Developing Telepathy

I'm neither a woo-woo or a liar.

If you believe telepathy exists, then most likely you are a woo-woo.
(Q) said:
I'm neither a woo-woo or a liar.

If you believe telepathy exists, then most likely you are a woo-woo.

i can just see you (Q)....check te scene. your asked to speak at a conference about errrm 'science and consciousness'---all the REAl scientists and the the rest are thee get up. there u are mike in hand....silence. open with th above statement. embarrassment fills the very atmosphere. toes curl.....i throw a cabbage at ya!
It is noted that the "non-woo-woo's" never addresses the issue of miracle healings, possibily because this is a field where hard evidence does exisist. So the answer to who has had their life made better by "intuitives" (they use this term instead of psychic due to it's use by scammers) is those who have used "medical intuitive" to better their health. There is a large body of information available about those who have healed through prayer. Please do not be so ignorant as to claim that this has not happened.
Happeh said:
You can take the side that the west is more educated and knows better.
I'll grant that proper education is not only limited to Western institutes. I've had the pleasure to meet Russian scientists on several occasions, and was quite taken by their knowledge of their fields. But I'll stop here to prevent us from going off topic.

Or you can take the side that the leaders in the west are lying to their people.
I think we can both agree not to take people just on their word alone. And that's why I'm confused why you put so much faith in legends and seem to suggest that I should "believe in it", without giving any concrete incentive.

The book is not about telepathy. I just used it as an example of something that could not be accomplished without testing.
Still, I'd be interested in the ISBN. You can send a PM, if you do not want to publish it in public.

For your benefit, what you see as drifiting off topic, I see as including all relevant material.
Fair enough. Now, to return to my original question. Do you take each and every legend as evidence? What do you do with contradictory legends? And if you do not take every legend equally seriously, which selection criteria do you apply to separate those eligible for evidence from those which are not?

I have never heard a word since about how Palestinians and Jews are identical peoples.
Studies which compare the genetic background of people from different regional groups are well known and certainly do not seem to be deliberately hidden from the public eye.

It is not the same. Manipulating a person and reading their secrets without permission are entirely different things.
Granted, but if the world is as paranoid as you suggest, I don't think that the powers-that-be would be the kind to take any chances.

People do not give away secrets to others unless they trust them. If you are a tourist with a pocketful of money, no one will talk to you. They want your money. If you are a foreign invader taking over the country, no one will talk to you. If you kidnap foreign peoples and use them as slaves in your country, why the heck would slaves tell kidnappers about reality?
Above does not explain how you can maintain that, if you simultaneously believe that telepaths are both eager and capable to completely hide their capabilities, whole countries would know about them.

It makes no difference if it is 20 countries or 15. It makes no difference if the entire population believes, or only 85% of the population believes.
Of course it matters. You claim that whole countries believe in telepathy. That at least implies a vast majority and I'm interested in knowing in which countries that majority exists and how you came to that conclusion.

It is that kind of thinking, that IMO, that is part of destroying the human race.
I'm only asking you questions, I'm hardly contributing in a process destroying the world with them.

Telepathy is a subjective thing by nature. You cannot pull a piece of telepathy out of someone's head and say "here, here it is right here in front of your face.
If telepathy exist, I assume it to be a physical process. I think that's a fair assumption, given that everything else the brain is capable of seems to reflect in a measurable activity in specific regions of the brain. This implies telepathy can be measured too. Thus, if it is out there, there should be nothing subjective about it.

Moreover, even if we do not physically study the brain, telepathy could be studied by doing controlled experiments. Again, there is nothing subjective about that too, such experiments are generally designed to rule that out. However, you'd of course state that no telepath would be willing to be tested out of fear of prosecution. Fine, but then for me the case is closed. What we can not investigate, we can not understand.

You have to find someone who trusts you and will prove it to you. I can tell you that if you are mean or angry or hateful or deceitful or anything else bad, you are never going to find anyone.
I like to think I'm not a bad person in general, and would be genuinely fascinated if someone could proof telepathy. I just think it's very unlikely that is ever going to happen, given the evasive manoeuvres you and supporters of its existence keep pulling.
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ellion said:
and you who cry out for evidence from all who challenge your view, what evidence do you use to support these FACTS.

I see. You are so hung up on the paranormal and the imagined that you are unable to comprehend the normal and ordinary. Why is that? Not enough interesting about it?
light, you are creating a fantasy of me that is not really me. you can dress this fantasy in short pink skirt and pigtails and you can ask this fantasy to blow you. whatever you feel titilates your ego, however these beliefs about me are in your head.

so anyway, oh thou who demands proof, can you support your facts with evidence or are you a lying skeptic on the woo woo train.
ellion said:
light, you are creating a fantasy of me that is not really me. you can dress this fantasy in short pink skirt and pigtails and you can ask this fantasy to blow you. whatever you feel titilates your ego, however these beliefs about me are in your head.

so anyway, oh thou who demands proof, can you support your facts with evidence or are you a lying skeptic on the woo woo train.

Your attempts to sidetrack are obvious and puny. The question is do you deny that practically everyone has had the feelings that I claimed they have? And if so, wouldn't that easily total into the millions? And if you maintain that they have not, why would you say that?
light said:
Your attempts to sidetrack are obvious and puny. The question is do you deny that practically everyone has had the feelings that I claimed they have? And if so, wouldn't that easily total into the millions? And if you maintain that they have not, why would you say that?

forgive my frowardness but it does seem to be you that is shurking the real burden here. can you support your facts or will you admit that you just made up those figures on a whim to support your beliefs.

as for your question:
i have no idea who has these feelings i have no idea how many or how often these people expereince feelings of this nature and so i would not give comment.

i do get the impression that you just made these figures up in your head and spouted them as truth in support of your beliefs.
ellion said:
forgive my frowardness but it does seem to be you that is shurking the real burden here. can you support your facts or will you admit that you just made up those figures on a whim to support your beliefs.

as for your question:
i have no idea who has these feelings i have no idea how many or how often these people expereince feelings of this nature and so i would not give comment.

i do get the impression that you just made these figures up in your head and spouted them as truth in support of your beliefs.

Then I can clearly see that you know little about people. Do you even bother getting out and interacting with a large number of real people? I do and have done so all of my life.

The "millions" that I used is an approximation based on the fact that practically everyone I know (hundreds in my 60+ years) has mentioned having those kind of so-called premonitions. And more than once, as I also stated. And not a single one on them ever reported their "premonitions" coming true. And since that was a fairly large sampling pool, it's reasonable to expect one would get similar results if they were to ask all of the millions and millions of people who have lived in this world over the past 60 years.

So, yes - I would say there's considerably more facts to support what I've said than for any of your claims.
light said:
The "millions" that I used is an approximation based on the fact that practically everyone I know (hundreds in my 60+ years) has mentioned having those kind of so-called premonitions. And more than once, as I also stated. And not a single one on them ever reported their "premonitions" coming true. And since that was a fairly large sampling pool, it's reasonable to expect one would get similar results if they were to ask all of the millions and millions of people who have lived in this world over the past 60 years.
what you are saying light is that you are geussing and making judgments based on your experience. there is nothing empirical here, yet your demands for evidence are so uncompromising. i see this as quite hypocritcial really.
ellion said:
what you are saying light is that you are geussing and making judgments based on your experience. there is nothing empirical here, yet your demands for evidence are so uncompromising. i see this as quite hypocritcial really.

Not in the least. What I have stated is well within the realm of common, normal human experience. There's nothing hypocritical about it.
sorry, but if you are demanding evidence from someone to validate their expereince, then expect your own experience be accepted without the same validation from evidence; that my old friend is hypocrisy.
ellion said:
sorry, but if you are demanding evidence from someone to validate their expereince, then expect your own experience be accepted without the same validation from evidence; that my old friend is hypocrisy.

And again I reply that you seem to know absoultely nothing about people and their common experiences.
your simply judging me again. this is not going to washwith me, sorry. these judgements ares not based on objective fact but on your subjective experience of me.

light said:
that you seem to know absoultely nothing about people and their common experiences

this is what you imagine, this is not the reality, do you think your perception is the reality or do you recognise that this is only your perception of me?

do you also recognise the hypocrisy of your demands for evidence of personal experience when you are so unwilling to evidence your own experience?
ellion said:
your simply judging me again. this is not going to washwith me, sorry. these judgements ares not based on objective fact but on your subjective experience of me.

this is what you imagine, this is not the reality, do you think your perception is the reality or do you recognise that this is only your perception of me?

do you also recognise the hypocrisy of your demands for evidence of personal experience when you are so unwilling to evidence your own experience?

Ellion, it's more than just a perception. Either you are not being honest about things that practically everyone experiences or you simply don't know much about people at all. Once again, my claim is based on common experiences that pretty much everyone has had. Your claims - about telepathy - are FAR outside the normal, common things that people experience. That's where the difference lies between us.
candy said:
People who deny that things have happened that "scientific method" can not explain are the one's who are denying reality.

Who are these "people" exactly? I don't think anyone here denied such instances. If the scientific method had successfully (or even mostly) explained all that needed explanation, there would be little need for science. If, however, you are attempting to assert that those that consider the scientific method to be the best and only method of explaining our universe think they have it all figured out, you couldn't be more wrong. There is no other way to obtain information. Science is it. Even if you never took a science class, if you observe a phenomenon, make an inferrence that gives rise to a prediction or lives up to a test that explains that phenomenon, then you've conducted science.

On the other hand, if you simply believe some ancient mythology or what you read on the internet about some mystical occurance or supernatural force and that it has no explanation verifiable by science, then you are simply living in fantasy and speculation. Good stuff for writing fiction but not consistently useful in making meaningful discoveries.

candy said:
Take for instance the case of a mother attending a meeting on the east coast who stands up and tells her husband that they must go home now because something has happened to their daughter who lives on the west coast. (This information is dutifully recorded by the secretary in the minutes of the meeting.)

Two things about this:

1)What company? What minutes? Lets see the publication or at least a citation to a primary source. The only thing you've given us so far is an urban legend.

2)Even if it were true as you told it, this sort of thing would have to be expected. Do the minutes of previous meetings show the same woman's irrational behavior when there was NO emergency? Does one "hit" automatically null every single "miss?" Did anyone bother to record the "misses?" Of course not. Those aren't significant and significant-junkies aren't interested in "misses." They want only "hits" so they can say "Woo-woo! Look, she must be psychic!"

candy said:
Not being able to explain how does not mean that it is not real. Reality is what it is; it does not depend on "scientific method" to exisist. Reality is what it is and always has been from the "big bang" onwards.

No shit. This is what I and others have been saying all along. There is no force in reality that effectively explains the speculation of 'telepathy' and there's no verifiable demonstration of it either. It appears to exist no more than pink unicorns or leprechans. Believing doesn't make it true. Believing isn't seeing, but seeing -and then testing what you saw- is the way to truth.

candy said:
To paraphrase the problem is not in the stars but in the limited ability of science to explain them.

The problem is that their doesn't even appear to be a phenomenon. Were simply a matter of science not being able to understand it, I'd have no difficulty. There are many things that science doesn't understand. I'm fascinated with each of them. But 'telepathy' doesn't appear to even be a phenomenon. It would need to be demonstrated first -then you can ridicule science for not understanding it. You can't simply make up a story and then say, "well... since science can't explain it, it must be true and science is silly." One cannot scientifically explain a fantasy except through psychology.

candy said:
It is noted that the "non-woo-woo's" never addresses the issue of miracle healings, possibily because this is a field where hard evidence does exisist

"Non-woo-woo's?" Ha! Skeptics have long addressed the problem of so-called "miracle healings." Usually in the context with the severe damage that belief in them does to families and individuals who are suffering from diseases for which real treatments exist but are refused in favor of their belief systems. Show us a citation to a primary source that documents a genuine "miracle healing," candy. Lets see what you are talking about. But perhaps you should start a new thread.
what claims have i made about telepathy. you are making judgements and geussing at things to support your beliefs, you are supporting your beliefs about reality with projected belief about me.

tell me what claims i have made about telepathy?