Darwin's Theory is False

SnakeLord said:
'Evidence' seems like such a pointless word here. Let me explain:

"All of those old quotes against evolution are wrong".. 2006, SnakeLord.

You still consider a persons quote as "evidence"?

If you want evidence confirming the reality of evolution then you need to ignore quotes, because we can all make quotes.. Why, just last night Sir David Attenborough spoke openly about the idiocy of creationism and pointed out the fact of evolution. Somehow, even with his experience in related fields, I doubt you'd give his quote, (or mine), the time of day.

I would personally just suggest that you spend some time studying evolution in depth. You are then free to agree with outdated quotes or not.. because you understand the issue in full.

The general point of my last post was not to end up with me having to type 60 gazillion words of explanation concerning evolution, but to raise an eyebrow at the kind of person that would read a 100 year old quote and consider that prevalent enough to dismiss evolution altogether.
haha, knew it. yer a religious nut! just like you accuse others of same
Darknight1996 said:
I just wanted to know what you all thought about the quotes I never said I thought they were true
so do I. well snaklord? is you just gonna say 'Word of Darwin rules' and leave it at that orrrrmake someeffort to ANSWERhis refutational quotes?...or point to sources which do. isn't thathow science worketh?
is you just gonna say 'Word of Darwin rules' and leave it at that

I didn't say anything of the sort. What I said was there is no justification in spouting outdated opinionated quotes in order to somehow dismiss evolution. I went on to state that it is far better to actually study the material in depth and then come to a conclusion based on your understanding and not on the word of someone else.

orrrrmake someeffort to ANSWERhis refutational quotes?

Refute quotes? Some of the quote makers aren't alive anymore which means I don't see the need in refuting their statements - and the others that are alive probably don't frequent this forum, and even if they did it's unlikely that me providing other quotes is going to change anything.

or point to sources which do. isn't thathow science worketh?

Certainly. Science does not work by simply quoting people - and that was the very point of my post. K?
SnakeLord said:
I didn't say anything of the sort. What I said was there is no justification in spouting outdated opinionated quotes in order to somehow dismiss evolution. I went on to state that it is far better to actually study the material in depth and then come to a conclusion based on your understanding and not on the word of someone else.

Refute quotes? Some of the quote makers aren't alive anymore which means I don't see the need in refuting their statements - and the others that are alive probably don't frequent this forum, and even if they did it's unlikely that me providing other quotes is going to change anything.

Certainly. Science does not work by simply quoting people - and that was the very point of my post. K?
wheres zee evidence???
Many of these is handily refuted at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/quotes/mine/contents.html

The superstitious religious nutters who fear the implications that the fact of evolution might have on their patriarchal cults like to scour the internet and libraries for quotes they can cull together in out of context lists as if it means anything.

If one of these guys (they're almost always male) actually had any sort of education on the topic, they would pick the most significant few and be prepared to discuss the quotes in their original contexts.

As an example, Darknight offers this quote from the creation nutter site:
"Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation."—*Robert Jastrow, The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe (1981), p. 19.

In its original context, however, something else entirely is revealed:
Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation, but they are driven by the nature of their profession to seek explanations for the origin of life that lie within the boundaries of natural law. They ask themselves, "How did life arise out of inanimate matter? And what is the probability of that happening?" And to their chagrin they have no clear-cut answer, because chemists have never succeeded in reproducing nature's experiments on the creation of life out of nonliving matter. Scientists do not know how that happened, and, furthermore, they do not know the chance of its happening. Perhaps the chance is very small, and the appearance of life on a planet is an event of miraculously low probability. Perhaps life on the earth is unique in this Universe. No scientific evidence precludes that possibility.

But while scientists must accept the possibility that life may be an improbable event, they have some tentative reasons for thinking that its appearance on earthlike planets is, in fact, fairly commonplace. These reasons do not constitute proof, but they are suggestive. Laboratory experiments show that certain molecules, which are the building blocks of living matter, are formed in great abundance under conditions resembling those on the earth four billion years ago, when it was a young planet. Furthermore, those molecular building blocks of life appear in living organisms today in just about the same relative amounts with which they appear in the laboratory experiments. It is as if nature, in fashioning the first forms of life, used the ingredients at hand and in just the proportions in which they were present.

As anyone can plainly see, the context provides something entirely different.

I've seen the same sort of tactics used on creationist nutters websites and blogs for years. Over a year ago, I was on Dembski's weblog where there exist this passage:
Peter Ward said:
“The seemingly sudden appearance of skeletonized life has been one of the most perplexing puzzles of the fossil record. How is it that animals as complex as trilobites and brachiopods could spring forth so suddenly, completely formed, without a trace of their ancestors in the underlying strata? If ever there was evidence suggesting Divine Creation, surely the Precambrian and Cambrian transition, known from numerous localities across the face of the earth, is it.”
— Peter Douglas Ward, On Methuselah’s Trail: Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions (New York: W. H. Freeman, 1992), 29.

But let's use some logic based solely on th passage above: why is Ward not a creationist if he wrote what he did on page 29? What are the significances of the usage of the bolded words above, "seemingly," "how is it," and "if?"

Could it be that Ward is using a literary technique to set the reader up for an eventual explanation? Could it be that, as Ward tells the story of how earlier scientists viewed the Cambrian explosion, he is progressing toward a conclusion that provides a response to this "seeming" contradiction?

As it happened, I had a copy of On Methuselah's Trail, which I picked up for $5.98 at Half-Price Books. Turning to page 36 we find:
Peter Ward said:
Intensive searching of strata immediately underlying the well-known basal Cambrian deposits in the years between 1950 and 1980 showed that the larger skeletonized fossils (such as the trilobites and brachiopods) that supposedly appeared so suddenly were in fact preceded by skeletonized forms so small as to be easily overlooked by the pioneering geologists. [...]The long-accepted theory of the sudden appearance of skeletal metazoans at the base of the Cambrian was incorrect: the basal Cambrian boundary marked only the first appearance of relatively large skeleton-bearing forms, such as the brachipods and trilobites, rather than the first appearance of skeletonized metazoans. Darwin would have been satisfied. The fossil record bore out his conviction that the trilobites and brachipods appeared only after a long period of evolution of ancestral forms.

If you want to see a creationist dumb-ass at work, visit his own page and see the very quote-mined deception I've outlined above. This is the only tactic that creationist nutters can resort to in order to give their superstitions any sense of being credible: deception.

Their nutty ideas don't stand on their own merits, so they quote-mine legitimate sources and other nutters until they can amass what appears to be a large body of dissent. The reality is almost *no* real scientists give any credibility to the notion that anything but evolution was at work. There is literally tons and tons of evidence. The opposing hypotheses are complete rubbish and unfounded with not a shred of actual evidence to support them.
SKINwalker----you talk of patriarchal cults,,,as though, ironically-not realizing you BELONG to one!
One of the meanest, most mechanical, soul-destroying, Nature-destroying patriarchal cults ever to disgrace Planet Earth!!
SKINwalker----you talk of patriarchal cults,,,as though, ironically-not realizing you BELONG to one!
One of the meanest, most mechanical, soul-destroying, Nature-destroying patriarchal cults ever to disgrace Planet Earth!!

Skinwalker is not a Christian! nor Islamic. So wtf are you talking about?


The superstitious religious nutters who fear the implications that the fact of evolution might have on their patriarchal cults like to scour the internet and libraries for quotes they can cull together in out of context lists as if it means anything.

Well from here it looks like the secular humanist nutters are in denial about anything they can't explain with science.

You claim that belief in the supernatural is irrational.

Logical Proof that the universe was created

Can you disprove the logic?
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Alpha already did.
I think logic would indicate no god, obviously the age old arguement is you cant just have a universe that appears from nowhere so it must have been created, but then that leaves a creator just sitting there waiting to create for all eternity meaning he has always existed, so why not take the simpler option of having matter always having existed? I think of it as a line, matter exists in a constant, if you add god into this you're creating a new and unnecessary line.
How does someone who believes in an imaginary friend called "god" have the right to call humanists nutters?
The creationist nutters are just tired being called nutters by the rationally minded, so they use the same words back. Its like a retarded kid calling me stupid... I don't get upset because I know he's retarded (note: this was an analogy, obviously Woody isn't retarded. Slow maybe, but not retarded).

Bottom line: the superstitious are getting tired of being the butt of jokes made by the rational, so they try to redirect the ridicule back at the ridiculers. Quite unsuccessfully, I might add.
Huwy said:
How does someone who believes in an imaginary friend called "god" have the right to call humanists nutters?

I think the term "monkey's uncle" is a little closer.

"As a man thinketh, so is he".....

If you believe you came from apes......you probably did.
There are two races alive on earth, as the bible states...
The children of the world, desending from Cain who was fathered by an animal race closest to man..."the subtile beast" refered to as "serpents", and The children of the kingdom (of God), Adam and Eve's true lineage, which are born spiritually today through Christ.
The differentiating factor is the ability to receive revelation from God.
Faith is a revelation.
Science is a religion....people believe in it like a god, it is thier saviour.
Science won't tell you the true history, they have covered it up.
The truth dosen't fit thier therories....

Theorize away, according to science, five hundred years ago, the world was flat, the sun revolved around the earth...
Two hundred years ago a french scientist stated;
"If while rolling a ball, the great speed of thirty mile per hour was ever exceded, it would lose gravitation and leave the earth."
You want this for your God....?
The Word is God and He "changes not"
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Godless said:
Skinwalker is not a Christian! nor Islamic. So wtf are you talking about?

what the fuk a i talkin about?
i'll tell ya
for thelast 500years via the Enlightenemnt, a mindset has come about which beliees itself to be divided from Nature, and tus tis beieve--cultic belief--justifies to itself it can cut up actual reality, and tis includes consciousness. doing this it has created the most fukin horrendous misery for many many generations. an its legacy is prticularly being felt now. mass spcies extinction, millions of people in povery, and starving, Trees being cut down, concret paving over everwhere, air polluted, depleted uranium poisoning everywhere and peoples and animals genes, Nature's delicate fabric being destroyed, global warming, millions children being forecibly drugged by State so as to believe--or ELSE!!--in their ecocidal philosophy.
do you get me now??
oh and forgot to add. this same mindset wages war, and supports the war against psychedelic sacraments which can heal----ie., as it has enclosed the common land, seas, air. eletromagnetic spectrum, the air, biology, it also tries to wit consciousness itself!.......the later is most important -territory' for thes fascists, because thru mind contol it has thepeople believing they are following 'porgress' when in reality are shitting in teir very nests in a very 'productive' way
SkinWalker said:
The creationist nutters are just tired being called nutters by the rationally minded, so they use the same words back. Its like a retarded kid calling me stupid... I don't get upset because I know he's retarded (note: this was an analogy, obviously Woody isn't retarded. Slow maybe, but not retarded).

Bottom line: the superstitious are getting tired of being the butt of jokes made by the rational, so they try to redirect the ridicule back at the ridiculers. Quite unsuccessfully, I might add.

You come across as a secular humanist with an attitude. In academia you study among other secular humanists and are well trained in their snobbish mannerisms, but it's all just pride. You're well educated, and that is good, but in many ways academia is detached from the real world. It's a kingdom for the misfits that can't cut it in the real world. Hence they hide in their plastic world and let their liberal minds work against humanity. They aren't motivated by compassion for their fellow man, if they care about others then why aren't they going out in the world like christian missionaries to help people in the third world? Rather they are like the liberal politicians that wan't to help someone at someone else's expense.

My own sister was one, just as you are. In many ways she thought the same way you do. She worked as a counselor with disabled hospital patients. I was her "nutty" little brother that believed in sky daddies. She is a christian now. :D
They aren't motivated by compassion for their fellow man, if they care about others then why aren't they going out in the world like christian missionaries to help people in the third world? Rather they are like the liberal politicians that wan't to help someone at someone else's expense.

Didn't I read somewhere that secular countries / atheists / non-religious people donated more money to charity than the religious?

I don't remember where I read it so I can't give a source.

From what I've seen in my city, the missionaries will help the homeless only if they convert to christianity or read the bible. So they aren't exactly motivated to help others for nothing like their atheist friends would do.