Dartmoor Beast Identified As New Species Of European Giant Hyrax?

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The hyrax hypothesis makes sense for both the European/African continent as it does for the North/South American continent. The evidence fits perfectly. It doesn't tie in with the rate of continental drift though but I have an additional hypothesis which would more than double the rate so that Pangea dissipated much later than currently thought.

btw 'An American Werewolf In London' classic horror movie depited the beast just as described; muscular haunches with a hairy mane, attacks to the throat, short/no tail etc. It's all there to the initiated.
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The evidence fits perfectly.
No, you mean there isn't any evidence at all so its not falsified. But then you can't prove a negative. If you claim there's such an animal and I claim there isn't it isn't contingent on me searching the entire British isles, looking in every cave, under every rock and in every tree. It is contingent on you to provide evidence for your claim. If such animals exist then why are no tracks, no droppings, no bones, no bodies, no evidence of any kind other than long distance blurred photography found?! If these animals aren't clever enough to avoid humans with a camera why are they clever enough to leave absolutely ZERO physical evidence they exist?

Ask any animal tracker how they track animals and you'll get answers like "Their tracks, their droppings, remnants of their meals and their nests/homes/dens". Animals don't clear up their food and their shit when they are done, they just walk off. So why isn't there a single bit of 'Giant Hyrax crap' ever seen in the UK? If there's a carnivorous animal in the UK why don't we find half eaten sheep, goats, cows and people. Does it photoshop itself out of newspaper photos too?

The evidence, as seen by examining the behaviour of every large land animal on the planet, is they shit where they like and they leave plenty of evidence of their existence (even if they are hard to catch). Yet you have a magical animal who cleans up their poo, their food, their dead and their tracks. Wow, talk about a tidy animal!
Ask any animal tracker how they track animals and you'll get answers like "Their tracks, their droppings, remnants of their meals and their nests/homes/dens". Animals don't clear up their food and their shit when they are done, they just walk off. So why isn't there a single bit of 'Giant Hyrax crap' ever seen in the UK? If there's a carnivorous animal in the UK why don't we find half eaten sheep, goats, cows and people. Does it photoshop itself out of newspaper photos too?
Read THIS report of hunters who have found evidence; prints which show both three and four toed tracks! Harlan Ford The Hunter's Story
That only goes to illustrate my point. An animals which is huge and if it can kill 3 boars in the space of 3 days it would require an enormous area to range over to support even a small population doesn't leave any droppings or bones or evidence for its existence other than 2 eye witnesses over 40 years?

There's a minimum size a population, of any kind, can survive it for long periods of time due to issues like inbreeding. You can't have a healthy population survive if its only got a single male and female as its 'parents', within 4 or 5 generations it would be too ill to last. With selective breeding (ie keeping track of whose related to who) you still need more than about 30 people to be anywhere close to safe for lengthy periods of time. So if this 7 foot creature exists it'll need to be in a population of probably a few hundred, if its survived for thousands of years, and to feed such a population you'd need an enormous area of swamp. In Africa a single pack of lions can range over thousands of acres and they eat less frequently than your supposed creature kills. So a population of say 500 of these things would need more than just the swamps, they'd need most of the Bible belt!

So while man has been in North America its been hiding within the swamps of Louisiana such that it leaves no bodies, no marks on trees or animals which can be traced back to it and far enough from human settlements (which get ever deeper into the swamps) to not been seen by anything more than 3 or 4 people in decades. Further more it has managed to remove its entire evolutionary mark from the fossil record of the continent. Wow, for millions of years its been destroying its dead such that no skeletons exist anywhere. Why? For what possible end could such a behaviour arise?

You are required to assume they are sufficiently intelligent to deliberately avoid all humans not just now but in the past and to avoid leaving any trace for any human to find ever! There's "its a bit ellusive" to "the entire species has been covering all record of their existence for the past few million years". If they are that clever they'd be running the planet, not us.
70,000 acres is a BIG enough area! Very remote indeed with treacherous swamps and a big river.

It was 1963 and Harlan Ford with his buddy Billy Mills were in the deep woods of the swamp looking for an old abandoned camp they had spotted for the air. Harlan was an Air Traffic Controller in New Orleans and he often flew over the 70,000 acres of swampy wilderness in southern Louisiana.
Today the two skilled hunters were on foot and making their way back deep toward where Harlan thought he had seen the camp. When they broke out into a clearing they stopped in awe, in front of them was a massive creature on all fours..
I don't believe this kind old man of the woods could make something like this up. Anyone could have hoaxed the show and potato foot imo!
I don't believe this kind old man of the woods could make something like this up. Anyone could have hoaxed the show and potato foot imo!

You don't want to believe it, because it would mean your giant hyrax doesn't exist...and you SOOOOO want that to be true.
70,000 acres is a BIG enough area! Very remote indeed with treacherous swamps and a big river.

300 lions in a nature reserve (which are always too small) live in 560 square miles. 70,000 acres is 110 square miles. So 70,000 acres, on the scale of carnivores which are smaller than the creature you claim to exist, is enough for only about 60 lions. 60 lions. And there's a hell of a lot of large meaty animals living in Africa, unlike in the swamps of the Deep South.

Rather than doing 'research' into make believe animals try looking at the behaviour of REAL animals.
CommonSense Seeker, it is people like you who give the criminally insane a bad name. For once will you not bow to logic and the common sense you so desperately seek and admit that your beliefs concerning a giant hyrax are mere delusions?
CommonSense Seeker, it is people like you who give the criminally insane a bad name. For once will you not bow to logic and the common sense you so desperately seek and admit that your beliefs concerning a giant hyrax are mere delusions?

You'd have a better chance getting me to admit I hate beer. :)

300 lions in a nature reserve (which are always too small) live in 560 square miles. 70,000 acres is 110 square miles. So 70,000 acres, on the scale of carnivores which are smaller than the creature you claim to exist, is enough for only about 60 lions. 60 lions. And there's a hell of a lot of large meaty animals living in Africa, unlike in the swamps of the Deep South.

Rather than doing 'research' into make believe animals try looking at the behaviour of REAL animals.
AN, try to keep up, hyraxes are herbivorous and I'm saying that they DON'T eat meat, despite killing trespassers with a viscious bite to the neck!
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