Demonizing people

''Marriage'' isn't a right (at least in it's original format), it's a spiritual union between a man and a woman. Now even if it is possible for a man and another man to form such a union, it is still not marriage in the same sense, because marriage is the union between a man and a woman. So while the government can force the people to accept that two men can get ''married'', fundamentally it makes no difference, lest we convince ourselves that it is no different. Some of us wish to convince ourselves, and some of us don't.
With regards to being entitled with the same rights as man/woman combo, sure they should. That goes without saying.


14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage Is A Fundamental Right
Aside from your oh so pleasant manner, thank you. Apparently I read Sorcerer's post a bit too hastily.


I apologize for my previous reply to you. Homosexuality is not an "unforgivable sin", so on its own will not condemn anyone to hell, even if considered a sin. If someone claims that homosexuality alone will send someone to hell, they would be held responsible for, at lease, justifying this Biblically (which I assure you cannot be done). So such posts would face moderation.

That's cool, Syne.
Magical Realis,

Translation: "this is why I think there is a homosexual agenda to destroy religion.

Please cut the crap. I meant what I said. If you can't deal with it, then leave it, but don't start with this shite. Okay?

"In reality, religion's been doin a fine job at destroying itself since the Enlightenment. We now live in a totally secular world where science is taught in schools instead of religion and even the mere mention of God at the watercooler can solicit a few eye rolls.

You believe that marriage between a man and woman is no different to that of a marriage between a man and a man.
You have to change my thoughts to fit into your perception of what someone like me thinks.
You'll excuse me if can't take you seriously when you attempt to talk to me about religion. ;)

Since we ARE in the Religion subforum I think it only appropriate that we limit demonizing to those who basically invented that artform and have been perfecting for millennia. IOW, the religious. Demons ARE basically a religious concept afterall.

Oh, so the literal meaning of the word is the intention behind this thread title (at least for some). Why am I not surprised.

Magical Realis,
Please cut the crap. I meant what I said. If you can't deal with it, then leave it, but don't start with this shite. Okay?

Don't masquerade your beliefs as what "some believe." If you believe something, own it. Evasion only undermines your credibility.

You believe that marriage between a man and woman is no different to that of a marriage between a man and a man.
You have to change my thoughts to fit into your perception of what someone like me thinks.
You'll excuse me if can't take you seriously when you attempt to talk to me about religion.

Love is love. Marriage is marriage. It's all one human thing, whether you think so or not.

Oh, so the literal meaning of the word is the intention behind this thread title (at least for some). Why am I not surprised.


In the religious world, demons are real beings that possess people and conspire against the godly to destroy them. So it totally makes sense that religion enables the demonization of others better than any other value system. Maybe even scapegoating too. The religious invented that one too.
Magical Realist,

Don't masquerade your beliefs as what "some believe." If you believe something, own it. Evasion only undermines your credibility.

I said and meant what I said.
Are you so weak in argument that you have to sink to trying control both sides in a bid to convince yourself of your fantasies?

Congrats! You've just rendered this discussion pointless.

This is complete and utter rubbish. MR made a perfectly sensible point and you are unable to respond to it. Maybe it's time you had a break.

Agreed. Since we both know Syne won't moderate him, I'm going to start a ticket with the new help center, see if any of the other mods can do something about him.
Agreed. Since we both know Syne won't moderate him, I'm going to start a ticket with the new help center, see if any of the other mods can do something about him.

You've got my vote. Let's get him out of here.
I see. So when heterosexuals have many sexual partners it doesn't effect risk for HIV but when gay men have many sexual partners it DOES? lol! Your bigotry is so transparent.

Straw man argument. You said: "By "promiscuous" I suppose you mean people who get laid with more than one person in their lives." I have already tried to correct you once, as that group would include someone who has had sex with the two people they were in long-term monogamous relationships with, which has minimal risk of HIV infection.

I have repeatedly condemned actual promiscuity, whether hetero or homosexual. And since you do not seem to have any idea what actual promiscuity is:

Promiscuity, in human sexual behaviour, is the practice of having casual sex frequently with different partners or of being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. - wiki​

Bullshit. You list these supposed correlations to being gay as reasons you condemn homosexuality and then expect us to believe you aren't implying they are caused by it? Why would you condemn something that wasn't the cause of those traits but merely correlated?

You just said it yourself. I list "correlations". Anything beyond that is your own imagined inference from the obvious motive of demonizing me. Perhaps you do not know the distinction. A cause implies that all members of a group are equally effected, while a correlation only means that there is a strong relation to the group, behavior, etc. that does not necessarily hold for every individual.

This is why I condemn homosexual behavior but do not demonize gays in general nor advocate any laws to prohibit their sexual activity.

Honestly, quoting you is hardly necessary... chances are high that, when you hit that "reply" button, what is being posted to the forum is either lies, misrepresentation, bigotry, or otherwise so incredulous as to be incredible...

It is sad a moderator has decided to start trolling another mod.
How long do you think marriage has been around?


How long do you think the civil right of marrying whoever you love has been around? Remember now, there was a time when you had to marry whoever your parents decided you'd marry. Later on there was even a time when you could only marry people of your own race. So much for the "tried and true tradition" argument eh?
Mod note

Since we ARE in the Religion subforum I think it only appropriate that we limit demonizing to those who basically invented that artform and have been perfecting for millennia. IOW, the religious. Demons ARE basically a religious concept afterall.

No, demonizing in this thread is not limited to that done only by the religious.
This is why I condemn homosexual behavior but do not demonize gays in general nor advocate any laws to prohibit their sexual activity.

That doesn't explain why, because if you were interested in the cause of the harm, you'd understand that it's the social stigma of homosexuality that makes these traits appear.

But you don't care about that. It's about demonizing a people you don't agree with for whatever reason, probably religious.
Straw man argument. You said: "By "promiscuous" I suppose you mean people who get laid with more than one person in their lives." I have already tried to correct you once, as that group would include someone who has had sex with the two people they were in long-term monogamous relationships with, which has minimal risk of HIV infection.

I have repeatedly condemned actual promiscuity, whether hetero or homosexual. And since you do not seem to have any idea what actual promiscuity is:

Promiscuity, in human sexual behaviour, is the practice of having casual sex frequently with different partners or of being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. - wiki​

You just said it yourself. I list "correlations". Anything beyond that is your own imagined inference from the obvious motive of demonizing me. Perhaps you do not know the distinction. A cause implies that all members of a group are equally effected, while a correlation only means that there is a strong relation to the group, behavior, etc. that does not necessarily hold for every individual.

This is why I condemn homosexual behavior but do not demonize gays in general nor advocate any laws to prohibit their sexual activity.

It is sad a moderator has decided to start trolling another mod.

My bold. I think we're getting somewhere now. You seem - and correct me if I'm wrong - to be condemning gay people for having lots of sex, which they do. But so do lots of straight people. You can say they shouldn't, I suppose, but then people do all sorts of things they shouldn't, from drugs to extreme sports to ...... you see what I mean. If that's your only problem then it's one I can understand if not embrace.
How long do you think the civil right of marrying whoever you love has been around? Remember now, there was a time when you had to marry whoever your parents decided you'd marry. Later on there was even a time when you could only marry people of your own race. So much for the "tried and true tradition" argument eh?

None of these cultural differences change the fact that marriage is (by default) between a man and a woman.
Are you going to deny this?
