Dear Believers, prove your god or gods is/aren't just fiction(s).

Good God! This is a righteous man to believers: Lot offered his (certified virgin) daughters to the mob if they would leave the angels sent down to Heaven alone. Very classy, Yahweh, very classy.
Lot didn't want to get on God's bad side even if there was nothing much he could do to defend TWO DIVINE BEINGS.

Seriously, you haven't read that bullshit?
Why would you blame God for Lot offering his daughters instead of the angels? Incidentally, what happened to his daughters?
Why would God send two angels to walk the streets of Sodom? Why not straight into his man cave? Lot was showing how righteous he was by giving up a few unimportant females to protect God's Emissaries.

See how stupid this book is?
Most preaching is. What is a preacher, other than a person who tells you you are going to hell, with lots of references from the Bible to back it up?
When my bible thumping cousins go on a biblical quote binge I just tune out. Nobody tries to confirm any of them, they're no more likely to actually read the thing than I am.
Why would God send two angels to walk the streets of Sodom? Why not straight into his man cave? Lot was showing how righteous he was by giving up a few unimportant females to protect God's Emissaries.

See how stupid this book is?
No. Your thinking is wrong.

We'll agree to disagree.

Did you used to be a theist?
Whoa... that's new to me;;; so how is it determined who gets the god gene.???
Good point. If free will exists in the realm of this universe, then I think it's random, or maybe runs in your family. It acts like any other gene.

I don't think belief in God makes you any different from a non believer.
Most preaching is. What is a preacher, other than a person who tells you you are going to hell, with lots of references from the Bible to back it up?
Do you honestly think I'm preaching because I made a statement which is in line with the Christian religion when discussing within a Christian context?

I'm not here to warn or save anyone(that's a different thread).
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You don't find the absurdity of the religious position distasteful?
Whether or not I do, I like to think we can keep things civil. Taking the high road as it were. Pretty hard to give Dave and Trek et al a hard time if we're just as bad. There's a line between harsh criticism of a concept and straight up mockery.

Note: If anyone thinks I'm trying to moderate: well, yes. In the past, in other threads, when reporting bad-faith behaviour, the response I've gotten has been 'This sounds like something that can be resolved in-thread'. The site philosophy is that we are all adults and presumably comport ourselves so as to self-moderate. So yes, I'm calling on all of us to self-moderate.