Dealing with criminal gangs

It is not a job i would want. How much can they pay you to roll around on the floor with degenerates, drug addicts, prostitutes and drunks?

from memory a full ambo gets paid 52,000 a year
the police might get paid higher because for some reason ambo's pay is based on nursing where it should be based on police salery which is the closest equivlant job
Gangs have been a fact of life since the dawn of time; cave dwellers, ethnic marauders, vikings, apostles, hells angels, mafia and neighbourhood thugs. Some good, some bad. That's what makes mankind a social animal. As per other suggestios highlighted previously, treat the root cause not the symptom ie poverty, isolation, boredom and generally low SES. One way of breaking criminal gangs is to re-introduce the law of association, whereby no large group numbers should be publicly able to wander the streets, particualrly at night without beinbg liabvle to scrutiny, body searches and confiscation of articles. Society shouldn't condone vigilante style responders, irrespective of the attraction at that moment lest they become as despicable as those they hunt.
um actually the COPS concider the jobs to be equivlant and i hate to tell you but they deal with vilonce more often than you would think.

one of my old bosses who worked for SAAS before he bought the restraunt was injured because he was down treating people while there was a gang fight going on over his head.

not to mention the ambos who walked into a house to find a guy holding a loaded crossbow standing behind the door, he had just shot his GF with it and she was pinned to the wall
How hard could it possibly be? I look at the pathetic efforts of police, and I am truly appalled by their utter failure.

Look, I respect the police and what they do, and I'm not blaming them. Do you know who's fault it is? It's our fault! We are unwilling to make sacrifices even to stop crime!

The police are way underpowered and underfunded. How can you expect them to do their job right if they don't even have the authorization to do so?

Criminal gangs should be treated as terrorist organizations (if they aren't already), and the military should deal with them. We should organize manhunts and raids, and make joining gangs or being affiliated in any way with a gang member a capital offense. Anything to do with supporting gangs would be a capital offense.

Sacrifices for the greater good.

Right, so paint everyone with the same brush, and hey, why not, execute them all. I wonder how long it is until someone paints you with that brush.
People don't join gangs only to be "cool" and purely for the intention to cause trouble. Not everything is black and white.
I just love criminal sympathisizers. If we want to get rid of crime, we have to be tougher on the current day criminals while preventing, by any means necessary, future criminals.

Luckily, advances in psychology will enable us to detect potential criminals early on and then we can tag them/execute them to protect the greater good.
It is not a job i would want. How much can they pay you to roll around on the floor with degenerates, drug addicts, prostitutes and drunks?

its what they wanted to do, they know what the police force is like, they get paid to walk the streets and protect but they are just to scared
Do you know why? They're not properly equipped or authorized. If the police had the proper utilities, like light tanks and APC's, SMG's (for an urban environemnt), heavily armored, and authorized to use deadly force as well as intelligence, then we'd be safe. And only wrongdoers need be worried.
We can't deal with them because they have this thing called rights, as long as we can't catch them in the act of committing a crime they cannot get arrested.

As obvious and dangerous a gangster can appear to be, police can't do anything to them unless they catch them committing a crime.

Should we risk giving up some of our basic rights in order to allow the police to arrest people who appear to be gangsters? This is a debated question right now regarding the Patriot Act and terrorism.

Well, more people have died from gang related activities than terrorist attacks, gangsters are also a local problem, so technically I wouldn't see why not, even though I am against the idea of it altogether.

I think the best way to solve the gang problem is to open more schools in bad areas, create more jobs in bad neighborhoods, educate kids at an early age that gangs are not a good idea etc...

legalizing drugs and prostitution would do the job too because it'll put them out of business...
We can't deal with them because they have this thing called rights, as long as we can't catch them in the act of committing a crime they cannot get arrested.
Oh please, some people are quite obviously members of gangs.

As obvious and dangerous a gangster can appear to be, police can't do anything to them unless they catch them committing a crime.
We'll have to revise that
Should we risk giving up some of our basic rights in order to allow the police to arrest people who appear to be gangsters? This is a debated question right now regarding the Patriot Act and terrorism.
We don't risk any rights empowering the police. We never had a right to privacy and "privacy" on public property is nonexistent.
Well, more people have died from gang related activities than terrorist attacks, gangsters are also a local problem, so technically I wouldn't see why not, even though I am against the idea of it altogether.
Against the idea of helping the police do their job?
legalizing drugs and prostitution would do the job too because it'll put them out of business...
Except those are immoral and wrong.
Mainly prostitution, not so much drugs.
Having friends in polive and justice, the situation with the gangs are as follows:

1. There are smart people who are in gangs. They know the law and circumvent very nicely. Police can not be everywhere and monitor everything.

2. The dumb people in it are the real muscle. So, when the gang threatens the police or the judge or the attorney, the dumb ones carry out the order. Just like in terrorism. There are more dumb ones and can be recruited as many.

3. In one place (will not identify) when police clamped down, the members strifed several police officer's residences with machine gun at night. So, police are afraid to deal with them. Same for judges. Neither the judge or the police or the state attorney will take such risks.
Having friends in polive and justice, the situation with the gangs are as follows:

1. There are smart people who are in gangs. They know the law and circumvent very nicely. Police can not be everywhere and monitor everything.
Not with their current low funding and poor equipment.

3. In one place (will not identify) when police clamped down, the members strifed several police officer's residences with machine gun at night. So, police are afraid to deal with them. Same for judges. Neither the judge or the police or the state attorney will take such risks.

See above. Improve that, and we can most definitely deal with them.
Many times the police are a gang too. The police are a Bolshevik funded gang who are often times more corrupt and criminal than the gangs themselves

This happens in USA too. Cops in our neighborhood are well off with very poor salary....
I just love criminal sympathisizers. If we want to get rid of crime, we have to be tougher on the current day criminals while preventing, by any means necessary, future criminals.

Luckily, advances in psychology will enable us to detect potential criminals early on and then we can tag them/execute them to protect the greater good.

Not all crime is bad, just because one institute of government laws tell you not to do something does not mean you should not do it. If I want to sell some weed give me one reason why I should not, It is demanded goods not something you force down innocent little tinkerbells neck. I have as much of a right to sell kilos of weed with my "gang" as the government to demnd tax on selling tobacco and booze. (I am not claiming to be in association with any gang activity, this is hypothetical use of expressions here and there only) Money laundering and claiming guilty over associations is bullcrap, the only agenda the government have is making sure they get all money transfers taxible. They then use that money in war mongery around the globe and make arms deals and negotiations with warrring states and countries for future profit and resources.
If I want to launder money and sell drugs then they have no right to tell me I can't while they do it in my face.
