Developing Telepathy

Unbelievable 36 pages of rhetoric with no consensus. It seems that fiction may sumit up best.

"An infinite mystery is the Force. Much to learn, there still is." Master Yoda
from Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

Both sides seem so polarized that no exchange of ideas is possible. Scientific method should encourage the search for answers to the so far unexplained. That unusal events have occurred can be documented which is not the same as explaining the mechanism by which they have happened. Dismissing events as random chance is not using scientific research but rather an excuse not to persue an answer.
i was watching a show on bbc i beleive about telepathy saying how kids who play the piano are much more inclinded to telepathy
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it's amazing
people throw the word telepathy around
but you let someone mention god and OH SHIT WE CANT HAVE THAT
lol well i suppose people are a little more defensive when it comes to religion then telepathy....
duendy said:
me)))))) you reveal your philosophy with every sentnce. like HOW do you KNOW what the animals feel? have you ever interviewed any and asked eg; 'errrm, could you tell me mrs rabbit, would you say your incarceration here, and having electrodes connected to your brain, and evil shit pumped into you is testing or torture?"....!!ie. itis convenient fo you to shround what you do wit obfuscating terms. Euphymism
Did you even read what I wrote? I said I do not like animal testing.

The reason I made the comment about the difference between animal torture and animal testing is because you are changing the subject. Animal testing is a huge can of worms and I am not going to discuss it in a topic about telepathy.

You so rarely discuss the topic of the thread duendy.

duendy said:
me))))))look at how you scream for evidence but NEVER produce it. what evidence you got then?
Actually I have produced evidence every time you have asked for it duendy. You have produced 'evidence' occasionally but often you make excuses or tell me to find it myself.

What specifically are you asking for evidence for? The entire field of neurochemistry deals with this.

duendy said:
me)))))))stop rollin eyes and concentrate. have you ever starved? so why so flippant. i ak serious abot this. .....see a pattern. lets go back to Descartes. right....he sees animals are machines right, so he TREATS tham as such......msientists see people as glorified machines and Nature as machine, how ten is its previling ideology gonna treat them then. two plus two equallls...??
Is there something wrong with you? Why do you keep bringing up Descartes? We have discussed this. His theories regarding animals were discarded a long time ago.

Today's scientists do not see people as glorified machines. That is ridiculous. It appears that you don't know what you are tallking about.

Blaming science for people starving is one of your more stupid ideas.

duendy said:
me((((((((((what paradigm isthis we are in wold you say?
So you are saying that because there are greedy people in the world therefore profit is the god of science. ? Absolute rubbish. You do not understand what science is. You are blaming it for all the evils in the world which is just stupid. Take that science course duendy.....

duendy said:
me)))we have gone into this previous. i already have explaned how the Church separeted 'spirit' from matter. and that mscience's answer was to later drop that bogus 'spirt' also. but what BOT parties did/do is searate spirit from matter. dig?we is saying matter-energy isn't only it. that ALWAYS togthe wit it is consciousness. is it clear what i'fe said?
It is clear what you said but that it wasn't really a reponse to my comment. You seem to believe that if someone doens't believe in a soul they are immoral.

Science not recognising a soul has nothing to do with the church by the way.

duendy said:
me)))forget 'soul'...its a loaded term....when i say it i mean 'feeling' being ably to feel .LOSING feeling is when you identify soley with measur, not realizing its limits. thi stops you from really letting go into wonder. if you do you quicly want to measure wonder, which is absurd
I let go into wonder all the time without measuring it. I think you have a simplistic understanding of people who are not spiritual.

duendy said:
me))))))can just see you on them video games. like a thumb machine....hehe
Actually I haven't been playing computer games for a month or two. I have been too busy enjoying the Aussie summer.

duendy said:
me))))))))do you think i am for that. i have much to say about teorigins of sacrifice. i feel it was a misuderatnding when human and animal sacifice was acted out. the real SACRIFICE IS COMMNSURATE BETWEEN WOMEN'S communal mensturation when they shed blood tp theEarth and the 'sacrifice ' of the rigid-measuring-ego in ecstaic experience. fpr the social ego measures itaelf--is aware of awareness, and can become very rigid. so sacrifice originall meant the re-solv-ing of rigidity and refreshed wonder wit ones being and Nature
I only mentioned sacrifice because you keep bringing up Descartes. Interesting though.

duendy said:
the latter, BUt the ltter as ideology manpulates the materialism of neverendin gconsumerism. the malls now are the new cathedrals
What do malls have to do with science? Oh never mind I think I addressed this attitude earlier in the post.

See duendy we aren't even talking about telepathy anymore.
Happeh said:
All of that and you never even talked about the word "hara".

Suicide? Try a hotline... it's not a relevant topic.

Happeh said:
You have trouble sticking to the subject at hand?

The subject is 'telepathy' and it's underlying 'spiritual energy'. There is evidence in the first quote above that one of us has deviated.
Ricky Houy said:
i was watching a show on bbc i beleive about telepathy saying how kids who play the piano are much more inclinded to telepathy

How can piano playing kids be inclined towards something which doesn't appear to exist?
Crunchy Cat said:
Suicide? Try a hotline... it's not a relevant topic.

The subject is 'telepathy' and it's underlying 'spiritual energy'. There is evidence in the first quote above that one of us has deviated.

What insanity are you talking about? If you want people to understand you, speak in clear english. Your cryptic remarks may make sense to you. I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you?

Sometimes posting here feels like an insane asylum, not a science forums.
he has,
i almost replied to his post with
we pick our noses and flip our lips

i think he was wanting to know if you knew what "hara" meant
i googled it and apparently it has something to do with ti chi
Crunchy Cat said:
How can piano playing kids be inclined towards something which doesn't appear to exist?

I honestly don't know but they did a test on it with kids watching tv in one room sending messages to kids in another room the kids all where able to say about 40% or more of the video
Crunchy Cat said:
'Spiritual energy' or 'concious eneregy' are equally undefined despite the text above. Matter and energy are the same thing (just in different compression states). Evidence suggests that conciousness arises (as an effect) when the right matter complexity is applied to the right energy. Neurons and electrical impulses would be a great example. Now whether further evidence will support or contradict this is unknown... we'll have to see.

me)))))))you seem to be talking of the theory called 'Emergence : Any new property that comes into being from a combination of preexisting objects that did not themselves possess that property is said to be emergent. Thus, in materialism, combinations of preexisting matter (such as brain cells) which themselves are supposed tb be wholy insentient (without any subjectivity or consciousness), are said to be responsible for the emergence of consciousness from the brain. If what emerges is without any power to cause anything to happen in the world, it is said to be not only emergent but also 'epiphenomenal'" (Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter, Christian de Quincey)

The results of science can already reproduce profound results in humans (look up transcranial magnetic stimulator on a search engine). It's certainly not avoiding the experience.


yo admit that science does NOT know, right? but your 'limbo' if you will----your not-knowing-at-present seems to defualt your expectation that SOMEday xyz WILL me i right? this is the impasse between you'll and 'us'. we do not believe in the fundamentalism of measurement, that at some 'future date' will simply measure everything

we also notice how our position is more open therefore to the research of anaomalous experience which we know science in its present materialistic-domiant approach is LIMITED to explain. ie., tere has to be a revolutionary leap. not 'more-measure'
shaman_ said:
Did you even read what I wrote? I said I do not like animal testing.

me)))))))we aren't talkin about you. but about materialistic science and its influence

The reason I made the comment about the difference between animal torture and animal testing is because you are changing the subject. Animal testing is a huge can of worms and I am not going to discuss it in a topic about telepathy.

me)))i know, cause you wanna confine subjects to boxes as to they aren't related to a wider field of inquiry. i dont operate like that

You so rarely discuss the topic of the thread duendy.

me)))cause i dont do tings in specialized ways. i am open to seeing PATTERNS. i have told ya this before

Actually I have produced evidence every time you have asked for it duendy. You have produced 'evidence' occasionally but often you make excuses or tell me to find it myself.

me)))))i think you means'emergence' dont you?

What specifically are you asking for evidence for? The entire field of neurochemistry deals with this.

me))))))))with 'emergence'?

Is there something wrong with you? Why do you keep bringing up Descartes? We have discussed this. His theories regarding animals were discarded a long time ago.

me)))))oh yes. if so, why is it animals are still being tortured?!

Today's scientists do not see people as glorified machines. That is ridiculous. It appears that you don't know what you are tallking about.

me)))))))yoor defense seems always blind. why dont you offer some spuce for your sureity. tell me for example how human beings are seen by materialstic science if not glorified computers?

Blaming science for people starving is one of your more stupid ideas.

me))))))whyyy whyyyy whyyyyy? debate already laddy

So you are saying that because there are greedy people in the world therefore profit is the god of science. ? Absolute rubbish. You do not understand what science is. You are blaming it for all the evils in the world which is just stupid. Take that science course duendy.....

me)))wat and become like you lot? no thanks. i am not sayingthat prescience was aholiday, but i am saying that msciece has stripped meaning from life and replaced it wit its ONLY meaning--profit. if u cant see this you are thick

It is clear what you said but that it wasn't really a reponse to my comment. You seem to believe that if someone doens't believe in a soul they are immoral.

me)))i have adequately explained all of tis, but you dont listen nor absorb nor understand

Science not recognising a soul has nothing to do with the church by the way.

me))))))W H Y? al yo do shaman is say 'noit isn't no it isn't etc' that is notdebating dude. explain what you mean. WHY you contradict...?

I let go into wonder all the time without measuring it. I think you have a simplistic understanding of people who are not spiritual.

Actually I haven't been playing computer games for a month or two. I have been too busy enjoying the Aussie summer.

I only mentioned sacrifice because you keep bringing up Descartes. Interesting though.

What do malls have to do with science? Oh never mind I think I addressed this attitude earlier in the post.

me)))))'science' is not some distant entity not related to what happens in corporate world ectetera. we are innnnn the Age of Science, see? it is THE PARADIGM

See duendy we aren't even talking about telepathy anymore.

because if i played you game of 'talking about telepathy' it just becomes ' yesit it aint....yes it is it aint'

for any 'paradox', etc, you have to expand your field of inquiry
exapansion of the mind is a foreign subject in a foreign language to these guys. They are hopeless.

Their fear prevents them from reasaonable discussion and reasonable conclusion. They are holding on to their position like a baby that is supposed to take a bath holds onto the side of the crib so they don't have to go.
duendy said:
me)))))))we aren't talkin about you. but about materialistic science and its influence
Actually duendy you were talking about me.... Oh never mind.

duendy said:
me)))i know, cause you wanna confine subjects to boxes as to they aren't related to a wider field of inquiry. i dont operate like that
I know you don't. It's like arguing with rain man!

This is a forum with different subjects and different threads. It really slows a discussion down when someone keeps hijacking threads. If you want to discuss animal testing then start a thread on animal testing! I am in this particular thread to discuss telepathy. It's quite simple duendy.

duendy said:
me)))cause i dont do tings in specialized ways. i am open to seeing PATTERNS. i have told ya this before
Rain man!

duendy said:
me)))))i think you means'emergence' dont you?
I don't even want to ask what emergence has to do with anything.

duendy said:
me)))))oh yes. if so, why is it animals are still being tortured?!

duendy said:
me)))))))yoor defense seems always blind. why dont you offer some spuce for your sureity. tell me for example how human beings are seen by materialstic science if not glorified computers?
"spuce for your sureity." What does that mean?

Glorified computers is a terrible description. The human body is an amazing, infinitely complex organism. People today are consumed just trying to understand how we work - biology, behaviour ect ect. To give us the label of a computer, a limited device of our creation, is just offensive. You may as well say we are glorified clock radios.

duendy said:
me))))))whyyy whyyyy whyyyyy? debate already laddy
You receive money from the goverment right? You don't have to work any more?

I tried to discuss this point and you rambled on about Descartes and patterns. You explain to me what science has to do with people starving.

duendy said:
me)))wat and become like you lot? no thanks.
No, you may actually be able to say something about science without making a fool of yourself. You do not understand the subject you are criticising.
duendy said:
i am not saying that prescience was aholiday, but i am saying that msciece has stripped meaning from life and replaced it wit its ONLY meaning--profit. if u cant see this you are thick
The meaning of life is not the realm of science duendy, that sounds more like philosophy.

That does not explain what profit has to do with science. You are just claiming that it does.

duendy said:
me))))))W H Y? al yo do shaman is say 'noit isn't no it isn't etc' that is notdebating dude. explain what you mean. WHY you contradict...?
More lectures on debating from the worst poster in the forum. You cannot construct sentences. Your ideas are all over the place. You refuse to back up your claims with evidence. Your use of caps is baffling. You are telling people all the things wrong with science when you don't seem to know anything about science. Do not even pretend that you explain your assertions clearly duendy. ...

Science does not recognise the existence of a soul because there is no evidence for this entity. The opinion of the church is irrelevant here.

duendy said:
me)))))'science' is not some distant entity not related to what happens in corporate world ectetera. we are innnnn the Age of Science, see? it is THE PARADIGM
Ah so because we are in the 'age of science' (whatever that is) most of the bad things that happen on the planet are the fault of science? You really are a confused old monkey duendy.

duendy said:
because if i played you game of 'talking about telepathy' it just becomes ' yesit it aint....yes it is it aint'
So leave this thread and start new ones for the discussions you want to have.

duendy said:
for any 'paradox', etc, you have to expand your field of inquiry
By talking about things not related. err no.
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Happeh said:
exapansion of the mind is a foreign subject in a foreign language to these guys. They are hopeless.

Their fear prevents them from reasaonable discussion and reasonable conclusion. They are holding on to their position like a baby that is supposed to take a bath holds onto the side of the crib so they don't have to go.
I will let go of the crib when I see some evidence. I think that is reasonable.
Happeh said:
Here I thought you wanted to have a conversation. To learn. My mistake

The "Hara/Hara-Kiri" (suicide of the mind) joke whizzed right over. It was poking fun at 'belief'.

You are correct, I am here have conversation and learn. The conversation is already been beaten to the ground. Here are the points to learn from:

* 'Telepathy' / 'Spiritual Energy' are concepts created by humans
* There is no evidence to suggest 'Telepathy' / 'Spiritual Energy' exist in reality
* 'Belief' (or more correctly... 'Religious Belief') is the acceptance of assertions as true without taking supportive or contradictory evidence into consideration. It is based on emotional criteria
* 'Belief' is a self-chosen mental handicap that is fueled by the emotional euphoria of 'attractiveness', 'satisfaction', and 'fear'

These points aren't really new and this thread is a great validation of them.