Degrees of Misogyny

Either way, the husband will be an asshole. Why do you want people to be assholes to women on the street and their own wives? This is why you are so easily identifiable as a bigot.

Except that the whistling teaches that women are merely objects to be judged by attractiveness. As you are demonstrating.

As they should.

This was a hypothetical experiment to determine how women view men whistling at women. The idea was to see if this is all about hate so hate crime is rational.

The wife may feel anger; disrespect, if her husband did this to another woman. However, she will feel flattered and loves, if her husband does to his her; his wife.

The law wants even the wife to get mad at her husband, if her husband flatters her with a whistle since hate will now be PC. Is the goal is further break up the family? Who benefits by broken families besides the welfare industries?
The wife may feel anger; disrespect, if her husband did this to another woman. However, she will feel flattered and loves, if her husband does to his her; his wife.
Maybe. Why don't you ask her?

It certainly makes sense for someone in a relationship with someone else to comment on their attractiveness. But a stranger on the street? Do you think that every man has relationship rights over every woman?

The law wants even the wife to get mad at her husband, if her husband flatters her with a whistle since hate will now be PC. Is the goal is further break up the family? Who benefits by broken families besides the welfare industries?
Who thinks that law about what happens on the street will be used in the home?

Own up, you're really mad because the law in most countries now recognizes marital rape.
Maybe. Why don't you ask her?

It certainly makes sense for someone in a relationship with someone else to comment on their attractiveness. But a stranger on the street? Do you think that every man has relationship rights over every woman?

Who thinks that law about what happens on the street will be used in the home?

Own up, you're really mad because the law in most countries now recognizes marital rape.

When male birds sing, they send out a message which can be heard by all suitable and unsuitable mates. Cat calling has precedence in nature.

Human men and women are not born in a prefab relationship. These have to start these from scratch, which can be awkward for some. There are certain signals each sends, to test the waters and attract the other. Women tend to use visual cues, which is why they spend so much on fashion, hair and nails and practice body language. Men tend to use audio cues; opening lines and lines of bull, and will offer merchandise. If is it not suitable for men to whistle to all women; global male mating call, is it suitable for women to dress sexy, in public; since this will also create a global mating signal that can be unwelcome to some men and women; wives.

As another experiment we will have our man and his wife walk down the road. This time a sexy women, dressed with provocative clothes, that are street legal, will walk close to them. What will happen if the guy guardedly looks at her, since he is afraid to bump her, or his wife even thinks he is looking? Is the sexy dress, hate dress, since her dress has the potential to create problems for people who do not wish to be provoked?

Should sexy dress be a hate crime, if it leads to an unwelcome provocation? The answer is no, since we expect more from the men, then we do from the women, because PC looks down on women as unable to cope. I am arguing that women are as strong as men and can cope if PC would stop treating women like they are the weaker sex who can't cope with global mating calls.
When male birds sing, they send out a message which can be heard by all suitable and unsuitable mates. Cat calling has precedence in nature.
Tell me, wellwisher, do you harass women on the street under the guise that it is your mating call?

Human men and women are not born in a prefab relationship. These have to start these from scratch, which can be awkward for some.
And harassing women is a 'start' is it?

There are certain signals each sends, to test the waters and attract the other.
And you think sexual harassment is a signal?

Women tend to use visual cues, which is why they spend so much on fashion, hair and nails and practice body language.
One day, you might come to realise that women dress for themselves and other women for the most part.

That said, you seem to have a very old fashion view of women in general. Do you know many? Or any?

Men tend to use audio cues; opening lines and lines of bull, and will offer merchandise.
Are you suggesting that a man who is sexually harassing a woman because of how her boobs look in a top is using an audio cue?

And merchandise? Lovely. Is this how you approach women, wellwisher?

If is it not suitable for men to whistle to all women; global male mating call, is it suitable for women to dress sexy, in public; since this will also create a global mating signal that can be unwelcome to some men and women; wives.
Interesting. Didn't you just say that men use audio cues instead of visual cues? Oh wait, this is your attempt to justify sexual harassment as a form of mating call..

Strange as it may seem, women dress for themselves and wear what they want to wear.

If men are unable to not sexually harass women and strangers, that is solely on them and not women.

It isn't about being a mating call. It is about respecting other people. I know, it's hard to imagine that women deserve respect and deserve to not be sexually harassed, and that men like you seem to believe that they are justified in foisting their "merchandise" on unsuspecting women without their consent and expecting them to like it, but we are supposed to be a civilised. Have manners. Strange concept for you, I know, but do try.

As another experiment we will have our man and his wife walk down the road. This time a sexy women, dressed with provocative clothes, that are street legal, will walk close to them. What will happen if the guy guardedly looks at her, since he is afraid to bump her, or his wife even thinks he is looking? Is the sexy dress, hate dress, since her dress has the potential to create problems for people who do not wish to be provoked?
Or how about he just walks down the street with his wife and not sexually harass women passing by, regardless of what they are wearing?

Or is that too hard for you to imagine or consider?

Should sexy dress be a hate crime, if it leads to an unwelcome provocation?
It's a dress. Women are sexually harassed on the street regardless of what they are wearing. You do get that, yes? Blaming the dress instead of the men who take it upon themselves to foist themselves on women because they believe they are entitled to these women's bodies shows a deep level of misogyny and frankly, psychosis on your part.

Please seek help.

The answer is no, since we expect more from the men, then we do from the women, because PC looks down on women as unable to cope.
Actually, society expects that women should be able to walk down the street without being sexually harassed. Full stop.

Understand now?

I am arguing that women are as strong as men and can cope if PC would stop treating women like they are the weaker sex who can't cope with global mating calls.
Okay, I'm going to come right out and say it, but your global mating call excuse for sexual harassment is bloody stupid. It is obscenely stupid.

Your expectation that women should simply expect and put up with sexual harassment, misogyny or even sexual assault because you believe that such behaviour from men is simply their mating call or mating strategy indicates to me that you probably pose a risk and danger to any woman in your near vicinity. Please, for the love of all that is holy, seek help.
When male birds sing, they send out a message which can be heard by all suitable and unsuitable mates. Cat calling has precedence in nature.
Did your mother chew up food in her mouth and spit it into your mouth? Maybe you should give your head a shake before you look to other animals for behavioral guidelines.

Human men and women are not born in a prefab relationship. These have to start these from scratch, which can be awkward for some.
So, you think that the role of every woman on the street is to be a potential mate for any man on the street. Your attitude is the problem.
Did your mother chew up food in her mouth and spit it into your mouth? Maybe you should give your head a shake before you look to other animals for behavioral guidelines.
Don't forget things like scenting and nest building by many male animals.

Or show of strength and fighting off other males and potential suitors.

I don't want to imagine wellwisher copping a squat and scenting lightpoles and hydrants on the street in his bid to attract a mate, but the head shaking made me chortle. Could actually be a good strategy to ensure women give him a wide berth.
Did your mother chew up food in her mouth and spit it into your mouth? Maybe you should give your head a shake before you look to other animals for behavioral
It might be preferable to pretending that we are not animals and share many behaviours with them. And I'm pretty certain that in some cultures human mother do exactly that. By all means attack wellwisher's arguments, but try to get those attacks accurate rather than fact free.
It might be preferable to pretending that we are not animals and share many behaviours with them. And I'm pretty certain that in some cultures human mother do exactly that. By all means attack wellwisher's arguments, but try to get those attacks accurate rather than fact free.

Merely noting that we are animals does little to help any position. It is not fucking likely that anyone here had a parent chew their food for them. This is fucking relevant because so much of human life is controlled by the content of human society, not by some mythical biological imperative.

Merely noting that we are animals does little to help any position. It is not fucking likely that anyone here had a parent chew their food for them. This is fucking relevant because so much of human life is controlled by the content of human society, not by some mythical biological imperative.
Indeed, WTF.

Your statement implied that no human mothers do that. Else must we take it that all your observations relate only to individuals who post on this forum. So, yes, WTF. If you wish to mount an attack - on anything - then please use some logic and some facts.

If you seriously thing our biological drives are mythical, I'll say WTF and mark you down as a closet creationist. At least you've finally come out.
When male birds sing, they send out a message which can be heard by all suitable and unsuitable mates. Cat calling has precedence in nature.
So does rape, murder, war and genocide. That is not a good argument that those things are OK.

There are certain signals each sends, to test the waters and attract the other. Women tend to use visual cues, which is why they spend so much on fashion, hair and nails and practice body language. Men tend to use audio cues; opening lines and lines of bull, and will offer merchandise. If is it not suitable for men to whistle to all women; global male mating call, is it suitable for women to dress sexy, in public; since this will also create a global mating signal that can be unwelcome to some men and women; wives.
Some women use visual cues. Some men use visual cues. Some women use audio cues. Some men use audio cues.

None of the above makes it OK to not back off when asked to.
As another experiment we will have our man and his wife walk down the road. This time a sexy women, dressed with provocative clothes, that are street legal, will walk close to them. What will happen if the guy guardedly looks at her, since he is afraid to bump her, or his wife even thinks he is looking? Is the sexy dress, hate dress, since her dress has the potential to create problems for people who do not wish to be provoked?
Nope. Neither is the guy's fancy expensive Italian suit (intended to create desire in women of his money and power) or his expensive car (used to advertise his financial success.)

If in the scenario you mention the man (or woman) looks at the sexy-dressed woman and it's a problem for the other person, then they, not the woman in the sexy clothes, has the problem.
Should sexy dress be a hate crime, if it leads to an unwelcome provocation? The answer is no
since we expect more from the men, then we do from the women
Incorrect. We expect the same from both. See examples above.
, because PC looks down on women as unable to cope. I am arguing that women are as strong as men and can cope if PC would stop treating women like they are the weaker sex who can't cope with global mating calls.
Do not project your own problems onto other people.
Yeah, Actually You Are Anti-Woman, Wellwisher

Now that is an awkward scene. Click for something else, like, to be wanted.

Wellwisher said:
I am not anti-woman, but rather I am anti-confusion, using language games and miscues. If you call whistling, hate, when the guy is thinking attraction, the men and women don't see each other. Who teaches and benefits by confusion and division?

See, you're still judging the act according to the will of the one who undertakes it.

To wit, tell a woman to smile because she's prettier.

Okay, now, what if she's a professional grief counselor just out of session?

What's that? Lighten up? Can't a guy just ...?


He's presuming that her presence is an indicator that she wishes to be hit on. And if she tries to make this point to men, so that they understand, other men threaten to rape her. This keeps happening.

The stakes here are mortal, Wellwisher, yet women don't really have much of a say in their own lives and experiences, by your telling.

Why should a woman need to write a goddamn article in order to explain to men that the sight of her reading a book does not constitute an invitation to come flirt? Because apparently enough men think there is nothing disrespectful about disrupting a woman's life for the sake of his personal benefit.

No. Men do not get to define women that way.

You are anti-woman: Women are insufficient, by your argument, to speak for themselves.

You need them to be weak, stupid victims so that you can justify your godawful pretense of teaching women.

They're telling us what the problem is. Get your head out and start paying attention.
If you seriously thing our biological drives are mythical, I'll say WTF and mark you down as a closet creationist. At least you've finally come out.
Did I say that all biological drives are mythical? No. But a shit ton of them are.

Do I think less of you for defending misogyny? Yes.
It might be preferable to pretending that we are not animals and share many behaviours with them.
Just to clear up any confusion..

Are you agreeing with wellwisher in regards to his claims catcalling is a male mating call for Homo sapiens?

Do we share catcalling as a behaviour with other animals? Do other animals scream out obscenities or tell passing females to smile and look pretty for them like some human males do?

How do you think human male catcalling is faring, on the evolutionary front that is?

Has there been a time where modern human females were more attracted to the loudest and most vulgar male who catcalled them? What science has found is that women feel negative emotions when catcalled. To wit, having men sexually harass us is not getting our loins excited and making us want to mate with them. Quite the opposite in fact. Not to mention wellwisher's horrendous contradiction in declaring that women are more visual, and therefore, will respond to the "global male mating call" that is the catcall and street sexual harassment because that's just how men get their junk out there and show it all off. Apparently wellwisher has an issue in understanding what visual actually means.

When you say that "it might be preferable to pretending that we are not animals and share many behaviours with them", catcalling is not beneficial. And tests have found that in some Howler monkeys who "catcall", as we see it, they have smaller testicles and thus, produce less sperm. I wonder how well this would correlate with human males, seeing that women usually tend to view men who sexually harass them in that way are often over-compensating for 'something' to begin with...

And let's just be honest here, men who are catcalling women are not doing it to get sex.

Look, what I am trying to say is that how you are wording your argument at this time has the appearance that you are agreeing with wellwisher in regards to catcalling and animal behaviours in general, when it comes to women.

And I'm pretty certain that in some cultures human mother do exactly that. By all means attack wellwisher's arguments, but try to get those attacks accurate rather than fact free.
He never said any differently.

He asked wellwisher if his mother in particular practiced premastication after wellwisher tried to excuse sexual harassment as being acceptable because male birds have particular calls during mating season while trying to argue that catcalling is the human male equivalent "global mating call"..

By all means attack wellwisher's arguments, but try to get those attacks accurate rather than fact free.
I think you need to go back and read what PhysBang actually said and what he was responding to.

Indeed, WTF.

Your statement implied that no human mothers do that.
No, he actually did not.

He was asking wellwisher if he thought that males sexually harassing women was just, and to quote Wellwisher here, "When male birds sing, they send out a message which can be heard by all suitable and unsuitable mates. Cat calling has precedence in nature.", that if he believed that was the case, then if his mother fed him like a bird did and whether his mating ritual resembled that of a bird... In other words, wellwisher's argument in his attempt to excuse and applaud sexual harassment is downright stupid. Of course we share many characteristics with other animals, but we have also evolved enough to know that certain behaviours and actions by humans are detrimental and harmful to others (within the human species) and that includes sexual harassment. So I think you are being quite unfair to PhysBang.

Else must we take it that all your observations relate only to individuals who post on this forum. So, yes, WTF. If you wish to mount an attack - on anything - then please use some logic and some facts.
I would suggest you take your own advice in that regard.

PhysBang was quite specific in how he responded to Wellwisher. I think ignoring that and making generalisations about what he said is falling into the same ridiculous generalisations that wellwisher made to excuse sexual harassment and misogyny. Wellwisher's argument would also excuse rape and murder. Because animals do it too. Does that mean that in responding to such ridiculous generalisations that we should not define human behaviour, or in this case, apply wellwisher's arguments to himself? After all, if birds sing to send out a message to be heard by suitable mates who might be attracted to said birdsong, does that mean that he could also say that some species of animals have sex with unwilling females to excuse rape? Birds might sing to attract potential mates, it does not mean that human males should get to sexually harass women because 'birds do it'.. And the reason human males should not do it is because it is detrimental to the human female. Understand the distinction? Wellwisher completely ignores the woman's feelings or response to justify sexual harassment. Frankly, I thought PhysBang's response was very justified. If he thinks that birds sing to attract mates excuses human male sexual harassment, then it is pertinent if his mother premasticated and regurgitated his food into his mouth and if he also exhibits other similar mating patterns and behaviours of birds. In no way does PhysBang's question to wellwisher suggest that human women do not practice premastication. Far from it.

If you seriously thing our biological drives are mythical, I'll say WTF and mark you down as a closet creationist. At least you've finally come out.
That is actually quite offensive and rude.

And frankly, it reads like you are suggesting that sexually harassing women on the street is biologically driven. We know, in fact, many studies have shown that sexually harassing women is quite detrimental to the woman and women who observe it. And it is unlikely to result in the man doing the sexual harassment mating with that particular woman (unless of course he rapes her). So in that regard, wellwisher's comparison is mythical, because it is downright false and simply an excuse for men to sexually harass women.
Did I say that all biological drives are mythical? No. But a shit ton of them are.

Do I think less of you for defending misogyny? Yes.
Please indicate where in my post I am defending misogyny. I am attacking sloppy thinking and third rate argumentation. I am not clear why your standards should fall in this particular thread, but a thoughtful person might thank the individual who pointed out their errors.
And frankly, it reads like you are suggesting that sexually harassing women on the street is biologically driven. We know, in fact, many studies have shown that sexually harassing women is quite detrimental to the woman and women who observe it. And it is unlikely to result in the man doing the sexual harassment mating with that particular woman (unless of course he rapes her). So in that regard, wellwisher's comparison is mythical, because it is downright false and simply an excuse for men to sexually harass women.
Were a bored, yet intelligent individual, with excellent reading skills and an analytical mind choose to examine the approximately 30,000 posts I have made on a variety of forums over a period of more than a decade, they might observe the following: I will attack the content of a post regardless of the author. I will not, as is evident on this thread from others, defend a sub-standard argument because its aim is coincides with my thoughts, nor will I attack a properly structured argument, simply because its conclusion is at odds with my own.

You are free to form any conclusions you wish from this. Based upon past experience you probably shall.
If you go to many Arabic countries, the women are not allowed to dress in normal global clothing, never mind sexy clothing, in public. They need to be covered from head to toe. This is their Arab version of PC, but from the POV of the threatened male. This is due to the male feeling threatened by the female cat call; sexy clothes. It seems silly and hostile to outsider. The western PC is trying to do the mirror image of this; threatened female.

Based on the comments by many people, if anyone does not comply to PC thinking they somehow hate women. There is no middle ground. This is not rational but is a tactic to prevent any rational arguments from being discussed. In a parallel universe if anyone complains about the women having to be covered in Arab countries, does that make you are haters of men? This follows logically. Both are based on conditioning, since both PC choices are not universal to all cultures.

One of the main problems is connected to liberalism. Liberalism has created social problems and then tries to solve these new problems in ways that create even more problems. In the 1960's men had a lot more respect for women. Women were very safe and placed on a pedestal. The women may not have had all the opportunities, but they were safe and respected.

One was taught that the women and children get to survive on the life rafts, while the men stay behind with the sinking ship and need to find a way to survive. Liberalism changed that to some women have to stay behind; scapegoats, while some men get to sneak on board the life boats, with the women and children; no character. This has created a new social problems, with the same people who created the first problem, thinking they can solve the new problems. The odds are even newer problems will arise. I am not going to make it easy for the irrational to make things worse.

Culture needs to do a system restore to a place in time when things were safer. This was not done by law, but by character. Law is what caused the problem. The choices of old were done by choice and not law.
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Please indicate where in my post I am defending misogyny. I am attacking sloppy thinking and third rate argumentation. I am not clear why your standards should fall in this particular thread, but a thoughtful person might thank the individual who pointed out their errors.
Except that here you are, pointing out something that is not an error, in order to give succor to a misogynist.
bells said:
And frankly, it reads like you are suggesting that sexually harassing women on the street is biologically driven. We know, in fact, many studies have shown that sexually harassing women is quite detrimental to the woman and women who observe it. And it is unlikely to result in the man doing the sexual harassment mating with that particular woman (unless of course he rapes her).
It's quite likely that biological imperatives underly (at some level) such nearly ubiquitous cultural behaviors as men in large cities harassing women on the street, just as they do the common practice of mothers chewing food for their weaning children (an interesting sidelight into a largely uninvestigated factor in modern Western gut microbial communities, their influence on various developmental issues in young children, etc). The fact that these harassments are offensive to most of the Western women subjected to them is only one factor - there is also the role of relative status of the "men" among each other and as perceived by the women, the relative prospects of mating success in various circumstances, the development of such necessary traits as persistance, all manner of considerations.

A discussion of the better and worse ways to handle, culturally, the common biology of human beings is less useful if it ignores or denies them from the gitgo.