Dartmoor Beast Identified As New Species Of European Giant Hyrax?

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As well you should...CSS is autistic and only see's what he's deletions show him. It only means something to him.
Funny thing is I look like you! I got so many photos of me stoned with those half shut eyes and cheek to cheek grin. You better get down the white-coat shop a.s.a.p imo! lol
It's seriously not a laughing matter, they are evolving at an incredible rate........


For many years they have thought themselves to be above humans.............

Here's the latest sighting and experience which has just been posted to me

oh i feel a little odd mentioning this. please dont mock this.
a few years ago i used to walk my two dogs in a field near my house, ( i live in a very rural area) and used to let them off the lead. it was later october and my dogs, who were pretty big and rather protective, came runing at me, tail between their legs and cowarldy. this wasnt like them but i put their leads back on and started to walk home. i had a torch with me btw. one of my dogs suddenly got really close to me and wouldnt walk, the other started growling. i seen some movement in some bushes and the torch caught the creatures massive eyes and then it gone in the bushes. i was shaken up but i never seen it again for a few months. the next time i did see it, i seen it quite clearly, again in the feild, large, over6 feet anyway, massive golden brown eyes, hind legs just like a dogs, massivly broad shoulders, arms sinewy but long, snout like a dogs, and pointed tufty ears. it seemed scared of me though, and kind of stalked around, it got really close once though as i didnt know it was there, but i seen it about 4 foot away and jumped out of my skin. i must have spooked it as it ran away.on two legs. after that i stopped giving the dogs their last walk at night. the wierd thing is my family members have seen it too, but it never harmed any of us and never showed any sign of wanting to. i havent seen it for a while and kind of glad. im not saying the creature i seen was a werewolf at all. i just know that i seen some creature, that my family seen the same thing. i dont have any idea what it is, but it may be some sort of wierd evolution of a dog or a wolf. so if there are such things as werewolves i just bumped into the nicest possible one, or the vegatarian
Here's evidence the giant hyrax has entered the Australian continent, most likely in the recent past imo. Just posted in another forum:

Well my eldest is home from UNI and although she is a perfect AUS size 8 wants to lose more weight even though she's 5ft9. Her and her father have taken to walking in my old stomping ground where I have had many encounters with Yowies and taken pictures of ABC prints. For anyone who doesn't live in Sydney the Government here has admitted that there are ABC. As I no longer own dogs I don't ever walk down there anymore and haven't for a few years.

I haven't been openly active on here for close to 4yrs so most of my threads would need to be dug up from back then. I had a thread going with cat tracks I found measuring 14x14cm, I'll repost these up. Today we went up after my daughters walk for her to show me what they found. There was a lot of wallaby tracks when the wallaby tracks start to skid along as though a lot of speed was being put into them (I didn't take pictures of these as there was no point for an untrained eye wouldn't know what they were looking at)

A little further on the cat must have existed the bush and unfortunately the ground isn't good so the picture isn't the best and I don't know how to draw highlights around things to point out what I mean, but you can make out a cat print with the wallaby prints being up to 35cm in front but scraped all the way back to the cats print. There was no sign of blood but when I had my staffy I saw her get a possum one night and it was one bite around the neck, no blood just a broken neck. The cat probably then took the wallaby in deeper bush somewhere as I was quite shocked at how close to the start of the walking track and houses this attacked occurred. We also found a smaller 3 toed print not in relation to the attack but obviously it means they're breeding around here.

And for all you yowie lovers we did try some wood knocking without any success but my daughter swore she heard something and we listened for a while without hearing anything beyond the normal sounds echoing from far away but she decided to throw a rock in the bush anyway. Well we turned and had taken half a dozen steps when a huge stick came flying from behind us overhead and landed about 2metres in front. It was funny actually, you get to tell the threatening ones from the playful ones. And no I didn't have a video camera to catch the stick in action so I can't prove anything though all the trees around us were not gum and this was from a gum tree. I've lived around here for at least 12 years so I do know a bit about what's normal or not in the bush around me.

These pictures are the original ones from at least 4yrs ago.



This is a picture that shows a 4th toe off on an angle to the back


Here's one just posted from Michigan:

I went up north to visit my uncle, my whole family lives in Michigan.Well we went up north in Michigan, it was a family reunion.My cousins dared me to go out into the forest all by myself, it was midnight.I agreed, because I'm not afraid of anything.Well I took my camera with me and went out into the forest, well I heard something in a tree, thinking it was just a bird or something I kept walking.Well I heard a low, deep growl coming from a tree, I whipped my head to the tree and I saw a huge shadow that looked like a wolf.But it was much larger then a wolf.My eyes widend and I wanted to run, but my curiousity stood me still.I somehow was able to find myself and took off running, i dont know why but i tried to run backwards to get a picture of it with my camera.(i never said I was smart.XD) well i dropped my camera right after I got a snapshot then I was so shocked I just kept running.I ran so fast that night I was back to my uncles house and hyperventalating...

Dogman only comes out at night so the next day i went out with my cousin to find my camera, I tell her everything so i told her about dogman.Well we found my camera, but it was crashed into a million peices, and around it was huge pawprints.I'll never forget that day.I want to proove dogman is real..This is my song for as long as Dogman is in my heart...

I'm just about to ask her to compare a photo of the three toed print with what she remembers..
I don't see how that could not be a dog footprint.
It's a fair point you make but you have to read the text which accompanies the photo. She says that she's a tracker of alien big cats (ABC's) and that a dead wallaby with the signs of an attack was found. The smaller three toed print was nearby. Big cat and dog prints can look very similar. You have to give people some credit for experience and a knowledge of what they're doing. I know this woman from another forum and I have a lot of confidence in her abilities as a bush walker.
It's a fair point you make but you have to read the text which accompanies the photo. She says that she's a tracker of alien big cats (ABC's) and that a dead wallaby with the signs of an attack was found. The smaller three toed print was nearby. Big cat and dog prints can look very similar. You have to give people some credit for experience and a knowledge of what they're doing. I know this woman from another forum and I have a lot of confidence in her abilities as a bush walker.
Thinking about it some more, the three toed track is more likely to be that of the wallaby whilst being brought down by the ABC, hence the reason the claws are out on the big cat print. I've had this problem before come to think of it. The two rear feet of the wallaby are planted so close together that they look like a single foot print with three parge toes. Just goes to show that not all three toed prints are that of a bunyip..
There's a strange link between these footprints and Wallaby populations in out of norm places.

Tennessee, 1934: During mid-January 1934, an atypical kangaroo was reported to have killed and partially devoured several animals, including German shepherd dogs. One witness, Reverend W. J. Hancock, described the animal as looking like a large kangaroo, running and leaping across a field. Another witness, Frank Cobb, soon found more evidence of the kangaroo’s activities: a dismembered alsatian. A search party followed the kangaroo's prints to a cave, where the trail ran out. The kangaroo was never found.

There have been recent attempts to label the story as a hoax by the late Horace N. Minnis, of the Chattanooga Times. However, Minnis was not a newspaper correspondent for the area at that time.

Anyway, here's the wallaby footprint in sand which can be imagined to be close enough to form a single looking three toed track:
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Here's another example. Funnily enough, someone I know in North Carolina who also found strange three toed tracks which after harvesting which disappeared at the end of the field. They also used to grew tobacco.

I lived in Kentucky when I was young, you spent your time outdoors, fishing and hunting and just staying in the woods was a way of life, on the back of our farm, on top of a hill in a flat area, my father raised tobacco and had a garden on the left side of the hilltop, the field had been plowed and smoothed and was ready for the next seasons planting, everyday I would walk back into the fields and woods and spend my days there,
One morning I walked back to the field on top the hill and was walking threw it, as I got to the middle of the field, I noticed to my right there was some kind of disturbance in the ground, I walked over to it to examine it closely, as I looked down I realized what I was seeing, it was a footprint, a single footprint, and a very odd footprint, I would guess it was maybe 12-14 inches long, with only 3 toes, it is hard to remember exactly the way the foot curved, but I do remember how I saw it and made a mental note of it, it seems that it curved to the right making it a left footprint..

I looked over the entire area around me for another print, there was none, the dirt in the field was perfect to take a track as it was freshly plowed and a disc had been run threw it, then smoothed, it was semi moist and would have taken track from anything that had some weight to it as it had done my tracks leading up to the print..

Moving forward to approx the year 2000 or 2001, I was reading online and searching for topics of interest, I came across a website of a UFO and paranormal investigator, as I was reading his site I came across a section discussing a strange single footprint that was found in Pennsylvania, it was almost identical to the print I saw, I emailed him and he told me he had been told of several instances of this kind of track being seen..

By clicking the link below you can see an image of the exact track I saw, the image is a picture of the cast from the track..

The image is from stangordon.com

This cast of a three toed footprint was made from the actual track, in August of 1973, in a rural area near Greensburg, PA. The track is 13 inches long and 8 inches wide. I found the impression while investigating a Bigfoot sighting which had been recently reported in the area. In the weeks to follow, numerous such creature sightings would originate from several counties in the state.

Within the last year I was listening to a roundtable discussion on the coasttocoastam radio show concerning bigfoot, one of the people in the discussion was a man named Smokey Crabtree, during the discussion he mentioned a single 3 toed track, I emailed Mr Crabtree and he and I exchanged several emails and he said he had heard others tell of seeing this type single track..
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