Darwin's Theory is False

SkinWalker said:
You're nothing more than a goddamned liar. You deceived us all with that "sermon" you plagerized and now you making up shit about giants again. Either show the evidence or continue to live up to my assertion of 'goddamned liar.' Prove me wrong with verifiable evidence and I'll publically apologize for calling you a 'goddamned liar.'

Here is an exerpt from what I posted on "possession"

{ -"After while, the lady just couldn't stand it any more. She said, "Brother Branham, don't you know me?"
And I said, "No, ma'am." -}

Bro. Branham...refers to the rev. William Branham.
He's been deceased for over 40 years.

I never plagerized anything.....if I wanted to do that I wouldn't have left the man's name in it, while he refered to himself as the subject of the story.
You've been shown, but refuse to see,.... without revelation from God, "someone could raise from the dead, and you wouldn't believe them"
Thats scripture...you've had the law and the prophets....and the grace of Christ.
Call all you want.
They called Jesus a devil....and if for the sake of standing for the truth, you call me a liar;
I thank you for the compliment.
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Leave him alone !


Without him, there is no medicine.
He save my life from disease.
Darwin cure ! Jesus dont.
The connection between the Smithonian's cover-up of American natural history, and Darwinism may be more profound and sinister than the mere hiding away of the bones and artifacts of the race of the giant "mound builders" in the American past.
It leads into eugenics and forced in-voluntary steralization of the "inferior" classes as determined by Darwin's theory.
You may be amazed at what America did years before the "Nazi's"

So, no real evidence is forthcoming from the goddamned liar, eh? Just a bunch of conspiracy theorist nonsense. This is the same treatment the paranormal nutters give to alien autopsies and recovered saucers and the illuminati plot to destroy the WTC.

A bunch of talk without the evidence.
TheVisitor said:
It's up to you to prove anything Darwin said is true....
Lets see the evidence.

For what it's worth, you aren't prepared to weigh the evidence outside your bias... so handing the evidence to you is like well, handing it to a politician. Any potential truth associated with it is corrupted by your world-view, which doesn't allow for evidence of the type you request.

No one can prove anything to someone who has fervent faith in the contrary, as you've displayed repeatedly.

But of course, as you wish. Maybe you're right. I really, really doubt it but what the hell do I know.
wesmorris said:
But of course, as you wish. Maybe you're right. I really, really doubt it but what the hell do I know.

Fair enough......
I don't ask to be found "right.....sir nerd overlord.
I merly believe the Word is right, not from some childhood indoctrination, but lifelong study and revelation.
The truth is out there.
Always keep an open mind, even in the realm of spirituality, you may be found hanging on to something someone said thats not true, or only in part true.
Don't put a period after your understanding.......
I've found many times, things just might not be as you supposed.
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“If everyone followed the moral code found in the bible, would we even need prisons at all?”

* Would this be following the example set by your God? Jealousy, resentment, favouritism, bigotry, murder, bloodthirst?

“Surely you aren't talking about christian missionaries that risk their lives to help other people. I have a step-brother who is a christian missionary in China.”

* China does not need his help. He’s spreading the gospel, not helping. Be honest for a change.

“I also hear that the african american population is over-represented in the prison system -- would you call them a failed race too?”

* Christian slavery = racism = marginalization = poverty = crime. No doubt you ALMOST married an African-American as well.

* Bono has done more for world poverty in ONE concert, than all your Christian missionaries have done in 2000 years. What are you doing to help Woody?
SkinWalker said:
So, no real evidence is forthcoming from the goddamned liar, eh? Just a bunch of conspiracy theorist nonsense. This is the same treatment the paranormal nutters give to alien autopsies and recovered saucers and the illuminati plot to destroy the WTC.

A bunch of talk without the evidence.
hmmmmm SKIN, you CA infuriate me. why?
because i read an eariler post of yours where several pragraphs i can defo gell with. where you point out te radical differencebetween patriarchal beliefs and Indigenous insight. spot on. but what you fail to get from there is YOURsoddin materialistic scientific myth...ou just do. it is a massiv blindspot. and also when you talk about no evidence regarding th staged 9/11 atrocity. there is thee is. but you cant wont see it. am tired of trying to get tru and you ignore me anyhow....so, whatthe fukc. but i will challenge you all the way dude
Godless said:
Via the enlightenment? Dumbass people still believe that if the church had full power we would be better off, are you serious? You can't posibly be this idiotic! :rolleyes:

me)))look how you presume. you dont inquire but jump to silly conclusions, do you serious think i am advocating areturn to Chuch dogma.....haha. NO i am NOT. i am sayig that that was oppressive and that what has followed, sine the so-called 'enlightenment' has ALSO been a continuance of this oppression. clear?

I admit it's not perfect, long way from it, but you can't blame wars on secularists or enlightenment, wars mostly were and are of a religious nature, difference of oppinions and greed. Not because of secularist idealogies. Though it has been used kind of, Nazism used the state as it's benevolent omnipotent, thus basically replacing one kind of mysticism with another.

me)))listen up. we are NOT robots. we hav depths. feelings, emotions, meaning. the patriarchy from the fukin first has tred to MANIPULATE tese emotions feelings so as to hook us to thei power. this is te vile game. this is so also for scientists.there is no such thing as a whlyy pure objectivist sciewntsit. this is an idea only existing in the abstract not reality. so get whati am saying....?
that the unresolved religious mess lies Uconscious and effects scientific idealism. yes?

What I can see man, is your overparanoid!.

me))))))what i can see is you do not understand what i am talkin about!

I mean really dood. Many lives have been saved because of Enlightentment, new drugs prolonging life, new ways to feed the masses, things are moving just fine, as long as one of these "FIWTHUTA" (fucking idiots with their head up their ass) Religious nut cases who "unfortunately" hold the world's power, don't deside to throw the big one!. Again! ;)
So calm down, take a chill pill ese!

me))))))hah...take a chill pill hey. well that's thedommon answer now innit. dont for fuks sake look directly at the reults of this hunderds of years march to destruction by a divided mindset oppressing everyone,all speacies and even planet Earth....no, take a friggin 'anti'-pill!!!...that's sort it, eyyyy
BTW, About one out of every one christian is obtuse. (you walked straight into that one).

The heart of an atheist is obtuse, and harder than a rock.
stretched said:
“If everyone followed the moral code found in the bible, would we even need prisons at all?”

[* Would this be following the example set by your God? Jealousy, resentment, favouritism, bigotry, murder, bloodthirst?

No. Jesus is my God. Satan is yours.

“Surely you aren't talking about christian missionaries that risk their lives to help other people. I have a step-brother who is a christian missionary in China.”

* China does not need his help. He’s spreading the gospel, not helping. Be honest for a change.

It's kind of hard to make a good impression without helping those people first -- it's called public relations.

“I also hear that the african american population is over-represented in the prison system -- would you call them a failed race too?”

* Christian slavery = racism = marginalization = poverty = crime. No doubt you ALMOST married an African-American as well.

That is you assessment. Jesus disagrees. Slavery is manstealing and gets a person in hell. God created all races -- how does that make him a racist? There is no race criteria for heaven, but there is a creed criteria.

* Bono has done more for world poverty in ONE concert, than all your Christian missionaries have done in 2000 years. What are you doing to help Woody?

I'm not doing enough and neither are you. I've helped some but it isn't enough. I've tried to work with street people, tried to feed starving people. I worked 9 years as a volunteer in a rest home. I've gone on visitation at people's homes, at the funeral home, and on the telephone. It isn't enough. I've visited people while they were dieing. It will never be enough -- I come up short.

Bono, by the way, is a christian. :eek:



Thank you.

Mr. President, First Lady, King Abdullah, Other heads of State, Members of Congress, distinguished guests…

Please join me in praying that I don’t say something we’ll all regret.

That was for the FCC.

If you’re wondering what I’m doing here, at a prayer breakfast, well, so am I. I’m certainly not here as a man of the cloth, unless that cloth is leather. It’s certainly not because I’m a rock star. Which leaves one possible explanation: I’m here because I’ve got a messianic complex.

Yes, it’s true. And for anyone who knows me, it’s hardly a revelation.
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BTW, About one out of every one christian is obtuse.
Steadfast....is what we are to be, my friend.
Not easily blown about by every wind of change, nor built upon shifting sands of hypothetical theory...but solidy grounded on absolute truth which is the very substance this world and all thats in it were made from.
TheVisitor said:
I merly believe the Word is right, not from some childhood indoctrination, but lifelong study and revelation.

...shifting sands of hypothetical theory...but solidy grounded on absolute truth which is the very substance this world and all thats in it were made from.

Do you read your own words? The very definition of what you practice - faith - is acceptance without proof! You talk about TRUTH but have only ONE source for that truth and it conflicts with simple observations and hundreds of other "sources". Do you not see how deluded you are? Have some self respect man and at least admit that you have no TRUTH, but only a comfortable belief that makes you feel good. Wake up man!
Woody said:
The heart of an atheist is obtuse, and harder than a rock.
No, the heart of an atheist is a muscle that pumps blood throught the body. It's the same as the heart of a xian with out any silly superstitions.
Quote W:
“No. Jesus is my God. Satan is yours.”

* Heh. Oh boy.

“It's kind of hard to make a good impression without helping those people first -- it's called public relations.”

* It`s called dishonesty.

“That is you assessment. Jesus disagrees. Slavery is manstealing and gets a person in hell. God created all races -- how does that make him a racist? There is no race criteria for heaven, but there is a creed criteria.”

* So you are saying Jesus is not the god of the OT? The God of the OT condoned slavery. It’s in your Bible. Is Jesus god?

“Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever.” Lev.25:44-46

“I'm not doing enough and neither are you. “

* What do you know of what I do? I concede that I can never do enough.

“I've helped some but it isn't enough. I've tried to work with street people, tried to feed starving people. I worked 9 years as a volunteer in a rest home. I've gone on visitation at people's homes, at the funeral home, and on the telephone. It isn't enough. I've visited people while they were dieing. It will never be enough -- I come up short.”

* Did you spread the gospel during this help phase? Be honest now.

“Bono, by the way, is a christian.”

* Heh. I am aware of that, however he does not support organised religion/s. In fact he is outspoken strong critic of the Modern Church culture. And he does not use his fundraising as a platform for promoting the Gospel. Regarding your messianic quote, you do know of course that Bono has a British sense of humour? You get that there is play on “Messianic” and “Revelation”? Also note that King Abdullah, who is present, is not a Christian. Would you share in a prayer with non-Christians Woody?
Woody said:
I'm not doing enough and neither are you.
Just out of curiosity - where is the legally binding requirement that I have to help people in any way at all?
Surely what is "enough" is an entirely subjective matter based on one's upbringing and thought process?

I pay my taxes that the Government use in part to help the less fortunate.
I contribute to the National Health Service and to other peoples' benefits.

Where does it say that I have to do more than this?

I'm not saying I do or that I don't - I'm just curious to know where "enough" is defined?
No. Jesus is my God. Satan is yours

Do you realize how stupid that sounds to an atheist? I assume you do not believe in the flying spaghetti monster, right? Well I do, and he is your God as well as mine. Yes what I just said sounds just as stupid as what you said - That's my point.
Actually Kenny, to me it sounded more petulant than stupid. Like a small child that has been scolded.

Woody, we are all entitled to our beliefs, theistic, or atheistic. From what I have seen in this, and other threads, you and your beliefs come under attack only when you attempt to declare their absolute validity, and condemn others as wholly wrong.

Maybe that is a requirement of your version of Christianity, in which case you are simply following the dictates of your conscience and your beliefs, but from where I sit it looks sort of arrogant.