Dartmoor Beast Identified As New Species Of European Giant Hyrax?

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See an eye doctor! :rolleyes:
He saw an eye doctor once, but when he entered his office he noticed the doctor was sitting on his haunches and had a pointy face with a small black nose! This so unnerved him he left before he could be examined.
He saw an eye doctor once, but when he entered his office he noticed the doctor was sitting on his haunches and had a pointy face with a small black nose! This so unnerved him he left before he could be examined.

lol :p
You don't have an answer for the black nose, do you?
The photo looks exactly like the second picture Enmos posted here. The cat has a darker region along its nasal ridge and the fact your photo is taken from far away and has to be enlarged accounts for any additional darkness as the image compression tends to exaggerate dark regions.

You'd have to be blind not to see the enormous similarity between your picture and those in Enmos's post. And rather than accept the obvious rational explanation which is the simplest and most supported by evidence (its a puma someone released) you go the opposite direction and claim there's two large animal species out there which are symbyotic and which have not been seen, either of them.

When you struggle to justify the existence of one thing its moronic to them make even more unsupported and convoluted claims.

CSS, are you religious? Its just you are so completely gullible, willing to accept anything without evidence and sometimes even in spite of the evidence you're an ideal person to be suckered into a religion, particularly the crazier ones (they are all crazy but some of them particularly so). Have you been got at by the Jehovah's Witnesses who do their rounds on Sunday mornings in many places in the UK? Or does Joseph Smith and the planet Kolob really sound like the truth to you?
News Bulletin: Fortean Times article by Dr Karl Shuker confirms hyrax-like beast sighting at close range on the evening of 13 March 2010. "Shaun Histed-Todd was driving his bus along a Dartmoor road when he saw a most unusual creature run down the edge of the moor and stand at the roadside, where the bus's headlights afforded him an excellent view of it for roughly half a minute before it ran back up onto the moors. .It resembled a young fox and had a bushy white-tipped tail, but it's coat was dark silver-grey; it had noticeably large ears, white paws, and a black raccoon-like facial mask. Shaun has since learned of other sightings of this animal, with one made only two miles (3.2km) away from the site of his own observation." :)
And how is that a description of something "hyrax-like"?
"Young fox"? I.e. slim, not rotund like a hyrax.
"Bushy white-tipped tail"? But a hyrax has a notably short tail.
"Dark silver-grey"? Er, hyraces tend to be dun.
"Large ears"? Not really.
"White paws and black raccoon-like facial mask"? Right.
I completely see the description is hyrax-like. :rolleyes:
Here's his very nice reply to my message;

Subject: Hi
Hi Alan thanks for the post and comments. I had my own suspicions if this sighting could have been the same creature, but hadn't got round to digging the story out again to make comparisons. So thanks for the link.

Looking at the images again, i'm not convinced it shows a Fox. The colouring is very close to what i saw, but what I saw was smaller to your Average fox with what appeared to be stunted legs. ALso markings where a black mask over it's face with a white banded nose, white tipped toes and tail. It reminded me of an Artic Fox with Raccoon markings.

This creature was apparently quite large.

I know off Martin Whitley he goes hunting with our butcher. Now our butcher is very skeptical of exotic animals roaming the moors but has to admit that Martin insists it was not a dog!! and that was good enough for him to believe him, he respect Martin as a very precise observer. Also the suggestion that the pictures show a Newfoundland he apparently scoffs at, stating that martin has two off his own and would have clearly identified it had it been.

I look at the photos and I would say dog going by pic 2 and 6 ..But my butcher has convinced me otherwise, and the other images i can't make up my mind.

Again thanks for the post

All the best
I think maybe he saw a 'young one' which is why it was about the size of a fox, whilst the adults are large-dog sized. I'll ask him.
Here's his very nice reply to my message;

I think maybe he saw a 'young one' which is why it was about the size of a fox, whilst the adults are large-dog sized. I'll ask him.


I suggest you reply to this post:
And how is that a description of something "hyrax-like"?
"Young fox"? I.e. slim, not rotund like a hyrax.
"Bushy white-tipped tail"? But a hyrax has a notably short tail.
"Dark silver-grey"? Er, hyraces tend to be dun.
"Large ears"? Not really.
"White paws and black raccoon-like facial mask"? Right.
I completely see the description is hyrax-like. :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
And how is that a description of something "hyrax-like"?
"Young fox"? I.e. slim, not rotund like a hyrax.
"Bushy white-tipped tail"? But a hyrax has a notably short tail.
"Dark silver-grey"? Er, hyraces tend to be dun.
"Large ears"? Not really.
"White paws and black raccoon-like facial mask"? Right.
I completely see the description is hyrax-like.


Looks like a young fox....nope

Has a bushy white tipped tail...nope

Dark silver grey coloring...nope.

Large ears....nope

White paws and black raccoon-like facial mask....nope.

CSS, why do you ignore these facts that repute hyrax, and dwell on the stunted leg comment?
You have to imagine changes to the body shape due to the process of evolution. Is this something you believe in and think you can understand?
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