Developing Telepathy

ellion said:
ophiolite: of course your going to deny you are lying thats what liars do.
In short, you are living in a fantasy world. You are unable to identify a single word in my posts that constitute a lie. You resort, instead, for some obscure reason, to an ad hominem attack, without even having the moral courage to be specific about the nature of that attack.
Have you always been such a coward?
Welcome to the childish arguments thread, ellion. This is where the woo-woo's all try to convince the big bad skeptics that they are serious with retorts like, "you're a liar.. no you are!" I'm sure "stupid-head" is coming next.
Those are very technical terms. Their application is completely accurate with regard to 'telepathy.' I challenge you demonstrate otherwise.

By the way, there is only one kind of medium: a fraud. I challenge you to demonstrate that otherwise as well.
ophiolite said:
In short, you are living in a fantasy world.
sorry my friend, but this is your own fantasy, you can paint whatever picture of me you like but it will still be your own creation.

You are unable to identify a single word in my posts that constitute a lie.
actaully i can identify a lie.

You resort, instead, for some obscure reason, to an ad hominem attack,
what? by calling you a liar! but you asked me too, you asked me too call you a liar, i thought it would be fun to see you get what you ask for ( i am generous like that). now you have got it you do not like it, but that the irony i find so fucking amusing because you are liar. :D

Have you always been such a coward?
no! but i have always been sly and cunning which i suppose could be seen by some as cowardly.

i shall capture and detain the next medium or telepath i encounter, have patience i have set a most dasterdly trap. i shall not let you down. in the meantime we can enjoy some playground antics. you big girls blouse.
Skin ,chuck, mythoLOGY is NOT JUST about 'pre-literate' people using myth as metaphor for PHYSICA catastrophe. ....THAT limited understanding ironically refeals your wordview. ie., that it's all about 'SOLID EVIDENCE'----a worldview specific for the Age of Science

So, very NO! mythology is much much more than you PRESUME. it is exploring the bodymind.

ALSO reevealing is when the patriarchy attempts to demonize p-re-literate mythology, by overlaying the symbology with divisive indoctrinated word-symbols....YET, because the original symbols---pre-patriarchal symbols--- are SO powerfully deep, the attentive researcher can see is how the patriarchs reveal-unknowingly-THEIR mindsets in the process of their demonization!!!!!!!!!!

so for example in their demonization of 'Dragon/Serpent' we see their fear of Nature in its deepest essence, which includes fear of ecstatic exploration of Nature wich contradicts their other words Skin, yes they too would be hostile and insulting and slanderous and defensive and potentially murderous if one would mention shit not in their book, as you lot do to anyone who 'DARES' speaks about shit not in YOUR 'book'

can you not SEE this...? THIS IS evidence
People who deny that things have happened that "scientific method" can not explain are the one's who are denying reality.
Take for instance the case of a mother attending a meeting on the east coast who stands up and tells her husband that they must go home now because something has happened to their daughter who lives on the west coast. (This information is dutifully recorded by the secretary in the minutes of the meeting.) The daughter had been hit by a truck. This is truth; science may not know how this happens but that it did is reality.
Healing miracles have happened so often that medicine gave them a label "spontaneous healing" and then having given it a name ignores the event it can not explain. Medical records of tests and observable conditions show that the condition exisisted but is now healing or healed by something other than medical intervention. Not being able to explain how does not mean that it is not real. Reality is what it is; it does not depend on "scientific method" to exisist. Reality is what it is and always has been from the "big bang" onwards.
Not being able to explain with the "scientific method" how something works does not mean that it does not exisist. The Earth did not suddenly start to orbit the Sun because someone observed that it did; even when people thought the Sun orbited the Earth the reality was that the Earth was orbiting the Sun. Gravity did not begin when some one measured the effects and set up scientific laws measuring them. Calling what happens with entanglement phenomenon "spooky" does not imply that it is not happening; it only implies that you do not understand how it is happening. Hopefully exploring the "spooky" events will give us more understanding of other phenomenon that are real but unexplained by science. To paraphrase the problem is not in the stars but in the limited ability of science to explain them.
candy said:
People who deny that things have happened that "scientific method" can not explain are the one's who are denying reality.
Take for instance the case of a mother attending a meeting on the east coast who stands up and tells her husband that they must go home now because something has happened to their daughter who lives on the west coast. (This information is dutifully recorded by the secretary in the minutes of the meeting.) The daughter had been hit by a truck. This is truth; science may not know how this happens but that it did is reality.
Healing miracles have happened so often that medicine gave them a label "spontaneous healing" and then having given it a name ignores the event it can not explain. Medical records of tests and observable conditions show that the condition exisisted but is now healing or healed by something other than medical intervention. Not being able to explain how does not mean that it is not real. Reality is what it is; it does not depend on "scientific method" to exisist. Reality is what it is and always has been from the "big bang" onwards.
Not being able to explain with the "scientific method" how something works does not mean that it does not exisist. The Earth did not suddenly start to orbit the Sun because someone observed that it did; even when people thought the Sun orbited the Earth the reality was that the Earth was orbiting the Sun. Gravity did not begin when some one measured the effects and set up scientific laws measuring them. Calling what happens with entanglement phenomenon "spooky" does not imply that it is not happening; it only implies that you do not understand how it is happening. Hopefully exploring the "spooky" events will give us more understanding of other phenomenon that are real but unexplained by science. To paraphrase the problem is not in the stars but in the limited ability of science to explain them.

Candy, I do not know of a single rational person who would not agree that the "scientific method" cannot explain everything. Neither would any sensible person insist that something does not exist until the scientific method "says" it does. There are still plenty of things left to explore.

However, having said that, it does NOT open the door to accept every single crazy notion that people can invent. And for every single case like the story you just related about the mother/daughter/accident there are millions of unrecorded events that are similar where, in fact, nothing at all had happened. Pretty much all of us have had those kind of moments (generated by concern) in which nothing had actually occurred.

And just as you mentioned about the proper workings of the solar system, the scientific method - which appears distasteful to you from the way you describe it - will eventually find the truth. But simply thrashing around blindly and believing all sorts of "weird" things will never uncover the truth of anything. As much as Duendy and a few others dislike science and the scientific method, it is responsible for all the advancements that make our lives much better (and longer, too) than they were a century ago.

And while you considering that last thought, please show me where any psychic, medium, fortuneteller or the like has ever done anything to improve the standard of living or quality of life for the people of the world.
light said:
for every single case like the story you just related about the mother/daughter/accident there are millions of unrecorded events that are similar where, in fact, nothing at all had happened.

WOW! for every one case there are millions of unrecorded cases where nothing happedned. millions to one, thats certainly a large majority.

hang on! if they are unrecorded what are we basing these figures on? you never just made that up to did you? tut tut!
I am honoured that you would also accuse Light of lying. I am perfectly happy to find myself in the same company.
But really, onelie, two false accusations in the one thread is excessive. Do you recall the Biblical injuction for bearing false witness onelie?

Light, in fairness, I think there have been a handful of mediums (the self deluded ones) who genuinely think they are 'easing the pain of those who have lost loved ones'. And you have to admit that fairground fortunetellers can be amusing - at least to some.
Light said:
And while you considering that last thought, please show me where any psychic, medium, fortuneteller or the like has ever done anything to improve the standard of living or quality of life for the people of the world.
They pay their taxes, I assume.
ellion said:
WOW! for every one case there are millions of unrecorded cases where nothing happedned. millions to one, thats certainly a large majority.

hang on! if they are unrecorded what are we basing these figures on? you never just made that up to did you? tut tut!

I'm basing those numbers on the solid fact that practically every single person has had that sort of premonition (feeling) - and most of us (self included) more than once. It's a very common thing and means absolutely nothing. Just what kind of nut are you anyway? Aren't you even aware of normal human experiences - or do you only deal (or have interest in) the paranormal?
Ophiolite said:
I am honoured that you would also accuse Light of lying. I am perfectly happy to find myself in the same company.
But really, onelie, two false accusations in the one thread is excessive. Do you recall the Biblical injuction for bearing false witness onelie?

Light, in fairness, I think there have been a handful of mediums (the self deluded ones) who genuinely think they are 'easing the pain of those who have lost loved ones'. And you have to admit that fairground fortunetellers can be amusing - at least to some.

Thank you, Ophiolite, I consider myself honored by your statement!

Yes, I agree with that last paragraph but hardly think that constitutes improving the lives of humanity. :D And many of the "believers" here are equally as amusing - just like the court jesters of centuries long past. And perhaps they DO serve a function after all - in that same limited sense. ;)
ophiolite can i just point out.

it was you that said i live in a fantasy world

it was you that said i have no moral courage

it was you that called me a coward.

it is then you that request via PM my solicitors address because, i have defamed your character.

not only are you a liar you are fucking moron.

you can sue me for that too you retard!
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Light said:
I'm basing those numbers on the solid fact that practically every single person has had that sort of premonition (feeling) - and most of us (self included) more than once. It's a very common thing and means absolutely nothing.

and you who cry out for evidence from all who challenge your view, what evidence do you use to support these FACTS.
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Q said:
Too funny - the woo-woo's are now calling the skeptics liars!

get it right, i am calling the liars liars.

are you joining them?
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