Degrees of Misogyny

mtf said:
If they cannot offer a viable and actionable solution to a problem, then they do not have the moral highground.
That is not true.
mtf said:
also known as the "world's problems," ie. the problems one encounters living in this world.
The problems I encounter living in this world are mostly my problems, not the world's.
mtf said:
Why don't you read what I said?
I quoted it. And objected to it. Men hating women is a very large and significant problem underlying rape (and a host of other dysfunctional behaviors), and there is no reason it should not be addressed with considerable focused effort.
That is not true.
Explain why not.

The problems I encounter living in this world are mostly my problems, not the world's.
You seem to think that "the world's problems" are something "out there", "something outside of you." As if you weren't part of the world.
Unless you are in fact unique, your problems are in some essential way similar to the problems of other people in this world and are part of them.

I quoted it. And objected to it. Men hating women is a very large and significant problem underlying rape (and a host of other dysfunctional behaviors), and there is no reason it should not be addressed with considerable focused effort.
You missed the central part.
Violence of men against women is a subset of violence of humans against humans. I posit that violence of humans against humans is due to the belief that happiness or satisfaction in life is to be sought in various material pursuits and the fact that we live in a universe with limited resources.
As long as we don't address the bigger context of violence as such, which is violence of humans against humans, we cannot hope to meaningfully deal with any of the subsets of this violence, ie. theft, robbery, rape, assault, murder etc.
mtf said:
Explain why not.
Already done. Because in a comparison between those who have identified and described a moral wrong and the active agents of it, and those who deny, justify, conceal, or perpetrate it, the latter occupy lower moral ground - regardless of whether any of them have any idea how to prevent the perpetration of it.
mtf said:
You seem to think that "the world's problems" are something "out there", "something outside of you."
Why yes, being a native speaker of English that is what I think. Hence the term "world's" problems. I am assuming, in that, that there is an outside or not-me world, and that it is an entity capable of "having problems", of course - that the entity I identify as "myself" is not the entirety of the moral universe, in other words. That other people different from myself exist in some way equivalent to my own existence, to be specific.
mtf said:
I posit that violence of humans against humans is due to the belief that happiness or satisfaction in life is to be sought in various material pursuits and the fact that we live in a universe with limited resources
And I regard that as an error. Specifically here, I do not regard sexual desire as a material pursuit, for example, or hatred and abuse engendered by its frustrations as an unavoidable consequence of seeking happiness in life. Furthermore, I do not think that engaging in material pursuits in the delusion that one obtains happiness or satisfaction thereby necessarily leads to dishonorable and self-deluded abuse of women in the public streets.
mtf said:
As long as we don't address the bigger context of violence as such, which is violence of humans against humans, we cannot hope to meaningfully deal with any of the subsets of this violence, ie. theft, robbery, rape, assault, murder etc
I think the opposite - as long as one fails to address the actual manifestations of violence one has little hope of acquiring influence or leverage over the abstract context, and in addition are likely to misunderstand it by misclassifying the various manifestations, and fool yourself. You also delay, and unduly prolong suffering in physical reality, by failing to direct your efforts to where they can be effective.
Already done. Because in a comparison between those who have identified and described a moral wrong and the active agents of it, and those who deny, justify, conceal, or perpetrate it, the latter occupy lower moral ground - regardless of whether any of them have any idea how to prevent the perpetration of it.
I'm not starting from that comparison.
I'm comparing people who only claim to have a solution to a problem to those people who in fact have solved a problem.

Why yes, being a native speaker of English that is what I think. Hence the term "world's" problems. I am assuming, in that, that there is an outside or not-me world, and that it is an entity capable of "having problems", of course - that the entity I identify as "myself" is not the entirety of the moral universe, in other words. That other people different from myself exist in some way equivalent to my own existence, to be specific.
Like I said, your problems are not unique and are part of the problems of the world.

And I regard that as an error. Specifically here, I do not regard sexual desire as a material pursuit, for example, or hatred and abuse engendered by its frustrations as an unavoidable consequence of seeking happiness in life. Furthermore, I do not think that engaging in material pursuits in the delusion that one obtains happiness or satisfaction thereby necessarily leads to dishonorable and self-deluded abuse of women in the public streets.
The key terms here are necessarily and unavoidable: Material pursuits often don't lead to problems as long as resources abound. When resources are scarce, such pursuits do lead to problems eventually. (By resources I mean anything from food to potential mates.) The fact is that resources are scarce, so it's just a matter of time before people trying to obtain those resources get into a fight over them.

I think the opposite - as long as one fails to address the actual manifestations of violence one has little hope of acquiring influence or leverage over the abstract context, and in addition are likely to misunderstand it by misclassifying the various manifestations, and fool yourself. You also delay, and unduly prolong suffering in physical reality, by failing to direct your efforts to where they can be effective.
As noted, the feminist efforts to stop rape and rape threats so far have not brought about the desired results, or at least there is no evidence of the efficacy of their methods.

Dealing with subsets of violence without regard for the bigger context of violence as such is like cleaning the deck on a sinking ship. If one has given up on saving the ship, then cleaning the deck (even as the ship is sinking) may make sense, sure.

I think the opposite - as long as one fails to address the actual manifestations of violence one has little hope of acquiring influence or leverage over the abstract context, and in addition are likely to misunderstand it by misclassifying the various manifestations, and fool yourself. You also delay, and unduly prolong suffering in physical reality, by failing to direct your efforts to where they can be effective.
It's not clear how this is the case.
And politically kind of dumb: you intend to force women to make a choice between a police state or continual harassment and threats from you? Smooth move.

First, I do no longer care about political choices at all. I have understood that democracy always tends toward more state power and will always end in a police state. So that there is no real choice. I have, in my youth, some different ideas, in relation with the sexual liberation around 1968. But this was a childish illusion. The remains of 1968 are today the most radical proponents of the police state, and I have learned this lecture.

So my postings are anyway addressed only toward a small minority, irrelevant in any democratic election. That of intelligent, reasonable people, who care about arguments, who are ready to think about long term and side effects of ideas.

Now, about the content: A protection of women from some forms of violence is certainly possible, and not only possible, but will be given in any civilized society, and an anarchistic society which would not give it would simply not be viable. On the other hand, a society which forbids contact between strangers, or makes it extremely dangerous, would not be viable too.

But any society which allows some safe contacts between strangers has, necessarily, to allow also some contacts which are not wanted by at least one participant. For the simple reason that before starting the conversation I cannot know if it is welcome.

(Ok, not exactly. One can enforce people to give some information about this question. This is, in fact, the usual way civilized societies solve this problem - with dress codes. Roughly, a women which is "dressed decently" according to the local culture, is assumed not to want to have any communication with other males. But this solution seems one which the left is uncomfortable with.)

So you cannot have a complete satisfaction provided by the police. What you can have is only some basic security. But some discomfort caused by unsuccessful conversations cannot be avoided. For the simple reason that clear rules of what is legal speech and what is forbidden speech do not solve the problem. To understand that they cannot solve the problem is nothing I would think more than 20% are able to understand, sorry. But this does not change the fact that such rules cannot solve the problem.
Terroristic threats, false warnings of danger, slander and lies, talking really loudly and disturbing the peace, harassing phone calls, all illegal, no problem.
The point being? As if I would claim that it is impossible to make laws which do not solve the problems they are claimed to solve.
mtf said:
Why don't you read what I said?

As long as people believe that happiness or satisfaction in life is to be sought in various material pursuits and as long as we live in a universe with limited resources, this long will there also eventually be theft, lying, robbery, assault, rape, murder.

You say that like it means something.

• • •​

DaveC426913 said:
I am not lumping street harrassment under public interaction - you are lumping public interaction under street harrasment.

Okay, then. We have our answer.
schmelzer said:
First, I do no longer care about political choices at all. I have understood that democracy always tends toward more state power and will always end in a police state.
It seems to be taking quite a while. Hundreds of years and counting, in the earlier democracies, and at frequent intervals trends away from police state status.
schmelzer said:
But any society which allows some safe contacts between strangers has, necessarily, to allow also some contacts which are not wanted by at least one participant. For the simple reason that before starting the conversation I cannot know if it is welcome.
We don't need perfection. We need reasonable enjoyment of the public space by the public. If you are unable to make reasonable assessments of circumstances and so forth, to guide you in your accosting of strangers, so that you are continually giving offense and making threats, you had best not do it.
schmelzer said:
(Ok, not exactly. One can enforce people to give some information about this question. This is, in fact, the usual way civilized societies solve this problem - with dress codes. Roughly, a women which is "dressed decently" according to the local culture, is assumed not to want to have any communication with other males.
Not on this planet.
schmelzer said:
So you cannot have a complete satisfaction provided by the police. What you can have is only some basic security. But some discomfort caused by unsuccessful conversations cannot be avoided
Of course. But we were talking about curbing continual and and unavoidable and unapologetic street harassment and abuse and threatening of women, a consistent and overriding pattern, not the occasional awkward faux pas. What we hope to establish is basic security, such as you propose.
It seems to be taking quite a while. Hundreds of years and counting, in the earlier democracies, and at frequent intervals trends away from police state status.
If there is a good starting point, with extreme decentralization, if may, indeed, take a while.
We don't need perfection. We need reasonable enjoyment of the public space by the public.
Fine. In this case, it would be better to leave the reasonable enjoyment untouched.
If you are unable to make reasonable assessments of circumstances and so forth, to guide you in your accosting of strangers, so that you are continually giving offense and making threats, you had best not do it.
You can be sure that I will never ask anybody anything in the USA. Because I will not even visit to this police state.
schmelzer said:
If there is a good starting point, with extreme decentralization, if may, indeed, take a while.
Even longer, in that most of the democracies at issue (small and large, centralized and not,) appear to have moved in the opposite direction over time.
schmelzer said:
Fine. In this case, it would be better to leave the reasonable enjoyment untouched.
The women wish to share in it. They are, after all, half the population. But that requires significant changes to be made.
schmelzer said:
You can be sure that I will never ask anybody anything in the USA. Because I will not even visit to this police state.
Nor will you bother to learn anything about the place, apparently. Police state? It is a growing threat, truly, Trump at the head. But not here yet, or much in evidence.
Nor will you bother to learn anything about the place, apparently. Police state? It is a growing threat, truly, Trump at the head. But not here yet, or much in evidence.
Part of the problem in this discussion is that participants come from different countries, different cultures, and so have very different backgrounds in how public discourse works.
It's not clear that the way some women's rights activists are going about this is actually reducing the number of rapes and rape threats.

It's not clear whether slogans like this
actually lead to a decrease in violence against women.
Do you think it is up to women to stop men raping?

Do you think it is up to women's rights activists to stop men from raping women?

You should have an answer to that question.

You don't have the moral highground if you can't actually solve the world's problems.
Firstly, I spent a large portion of my life prosecuting rapists and child abusers.

Secondly, to solve the issue of men's attitudes to women, which encompass misogyny and sexism, starts in the home. If men are sexist and/or misogynists, then they teach their children that. It is up to society to demand that men (and women for that matter) not rape.

If we want to see the end of sexual harassment and street harassment, rape, domestic violence, the onus must not be placed on the victim and potential victim, in this instance, on women, to not be harassed, abused, raped.

It never ceases to amaze me when I see individuals, such as yourself, place the onus on women to end or reduce rape, sexual harassment or abuse. That's not on us. Do you understand what I am saying here?

The onus must be placed on the perpetrators to not sexually harass, abuse, rape, etc. Not on the victims to stop or prevent such abuse and crimes from taking place.

You have mentioned this a few times now, as though you expect feminists to stop or prevent rapes. To wit, you are placing the onus on the victims and potential victims of this sort of abuse to somehow stop or prevent it. That's not on us. That falls on you and other males to not commit such abuses and violent acts.

Most importantly, men, from a very young age, have to be taught to respect women as equals and to not rape and abuse women. In other words, boys have to be taught to not hate their female counterparts because they are female. Kenya have started a rape prevention program that predominately targets boys in high school, as well as teaching girls self defense classes, boys are taught about rape and not to rape.. With huge success and a fairly large drop in rapes, not to mention boys who went through the program were more likely to intervene and stop a rape or sexual assault and sexual harassment and street harassment numbers dropped for the groups of boys who went through this program. They are planning on making this program compulsory for high school children, with the focus being placed on boys to not rape, sexually harass and sexually assault women and to prevent violence against women.

A similar program in Vancouver, targeting educating men to not rape has also been widely successful. Most importantly, these programs place the onus on the boy/man to not rape and sexually assault women. Studies have also shown just how well these programs work.

To sum it up, it's not on feminists to stop rape and sexual harassment and assaults. It's on men to not do it and the best way to do that is to educate boys and men to not do it. These programs work to change the attitude towards women and girls.

I don't question your goals, but I question the efficacy of the methods with which you propose to attain those goals.

As long as people believe that happiness or satisfaction in life is to be sought in various material pursuits and as long as we live in a universe with limited resources, this long will there also eventually be theft, lying, robbery, assault, rape, murder.
IOW, the problem underlying rape is much bigger than just "men hating women."
And yet, these programs work.

It's about shifting the attitude that exists within society which views women as being property and objects for the taking.

Studies have found that focusing on men's attitude to women allowed men to understand the issue from the viewpoint of the victim or potential victim. To great success.
Do you think it is up to women to stop men raping?
Do you think it is up to women's rights activists to stop men from raping women?
Wrong questions, false dilemmas.

It never ceases to amaze me when I see individuals, such as yourself, place the onus on women to end or reduce rape, sexual harassment or abuse. That's not on us. Do you understand what I am saying here?
I am not amazed that some people, such as yourself, are so adamant in their hostile attribution bias.

Treating people like they're idiots really isn't helping you.

You have mentioned this a few times now, as though you expect feminists to stop or prevent rapes.
I expect that the methods that the people in charge propose should be effective.

And yet, these programs work.
Great then if they work. The question is, to what extent, for how long.
Sometimes, the direct approach (such as "Don't be violent to women!") only seems to exacerbate things.

Studies have found that focusing on men's attitude to women allowed men to understand the issue from the viewpoint of the victim or potential victim. To great success.
20% reduction isn't exactly great success.
I'd suggest you read the links. They provide you with the answers to the questions you have.

20% reduction is better than no reduction. And this was after just one year to test the program. It shows much more needs to be done, but frankly, starting earlier would probably see a bigger drop.

And consider that in Canada, for example, they are targeted at young males. Starting these programs for school aged children as part of their sex education program would be much more beneficial and should be ongoing throughout the school life of the child and there should also be work education programs as well that re-establish this and reaffirm this. The study in Canada found that men remembered this years later.

If we want rape prevention, then we need to target the potential rapist instead of the potential victims. So asking how feminists can stop rape is the wrong question. You should be asking the men and boys around you that question.
I'd suggest you read the links. They provide you with the answers to the questions you have.
Not all of them.

You said: "A lot of rape victims suffer and a lot commit suicide as a result. What could she have done? I don't know. I can't give you the answer to that question because I haven't found it yet."
I want to see an answer to that.
You want to see an answer to a question where there is no correct answer?

How can I put this simply for you, to further state the obvious....

Not every rape victim will respond or react the same way because everyone has different coping mechanisms and abilities. Nor will all rape victims recover the same way, some do not recover mentally from it at all in that they become so ill from it, that the only way out they see personally is to commit suicide.

In other words, we are all individuals, with different personalities, coping mechanisms and having suffered something very traumatic to say the least. To suggest or believe that there is a one size fits all cure or 'fixer-upper' indicates that perhaps you don't know many women?

To wit, there is no actual answer to the question of what could she have done. Because there isn't an answer to it.. pure and simple.

I kind of thought that was obvious.
We live to pay bills and die, don't we, Bells? This is all there is to life. That's your basic outlook, no matter how much you try to hide it. And this outlook is all you have to offer. That's why you can't answer that question, and instead constantly resort to your wild imaginings, ridicule and contempt.
We live to pay bills and die, don't we, Bells? This is all there is to life. That's your basic outlook, no matter how much you try to hide it. And this outlook is all you have to offer. That's why you can't answer that question, and instead constantly resort to your wild imaginings, ridicule and contempt.
That's a fucked up way to avoid answering the question, especially from someone who has a half-assed understanding of biology who claims that all we're here to do is pursue biological imperatives.
That's a fucked up way to avoid answering the question, especially from someone who has a half-assed understanding of biology who claims that all we're here to do is pursue biological imperatives.
Apparently, you, too, cannot read and are adamant in your hostile attribution bias.
mtf said:
I'm comparing people who only claim to have a solution to a problem to those people who in fact have solved a problem.
No, you aren't. Not on this thread. You were addressing, for example, a post by someone who explicitly denied having solved a problem, that denial being directly addressed by you. Also, there is no one here with a credible claim to having "solved" anything.

You were instead denying the possibility of higher moral ground to anyone who has not "solved" a problem they address. Here's the quote:
If they cannot offer a viable and actionable solution to a problem, then they do not have the moral highground
mtf said:
Like I said, your problems are not unique and are part of the problems of the world.
So? The world's problems include a great deal that is not among my problems. Hence the distinction.
mtf said:
I want to see an answer to that.
People in hell want ice water. There isn't any. Meanwhile, why not stay on topic and address the issues of the thread?
mtf said:
I want to see an answer to that.

One of the functional problems you're facing here is that nobody would wish you to seek the answer for yourself.

You're asking impossible questions; nobody can know what, specifically, would have made a difference.

But, you know, like everything else, it's all a woman's problem. The men who do these things? As I hear it from some of my brothers, they're just being men.

Doesn't sound right to me, but hey, I'm queer.

(I would love to say it's the one part of passing I never got the hang of, because, really, I never did. But neither is it the one part. Honestly, you hetero boys are fucked up. Seriously, no wonder y'all are so confused.)

(Sad thing is, you're doing it to yourselves.)