Dealing with criminal gangs

Gangs almost always arise in places where parents don't do their jobs. If only there were some way we could make it more difficult to have children in the first place. If people who wanted to give birth to children had to pass the qualifications necessary to adopt children, 90% of them would fail.
Gangs almost always arise in places where parents don't do their jobs. If only there were some way we could make it more difficult to have children in the first place. If people who wanted to give birth to children had to pass the qualifications necessary to adopt children, 90% of them would fail.

More like 98%, my parents would have failed when they had me back in the 80s. Not everybody is blessed with wonderful, caring parents, but all I think children really need is somebody who cares. Be it parent, teacher, coach, neighbor...etc whoever.
Because the crimes they are MOST often convicted on do not warrant the death penalty.
That's subjective; I think most repeat offenses warrant the death penalty.
You would execute 10 year old kids, for tagging walls? That's a bit sick man. Only people who have committed terrible crimes should even be considered for the death penalty.

Would I? No, not on the first time. If they repeat it, sure, why not? 10 years of age is enough to be held accountable for your actions AFTER being warned multiple times.
Gangs almost always arise in places where parents don't do their jobs.
Except when the parents are gang members. The most enduring organized crime groups are always based on family relations.

They used to have a tradition in the mob of not letting outsiders keep out police undercover operatives.
That's subjective; I think most repeat offenses warrant the death penalty.

Would I? No, not on the first time. If they repeat it, sure, why not? 10 years of age is enough to be held accountable for your actions AFTER being warned multiple times.

You're saying we should kill children for writing on walls? You're sick. You're either just pushing buttons to annoy people, or you're extremely sick in the head.

Norse, I'm not defending criminals. I'm just trying to show you that life is not black and white. The world isn't divided into good people and henous criminals who deserve to die.

People have been shot in the head for refusing to join gangs.It's understandable that others would join them out of fear after seeing that happen.
Most gangs operate by giving people something that the "normal society" doesn't. They also take advantage of others because they don't care who they hurt or how much they take. Education can help in both of those areas. By educating everyone as to what's going on around then as to how the gangs are operating then many people won't get taken advantage of. But people are suckers and never learn so there's always going to be many who are taken advantage of. By staying away from illegal things like drugs and other things many people won't be used either. But that's something only people can do on their own.
I think most repeat offenses warrant the death penalty.
1. Go read all of Charles Dickens' novels then report back here with a 1000 word essay explaining how your opinion has changed.
2. Would you apply this to speeding tickets?
3. More importantly, would you apply it to the offense of gross stupidity and if so will you be carrying out the sentence on yourself, or arranging for a third party?
The governments are the biggest criminal gangs around, why should they be allowed to sell there drugs to everybody and tell us we can't sell ours. If Mr X and his boys make **** amount of tax free cash from selling Kg's of weed and don't give the government squat then good for them. A group makes a few million and invests it in a luxury lifestyle so what, it's better than the government making trillons from there drugs and investing it in weapons for assualts on far off countries and throwing our tax money down the drain.

I don't agree with some gangs, ones that traffic little girls into the sex trade and into slavery etc. But I dont see every type of criminal gang as evil. I 100% support some gangs and do not promote being locked up for associating with gang affiliates and members, Some gang members are really nice people and do good things for people, don't judge every man by his job description.

Gangs almost always arise in places where parents don't do their jobs. If only there were some way we could make it more difficult to have children in the first place. If people who wanted to give birth to children had to pass the qualifications necessary to adopt children, 90% of them would fail.

Agreed, especially gangs of middle-class, white-trash, but it's not that cut and dried. Poverty is a great contributor to the formation of gangs. While families are struggling in their misery, kids look to gangs for the attention and respect their parents don't give them, but they equally seek the opportunities of having money, as well.
I am somewhat skeptical on a few related grounds. First, because any heavy handed efforts (let alone concentration camps, Jesus Christ) would quickly fill with the innocent poor. Cops are neither magicians, nor mind readers, and hence we have trials and due process. If you use those, then we already do have a means of separating gang members from society, called prisons.

Second, it requires pissing on the Constitution and its "rules," like that pesky due process and freedom of association. Again, if you can prove criminality, that's one thing, but membership in a gang is not in and of itself a crime. Also, not all "gangs" are created equal, will we round up the KKK and the Animal Liberation Front at the same time as MS-13? (The only difference between them from the semantic standpoint of "what is a gang?" is race, socio-economic status and that MS-13's crimes tend to be more drug related.) Due Process, I point out, includes notions like the punishment fitting the crime. Not all gang members are guilty of crimes of the same magnitude (not all of them are even guilty of crimes, let alone crimes that people tend to get jail time for) and you'd have to prove who did what not simply criminalize the gang as a whole and sentence them all to death or concentration camps for life.

Third, again unless you can prove criminality (preferably in a court of law), there is no difference between a "gang" and an "organization." Even if you *can* prove criminality, though the difference between a gang and groups like the Sons of Liberty (which certainly did commit crimes) is that history vindicated the latter).

This is the kind of thread that makes me happy that no one important ever reads this kind of thread.
You're saying we should kill children for writing on walls? You're sick. You're either just pushing buttons to annoy people, or you're extremely sick in the head.
Only under certain circumstances, depending on what they are writing and if they repeat it.

Norse, I'm not defending criminals. I'm just trying to show you that life is not black and white. The world isn't divided into good people and henous criminals who deserve to die.
However there are bad people who do deserve to die.

People have been shot in the head for refusing to join gangs.It's understandable that others would join them out of fear after seeing that happen.

Or, they could go report them to the police.

Education is great for preventing gangs, but how do we eradicate the already-existing members? Military action.
Only under certain circumstances, depending on what they are writing and if they repeat it.

However there are bad people who do deserve to die.

Or, they could go report them to the police.

Education is great for preventing gangs, but how do we eradicate the already-existing members? Military action.

Police usually don't respond to gang related violence quickly. Call racism, lack of resources, whatever... I know this from personal experience. Only the fire department shows up. Someone who writes on people's walls is annoying and should be punished, but even repeat offenses would never warrant the death penalty. I've had people tag stuff that belonged to me and I was mad and annoyed that I had to spend my weekend painting, but I never wished death upon them even when they came back three times. I don't think it even warrants prison time. I would just make them clean up the mess they made. Would you threaten to kill your children for writing on your walls even after you had told them not too? You can be a bit loony sometimes, Norsefire.
Police usually don't respond to gang related violence quickly. Call racism, lack of resources, whatever... I know this from personal experience. Only the fire department shows up.
And why is that? Oh yes, because our police suck! They are underpowered, under funded, and lack the proper tools to get the job done. We should be willing to sacrifice PUBLIC privacy for security.
Someone who writes on people's walls is annoying and should be punished, but even repeat offenses would never warrant the death penalty. I've had people tag stuff that belonged to me and I was mad and annoyed that I had to spend my weekend painting, but I never wished death upon them even when they came back three times. I don't think it even warrants prison time. I would just make them clean up the mess they made.
It's different though. They aren't just writing on walls, they're tagging gang and terrorist propaganda. On repeat offenses, say the tenth time after telling them no, it certainly does warrant punishment.
Would you threaten to kill your children for writing on your walls even after you had told them not too? You can be a bit loony sometimes, Norsefire.
If they were gang members or supported crime, they wouldn't be my children.
And why is that? Oh yes, because our police suck! They are underpowered, under funded, and lack the proper tools to get the job done. We should be willing to sacrifice PUBLIC privacy for security.

It's different though. They aren't just writing on walls, they're tagging gang and terrorist propaganda. On repeat offenses, say the tenth time after telling them no, it certainly does warrant punishment.

If they were gang members or supported crime, they wouldn't be my children.

You're one of those people who disowns their kids, huh? The police do suck, but only in areas heavily populated by minorities. When Congressman Bob or CEO Smith hear gunshots the police are there immediately. Even if they were false alarms the first 12 times. But Mrs. Lopez calls 911 and says her son's been shot, the police take their sweet ass time. The fire department shows up and keeps calling the police and the hospital. The ambulance finally shows up and takes Mrs. Lopez's son to the hospital or morgue since they took so long and the police finally decide to take a gander about an hour and a half later. That's not being underfunded, its the same police station the rich people down the street use. They just don't care about Mrs. Lopez because she's just a poor Mexican lady. What happened to her son is her own fault for being a poor Mexican lady.
cutsie i pitty your sociaty, i called the police because of domestic abuse which was happerning across the road. however when the women came to our door and freaked out PB the police dispatcher changed the catigory to top prority and we had cops on our front door step with in 2 minutes
1:Cops are easy to buy off and are usually as corrupt as the criminals. The ones I've seen spend more time eating doughnuts, roughing up old men and looking for jay walkers than doing anything to catch real criminals. Cops are scum of the earth, second only to criminals.
2:Military action may help get rid of some of the gang members but it will not eliminate the problem. One of the issues is that you can't kill them all. Some always get away. Besides not all gang members look like the stereo typical gang member. They aren't all tatooed with guns sticking out of their waist bands. Some would be able to blend in with the population if they didn't act conspicuous.
3:The only way to get rid of the problem, any problem, is to stop the underlying factors that cause the problems. If you can't stop the causes the problem will always be there. It's like treating symptoms rather than curing disease. If you had TB and went to the doctor he/she wouldn't give you a cough syrup and say that you won't cough anymore if he/she was a decent doctor. If the disease can be treated it should because treating symptoms only works in the short run. In the long run disease will need a cure. I don't really know the exact causes of gang violence. I've heard many things like poverty, bad or non-existant parenting, protection, or not having a choice. Whatever the cause(s) you have to eliminate that before you can destroy the gangs. Otherwise you'll have to keep sending in the military over and over again if that is the solution, which more likely than not would not occur, repeditivly because the sources of the problem are still in effect.
Police usually don't respond to gang related violence quickly. Call racism, lack of resources, whatever... I know this from personal experience. Only the fire department shows up. Someone who writes on people's walls is annoying and should be punished, but even repeat offenses would never warrant the death penalty. I've had people tag stuff that belonged to me and I was mad and annoyed that I had to spend my weekend painting, but I never wished death upon them even when they came back three times. I don't think it even warrants prison time. I would just make them clean up the mess they made. Would you threaten to kill your children for writing on your walls even after you had told them not too? You can be a bit loony sometimes, Norsefire.

It is best to wait until both parties kill each other.
How hard could it possibly be? I look at the pathetic efforts of police, and I am truly appalled by their utter failure.

Look, I respect the police and what they do, and I'm not blaming them. Do you know who's fault it is? It's our fault! We are unwilling to make sacrifices even to stop crime!

The police are way underpowered and underfunded. How can you expect them to do their job right if they don't even have the authorization to do so?

Criminal gangs should be treated as terrorist organizations (if they aren't already), and the military should deal with them. We should organize manhunts and raids, and make joining gangs or being affiliated in any way with a gang member a capital offense. Anything to do with supporting gangs would be a capital offense.

Sacrifices for the greater good.

because the police are scarred to do anything, they are not here to protect us, they are just interested in making they're monthly quota of arrests,
because the police are scarred to do anything, they are not here to protect us, they are just interested in making they're monthly quota of arrests,

It is not a job i would want. How much can they pay you to roll around on the floor with degenerates, drug addicts, prostitutes and drunks?