Demonizing people

For one, the statistic is "men who have sex with men are nearly 20 times more likely to be infected with HIV than general populations" in the world, not just the US. And "20 times more likely" is not 20%, it is 20 times the percentage of the general population risk (which is about the difference between receptive vaginal and receptive anal sex here: ).

I have also condemned promiscuity, which increases anyone's risk through shear number of exposures and is very prevalent among the homosexual population (Many "open" gay marriages: ). But I have already said that this alone is not the only reason for my opinion.

That's true, you've also claimed that homosexuality is responsible for mental illness and drug use.
That's true, you've also claimed that homosexuality is responsible for mental illness and drug use.

That is a lie. I only said what the science tells us, that those characteristics are correlates of homosexual behavior.
wow..if the bible were a user at sciforums I would accuse it of putting something totally unrelated into that verse..(read verses before and after that one)

just before it is talking about favoritism, just after it is talking adultery.. its like it just doesn't fit with the rest.
so IMO (without knowing what its about) I would have to say it is some sort of analogy. not to be taken literally

No, it's not an analogy. It's one law in a long list of laws that God gives to Moses.

I'm curious, by what measure do you consider wearing mixed fabrics acceptable? I mean, it's right there in the Bible that you're not supposed to do that.
Aside from your oh so pleasant manner, thank you. Apparently I read Sorcerer's post a bit too hastily.


I apologize for my previous reply to you. Homosexuality is not an "unforgivable sin", so on its own will not condemn anyone to hell, even if considered a sin. If someone claims that homosexuality alone will send someone to hell, they would be held responsible for, at lease, justifying this Biblically (which I assure you cannot be done). So such posts would face moderation.


“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall

not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not

deceived: neither fornicators nor idolators,

nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers

of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor

covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor

extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
For one, the statistic is "men who have sex with men are nearly 20 times more likely to be infected with HIV than general populations" in the world, not just the US. And "20 times more likely" is not 20%, it is 20 times the percentage of the general population risk (which is about the difference between receptive vaginal and receptive anal sex here:

20% is the number of HIV infected among gay men. Why is this so hard for you to grasp seeing you yourself quoted the source confirming it?

I have also condemned promiscuity, which increases anyone's risk through shear number of exposures and is very prevalent among the homosexual population (Many "open" gay marriages: ). But I have already said that this alone is not the only reason for my opinion.

By "promiscuous" I suppose you mean people who get laid with more than one person in their lives. Wow..that encompasses about the whole human race! lol!
It's not a lie, Syne. You're implying that homosexuality is the cause.

I have repeatedly said "correlation" not "cause", so you are only lying and trolling. You also seem to have trouble understanding the difference between "imply" and "infer". I know what I have implied, while you make up your own inference.


“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall

not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not

deceived: neither fornicators nor idolators,

nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers

of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor

covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor

extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

And? Not inheriting the "kingdom of God" is not equivalent to "going to hell". You can live in a kingdom without inheriting it.

20% is the number of HIV infected among gay men. Why is this so hard for you to grasp seeing you yourself quoted the source confirming it?

Where are you finding this supposed "20%" statistic? It was not in the source I cited. At best, you seem to pulling it from my last link, instead of the one you originally replied to.

Therefore, unprotected sex with an HIV-positive person who has acute HIV infection could carry a transmission risk of up to 2% (the equivalent of 1 transmission per 50 exposures) for receptive vaginal sex and over 20% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 5 exposures) for receptive anal sex. -

I do not assume only homosexuals engage in anal sex.

By "promiscuous" I suppose you mean people who get laid with more than one person in their lives. Wow..that encompasses about the whole human race! lol!

: having or involving many sexual partners

: including or involving too many people or things : not limited in a careful or proper way

No, more than one monogamous sexual partner in your life is not generally considered promiscuous.
And? Not inheriting the "kingdom of God" is not equivalent to "going to hell". You can live in a kingdom without inheriting it.

Uh no. Not inheriting the kingdom of God means your definitely going to hell. That's why Paul called these people "the unrighteous."

Where are you finding this supposed "20%" statistic? It was not in the source I cited. At best, you seem to pulling it from my last link, instead of the one you originally replied to.

: having or involving many sexual partners

: including or involving too many people or things : not limited in a careful or proper way

No, more than one monogamous sexual partner in your life is not generally considered promiscuous.

Uh yes. Promiscuous means many sexual partners period. Check definition 1 again. Then go ask the average joe on the street how many women he's laid in his lifetime.
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I have repeatedly said "correlation" not "cause", so you are only lying and trolling. You also seem to have trouble understanding the difference between "imply" and "infer". I know what I have implied, while you make up your own inference.

More lies from you. You can't even own your bigotry!
Uh no. Not inheriting the kingdom of God means your definitely going to hell.

Support that claim then.

Magical Realist said:
Where are you finding this supposed "20%" statistic? It was not in the source I cited. At best, you seem to pulling it from my last link, instead of the one you originally replied to.

Where did that quoted link come from? Oh, I see...six pages back. I thought you were talking about a the link in the post you replied to.

Uh yes. Promiscuous means many sexual partners. Check definition 1 again. Then go ask the average joe on the street how many women he's laid in his lifetime.

It really is no surprise that you do not understand the general use of the word. The "promiscuity" you describe does not significantly effect HIV risk, i.e. it is a red herring
It really is no surprise that you do not understand the general use of the word. The "promiscuity" you describe does not significantly effect HIV risk, i.e. it is a red herring

I see. So when heterosexuals have many sexual partners it doesn't effect risk for HIV but when gay men have many sexual partners it DOES? lol! Your bigotry is so transparent.
I have repeatedly said "correlation" not "cause", so you are only lying and trolling. You also seem to have trouble understanding the difference between "imply" and "infer". I know what I have implied, while you make up your own inference.

Bullshit. You list these supposed correlations to being gay as reasons you condemn homosexuality and then expect us to believe you aren't implying they are caused by it? Why would you condemn something that wasn't the cause of those traits but merely correlated?
What, you cannot manage to quote me? Just more trolling lies out you.

Honestly, quoting you is hardly necessary... chances are high that, when you hit that "reply" button, what is being posted to the forum is either lies, misrepresentation, bigotry, or otherwise so incredulous as to be incredible...
So why would you like to change the subject to non-gay people who are demonized? Is there a particular case of demonization by the religious that you have in mind? Witches perhaps?

This is why some people think there is a ''homosexual agenda' 'the aim of which is to promote their sexual orientation and destroy religion.

You forget that a handful of atheists ''Demonized'' millions, and millions, and millions, and millions of people, effectively in a New York minute. Every Time you imply that the religious are the only demonizers (to me), I shall make it my duty to remind you of that fact just so you don't get carried away.


That's fine and all, and one is more than entitled to their opinion. The problem is, people take that opinion and then proceed to beat others about the head with it.

And the majority of people don't.

The way I look at it, if I don't agree with something that doesn't harm me, I simply don't do it, plain and simple. If a gay person hits on me, I let politely let them know that I'm straight and that I don't' have any interest in them like that. Guess what - they don't hit on me after that! Problem solved.

That's not the issue though, is it.

This whole fracas about "gay marriage" is just that, a fracas - why should they not be entitled to the same rights as anyone else?

''Marriage'' isn't a right (at least in it's original format), it's a spiritual union between a man and a woman. Now even if it is possible for a man and another man to form such a union, it is still not marriage in the same sense, because marriage is the union between a man and a woman. So while the government can force the people to accept that two men can get ''married'', fundamentally it makes no difference, lest we convince ourselves that it is no different. Some of us wish to convince ourselves, and some of us don't.
With regards to being entitled with the same rights as man/woman combo, sure they should. That goes without saying.

This is why some people think there is a ''homosexual agenda' 'the aim of which is to promote their sexual orientation and destroy religion.

You forget that a handful of atheists ''Demonized'' millions, and millions, and millions, and millions of people, effectively in a New York minute. Every Time you imply that the religious are the only demonizers (to me), I shall make it my duty to remind you of that fact just so you don't get carried away.


Can you give even one example of an atheist demonizing millions (and millions, etc.) of people?
And the majority of people don't.

So? It doesn't require a majority to oppress.

"Marriage'' isn't a right (at least in it's original format), it's a spiritual union between a man and a woman.

Incorrect. Marriage in its "original format" was a transaction. The man bought the woman and she became his property.

Now even if it is possible for a man and another man to form such a union, it is still not marriage in the same sense, because marriage is the union between a man and a woman.

That seems like an arbitrary distinction. Marriage used to be something quite different than what it is today, and yet you accept all of those changes (if you even were aware of them, which I suppose is debatable) so why draw the line at gender? Why is that the defining characteristic?

So while the government can force the people to accept that two men can get ''married'', fundamentally it makes no difference, lest we convince ourselves that it is no different. Some of us wish to convince ourselves, and some of us don't.

And why not? I ask you again to address the questions above.

With regards to being entitled with the same rights as man/woman combo, sure they should. That goes without saying.


But it doesn't go without saying when you've just also said that gay marriage isn't really marriage at all. Typically, that kind of attitude goes along with the notion that gay couples should not share the rights of "truly" married people.
This is why some people think there is a ''homosexual agenda' 'the aim of which is to promote their sexual orientation and destroy religion.

Translation: "this is why I think there is a homosexual agenda to destroy religion." In reality, religion's been doin a fine job at destroying itself since the Enlightenment. We now live in a totally secular world where science is taught in schools instead of religion and even the mere mention of God at the watercooler can solicit a few eye rolls.

You forget that a handful of atheists ''Demonized'' millions, and millions, and millions, and millions of people, effectively in a New York minute. Every Time you imply that the religious are the only demonizers (to me), I shall make it my duty to remind you of that fact just so you don't get carried away.

Since we ARE in the Religion subforum I think it only appropriate that we limit demonizing to those who basically invented that artform and have been perfecting for millennia. IOW, the religious. Demons ARE basically a religious concept afterall.