil. How exactly, using any method of logic known to the Greeks, or my Aunt Marie, would you justify that?
I think you are just winding us up.

Why? You know what is helpful. Pretend you are an alien xenobiologist who landed on earth to examine humans. Take yourself as a human out of the equation. That removes your bias and self interest in the outcome of what you are considering.

Let's say we observe the human animal. We observe that there are ways that these animals can be opened up so that they become spiritual beings with powers like telepathy, possession, etc. When the humans turn to spiritual beings, they are all happy and life together in peace.

Then we go to another continent to look at those humans. We observe that the people believe in money. They work all day long to attain money. Money is their god. Further study shows us that the methods used to convince people to work for money are the same methods used to convince people to become spiritual. We further note that the people on this continent are not happy. They are stressed, they are busy, they are not peaceful.

From a rational unbaised point of view, doesn't it seem like the happy peaceful people are good, while the people who are working for money are bad? They are not intrinsically bad. There life is bad because they are not happy and spiritual.

The only reason for the difference seems to be the final goal. Spirituality or money. We further note that on the continent after money, there is a small elite that is spiritual. When we use our high tech spy devices on them, we see this small elite in the money country uses the spiritual training to attain spirituality for themselves, their families and their circle of friends. It is only the majority of the workers who are not spiritual and not happy.

I think a reasonable conclusion to reach as xenobiologist is that the money country has a small elite that has perverted the methods used for spirituality to turn the majority of the populace into slaves for them, while the elite still enjoys the benefits of spirituality.

I think most people would say that a small group that lies or manipulates another group for their own self interest is bad. A priest is not converting people to spirituality for selfish means. He is doing it for the good of the person.

Con men convince little old ladies to give them their money because the con man is getting the money. He is selfish. There is no good that happens to the little old lady.
Happeh said:
Sure. You say that like it is bad. That is how scientific people are. Belief is a force that truly works. If you believe you can ride a bicycle, you usually can. If you believe you will fall down, you usually do. The only difference is in the emotional confidence of the person. For some reason scientists think that is stupid.


Emotional confidence is a way to enhance / hurt performance. 'Believing' in yourself is a completely different concept than 'believing' in telepathy. Same word, completely different definition. If someone believes they won't get burned if they bathe in a blazing forrest fire, they will end up as crispy critters.

The type of 'belief' that I am referring to would be more accurately termed 'religions belief'. It is the acceptance of assertions as true without consideration of supportive or contradictory evidence. This typically manifests itself in two flavors. One is an idea is so attractive that people want to accept it as truth. The other is an idea is presented as an authority and people accept it as truth based on their unconditional trust (faith) in the authority directly or in the idea indirectly.

Happeh said:
Yes it is a movie that is fiction. I agree. I also said somewhere that all TV shows are written by humans and based on humans. The aliens part is fiction as far as I know. I know the telepathy stuff is not.

TV shows like X-Files, Smallville, and Poltergeist? I went to the discovery channel, history channel, PBS, 10 O'Clock new and oddly enough found nothing lined up on telepathy. This tells me that the industry sees it as a as fantasy.

Let's get right to the point. Can you or anyone you know demonstrate telepathy? That 'faith' based BS is a copout... the observer doesn't have to be the experiencer to form a proof.
Happeh said:
There is no way to prove telepathy to an outside person.

If you can't hear it and you don't have telepathy, there is no possible way to prove it to you.

What if I told you that your critical thinking was the reason you do not have telepathy?

by you consciously choosing to emphasize the factual part of your brain, you literally shut the door on your possible telepathic ability?

Belief is a force that truly works.

It is that telepathy is impossible to prove.

What you are asking for is proof of something that would literally result in murder or some kind of violence.

Any person who undeniably proves that telepathy works would probably be murdered

Perhaps I'm psychic after all. I did predict each of those silly answers! Happeh, it is increasingly clear that you are in need of some counseling. You're good for a laugh, though. In fact, I'm bookmarking this page so I can show an example of the woo-woo using this very argument in the future.
Happeh said:
But what I describe above is the only safe way anyone can prove telepathy to another person. One on one action with someone they trust.
Nonsense. It is clear your alleged spirituality has done nothing for your imagination. Here is a scheme that would work perfectly.

The target subject enters a room with ten individuals. One of the ten individuals is the telepath. The target subject does not know which individual this is. The target subject sits in the room for an agreed time, leaves, and summarises his thoughts during that period, in writing. These are witnessed and placed in a sealed envelope.
All ten, including the telepath, who remains anonymous, leaves, and privately right down notes on a sheet which is witnessed and sealed. The telepath identifies himself as such on his sheet, the others write whatever they please.
They all leave.

Complete safety for the telepath.

By the way, if you really believe that a telepath would be murdered in the circumstances where he demonstrated his powers, you are associating with the wrong kinds of people.

Let's say we observe the human animal. We observe that there are ways that these animals can be opened up so that they become spiritual beings with powers like telepathy, possession, etc. When the humans turn to spiritual beings, they are all happy and life together in peace.
The spiritual persons I know are not possessed, do not claim telepathy or any special powers, yet they are happy balanced people. They also work, they earn money, they buy material things, but they are not defined by their possessions. They understand that money is useful, but is not everything. Your have created a false dichotomy. Black and white. Good and evil. No shades of grey.
In this approach you are mistaken. Badly mistaken. Corruptly mistaken.
Ophiolite said:
Nonsense. It is clear your alleged spirituality has done nothing for your imagination. Here is a scheme that would work perfectly.

The target subject enters a room with ten individuals. One of the ten individuals is the telepath. The target subject does not know which individual this is. The target subject sits in the room for an agreed time, leaves, and summarises his thoughts during that period, in writing. These are witnessed and placed in a sealed envelope.
All ten, including the telepath, who remains anonymous, leaves, and privately right down notes on a sheet which is witnessed and sealed. The telepath identifies himself as such on his sheet, the others write whatever they please.
They all leave.

Complete safety for the telepath.

By the way, if you really believe that a telepath would be murdered in the circumstances where he demonstrated his powers, you are associating with the wrong kinds of people.

The spiritual persons I know are not possessed, do not claim telepathy or any special powers, yet they are happy balanced people. They also work, they earn money, they buy material things, but they are not defined by their possessions. They understand that money is useful, but is not everything. Your have created a false dichotomy. Black and white. Good and evil. No shades of grey.
In this approach you are mistaken. Badly mistaken. Corruptly mistaken.
what you mean by 'spiritual person'?

regarding 'telepathy' ,,,Oph, how good are you at being able to see body language?

two vewry simple questions..dont extrapolate unnecessarily..
SkinWalker said:
Perhaps I'm psychic after all. I did predict each of those silly answers! Happeh, it is increasingly clear that you are in need of some counseling. You're good for a laugh, though. In fact, I'm bookmarking this page so I can show an example of the woo-woo using this very argument in the future.

My God, you're right!!!
duendy said:
what you mean by 'spiritual person'?
Wearing my spiritual hat I can reply "I can't define it, but I know what it is. That deep sense of connection between self and others, between self and the Universe. The sense of oneness. The awareness of something beyond the material.".

duendy said:
regarding 'telepathy' ,,,Oph, how good are you at being able to see body language?
Excellent. I'm serious Duendy. I do this very well. Vastly better than most males, who are notoriously poor at it. I have found it hugely useful in business, and a source of much amusement in watching interactions of people in many situations.
Ophiolite said:
Wearing my spiritual hat I can reply "I can't define it, but I know what it is. That deep sense of connection between self and others, between self and the Universe. The sense of oneness. The awareness of something beyond the material.".

me))))))Just an important point. i dont see spiritualityas being beyond th material. i fact i think that's when the trouble began/begins--is when they are separated

Excellent. I'm serious Duendy. I do this very well. Vastly better than most males, who are notoriously poor at it. I have found it hugely useful in business, and a source of much amusement in watching interactions of people in many situations.
have you ever had pychedelic experience and seen body language that way??