Developing Telepathy

shaman_ said:
No it is not a religion and you show yourself to be ignorant when you say this.

me))))))))))issssss SO

Actually I don't know if Descartes did any torturing himself but that is irrelevant. He certainly had some wrong ideas about animals.

me))))))))))yeah, he did!

This is just another desperate attempt to discredit science.

me))))))ahhhhh poor little science....hummmmphg, yo lot discredit EVERYONE who has ever ever reported an extraordinary experience, yet scream if someone contradicts YOU...hah!

Just because scientists have done something wrong in the past therefore science is wrong, therefore everyone should get on the mushrooms. Right?

me))))well shrooms aint helped YOU musch--haven't shaken YOu outta your fundamentalism have they.
it very much i needed we take a close look at what science has done in its history yes. positive AND NEGATIVE

No. As Ophiolite pointed out, ancient people sacrificed animals (even shamen I believe) for spirital reasons. Does that mean spirituality is evil?

me))))))))it is two very different apporaches and mindsets. i dont agree with animal sacrifice religiously nor scientifically, but anyone can see that the emotionally ritualistc spiritual way is decidely better than the cold inhuman way of ongoing animal torture as done by AV scientists. at least the former killed their victim QUICK!

Nonsense. What we are seeing in this thread is people confidently claiming that telepathy exists even though no one seems to actually have telepathy. When asked for evidence or one person to demonstrate this skill there is much excuse making and wriggling.

me))))))))and you think you hard heads would feel it do you????what were you expectin Happeh to Do?

So if telepathy exists why can we not test for it? ?

me)))becase i ou did and got results you'd have it as part of some war machine in not time. or as a commodity of some kind cause thats where yer heads are at. you have no respect for DEEEEEEP feeling. tis is wat you are refealing all the time

A foolish notion. Knowledge is power. Where are the cures for diseases going to come from? The uneducated? No. Where are imroved energy sources going to come from? An uneducated person taking mushrooms? I don't think so.

exactly 'kowledge is power'. in you'll case for manipulating people for profit. you dont understand your own materalistic philosophy. let me explain it. you have LOST YO SOUL
Crunchy Cat said:
I agree, this video is a great example that proves the existence of energy. There were great examples of kinetic and potential in the forms of light, chemical, mechanical, heat, electric, & sound.

My emotional center also recognizes the message conveyed by the facial expressions and body language of the two fighters. Competition, desire, fear, fearlessness, anxiety, excitement, hope, courage, etc.

What this video doesn't provide evidence for is the existence of that nebulous 'spiritual energy'.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. All it takes is one person to cooperate.

Do you know what the word "Hara" means?
ellion said:
believe is something akin to not knowing for sure but having strong rationalised reasons for accepting. this is as true for disbelief as it is for belief.
you have apparently confused the words believe and belief
CC [so whatis spiritual energy?].......we know matter-energy....well we dont REALLY. even Quantum physicists dont understand it!....but whati mean is that unlike classical physics wit itsmidea of solid billiard balls moving about, things got very weird post-that nnaiveity...agreed?

so theres that

'spirit' it a loaded word so can we swop it for now for consciosness......and ten question becomes 'what is the consciousness energy?' IS energy consciousness, and vice versa?

and as we are understanding. inprinciple energy-matter can be measured even in it most subtle manifestations like waves, but tay still is NOT consciousness. to say energy=consciousness is misleading. they are LWAYS toGETHER, yes, yet are distinct, fo matter-energy, consciousness is te how-it-feels-inside.....tis means tat matter-energy is bot subjejective and objective

at the moment, mscientists will only allow themselves to believe matter-energy is objective and therefor measureable.
thie IRONY is this: that as long as theyu believe themselves to be objectivists 'heroicaly' measureing reality, then they will not be able to be open to its subjective deeper realms of experience

the universe is very accomodating. even for those who choose to keep to a machine-like mode of exploration
leopold said:
i understood that you confused the words belief and believe
i never confused the to words.
i can play games too if that is all you wnat to do.
duendy said:
me))))))))it is two very different apporaches and mindsets. i dont agree with animal sacrifice religiously nor scientifically, but anyone can see that the emotionally ritualistc spiritual way is decidely better than the cold inhuman way of ongoing animal torture as done by AV scientists. at least the former killed their victim QUICK!
But I am not making comparisons between the two. The point I am making is that torturing animals has nothing to do with science. It is just something that a scientist may have done once. If you are going to say that scientists torture animals then I am going to say that spiritual people like to kill cows.

duendy said:
me))))))))and you think you hard heads would feel it do you????what were you expectin Happeh to Do?
I didn't think happeh had claimed to have telepathy him/herself. Anyway I think a sci forums test would be very interesting. I think Crunchy Cat was offering to do it as he has done them before.

duendy said:
me)))becase i ou did and got results you'd have it as part of some war machine in not time. or as a commodity of some kind cause thats where yer heads are at. you have no respect for DEEEEEEP feeling. tis is wat you are refealing all the time
That doens't make sense duendy. Your assertion is that we can't test for telepathy because of what may happen if the test is positive. Lets establish that it exists first. It sounds like you keep making the same excuses.

It sounds like you agree that it could be tested for.. right?

Also, if project Stargate is anything to go by, people with telepathy would be treated fine.

Again you say that I have no respect for feeling. Is this based on my responses or the fact that I have respect for scientific method?

duendy said:
exactly 'kowledge is power'. in you'll case for manipulating people for profit. you dont understand your own materalistic philosophy. let me explain it. you have LOST YO SOUL
Who am I manipulating for profit? You equate science with greed which is just ridiculous.

Yes yes I have no soul. I am an evil automaton! :eek:

Do you actually think the use of science leads to a lack of morals?
shaman_ said:
But I am not making comparisons between the two. The point I am making is that torturing animals has nothing to do with science. It is just something that a scientist may have done once. If you are going to say that scientists torture animals then I am going to say that spiritual people like to kill cows.

me))))))look shaman, as we discuss here, millions of animals are being incracerated and tested on by....scientists---you know, theones that wear the whitecoats!

I didn't think happeh had claimed to have telepathy him/herself. Anyway I think a sci forums test would be very interesting. I think Crunchy Cat was offering to do it as he has done them before.

me))which IS?

That doens't make sense duendy. Your assertion is that we can't test for telepathy because of what may happen if the test is positive. Lets establish that it exists first. It sounds like you keep making the same excuses.

me)))))))no, whati am saying is that i am aware how the maerialistic-minded brain works. it doesn't deeply respect Natre on a fundamental level, precisely cause it wont open UP to deeper levels of experience and feeling. and even having done so--like for example you being psychedelically experienced, still reduces it to chemicals, eletricals, etc etc.
you refuse to accept deeper levels of experiene cause you cant measure tem....bu bum. so measure becomes your impasse to immesureability. simple

It sounds like you agree that it could be tested for.. right?

me)))))heard of Charles Tart?

Also, if project Stargate is anything to go by, people with telepathy would be treated fine.

me)))you mean like the millions of starving people in this materialistically-dominant world? should they become telepathic to get good treatment?

Again you say that I have no respect for feeling. Is this based on my responses or the fact that I have respect for scientific method?

me))))))))your reductionist materialistic fundamentalism, yes

Who am I manipulating for profit? You equate science with greed which is just ridiculous.

me)))profit is their god obviously. what else gives them meaning. they have chuked meaning out of their equation

Yes yes I have no soul. I am an evil automaton! :eek:

me ))))))))it means without understanding of depth. soul is feeling. yu as object experience object. there is no subjective interelation cause you cant measure it. so you become mecanical, and this meacanicalness can be evil. it has no empathy on a deep level. remember bout Descartes and animals...?

Do you actually think the use of science leads to a lack of morals?
in its materialistic use of course. it is immoral
duendy said:
me))))))look shaman, as we discuss here, millions of animals are being incracerated and tested on by....scientists---you know, theones that wear the whitecoats!
I do not like animal testing duendy. When I was a teen I wanted to be a vet because of my love of animals. Do not misunderstand the reason for this testing though. The intention is to test on animals so that human lives can be spared.

But we were talking about animal torture not animal testing duendy. These are not the same thing.

duendy said:
me))which IS?
A test for telepathy. Happeh has not accepted so I don't know the details. We need to establish exactly what the claim is before the test can be designed.

duendy said:
me)))))))no, whati am saying is that i am aware how the maerialistic-minded brain works. it doesn't deeply respect Natre on a fundamental level, precisely cause it wont open UP to deeper levels of experience and feeling. and even having done so--like for example you being psychedelically experienced, still reduces it to chemicals, eletricals, etc refuse to accept deeper levels of experiene cause you cant measure tem....bu bum. so measure becomes your impasse to immesureability. simple
No you have no idea how the mind of a materialist works. This is obvious with every post. I have the utmost respect for nature. I certainly accept deeper levels of experience but yes I think it all comes back to chemicals. There is plenty of evidence to support this. Evidence is something you rarely have backing your theories duendy.

duendy said:
me)))))heard of Charles Tart?
No. Is this going to be relevant to telepathy duendy?

duendy said:
me)))you mean like the millions of starving people in this materialistically-dominant world? should they become telepathic to get good treatment?
Are you blaming science for people starving now? :rolleyes:

duendy said:
me))))))))your reductionist materialistic fundamentalism, yes

me)))profit is their god obviously. what else gives them meaning. they have chuked meaning out of their equation
Profit is the god of science? Are you high? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

If you don't like my tone duendy then perhaps you should stop talking rubbish. All my questions to you were regarding science not materialism.

duendy said:
me ))))))))it means without understanding of depth. soul is feeling. yu as object experience object. there is no subjective interelation cause you cant measure it. so you become mecanical, and this meacanicalness can be evil. it has no empathy on a deep level.
This is the same deluded, simplistic nonsense that the religous people cling to. If you don't believe in a soul therefore you are immoral. Very naive. You do not need a soul to be a good person. You certainly don't need a soul to 'feel'.

I am doing just fine without my soul anyway :p

Do you have evidence for this soul you talk of? Oh look I said that word again.

If you knew me outside of the internet you would never describe me as 'mechanical'.

duendy said:
remember bout Descartes and animals...?
Remember all the animals slaughtered for rituals?

duendy said:
in its materialistic use of course. it is immoral
Which definition of materilist are you using now? * someone with great regard for worldly possessions or * someone who thinks that nothing exists but physical matter
duendy said:
you asked me to restate my first reply which was the irony of your situation is that that you dont see the contradiction your, you dont realize--in my opinion--your depth of consciousness. you tinkyou do but dont know you dont know.

This statement doesn't clarify the first reply that I referenced. Nor does the phrase 'depth of conciousness' have any meaning or any derivable meaning from the context from which it is used. Without clariication and definition of course nobody is going to understand.

duendy said:
It is a case you your not realizing how consciousnes cannot measure itself. YES there CAn be measure, but there comes to a place where measure becomes limited. but you are stuck-in my eyes- with he idea that we eventually will be able to measure...wellll simply, EVERYthing
but rathe see how your way of thinking work dualistically--you are for example creating a dualism of measure vs IMMeASUREABILITY....ORDER VS CHAOS

I never asserted conciousness could measure itself. What I did assert is that reality has never produced evidence of anything that is beyond the possibility of measurement. I suspect we'll figure out what we want to measure in conciousness and how to do it in time. In fact there is no evidence to suggest the idea of impossible measurement even exists in reality; however, there are limitations if the object of measrement doesn't appear to have end (ex. pi). Consequently... the order vs. chaos thing... there is no evidence to suggest that choaos exsits.

duendy said:
but say with ecstasy--not te drug, but te feeling of being ecstatic--the whole meaning of the experience is that you are not in measuring mode, but in wonder. and in that state the very notion of measuring it or anything is hillariously absurd. where would one even begin

I don't ever think I implied an individual experiencing feeling would be the tool of measurement. This is your interpretaiton... not my assertion.

duendy said:
but there is absolutely no way i'm ever onna get thru to you. you seem VERY stuck in the wool physicalist

It's called 'reality'... not a 'wooly physicalist'. Reality provides evidence to support or contradict assertions. The subject of this thread is 'telepathy' and no evidence of it's existence has been provided. What has been provided, by QQ, is evidence of emotional communication by sense of smell. That's REAL... and it's really cool too... hardly thought transferrence by a nebulous 'spiritual energy' though.

one thing. my way finds it easier to accomodate peoples extraordinary experiences than yours seems to. you seriously believe, a do your mates here, that simply EVERY ever ever experience that has ever been reported since forever ever hasbeen false. and that isjust preposterous, and an insult to peoples intelligence. you me dear crunchy cat is fundamentalist. lot of em about[/QUOTE]

Your way provides an assertion of truth based on emotion. My way provides an assertion of truth based on evidence. Reality has far more agreement with the latter category than the former. Also, nobody ever said that the experiences all thoughout history have been false. I know people have extraordinary experiences (I've had my fair share). It's the conclusions of what they are that's the problem. I experience *something* extraordinary, and it 'feels' like 'telepathy' is the truth, therefore 'telepathy' exists. Without any critical thinking or experimentation a conclusion is blatently asserted because it feels like the truth. In every case that I am aware of, reality would disagree the moment that 'truth' is put to the test.
Happeh said:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. All it takes is one person to cooperate.

Do you know what the word "Hara" means?

Depends, what language is "Hara" from?
shaman_ said:
I do not like animal testing duendy. When I was a teen I wanted to be a vet because of my love of animals. Do not misunderstand the reason for this testing though. The intention is to test on animals so that human lives can be spared.

me))))))thats what you believe. the reality is more vile. read The Slaughter o the Innocents. and whys your arse as A huuuman so fukin precios you demand millionsnof animals as your guinaepigs?? whys it tis abomination has only bcome as conveyor-belt as it is due to the advent of materialistic science

But we were talking about animal torture not animal testing duendy. These are not the same thing.

me)))))) you reveal your philosophy with every sentnce. like HOW do you KNOW what the animals feel? have you ever interviewed any and asked eg; 'errrm, could you tell me mrs rabbit, would you say your incarceration here, and having electrodes connected to your brain, and evil shit pumped into you is testing or torture?"....!!ie. itis convenient fo you to shround what you do wit obfuscating terms. Euphymism

A test for telepathy. Happeh has not accepted so I don't know the details. We need to establish exactly what the claim is before the test can be designed.

me))))))errr yes, that would be handy...

No you have no idea how the mind of a materialist works. This is obvious with every post. I have the utmost respect for nature. I certainly accept deeper levels of experience but yes I think it all comes back to chemicals. There is plenty of evidence to support this. Evidence is something you rarely have backing your theories duendy.

me))))))look at how you scream for evidence but NEVER produce it. what evidence you got then?

No. Is this going to be relevant to telepathy duendy?

Are you blaming science for people starving now? :rolleyes:

me)))))))stop rollin eyes and concentrate.
have you ever starved? so why so flippant. i ak serious abot this. .....see a pattern. lets go back to Descartes. right....he sees animals are machines right, so he TREATS tham as such......msientists see people as glorified machines and Nature as machine, how ten is its previling ideology gonna treat them then. two plus two equallls...??

Profit is the god of science? Are you high? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

me((((((((((what paradigm isthis we are in wold you say?

If you don't like my tone duendy then perhaps you should stop talking rubbish. All my questions to you were regarding science not materialism.

me))))))))))we are talking materialistic science. wake UP

This is the same deluded, simplistic nonsense that the religous people cling to. If you don't believe in a soul therefore you are immoral. Very naive. You do not need a soul to be a good person. You certainly don't need a soul to 'feel'.

me)))we have gone into this previous. i already have explaned how the Church separeted 'spirit' from matter. and that mscience's answer was to later drop that bogus 'spirt' also. but what BOT parties did/do is searate spirit from matter. dig?
we is saying matter-energy isn't only it. that ALWAYS togthe wit it is consciousness. is it clear what i'fe said?

I am doing just fine without my soul anyway :p

me))))))hmmmmm doesn't show...

Do you have evidence for this soul you talk of? Oh look I said that word again.

me)))forget 'soul'...its a loaded term....when i say it i mean 'feeling' being ably to feel .LOSING feeling is when you identify soley with measur, not realizing its limits. thi stops you from really letting go into wonder. if you do you quicly want to measure wonder, which is absurd

If you knew me outside of the internet you would never describe me as 'mechanical'.

me))))))can just see you on them video games. like a thumb machine....hehe

Remember all the animals slaughtered for rituals?

me))))))))do you think i am for that. i have much to say about teorigins of sacrifice. i feel it was a misuderatnding when human and animal sacifice was acted out. the real SACRIFICE IS COMMNSURATE BETWEEN WOMEN'S communal mensturation when they shed blood tp theEarth and the 'sacrifice ' of the rigid-measuring-ego in ecstaic experience. fpr the social ego measures itaelf--is aware of awareness, and can become very rigid. so sacrifice originall meant the re-solv-ing of rigidity and refreshed wonder wit ones being and Nature

Which definition of materilist are you using now? * someone with great regard for worldly possessions or * someone who thinks that nothing exists but physical matter
the latter, BUt the ltter as ideology manpulates the materialism of neverendin gconsumerism. the malls now are the new cathedrals
duendy said:
CC [so whatis spiritual energy?].......we know matter-energy....well we dont REALLY. even Quantum physicists dont understand it!....but whati mean is that unlike classical physics wit itsmidea of solid billiard balls moving about, things got very weird post-that nnaiveity...agreed?

so theres that

'spirit' it a loaded word so can we swop it for now for consciosness......and ten question becomes 'what is the consciousness energy?' IS energy consciousness, and vice versa?

and as we are understanding. inprinciple energy-matter can be measured even in it most subtle manifestations like waves, but tay still is NOT consciousness. to say energy=consciousness is misleading. they are LWAYS toGETHER, yes, yet are distinct, fo matter-energy, consciousness is te how-it-feels-inside.....tis means tat matter-energy is bot subjejective and objective

at the moment, mscientists will only allow themselves to believe matter-energy is objective and therefor measureable.
thie IRONY is this: that as long as theyu believe themselves to be objectivists 'heroicaly' measureing reality, then they will not be able to be open to its subjective deeper realms of experience

the universe is very accomodating. even for those who choose to keep to a machine-like mode of exploration

'Spiritual energy' or 'concious eneregy' are equally undefined despite the text above. Matter and energy are the same thing (just in different compression states). Evidence suggests that conciousness arises (as an effect) when the right matter complexity is applied to the right energy. Neurons and electrical impulses would be a great example. Now whether further evidence will support or contradict this is unknown... we'll have to see. The results of science can already reproduce profound results in humans (look up transcranial magnetic stimulator on a search engine). It's certainly not avoiding the experience.
Crunchy Cat said:
Depends, what language is "Hara" from?

I would like any of the "scientists" participating in this thread to pay attention please.

All of you say there is no such thing as energy. Yet Crunchy Cat is asking me what language "hara" is from.

I think, if you are honest with yourself, you must admit that you could be wrong about energy. If I know of a word that you never heard of, that means I know something you don't.

When I say there is telepathy, it could be another example of something I know and you don't. It is that simple and everyday.

That is why I think the science people are rude and unthinking in there blanket denials of telepathy. There are millions of things they don't know about the world. And they will tell you what they are if you talk to them long enough. So why isn't telepathy just another thing you never heard of?

The word is from japanese.
Happeh said:
All of you say there is no such thing as energy. Yet Crunchy Cat is asking me what language "hara" is from.

Both of these statements are unrelated and the first one is false. It's 'spiritual energy's existence that there is no evidence for. I don't think anyone has asserted 'energy' doesn't exist... I recall many people saying the opposite (mouse for example).

Happeh said:
I think, if you are honest with yourself, you must admit that you could be wrong about energy. If I know of a word that you never heard of, that means I know something you don't.

What about understanding of 'energy' do we think is in error? Kinetic, potential, electrical, chemical, what? Knowing the meaning of a word in a foreign language that someone else may not doesn't seem relevant to providing evidence that 'telepathy' exists.

Happeh said:
When I say there is telepathy, it could be another example of something I know and you don't. It is that simple and everyday.

It should be easy to provide evidence of it's existence then. No evidence has been provided hence the assertion above would appear quite false.

Happeh said:
That is why I think the science people are rude and unthinking in there blanket denials of telepathy. There are millions of things they don't know about the world. And they will tell you what they are if you talk to them long enough. So why isn't telepathy just another thing you never heard of?

'science people' have no obligation to your emotional needs... how you feel about them is quite irrelevant to a claim without evidence. It is true that science hasn't even come close to discovering all knowledge / answers... it's a process to get them... not a magical repository. I think most people on earth have heard of telepathy. There's simply no evidence that it exists in any way other than a fantasy concept that get's used in alot of Fiction entertainment.
All of that and you never even talked about the word "hara".

You have trouble sticking to the subject at hand?
the subject at hand happeh is spiritual energy
if you want to call it "jack in the box" thats okay with us.