Developing Telepathy

What about a "mechanized" surgeon who saves lives every day?

Zephyr makes a really good point about the benefits science has brought us, and its obvious that people rely on them, appreciate them, or take them for granted (as you do), otherwise people would be content to just live in africa.

I agree that rigidity and inflexibility in thinking can cause a lot of problems some of which can be viewed as "evil" - i guess its similar to being really narrow minded.
Having a closed mind really can be a terrible thing i agree, but that is also common in religious fundamentalists and they have been around long before science.

Duendy you also display a lot of rigidity and a reluctance to consider other opinions, or answer some of the questions you are asked.

The question still begs to be asked - can anyone display an example of telepathic capability?
Ahhhh the nature of magical thinking - all fantasy.
You know, there are people that claim that they can predict things about your future life judging by the stars, a set of cards, a crystal ball etc.
It would be lovely and wonderful and magical - and so much easier!! If these things were true, but sadly, they aren't.
SkinWalker said:
Your disdain for me is that great that you would attempt deride my mother as well?

Come on! You really had to twist to come up with that. ;)

SkinWalker said:
This is what I find meaningful in your pathology, Happeh. Rather than seek a logical argument, you would interject pejorative and derisive comments to make your points. By "support," we mean any evidence. A demonstration. A clear example of "telepathy."

You know what Skinwalker? You will get a lot smarter if you spend time trying to understand what people say, instead of trying to amateur psychologically analyze them. You spend too much time in front of the TV. You have picked up the FOX news/Repbulican way of thinking. Any opponent can be destroyed by talking about them personally. Taxes, Wars, Bribery scandals. Don't talk about that! Talk about how fat they are, how they are bald or how they had sex with someone when they were 16.

SkinWalker said:
People swear on bibles and graves (by the way, you can swear on the graves of whatever dead relatives I have it it makes you happy -your own if you like) every day. Most of them are liars. Many of them are deluded. What good does "swearing" on a book or grave do for demonstrating the veracity of a claimant who is willing to lie or doesn't know what's real?

Doesn't do any good. But with someone as unreasonable and intractable as you, I thought foolishness or ridiculousness might work.
(Q) said:
If this argument degenerates into "Yes it is, no it isn't", I will have to leave.

So far, its been a one sided argument with you having no argument whatsoever - how could it possibly degenerate?

If you want to leave, do so. Your assertions are pointless.

You are rapidly beginning to sound like Snakelord. You taking lessons?

(Q) said:
You poor man. I honestly pity you. And I thank my guardian angel that I was allowed to find out what life is really about.

Go ahead and pity all you want, you can't muster an argument, so pity must be all you have left.

Pity describes the state of your existence perfectly. You don't know that because you have no idea what life could really be like.

(Q) said:
You are sad. Keep living in that cynical world. I bet it gives you lots of satisfaction and happiness, doesn't it? Nothing like cuddling up to a machine and some cold hard scientific laws.

Again, no argument whatsoever, only the spewing of venom and nonsense..

Venom? Reality is what I call it.

(Q) said:
You know what? You ever watch the Terminator with Arnold Schwarznegger? You know the machines that take over the world? They are not really machines. They are you. People like you that have had their humanity stolen. All that is left is a husk with a machine mind to control it.

So, you can't produce an argument and instead spew nonsense about a movie. Really pathetic.

Nope. Dead on accurate. We both know it.

(Q) said:
That is where this world is headed. Technology stealing the humanity from human beings. Those poor souls then taking out their pain on the rest of us that are still human by doing things like attacking Iraq and bombing their mosques. Making them afraid of their religion, their humanity.

You can't even keep thoughts straight in your head, must be the ADHD kicking in?

Sure. Whatever Q. You can keep making posts with nothing but derision or ridicule in them if you please. If I am bored, maybe i will answer, mabye not. If you decide to talk about the topid of the thread, telepathy, let me know.
mouse said:
It would be hard to miss if it was.

You make no sense. Do you read Spanish? Russian? Chinese? Urdu? There could be complete explanations of telepathy in other countries in the world. you believe that since you never heard of it in english, in the USA, that means there is no such thing. USA arrogance.

mouse said:
Oh no, I work on assumptions just like you. The difference is perhaps that mine are continuously tested against reality. I'm ready to change my assumptions if they are proven incorrect, can you say the same?

Of course. You don't know it, but I wrote a book. I could never have written the book unless I tested everything I felt I knew.

mouse said:
Why is that? What superiority?

In my experience, modern people believe technology is god. That means that any other country in the world that is not technological has nothing to offer to the world. That is foolishness and arrogance and stupidity on the part of all of those people.

mouse said:
A common theme in human legends is an animal's ability to talk, think and act like a human. Do you believe in talking animals too? What about dragons? Surely, you understand that your line of reasoning is flawed.

I like you. You actually think before you speak. You actually talk like a scientist should. The only person on this board to do so.

I need to throw this back in your face before I can answer your question. What is your definition of talking? Is body language talking? Do I believe that humans can read animal body language? Yes I do. Easy. Do I think they speak english? Only trained birds do.

mouse said:
Then we would have seen some evidence of it, wouldn't we? You ask me to accept something just on the basis that a whole bunch of other people state it to be true. That's just not good enough, a whole bunch of people can be wrong.

Here is where your view of the world clashes with science. You are talking from a strictly science or knowledge seeking point of view. I have said repeatedly that the elite lie to hide this knowledge so that they, their children and their friends do not have any competition for jobs.

Did you ever hear that bible story about king herod I think it was? He heard jesus was going to be born, so he ordered that all male babies be killed. That is how those people think. That is what they do to telepaths. Kill them or drive them crazy.

mouse said:
My friends, my skin colour, my financial status, my job and my cultural background are utterly irrelevant to the topic of you being unable to give a single shred of evidence for the existence of telepathy.

No it isn't. If you are an insular white person, you have a shielded and protected view of the world. If you are a person who has investigated and learned about other people and other cultures, there is no way you could hold so rigidly to your beliefs.

After you talk to people from 20 different countries, and every single one of them says, yes, we do have legends of telepathy. Or, yes, we do believe in telepathy, then you will begin to wonder. If 20 other countries all believe in telepathy, maybe my country is wrong.

Or maybe they are lying to me.
I have a simple question that all the naysayers need to answer.

Why do you not believe in telepathy?

Seriously. Not because it is stupid. Not because you read it in a book or saw it on TV. You can believe in telepathy, or you can disbelieve. Neither belief costs you anything at all. It is free.

So why do you choose to NOT believe in telepathy?

In my experience, it is fear. People have things to hide. If they believe in telepathy, they get very nervous. I can provide a real life description of such a thing. This magician, David Blaine, went to Haiti to do a magic show. Haiti is full of "superstitious" black people.

The man went up to a group of guys and did some magic tricks to prove he was a magician. Then he said he could read this guy's mind. Holy Moly! You would have thought Blaine said he was going to kill him or something. The man literally panicked right there in front of the camera. He was going to either get violent, or run away. His friends had to jump on top of him and hold him down. David Blaine had to say "No, no, I didn't mean it. I can't really read your mind".

The man obviously was very guilty about something. I think all of the nay sayers against telepathy here have, at some level, the same kind of fear.
Happeh said:
I have a simple question that all the naysayers need to answer.

Why do you not believe in telepathy?

I temper all of my beliefs with evidence. I see no evidence to warrant the irrational belief in something simply because we'd like it to be true. Moreover, there's no need to believe in it when there is far too much about the brain and cognition that is fascinating without adding the woo-woo belief system.

But when you are too busy making bitching and crying about skeptics not willing to give into your fantasies and making derisive/pejorative comments, you fail to notice such wonders. Your mind is simply too clenched to see the wonder of the brain and marvel at the complexity of neurology. Too clenched with the simplistic, woo-woo speculations. Too busy with conspiracy theories of how the establishment is out to get everyone. In your warped perception of the world, you attempt to apply political motivations to those that think differently (and, I might add, better) than you.

If you weren't so fascinating, happeh, you'd be pathetic. But, by all means: continue. The anthropologist in me just loves to watch the young grapple with their belief systems.
Crunchy Cat said:
There is no evidence to even remotely suggest it exists.

That is just plain not true. All of human history has stories about people who can read minds.

You selectively choose what you decide is or is not evidence.
SkinWalker said:
But when you are too busy making bitching and crying about skeptics

What you call bitching and crying, I call asking for reasonable discussion.

SkinWalker said:
Your mind is simply too clenched to see the wonder of the brain

You are telling me about the wonder of the brain, but you don't believe in telepathy. Do you see the contradiction?

SkinWalker said:
Too clenched with the simplistic, woo-woo speculations.

You ever notice how people take what others say and turn it back on them? Like I said science people have tight butts, Now you are saying I am clenched? You can't even come up with your own original stuff.

SkinWalker said:
If you weren't so fascinating, happeh, you'd be pathetic. But, by all means: continue. The anthropologist in me just loves to watch the young grapple with their belief systems.

People are so predictable. Personal attacks. Looks, weight, body odor, education level, intellectual ability and finally age. Someone else beat you to it. I think Snakelord called me a child first. Then Leopold said I was young. You are 3rd on the list. Slowpoke.

Funny how all you intelligent guys that know everything are wrong. ;)
Happeh said:
That is just plain not true. All of human history has stories about people who can read minds.

You selectively choose what you decide is or is not evidence.
Human history has plenty of stories regarding gods, fairies, ghosts, elves, dragons ect. These must also be true then.

Perhaps you are selectively choosing what you decide is evidence?
You ask for reasonable discussion, yet you argue like a child. You call mythology and stories of humanity 'evidence?'

Grow up. Get an education. Then come back and have that reasoned discussion. Until now, you've failed to engage in any sort of discussion related to the topic.

But this is the trend with mystery-mongers and significance-junkies.
Happeh said:
That is just plain not true. All of human history has stories about people who can read minds.

You selectively choose what you decide is or is not evidence.

All of human history has stories about werewolves, vampires, witches, wizards, ghosts, boogie men, prophecy, miracles, and telepathy. In an age where science and communication is mainstream, real physical evidence (not just story books) should be available to back up the existence of the above in the past and in the present. No such evidence is available. There is not one individual or group of individuals whom can today step up and say I have evidence that telepathy exists.
duendy said:
me))WHO's 'standards'??
Scientific method is a process, it does not belong to anyone.

duendy said:
me))))))No i am not. i am going straight to te roots of your cocksured origins, the beginnings of yer precious sci metod and its requirements. let me remind is designed to leave sensuality, quality, vaue out. FINE set and setting that is isn't it. peple have to bow before your mechancially-minded set-up? not bloody likely boyo! all you wanna, it dont change shit you dont wont understand
No you are doing what you always do duendy. You ignore the subject of the thread and you ramble on about the evils of science. You are not just saying it is flawed, you actually think it is responsible for most (all?) of the evil in the world. You realise that you sound deluded when you say this?

The problem is that you are posting on a science board; lecturing people about all the things wrong with science and with each post you show that you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't seem to understand even the basic principles. Then you complain that people are condescending towards you. Can you think why?

Explain to me (coherently please) how science removes sensuality, quality and value.

duendy said:
me)))))no. i will make it clear. you may say you dont agree, but yur clingin to that mode of thought wich puts othrs down including Indegnous peoples from millenia back who are/wee 'pre-scientific'--well errr sorry, this stanceof yours places you in that elitist hierarchy, don't matter how much you deny it to us and yourself
Rubbish. Science is a process. It does not put anyone down. Just because our ancestors were less advanced than us this does not mean we are better. We have used their advances and accomplishments to get where we are today. Who is putting them down?

duendy said:
me)))))))dont be patronIZing...i am ware of discoveries and teir appliance, but you lot take OVER. you and yur cold hearted instruments want to examine and disclude soul itself. this is what you have DONE, but can't see it. know why? cause you've been blinded by science is why. you've LOST your soul!
I think you have been blinded by fanstasy. Oh and I don't think I ever had a soul to lose. :eek:

duendy said:
me)))))))whicxh souuunds friggin shit don't it? a 'controlled environment' IS THEEEE encroaching nightmare of our times!
Yet another stupid response regarding a telepathic test. I am not making a social commentary duendy. We were discussing a test for telepathy. Something you brought up. If you cannot understand why the environment must be controlled then you are being deliberately obtuse or stupid. Go take that science course please.

duendy said:
tis is what worries me. you see your mindset i a claiming is mechanical and souless. IF you'll could patent 'telepathy' then you'd produce it, market it, and it's be the hottest thing in te post Christmas sales....right? cause that's the gross name of the game aint it. that is what 'Mscience' has brought us to ....dont ya think???
Did you deliberately miss the point? You are not saying anything here just the usual anti science ramble. Let me guess - the evil, greedy scientists would use telepathy for world domination right?
As I said earlier duendy I would like to concentrate on whether it exists before worrying what people would do with it. You do believe that it exists right?
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Happeh said:
I have a simple question that all the naysayers need to answer.
Why do you not believe in telepathy?
Point 1: Why do you assume I don't believe in telepathy? I would need to check each post I have made on this thread, but I am pretty certain at no time did I say I do not believe in telepathy. Equally, I have not said I do believe in telepathy. I am agnostic towards telepathy. I should like it to be real, I suspect (very strongly) it is not.
Point 2: What I have consistently decried is your gullible, self-delusional, automatic acceptance of the reality of telepathy with nary a whiff of evidence.
Point 3: My current strong scepticism about the reality of telepathy is based upon the following -
a) A casual, but comprehensive study over a period of ten years of the popular works on telepathy.
b) An in depth review of J.B.Rhine's seminal parapschology work at Duke University.
c) Duplication of several of Rhine's experiments.
d) Informal study over a four year period of a medium, her predictions and techniques.

In short, Happy Daze, my scepticism is based upon a careful study of the literature, extensive experimental work, and observation of a self-proclaimed telepath. I doubt the same can be said of your unquestioning belief. Note that I began the study referred to above as a believer. The absence of evidence persuaded me that position was flawed.
ophielite said:
Informal study over a four year period of a medium, her predictions and techniques.
would you mind if i ask what type of medium she was?
shaman_ said:
Scientific method is a process, it does not belong to anyone.

me)))))are you claiming it birthed itself? that it is some amorphous abstract entity not in relation to the human mindset which developed it...what hwhat?

No you are doing what you always do duendy. You ignore the subject of the thread and you ramble on about the evils of science.

me)))if we didn't you lot jest keeps on--like a broken record: 'wheres zee vidence? wheres ze evidence...???'

You are not just saying it is flawed, you actually think it is responsible for most (all?) of the evil in kthe world. You realise that you sound deluded when you say this?

me))))))i sound deluded to you cause you dont understand. period. i am trying to explain to you a mechanicalized mindset which is the legacy of materialistic science. Not only for its devotees, but for tose indoctrinated in its ways--from school onwards

The problem is that you are posting on a science board; lecturing people about all the things wrong with science and with each post you show that you don't really know what you are talking about. You don't seem to understand even the basic principles. Then you complain that people are condescending towards you. Can you think why?

me)))i know enoug to know that 'SCIENCE@ doesn't HAVE to mean your interpretation of it. te condescension form te so-called science advocates here is due to your narrow VIEWof science, not any misunderstanding on my part

Explain to me (coherently please) how science removes sensuality, quality and value.

me)))errr becase mscience cant MEASURE them...? so it disregards them, asit does with MEANING. scientific positivism DEPENDS on sci method for its understanding of life. it becomes its measuring stick. anything that dontmeasureup is not real no mo....TILL it IS measured. get me drift. that is the limbo i sees you in. a place i find quite chilly and lifeless and souless

Rubbish. Science is a process. It does not put anyone down. Just because our ancestors were less advanced than us this does not mean we are better. We have used their advances and accomplishments to get where we are today. Who is putting them down?

me)))))))'used' ...huh, you mean abused, raped, shit on. duuude, you haven't got a clue what the west has done to people it felt were under them. yer very very very very naive, and you insult the countless Indigenous peoples who have been crushed, by your ignore-ance of the reasons.
and have you not heard of 'knowledge ispower'..????

I think you have been blinded by fanstasy. Oh and I don't think I ever had a soul to lose. :eek:

me)))well, you said it!

Yet another stupid response regarding a telepathic test. I am not making a social commentary duendy. We were discussing a test for telepathy. Something you brought up. If you cannot understand why the environment must be controlled then you are being deliberately obtuse or stupid. Go take that science course please.

me)))no thanks!.......whose idea isit for this controlled fukin setting. alright for certain examinatins it is propabably alright. but it is when it is applied to stuff you already admit you cannot measure it gets absurd, is two completely different languages. hence impasse

Did you deliberately miss the point? You are not saying anything here just the usual anti science ramble. Let me guess - the evil, greedy scientists would use telepathy for world domination right?
As I said earlier duendy I would like to concentrate on whether it exists before worrying what people would do with it. You do believe that it exists right?

talkin wid yu is like talking with someone without any savvy about the state of things. tireing
Happeh said:
You make no sense. Do you read Spanish? Russian? Chinese? Urdu? There could be complete explanations of telepathy in other countries in the world. you believe that since you never heard of it in english, in the USA, that means there is no such thing. USA arrogance.
Discoveries of this magnitude are not stopped by something as trivial as a language or cultural barrier. Scientific revolutions do not stop at national borders, but rather they spread across cultures, languages and different types of governments.

You don't know it, but I wrote a book. I could never have written the book unless I tested everything I felt I knew.
You could and if you truly have tested your findings rigidly, it would stand up to peer review. Would you give me the title or the ISBN of your book? I understand that this would give away your identity (if you didn't publish under a pseudonym), but I assume you wouldn't have mentioned the existence of your book if you are not ready to give its title.

In my experience, modern people believe technology is god.
In a "modern society" obviously technology is advanced, but it would be a stretch to say it is worshipped as it were a deity. In fact, our society is in a constant state of debate where the latest technology should be applied, and where not.

What is your definition of talking?
We are drifting off topic here, but perhaps it is better to speak of communicating, rather than talking. The act of exchanging information from one to another. Humans seem to differ with most other animals in the sheer complexity and amount of information which is exchanged.

I have said repeatedly that the elite lie to hide this knowledge so that they, their children and their friends do not have any competition for jobs.
I completely agree that people can and will distort the truth, I just do not find evidence that this common place in scientific circles. Their peers would not allow it. You see, science is not only collaboration, it's also (peacefull) rivalry. If someone publish a theory that contradicts yours, you are going to do your best to convince the rest of the community that he or she is wrong. Who will be right, is determined by the amount and significance of evidence either side accumulates. It's a bit of self regulation.

Did you ever hear that bible story about king herod I think it was? He heard jesus was going to be born, so he ordered that all male babies be killed. That is how those people think. That is what they do to telepaths. Kill them or drive them crazy.
Telepathy is only one ability that can be used to manipulate and read people. Well trained psychologists can be pretty good too in that regard, why are they not hunted down but rather paid for their expertise?

No it isn't. If you are an insular white person, you have a shielded and protected view of the world.
Sure, my view of the world is limited but certainly not due to lack of exposure to different cultures.

If you are a person who has investigated and learned about other people and other cultures, there is no way you could hold so rigidly to your beliefs.
I can hardly avoid learning about other cultures, even if I wanted. I live in an union comprised of 25 nations, each with their own cultural and lengthy historical background. The city I live in hosts dozens of cultures, and that's not counting the tourists. My country is so small, that if I didn't know a thing or two about my neighbouring countries (such as their languages and cultural habits) my chances for success in any significant venture would be slim. To summarize: yes, I do know about other cultures, I am in daily contact with them.

After you talk to people from 20 different countries, and every single one of them says, yes, we do have legends of telepathy. Or, yes, we do believe in telepathy, then you will begin to wonder.
First of all, it is not my experience that telepathy is accepted as a truth in other cultures. Secondly, if it were, does it not contradict your point that telepaths feverlishly hide their abilities to avoid being prosecuted?

If 20 other countries all believe in telepathy, maybe my country is wrong.
I do not think you can say a whole country believes X or Y. Individuals, or groups of individuals, in a country may hold beliefs, but I think you'd find it hard to proof that a whole country supports telepathy. For the sake of argument though, let's assume that you are right and twenty whole countries believe in telepathy. Which countries would that be?

Or maybe they are lying to me.
Or maybe they misinterpret their experiences, who knows.

Telepathy may exist, but certainly, considering the complete lack of evidence, the alternative seem far more likely. People indeed do lie, and are prone to accept flawed theories. Legends are by definition not the most accurate accounts of historical events, to put it mildly. So, for me to accept your beliefs, you have to give me reasons which are not merely consisting of legends and/or anecdotal accounts.
Happeh, could you please suggest to us the area of the brain that may be involved in telepathy?
I will happily provide you with pictures and diagrams of the brain if you like, so that you can suggest the area involved.
If it isn't a specific region, and rather certain types of neurons, could you suggest them instead please?

If you can do that, perhaps you can suggest the part of the feet/legs that are involved in flying.
Oh, and i should also mention that happeh also thinks masturbation makes people go blind.

Borat laughs at you, happeh.