Dealing with criminal gangs

Oh please, some people are quite obviously members of gangs.
We don't risk any rights empowering the police. We never had a right to privacy and "privacy" on public property is nonexistent.

Trust me, if I could arrest them and pick them off myself I would, but I do not trust giving that kind of power to the police across the states. It will make it too easy for them to just label anyone they want as a gang member.

Except those are immoral and wrong.
Mainly prostitution, not so much drugs.

Well that's one way gangs are able to maintain themselves.

Policemen, just like gangsters, are people capable of breaking the law. You cannot empower one and expect to banish the other.

The only way to get rid of gangs is to prevent people from joining them.
Or we could form a vigilante group to fight the criminal gangs, perhaps funded by prostitution, protection and drug selling.
Ophiolite said:
Consider yourself tagged
Never been a criminal
But you say this:
Luckily, advances in psychology will enable us to detect potential criminals early on and then we can tag them/execute them to protect the greater good.
I have determined,, using sound psychologicall techniques, that you are a potential criminal. For the good of society you must be eliminated. Please take care of this matter immediately.
The only way to get rid of gangs is to prevent people from joining them.

That means creating an environment where there is

1. less single mothers barely surviving
2. job opportunity for minorities
3. less family violence
4. less child abuse
5. less jail time, more rehabilitation

"Do the crime, do the time" has serious is super high divorce rates....
That means creating an environment where there is

1. less single mothers barely surviving
2. job opportunity for minorities
3. less family violence
4. less child abuse
5. less jail time, more rehabilitation

"Do the crime, do the time" has serious is super high divorce rates....

I never said it would be easy...
But you say this:
I have determined,, using sound psychologicall techniques, that you are a potential criminal. For the good of society you must be eliminated. Please take care of this matter immediately.

Why? I'm being serious here. There is a such thing called criminal psychology, and if we understand the criminal mind and what leads to it, we can hopefully prevent it.
And I am being serious. Your posts show a definite pathology that could easily lead to criminal activity. I'm supporting your argument. Dangerous people should be identified. I've identified you. Do the honourable thing and submit.
Anyone mention yet that gangs are a black problem, and most of America doesn't really care about black people?
Anyone mention yet that gangs are a black problem, and most of America doesn't really care about black people?

Not quite... In Utah, Idaho they are white....In Columbus, white gangs stake out the rich neighborhoods and burglarize as they blend in....
you're a sick fuck Norse. I read the whole thread and not once did you convince me or even come close. Proposing such radical theories should be a crime and you should be given the death sentence.
you're a sick fuck Norse. I read the whole thread and not once did you convince me or even come close. Proposing such radical theories should be a crime and you should be given the death sentence.

You turn into what you fight..

I've given up responding to his posts in an intelligent manner.
How hard could it possibly be? I look at the pathetic efforts of police, and I am truly appalled by their utter failure.

Look, I respect the police and what they do, and I'm not blaming them. Do you know who's fault it is? It's our fault! We are unwilling to make sacrifices even to stop crime!

The police are way underpowered and underfunded. How can you expect them to do their job right if they don't even have the authorization to do so?

Criminal gangs should be treated as terrorist organizations (if they aren't already), and the military should deal with them. We should organize manhunts and raids, and make joining gangs or being affiliated in any way with a gang member a capital offense. Anything to do with supporting gangs would be a capital offense.

Sacrifices for the greater good.

There's two core types of gangs Norse and each of them should be treated very differently.

There are violent adult gangs which take the form of hate groups, drug smugglers, arms dealers, religious cults, kidnappers, etc. I fully agree they should be treated like terrorists (more involving the military than police).

Then there are violent youth gangs and 100% of them are the result of poor parenting. Children are stupid and need their power + freedom controlled by their parents in accordance to their behavior. If parents fail and their child ends up arrested as a gang member then the child should be put into foster care and the parents given the option of a very hefty fine or a legally binding agreement not to reproduce for 10 years.
There's two core types of gangs Norse and each of them should be treated very differently.

There are violent adult gangs which take the form of hate groups, drug smugglers, arms dealers, religious cults, kidnappers, etc. I fully agree they should be treated like terrorists (more involving the military than police).
I agree as well. The problem is, all these stupid liberals aren't willing to make sacrifices! I'd sacrifice a few petty liberties for my own security and the order and peace that society will obtain.

We need to empower the police and give them the proper equipment; however, I am not blind. I understand that they might abuse their power, and therefore we should, of course, have systems to hold them accountable. Nonetheless, more police and better police can only benefit us. That is, unless you're a criminal. I love police. Every time I see an officer, I thank him.

ere are violent youth gangs and 100% of them are the result of poor parenting. Children are stupid and need their power + freedom controlled by their parents in accordance to their behavior. If parents fail and their child ends up arrested as a gang member then the child should be put into foster care and the parents given the option of a very hefty fine or a legally binding agreement not to reproduce for 10 years.
It's too late by then; I agree that we should educate people, to help them avoid gangs, and that we should provide support for the failing infrastructure of "ghettos". However, after they have joined a criminal gang, they are terrorists and should be treated as such without leniency or exception.
LOL you're a wackjob crackpot Nose. I applaud you, you make these forums entertaining. :)
For being against crime, I'm a nut.

Makes plenty of sense.

You are so not against crime, you liberal. If you were really opposed to crime, you'd demand that all crimes be capital offenses, not just "any affiliation with a gang." Murder? Dead. Manslaughter? Dead. Rape? Dead. burglary? Dead. Drug use? Dead. Jaywalking? Dead.

You are so against crime that you want to make merely having any connection to a gang a capital offense and to authorize military assaults on U.S. urban areas (despite the obvious collateral damage that would cause).

Yeah, that's kind of nutty, but the odd thing is that is you do noty see why that's kind of nutty, *that* lack of insight is even more nutty! :eek:
I agree as well. The problem is, all these stupid liberals aren't willing to make sacrifices! I'd sacrifice a few petty liberties for my own security and the order and peace that society will obtain.

Without rights there is no trust and that leads to civil wars. Africa is a great example of that.

We need to empower the police and give them the proper equipment; however, I am not blind. I understand that they might abuse their power, and therefore we should, of course, have systems to hold them accountable. Nonetheless, more police and better police can only benefit us. That is, unless you're a criminal. I love police. Every time I see an officer, I thank him.

The police's job is to protect and serve. For pure violent force, the military should be used.

It's too late by then; I agree that we should educate people, to help them avoid gangs, and that we should provide support for the failing infrastructure of "ghettos". However, after they have joined a criminal gang, they are terrorists and should be treated as such without leniency or exception.

I disagree. If a childs basic needs are met and their freedoms restricted / granted based on behavior they nearly always get their shit together. Ghetto's are and always will be a lost cause. Those children need foster parents.