Darwin's Theory is False

isn't it gettin offa thepoint of thread a bit. maybe i've missed relevant post which outlines where Darwin's teory is refuted, but if not can te tread starter or a supporter please outline main points where Darwinsim isrefuted, andi'll try coax Crunchy Cat up here to challenge the points.......
superluminal said:
Do you read your own words? The very definition of what you practice - faith - is acceptance without proof! You talk about TRUTH but have only ONE source for that truth and it conflicts with simple observations and hundreds of other "sources".
You just said I only reference one source....correct!
There is only "One" truth.
It's that simple, so that a child could not err therein.
It conflicts with other so-called sources, if they are not the truth.
Many religions incorperate some truth...if they didn't they wouldn't decieve real sincere people seeking truth.
The best lie is 99% truth......but it's that 1% where they get you, thats all it takes for the Word of God to be of no effect.
What is the effect the Word is to have on you..?
To create "Christ in you, the hope of glory"
Baptist's will create other Baptists......Methodist's will make more Methodist's ect... see?
"A little leaven leaventh the whole lump"
It has to the whole Word.
Man shall live on "EVERY" word, that procedeth from the mouth of God.
The Word will create Christ.
Do you know the meaning of the word "True"...?

It's not the opposite of false, it means "Full and complete", as opposed to "partial"
That is truth...it comes from one source.
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TheVisitor: Do you think the Bible is 'truth' when it claims the Earth is 6,000 years old? Or is it 10,000? I forget... If you accept this as truth, do you think that erosion (Grand Canyon etc) happened within that time, or was created as having the illusion of millions of years of erosion?

Flat Earth? Immovable Earth?

KennyJC said:
TheVisitor: Do you think the Bible is 'truth' when it claims the Earth is 6,000 years old? Or is it 10,000? I forget... If you accept this as truth, do you think that erosion (Grand Canyon etc) happened within that time, or was created as having the illusion of millions of years of erosion?

Flat Earth? Immovable Earth?

You think the bible says the world is only six thousands years old.
Every word of the bible is true.
People try to interperet what is sealed, like reading someone elses mail.
If you take literal, what is symbolic, or visa versa...
You end up with what you think are contradictions.
They are merely a lack of revelation.

The bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
He is called the beginnng of the creation of God.
Let's say it starts there......concerning this;
God becoming flesh, God becoming Man...and dying, to redeam man back to become God.
The bible starts at Adam and Eve, because this is where this "creation" begins...
i.e."the creation of God"
There is one God, not three as the false trinity would have you believe.
What other worlds, creations, ect....there have been, are not included because it is the manifestation of God in "this" creation.
The whole thing is about the revelation of Jesus Christ.
This is about the creation of the sons of god, which are a manifestation of God higher in power and authority than the angels.
The manifestation of God, in flesh is Jesus, who is the Word, and the "firstborn of many brethren"
He is also called "the beginning of the creation of God"
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us,.
The bible is God in Word form, in this creation.
A day is as a thousand years, and the creation of God's family...just started with Adam.
Before that, the world was in existance, and was covered with water as in a destruction, in a state of desolution....
What does the word "replentish" imply to you......?

The knowledge of whatever Pre-Adamic civilizations occured and were wiped out countless times... is not what the bible is for.
It however does not in the least contradict the truth....
Only people's misguided interpretations of it do.
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KennyJC said:
Do you realize how stupid that sounds to an atheist? I assume you do not believe in the flying spaghetti monster, right? Well I do, and he is your God as well as mine. Yes what I just said sounds just as stupid as what you said - That's my point.

How about the comment from "stretch" that preceded my response:

Would this be following the example set by your God? Jealousy, resentment, favouritism, bigotry, murder, bloodthirst?

Satan is not my God, but stretch says satan is my god. Satan is the God of "self-centeredness," a liar and murderer from the beginning. It may sound stupid to you -- but if you are serving "self" you are serving Satan the "God of self" whether you want to admit the supernatural or not.

If you only care about yourself then you can do anything to someone else as long as it brings you an advantage or personal pleasure. Like the jailbird that killed his cellmate so he could have his koolaid. Or the guy that killed a teenager because he wouldn't give him his Chicago Bulls jacket.
Sarkus said:
Just out of curiosity - where is the legally binding requirement that I have to help people in any way at all?
Surely what is "enough" is an entirely subjective matter based on one's upbringing and thought process?

I pay my taxes that the Government use in part to help the less fortunate.
I contribute to the National Health Service and to other peoples' benefits.

Where does it say that I have to do more than this?

I'm not saying I do or that I don't - I'm just curious to know where "enough" is defined?

"enough" is what the good samaritan did for the guy that laid dieing by the roadside after he was robbed.
Satan is not my God, but stretch says satan is my god. Satan is the God of "self-centeredness," a liar and murderer from the beginning. It may sound stupid to you -- but if you are serving "self" you are serving Satan the "God of self" whether you want to admit the supernatural or not.

Are you going to make me fish out all the bible quotes you gloss over that advocate murder? The bible does not mix words when talking about murder, they are not symbolic or taken out of context, it is murder pure and simple.

Perhaps the God of the Bible is Satan - He likes to kill.
stretched said:
Quote W:
“No. Jesus is my God. Satan is yours.”

* Heh. Oh boy.

Just leave Jesus out of your black list, if you don't mind.


“It's kind of hard to make a good impression without helping those people first -- it's called public relations.”

* It`s called dishonesty.

It's called caring, and helping someone that needs it, without expecting something in return. That is what Jesus commanded us to do. If we only help those that help us, then we do not show love.


“That is you assessment. Jesus disagrees. Slavery is manstealing and gets a person in hell. God created all races -- how does that make him a racist? There is no race criteria for heaven, but there is a creed criteria.”

* So you are saying Jesus is not the god of the OT? The God of the OT condoned slavery. It’s in your Bible. Is Jesus god?

W: That is not the same type of "slavery". The OT slaves sold themselves into slavery. They were eventually allowed to go free. It was contractual.

“Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever.” Lev.25:44-46

Bondmen and bondmaids are typically indentured in a contract of their own volition or by other family members. They are not the same as the african slaves that were kidnapped against their wishes, transported to the other side of the world, and sold at a profit for someone else without any hope of ever attaining freedom. From the verse you notice that the families of the slaves were the ones that did the selling. That's like your own mother and father selling you into slavery because they can't provide for you. The slaves were not abused, and were well taken care of. Their families could check on them if they wanted to. It's like this -- what's worse slavery or starvation?


“I'm not doing enough and neither are you. “

* What do you know of what I do? I concede that I can never do enough.

Nobody does enough to "earn heaven."


“I've helped some but it isn't enough. I've tried to work with street people, tried to feed starving people. I worked 9 years as a volunteer in a rest home. I've gone on visitation at people's homes, at the funeral home, and on the telephone. It isn't enough. I've visited people while they were dieing. It will never be enough -- I come up short.”

* Did you spread the gospel during this help phase? Be honest now.

I did when I could because I honestly think everyone is going to hell that doesn't have Jesus.


“Bono, by the way, is a christian.”

* Heh. I am aware of that, however he does not support organised religion/s. In fact he is outspoken strong critic of the Modern Church culture. And he does not use his fundraising as a platform for promoting the Gospel. Regarding your messianic quote, you do know of course that Bono has a British sense of humour? You get that there is play on “Messianic” and “Revelation”? Also note that King Abdullah, who is present, is not a Christian. Would you share in a prayer with non-Christians Woody?

Yes I would share in a prayer with non-believers. God's mercy extends to them.
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KennyJC said:
Are you going to make me fish out all the bible quotes you gloss over that advocate murder? The bible does not mix words when talking about murder, they are not symbolic or taken out of context, it is murder pure and simple.

Perhaps the God of the Bible is Satan - He likes to kill.

Did Jesus like to kill?

How about the woman caught in adultery and brought before him?

"He who is without sin cast the first stone"

Are you without sin? Watch where you throw your accusatory rocks.

People get killed in times of war, and the Jews survive by killing their enemies. Call it murder if you want to. It looks more like self-defense to me.

Doesn't the whole world want the Jews dead? Hitler, Iran, Russia, the arab world, the Spanish Inquisition. You could say the holocast was their wake up call.
Woody said:
Did Jesus like to kill?
No, but he advocated rebellion against Rome. Plus, the whole "I'm bringing the sword" thing he supposedly said. Seems like a crackpot to me.

Doesn't the whole world want the Jews dead?
Uh...no. Maybe you and your racist religion want them dead, but most do not.
Hapsburg said:
No, but he advocated rebellion against Rome. Plus, the whole "I'm bringing the sword" thing he supposedly said. Seems like a crackpot to me.


Jeepers Creepers.

Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and unto God what belongs to God."

There is nothing more the pharasees wanted than an accusation against Jesus concerning Rome. They even claimed he made himself king above Caesar but Pilate didn't fall for that gimmick.

Uh...no. Maybe you and your racist religion want them dead, but most do not.

Oh yeah Hapsburg, there is nothing more we would like to do in our church than go out and kill some jews. BTW -- Jesus was a jew, and he is our God, how about that? We hate jews and yet we worship one of them as God. What an unbiased, logical, clear thinking head you have on your shoulders!
Woody said:
Did Jesus like to kill?

I'm not aware of any quotes by him claiming to support murder, however does this mean you ignore the parts of the Bible without Jesus in it? Or just ignore the parts that condone murder?

People get killed in times of war, and the Jews survive by killing their enemies. Call it murder if you want to. It looks more like self-defense to me.

You don't have a leg to stand on. I am not even talking about deaths by war.

Doesn't the whole world want the Jews dead? Hitler, Iran, Russia, the arab world, the Spanish Inquisition. You could say the holocast was their wake up call.

So you think Jews should be killed?
TheVisitor said:
You just said I only reference one source....correct!
There is only "One" truth.
It's that simple, so that a child could not err therein.
It conflicts with other so-called sources, if they are not the truth.
Many religions incorperate some truth...if they didn't they wouldn't decieve real sincere people seeking truth.
The best lie is 99% truth......but it's that 1% where they get you, thats all it takes for the Word of God to be of no effect.
What is the effect the Word is to have on you..?
To create "Christ in you, the hope of glory"
Baptist's will create other Baptists......Methodist's will make more Methodist's ect... see?
"A little leaven leaventh the whole lump"
It has to the whole Word.
Man shall live on "EVERY" word, that procedeth from the mouth of God.
The Word will create Christ.
Do you know the meaning of the word "True"...?

It's not the opposite of false, it means "Full and complete", as opposed to "partial"
That is truth...it comes from one source.

You are truly damaged. I feel extremely sorry for you and all who have this delusion drilled into them. If I could I would have had you removed from your parents house befor they did whatever it is they did to you.
Quote Woody:
“W: That is not the same type of "slavery". The OT slaves sold themselves into slavery. They were eventually allowed to go free. It was contractual.”

Exodus 21
21:20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
21:21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.

* These were slaves Woody, pure and simple, essentially expendable, as long as you don’t kill them in one blow. The same as the slaves in the American South. But that’s OK. You have to believe otherwise lest your faith is undermined by honesty.

“From the verse you notice that the families of the slaves were the ones that did the selling. “

* No Woody read it again, the family of the owners of the slaves inherit the slaves, and the offspring of the slaves.

“That's like your own mother and father selling you into slavery because they can't provide for you. The slaves were not abused, and were well taken care of. Their families could check on them if they wanted to. It's like this -- what's worse slavery or starvation?”

* Pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.

“Nobody does enough to "earn heaven."

* Oh, boy.

“I did when I could because I honestly think everyone is going to hell that doesn't have Jesus.”

* Would you have helped if you were an atheist?

“Yes I would share in a prayer with non-believers. God's mercy extends to them.”

* Good for you.
“I did when I could because I honestly think everyone is going to hell that doesn't have Jesus.”

* Would you have helped if you were an atheist?

Probably not. Do you see any atheist missionaries in the world?

* These were slaves Woody, pure and simple, essentially expendable, as long as you don’t kill them in one blow. The same as the slaves in the American South. But that’s OK. You have to believe otherwise lest your faith is undermined by honesty.

Well to be perfectly honest with yourself, you don't believe the bible anyway, so there wasn't any slavery. If there was slavery then the bible (being so unreliable) probably didn't get it right.

However let's look at the text again since you missed the point:

“Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever.” Lev.25:44-46

The children of the strangers that sojourn among you.


PRONUNCIATION: sjûrn, s-jûrn
INTRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: so·journed, so·journ·ing, so·journs
To reside temporarily. See synonyms at stay1.
NOUN: A temporary stay; a brief period of residence.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English sojournen, from Old French sojorner, from Vulgar Latin *subdiurnre : Latin sub-, sub- + Late Latin diurnum, day (from Latin, daily ration, from neuter of diurnus, daily, from dis, day; see dyeu- in Appendix I).
OTHER FORMS: sojourner —NOUN

No this is not African-american style slavery. The parents sold their children into slavery. They sojourned, meaning they came for a short visit, sold their children and left of their own free will.

The quote you provided was in Leviticus - part of the old-old testament, which also commands us to stone someone to death for gathering sticks on the sabbath (saturday).

The world economy has changed a lot since those days.
Do you see any atheist missionaries in the world?

I personally know many atheists that have and do help others in need. The only difference is that they don't advertise that they're helping, they just do it.

No 'heaven points' (tm) to be earnt for them see.
Probably not. Do you see any atheist missionaries in the world?

Why would people need missionaries, if all they really had to do is pray? if there was a god really wouldn't it just make their wishes come true?.

As for atheist donating time and funds for relief of the needy, yes there are organizations of atheist groups who gather and do such things, would you like to donate? Donate here


SnakeLord said:
I personally know many atheists that have and do help others in need. The only difference is that they don't advertise that they're helping, they just do it.

No 'heaven points' (tm) to be earnt for them see.

Advertisement brings no rewards to a christian. You know what the bible says about it. I assume you mean doing it in Gods' name.

What is your philantropist counterpart to Mother Teresa and others like her?

It is likely that an atheist can not be motivated by eternal value. It motivates christians and other faiths to go beyond their self-centered universe in helping others sacrificially. It is not limited to faith, but also to anyone that loves another more than their own life.

So what it comes down to is love. As a therapist what do you think love is beyond feeling passion for someone else?

The God christians worship is love. If their love is directed appropriately they will do as mother teresa. If it is misdirected then it can lead to self-righteousness and all the "negs" that nonbelievers like to associate with christians. Jesus is an example of love directed in the right way -- can you find anything wrong with his love? I didn't ask if you believe he is god.
Godless said:
Mother Teresa was a fraud:

click and learn

get re-educated

learn the truth

Don't be fooled

From around the globe, and from different website sources, all claim that mother teresa was no saint, but a fraud. Behind the times you are Woody ;)


She was also catholic, and she started out with good intentions, much like someone else we know on this forum. ;)

There are other missionaries that have done as much if not more than mother teresa. You can't say all missionaries are frauds because of contoversial reports about this one. This seems to be the raison-d'etre for many nonbelievers -- finding flaws in people that are sincerely trying to benefit God and humanity. It's rationalization.