Developing Telepathy

Ophiolite said:
They can carry you close to where you wish to go, in comfort.
Close? Comfort? Er, are we really talking about British Railways here?

Ok, sorry, couldn't resist. Nice metaphor, nonetheless.
mouse said:
No, I find many of them very convenient. And I've to admit, some I just find extremely cool without good cause.

mePPPwithout good 'cause'? MAYBE yu arebeing secretly manipulated to want and buy stuff you dnt reall need?

The application of science through technology i find far more siginificant in the medical sphere. Without it, I'd have been blind due to an eye infection in my youth. From the top of my head, I can count five persons in my immediate surroundings who are still alive because they were lucky enough to live in a society advanced enough to cure them. No medium or spiritual ritual, would have stopped the cancer from growing or would have stopped the infection from spreading.

me))))))we are not saying that all apliances of sciencemust be stopped. that is rather a limited understanding. it is when attitudes disregard all other evidences of healing from alternative sources. can you not accomadate that insight, or must you ridicule, dismiss, claim supeioroty-over as most materialists
seem wont to do?

That's the real power there, to overcome our boundaries, to not let nature take us
me))in that statement you reveal a vast amountof data to me
away whenever she pleases.

me)))))you reveal MUCh to me, saying that.
'to notlet nature take' us. tis is implying that Nature is some kind of adversary. some sinister phenomenon that is against our well-being?

By that rationale, you could justify the existence of just about anything by stating "that it had billions of years to evolve". Just because humans have been around for a long time, and life itself a hell of a lot longer, does not automatically imply we would have more senses or capabilities than those we usually know.

me)))how do YOU know that what you 'usually know' isn't the effect of the cause of many hundreds of years of matrerialistic indoctrination?

Given that we rigorously look at ourselves with keen interest and insatiable curiousity, I'd have guessed that by now we would have found some evidence for capabilities like telepathy if they'd really existed.

and like said. how do you know that your 'little life'--i dont mean that condescendingly---isn't determined by the indoctrinated viewpoint imposed on you by cultural conditioning?
duendy said:
without good 'cause'? MAYBE yu arebeing secretly manipulated to want and buy stuff you dnt reall need?
Manipulated? Yes. Advertising is everywhere. Secretly? No, I don't think so. In fact, I believe we have laws against that.

we are not saying that all apliances of sciencemust be stopped.

it is when attitudes disregard all other evidences of healing from alternative sources. can you not accomadate that insight, or must you ridicule, dismiss, claim supeioroty-over as most materialists
If an alternative practice of medicine can be shown to work, of course it should be investigated.

'to notlet nature take' us. tis is implying that Nature is some kind of adversary. some sinister phenomenon that is against our well-being?
Certainly not. I find nothing sinister about nature, nor do I think of it as an enemy of some sort, but obviously it not always acts in our (may it be as an individual or as a species) interests. Actually, I regret my earlier phrasing. Indeed it sounds like I have personal grudge against nature. I don't.

how do YOU know that what you 'usually know' isn't the effect of the cause of many hundreds of years of matrerialistic indoctrination?
I'm not sure what you exactly mean with materialistic indoctrination? What are typical examples of it? How and by who do you think we are supposedly brainwashed?
yeah mouse...thatrevealing statement of yours. i must have spliced your reply by mis-take. s let me address it agin...where you say:

"we must not let nature take us awy when ever SHE pleases"
(emphasis mine)

i notice you call Nature 'she'. tisis a very old belief, probably coming from the idea of 'Mother Earth'--for after all we are born from and into this experience we are in the midst of here in planet Earth. we are as much nature and Nature is nature........we grow OUT of natre, as just said.
the whole struggle of a certian male mindset, thepatiarchal mindset, has tried to break free from whatit consders a prison. you can clearly see this mindset in various forms in mythical motifs. for example in myth when you read 'Dragon or Serpent' what these are referring to is yur 'she-Nature'....yeah???

the whole patriarchal fear and struggle has been against this 'adversary' and my use of 'patriarchy' is more all-encompassing than is general interpretation--i mean by it-fear of Feminine and of Nature. i include in this fear the male dominated hamanism aso. so this reveals the very anceint fear going wayyy back in our history. i some shamanic myth we also have the mytical conquerng of a 'dragon/serpent----example, the shamanic culture--Bon Po-- assimilated by Buddhists which became Tibetan Buddism

so it is like a mindset whih interpretes Nature and its nature as a kind of prison te 'male hero' must struggle from so as to saor etc

i am saying that this ongoing ' patriarchal solar mythic motif' ha been maintined through patriarchal dominance and coninues with its scientific materialism
duendy said:
i notice you call Nature 'she'.
Just let me assure you, I did not mean anything by using a female form. I was probably wrong in doing so, and to add to the confusion, in a later post I used the neutral "it".
mouse said:
Just let me assure you, I did not mean anything by using a female form. I was probably wrong in doing so, and to add to the confusion, in a later post I used the neutral "it".
caught ya wid yur conscious pants down...!
Ophiolite said:
We can't see it shaman. Our materialistic, paternalistic, scientific demand for unspiritual objectivity blinds us. Sorry, my mistake. BLINDS us, to even the most obvious of evidence.

me)))oh myy god, LOOK! he mocks his own prison-house. i am deadly serious when i point out this is the epitome of STIR-CRAZY

Duendy, if anyone has a mantra going it is you. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true.


Works very well to the rhythym of a railway train. I am a fan of railways. Marvellous way to travel. But limited. They can carry you close to where you wish to go, in comfort. But then you have to get off and walk, away from the narrow restrictions of the parallel steel tracks that have guided your way till now, but heneceforth constrain you.

i am not a fan. i hear 'woo woo' too much here already!
mouse said:
Manipulated? Yes. Advertising is everywhere. Secretly? No, I don't think so. In fact, I believe we have laws against that.

There are laws against torture. There are laws against invading a sovereign country. There are laws against stealing your companies assets.

We know from the front page news that all of these things happen anyways. Trusting is laws is for the simple.


mouse said:
I'm not sure what you exactly mean with materialistic indoctrination? What are typical examples of it? How and by who do you think we are supposedly brainwashed?

Being told that a law means no one ever does the specified act. Told to believe no one unless they have a college degree. Told to believe nothing unless it is 100 pages of paper, with seals and certificates, signed by 100 government approved scientists.

How? The media. How else. The input to your senses. Sound and vision.

Why? To make you a powerless, well behaved slave.
duendy said:
caught ya wid yur conscious pants down...!
Sure, yes, I've made an error using the English language. That happened before, and will happen again. I apologise for it. My native tongue is Dutch, and at least in that language the word "nature" is female. You are, of course, free to fantasize all you want about the origin of that.
Happeh said:
Being told that a law means no one ever does the specified act. Told to believe no one unless they have a college degree. Told to believe nothing unless it is 100 pages of paper, with seals and certificates, signed by 100 government approved scientists.
Nobody ever told me any of these things. Had they done so I would have ignored them. Why? Because I received some excellent scientific training in school and at University, that led me to be sceptical, to demand the evidence, to scrutinise it thoroughly. I imagine the reason you don't do the same is that your education has been inadequate. This can be corrected.
mouse said:
Manipulated? Yes. Advertising is everywhere. Secretly? No, I don't think so. In fact, I believe we have laws against that.

me)))))'law' is PART of that. all i can do mouse is strongly advize you to research about this man, who was nephew of Sigmund Freud and has been greatly responsible for the ' SECRET manipulation of the masses'. his name is, Edward Bernays...!


If an alternative practice of medicine can be shown to work, of course it should be investigated.

me)))by WHOM??

Certainly not. I find nothing sinister about nature, nor do I think of it as an enemy of some sort, but obviously it not always acts in our (may it be as an individual or as a species) interests. Actually, I regret my earlier phrasing. Indeed it sounds like I have personal grudge against nature. I don't.

me)))))why do you assume that materialistic man's mindset is benevolent in comparison with Nature?

I'm not sure what you exactly mean with materialistic indoctrination? What are typical examples of it? How and by who do you think we are supposedly brainwashed?

typical examples are the claiming science has proven abc, when of course ithasn't and when this indpctrinatin isdrilled into us by Insitutions, parents. guardians, peer ssince when we couod learn to talk and walk
Happeh said:
There are laws against torture. There are laws against invading a sovereign country. There are laws against stealing your companies assets.

We know from the front page news that all of these things happen anyways. Trusting is laws is for the simple.
Did I state that it didn't happen, because we have laws against it? No, I didn't.

More importantly, here you are (generally) innocent until proven guilty. So, if you have proof to establish guilt on an organisation which is secretly manipulating me, I'm all ears.

Being told that a law means no one ever does the specified act. Told to believe no one unless they have a college degree. Told to believe nothing unless it is 100 pages of paper, with seals and certificates, signed by 100 government approved scientists.
No one ever told me the above, so I guess I'm not that indoctrinated after all.

How? The media. How else. The input to your senses. Sound and vision.
I use the Internet as my primary source of daily information. Due to its very nature, no one controls all the content of the Internet. Among numerous other factors, this alone makes it extremely difficult to control what I read and see.
duendy said:
typical examples are the claiming science has proven abc, when of course ithasn't and when this indpctrinatin isdrilled into us by Insitutions, parents. guardians, peer ssince when we couod learn to talk and walk

science has NEVER claimed something to be least not recently, that is not how is works...
Myth: we only use 10% of our brain.

For all intense purposes we probably do, however that 10% is spread out over the 100% area. Theoretically, If we did to much work in one area at maximum usage it would cause overheating. Overheating in turn would lower our efficiency and either cause people to want to pass out or act irrationally.

As for telepathy:
As mentioned in other threads, the suggestion is that Telepathy will never be "Natural", otherwise other Animals would use it and it would be "Measurable". The suggestion of communication between two points with no medium (i.e. signals, waveforms etc) is improbable.

It is however possible to "tap" waveformations from the brain, however they do need alot of filtering to be made into anything useful. This has resulted in Cybernetic studies into allowing people with disabilities and disorders to attempt to operate with able bodied people at either the same level or surpassed level.

(Such experiments have been carried out for usage with Paralysis Patients so they can interact with their environment with nothing more than thoughts and eye movements)

For all intense purposes, if people suggest Telepathy is apart of spirituality they should perhaps rethink their understanding of "What is real and what is metaphysical".
UnderWhelmed said:
science has NEVER claimed something to be least not recently, that is not how is works...

The thing to keep in mind about Duendy is that she hates anything like facts, evidence and all things scientific because they expose her mental defects. The truly ironic thing is that rather than keep them secret, she continuously puts them on public display for everyone to see.
UnderWhelmed said:
science has NEVER claimed something to be least not recently, that is not how is works...

Whe you say 'science' whaty do you mean? people use science. people wit difrent approaches use science, so your statment is quite generalized. can you be mo specifc

and what about the MATERIALISTIC scientific ASSUMPTION that matyer is insentient and tat consciousness is a PRODUCT OF 'matter/energy'?....isn't that 'absolute' for them? what if you mntion 'spirituality' to that mindset? dont they behave all absolutist...or what?
Stryder said:
Myth: we only use 10% of our brain.

For all intense purposes we probably do, however that 10% is spread out over the 100% area. Theoretically, If we did to much work in one area at maximum usage it would cause overheating. Overheating in turn would lower our efficiency and either cause people to want to pass out or act irrationally.

me)))you describe us like machines!

As for telepathy:
As mentioned in other threads, the suggestion is that Telepathy will never be "Natural", otherwise other Animals would use it and it would be "Measurable". The suggestion of communication between two points with no medium (i.e. signals, waveforms etc) is improbable.

me)))That doesn't make sense to me. for a start, how do you KNOW animals cannot be telepathic, and what do you mean if they were it could be measured?

It is however possible to "tap" waveformations from the brain, however they do need alot of filtering to be made into anything useful. This has resulted in Cybernetic studies into allowing people with disabilities and disorders to attempt to operate with able bodied people at either the same level or surpassed level.

(Such experiments have been carried out for usage with Paralysis Patients so they can interact with their environment with nothing more than thoughts and eye movements)

For all intense purposes, if people suggest Telepathy is apart of spirituality they should perhaps rethink their understanding of "What is real and what is metaphysical".
sorry, i am not understanding the supposed correlation from the above wit telepathy. why does the above cancel out possibility of telepathy?
mouse said:
I use the Internet as my primary source of daily information. Due to its very nature, no one controls all the content of the Internet. Among numerous other factors, this alone makes it extremely difficult to control what I read and see.

That is not right. The Israeli control of the major media means most of the places you go to all say the same thing. Easy to verify. Pick some newspapers from countries of your choice. I read english so I choose Canada/Australia/Britain and the USA. Read the papers for 6 months.

You will be amazed how all the news papers in those geographically separated countries all say the same thing. For instance. Nazi stuff is necessary for Israeli World Domination. They need to keep pushing that "holocaust" button. Yesterday or the day before, newspapers around the world ran the story of the guy in the USA who is accused of being a Nazi guard being deported to Ukraine.

Why is some 80 year old man being deported to Ukraine news in Britain or Australia or Canada? Israeli control of the world media.

And just is case that is too "conspiracy" for you, you are aware that the Pentagon has a propaganda center, right? Where their stated purpose is to manipulate people by planting false stories in the world media?

And you do know that various news people have been busted for taking money from the Bush administration to say what the white house wants, don't you?

But you still beleieve you are not lied to and manipulated in the face of public news stories telling you there are government organizations whose job it is to lie to you.

Do you see the oddity in your beliefs?
"...This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram's views, has come to be called the holographic paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate model of reality science has arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature.

Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm.

In a universe in which individual brains are actually indivisible portions of the greater hologram and everything is infinitely interconnected, telepathy may merely be the accessing of the holographic level."

"The holographic prardigm also has implications for so-called hard sciences like biology. Keith Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out that if the concreteness of reality is but a holographic illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain -- as well as the body and everything else around us we interpret as physical."

The Universe as a Hologram
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