Demonizing people

I apologize for Syne's outburst... he insists on airing his dirty laundry in public. Let me assure you, the ban was not a result of being penalized for the same infraction twice, and have been backed on it by both membership and moderation alike. If, however, the higher powers decide to overrule my decision, so be it.

To the topic at hand - I have changed my mind slightly - there is a time and place for everything, and sometimes people need to be demonized... not because doing so is "right", but because their very actions or intentions are "daemonic" and worthy of persecution... such as double standards, bigotry, and "Jim Crow" style persecution. Such actions, inevitably, lead to their just deserts.

I understand what you are saying, but I have to respectfully disagree. Strong argument, even insults maybe, a punch in the mouth if they're nearby (not really, reluctantly), but let's not descend to the same level by demonising them.
Fair enough point (and trust me, the punch in the mouth... yeah, there are times where I earnestly wish I could... sadly, dragging someone out to the "field of honor" is frowned upon in civilized society)
Fair enough point (and trust me, the punch in the mouth... yeah, there are times where I earnestly wish I could... sadly, dragging someone out to the "field of honor" is frowned upon in civilized society)

which is kinda sad..
I know of a few ppl who need to be dragged to the 'field of honor' and some sense pounded into them..
Yep, but intelligent people should be able to distinguish between critical opinion and demonizing.

Well, some religions and religious people think that gay sex is sinful and that those who partake of it will go to hell as a result, which is one definition of demonising, I suppose. Now, if you believe that, it is up to you, but preaching it in public would imho amount to demonising gay people. But that stance would not a critical opinion, of course, since it is based on belief. So I take it that you do not regard gay sex as a sin, but just something which you regard as unsafe, or some other reason to dislike it?

By the way, making cheap cracks about people's intelligence will get you nowhere.
Well, some religions and religious people think that gay sex is sinful and that those who partake of it will go to hell as a result, which is one definition of demonising, I suppose. Now, if you believe that, it is up to you, but preaching it in public would imho amount to demonising gay people. But that stance would not a critical opinion, of course, since it is based on belief. So I take it that you do not regard gay sex as a sin, but just something which you regard as unsafe, or some other reason to dislike it?

By the way, making cheap cracks about people's intelligence will get you nowhere.

No, people who go to hell are not generally believed to become "demons" (i.e. "turn into a demon"). How do you define "sin"?

"Criticize" and "demonize" are not synonyms. It was not a crack, only a statement of fact.
No, people who go to hell are not generally believed to become "demons" (i.e. "turn into a demon"). How do you define "sin"?

"Criticize" and "demonize" are not synonyms. It was not a crack, only a statement of fact.

... what? Seriously, what the actual fuck?

If you are equating "Demonize" in the context of this discussion with "becoming a demon", then I have to question your intellect AND sanity...

it's quite obvious what Sorcerer meant to ANYONE who isn't intentionally trying to evade the point at hand... give it up Syne, your games are no longer fun, nobody enjoys them, and the only person you are making seem a fool is yourself!
Oh wait, here are some worldwide statistics from the WHO:

There has been a recent resurgence of HIV infection among men who have sex with men, particularly in industrialized countries. Data are also emerging of new or newly identified HIV epidemics among men who have sex with men in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America. Generally, men who have sex with men are nearly 20 times more likely to be infected with HIV than general populations. HIV infection rates among transgender people range between 8–68% depending on the country or region. -

In case you missed it, "Generally, men who have sex with men are nearly 20 times more likely to be infected with HIV than general populations."

LOL! Oh the beauty of those risk factor assessments. Well let's see. On a global scale, women who have sex with men are more likely to be infected with HIV than general populations. And who knows how much more risk they have for other STD's. So perhaps you should focus more on THIS global epidemic before worrying about any minor trends in 20% of 4% of men in America. At least until you reconsider using std infection risk as an excuse to morally condemn certain human behaviors.

"Worldwide, women constitute more than half of all people living with HIV/AIDS.

For women in their reproductive years (15–49), HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death.

Women are at least twice more likely to acquire HIV from men during sexual intercourse than vice versa.

A study in South Africa recently suggested that nearly one in seven cases of young women acquiring HIV could have been prevented if the women had not been subjected to intimate partner violence.

In 2012, 62 percent of pregnant women living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries received effective drug regimens to prevent new HIV infections among children.

In sub-Saharan Africa, women constitute 57 percent of all people living with HIV/AIDS.

Among young people aged 15-24, the HIV prevalence rate for young women is twice that of young men."

----Sources: UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2013; UNAIDS Fact Sheet 2013; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And since you love these CDC risk factors for HIV infection, perhaps this crucial one escaped your notice?

"Consistent use of condoms reduces the risk of getting or transmitting HIV by about 80%."
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Well, some religions and religious people think that gay sex is sinful and that those who partake of it will go to hell as a result, which is one definition of demonising,

No it's not.
Are you saying they must only think about homosexual practices, the same way you do?

I suppose. Now, if you believe that, it is up to you, but preaching it in public would imho amount to demonising gay people.

Not everyone preaches it in public, just like not every atheist preaches that religious people are unintelligent morons in public.

But that stance would not a critical opinion, of course, since it is based on belief. So I take it that you do not regard gay sex as a sin, but just something which you regard as unsafe, or some other reason to dislike it?

I understand it to be a sin, just like other scenarios (adultery, o pr pedophilia, beastiality...), and something we as individuals must try and overcome if we wish to be better humans. We all fall prey to sense gratification, and becoming hooked, we try to convince ourselves that what we're doing is right. It's no different to any other addiction.

... what? Seriously, what the actual fuck?

If you are equating "Demonize" in the context of this discussion with "becoming a demon", then I have to question your intellect AND sanity...

it's quite obvious what Sorcerer meant to ANYONE who isn't intentionally trying to evade the point at hand... give it up Syne, your games are no longer fun, nobody enjoys them, and the only person you are making seem a fool is yourself!

I think it's a psychological tactic, a kind of double speak that is used. Use the word ''Demonizing...'', then immediately start talking about gay people, homosexuals, religion, sin, and hell. There is a game going on but it was started long ago, and it is quite blatant and obvious.

I understand it to be a sin, just like other scenarios (adultery, o pr pedophilia, beastiality...), and something we as individuals must try and overcome if we wish to be better humans.

You might wanna expand abit on that list of sinful scenarios as defined by your Bible: idolatry, blasphemy, fornication, disrespect for parents, coveting, greed, pride, envy, drunkenness, sloth, gluttony, gossiping, working on the Sabbath, eating pork, wearing different fabrics, lying, etc.

No it's not.
Are you saying they must only think about homosexual practices, the same way you do?

Not everyone preaches it in public, just like not every atheist preaches that religious people are unintelligent morons in public.

I understand it to be a sin, just like other scenarios (adultery, o pr pedophilia, beastiality...), and something we as individuals must try and overcome if we wish to be better humans. We all fall prey to sense gratification, and becoming hooked, we try to convince ourselves that what we're doing is right. It's no different to any other addiction.


Yes it is, becuse I've just said that it is. Try and understand English.
They can think about gay sex the way they want, just don't go around syaing that gay people will go to hell because they love someone.

Good, keep it private, that's what I said.

Well, you're wrong, and equating gay sex between consenting adults with paedophilia or bestiality shows you for the ignorant and bigoted person that you are.
You might wanna expand abit on that list of sinful scenarios as defined by your Bible: idolatry, blasphemy, fornication, disrespect for parents, coveting, greed, pride, envy, drunkenness, sloth, gluttony, gossiping, working on the Sabbath, eating pork, wearing different fabrics, lying, etc.

wearing different fabrics?? where did you get that?

Yes it is, becuse I've just said that it is. Try and understand English.

I've no idea what you're responding to. But you said ''it is'', so I guess it must be.

They can think about gay sex the way they want, just don't go around syaing that gay people will go to hell because they love someone.

Then it's not a ''religious'', or ''religion'' thing. It's a ''people who want to vocalise it thing''. Most people don't give a shit as long as you keep stuff to yourself (just like your attitude regarding religion).

Good, keep it private, that's what I said.

Why don't you take the first step by stop talking about homosexuality then?
Do you think homosexuals are the only people being ''demonized''?

Well, you're wrong, and equating gay sex between consenting adults with paedophilia or bestiality shows you for the ignorant and bigoted person that you are.

Here you go with that bullshit psychology again. Cut it, the fuck, out. Ya feel me!

I noticed you ignored not only the other contender for hounds of hell fodder, namely adulterers, which until very recently was exclusive to heterosexuals. But you don't care do you, you just shamelessly miss it out so that it looks like I'm picking on homosexuals, but you ignored the text I quoted.
