Dartmoor Beast Identified As New Species Of European Giant Hyrax?

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There's a connection between hyraxes, Israel and mermaid sightings. Apologies for the Daryl Hannah photo but take a look at these:

(i) Mermaid Fever Makes A Splash In Israel, Aug 2009

(ii) The Bible has explicitly declared hyraxes (sometimes translated to rabbits or rock badgers) not to be kosher because they don't have split hooves (or even hooves at all). Hence the Israeli hyrax has been running around with free abandon for donkey's years. No wonder they're playing in the surf and catching fish whilst waving at the silly humans on the shore.
There's also the bigfoot type which could easily be mistaken for the giant hyrax or dogman type cryptid. Could these prints be three-toed do you think?

Bigfoot Investigators Hope DNA Test Will Confirm Existence Of Two Man-Beasts, June 2011

Could this smudge prove Bigfoot DOES exist? Explorers desperate to test DNA in marks left on abandoned car window, June 2011

Lake monster known as the dobhar-chú (‘water hound’) or master otter


"This tombstone portays the dobhar-chú as being decidedly canine in overall form (thus explaining its Gaelic name’s derivation), with long limbs, muscular haunches, deep chest, and a long tufted tail, but combined with these features are others that are undeniably otter-like, such as its tiny ears, very large paws, short head, and fairly long heavy neck – hence ‘master otter’. Collectively, they yield an animal unlike anything known to contemporary zoology. Intriguingly, however, cryptozoology can offer a very comparable, recent version.
On 1 May 1968, John Cooney and Michael McNulty witnessed an extremely strange creature run across the road just in front of their vehicle and vanish into some undergrowth, as they were driving home past Sraheens Lough – a lake on Achill Island, off the western coast of County Mayo, which is in the same region of Ireland as Counties Leitrim and Sligo. They later described this animal as having four well-developed legs on which it rocked from side to side as it ran, a long sturdy tail, small head, and lengthy neck. Shiny dark-brown in colour, it measured 2.4-3.0 m in total length. During the next few weeks, several similar reports were made in this vicinity by others too. Could this cryptid have been a dobhar-chú?

"There have been many claims of lake monsters inhabiting various of Ireland’s loughs, but as many of these bodies of water are very small, sceptics have dismissed such a possibility by claiming that the loughs could not sustain such creatures. If, however, they have the ability to move from one lough to another, rather than residing permanently in any single body of water, lough size would not be a problem – and perhaps that is what the Sraheens Lough creature was doing when sighted. The nature of its zoological identity, meanwhile, and that of Glenade Lake’s morphologically-reminiscent dobhar-chú too remain a complete mystery."

There's more:
...on the summer solstice of the year 1510 some kind of beast the size of a mastiff emerged at dawn from one of those lochs, named Gairloch, having feet like a goose, that without any difficulty knocked down great oak trees with the lashings of its tail. It quickly ran up to the huntsmen and laid low three of them with three blows, the remainder making their escape among the trees. Then, without any hesitation, it immediately returned into the loch. Men think that when this monster appears it portends great evil for the realm, for otherwise it is rarely seen."
In 2003 Irish Artist Sean Corcoran and his wife claim to have witnessed a Dobhar-Chú on Omey Island in Connemara, County Galway. In his description the large dark creature made a haunting screech, could swim fast and had orange flipper like feet. “What a shock!” he says, recalling the next few moments. “A vicious snarl right below us, like a loud hiss, followed immediately by a huge splash. The creature, if that is what it was, swam the width of the lake from west to east in “what seemed like a matter of seconds”, leaving a “fairly big wake”, Corcoran remembers when it reached shore, it clambered up onto a boulder, he swears, and gave “the most haunting screech”. My wife's account of the incident is give or takes the same as mine. Its body was dark, and I'd say it was about the size of a large Labrador, and about five foot tall when standing. It turned and disappeared into the darkness of the area I call the Heart.

We scrambled back to our tent, completely stunned. This was something very strange, it wasn't a swan or an otter or a badger. The next day we went across to Sweeney’s bar. Malachy served us and there were a few lads at the counter. I casually explained about the creature and there was nervous chuckling." - www.irishtimes.com (Phantoms&Monsters)


This was posted yesterday in another forum from Bruce who lives in Ontario:

Hi everyone.

Firstly I'd like to say that I've been familiar with this site for quite some time. I've observed much in terms of articles and information being shared via the front page and forums for various personal reasons as a result of my history. Now, as it stands I feel as though if I expose too much, I could be endangering myself and my attempts to stay somewhat off the radar. Now, I know that sounds amusing to some, or impossible to others... Especially since there is no possibility for validation of experiences shared here... It is simply faith, or trust in which I ask you hold for me as I share with you this predicament. If you chose to have none, I can't blame you, judge away.

Seven months ago I was attempting to fall asleep in bed. I live alone, and I only have my dog for company as it stands. Before I explain what happened that night, I will try to cover a bit of back story. In the past, I have heard things, and I believe in my head with confidence that I have seen things as well that originate from behind my home. Loud screeches, dark figures and the sounds of scurrying in the bushes that seem more heavy and not at all similar to the sounds of wildlife. Of course we as humans try to examine the most logical explanation for things first (well, most of us), and I have tried time and time again to do just that. But I know when I see a raccoon or squirrel jumping from tree to tree in the night with what little bit of lighting I have on my back porch. But for the two and a half years that I've lived here, these sightings were frequent enough in nature to keep me somewhat paranoid about what was going on behind my house. My neighbors have said in the past they've heard loud noises but not seen figures in their backyard or behind their homes.

So on this night, seven months ago as I lay in bed attempting to fall asleep... I hear a ringing. The sort of ringing you hear from a TV without volume, or when your ears begin to ring yet there was no loss of hearing. I thought it rather strange and figured it was coming from one my electronic devices. While I was in the process of powering everything down, it stopped. I was relieved to believe it was not originating from anywhere else. Still, I continued to shut everything off and only moments after crawling back into bed, the ringing persisted. Covering my head with the blanket deafened the sound enough for me to fall asleep.

I woke up the next day feeling nauseous. I drove to work, I threw up, and figured I might have had a slight bug. I left work feeling weak, came home and tried to relax. The day went by rather normally, I perked up a bit and my concern about the connection of the ringing to my sickness faded. My dog, who for quite some time has been a great companion refused to stay by my side. I didn't notice this in the morning time but it was blatantly evident that there was something wrong with him after I'd come home. Hiding under tables, staying in opposite rooms, not typical behavior at all for him. The worry began once more. I didn't eat much, and neither did he.

In the evening of this same day, I had to pick him up, and take him outside to relieve himself... The amount of fighting and cowering I witnessed was unsettling. He was quick to run back inside and I was quick to investigate the darkness behind my home. With my flashlight in hand, I looked around and saw nothing. As I turned around and clicked the flashlight off, a large figure stand before me with the description that I'm sure you've all heard of many times before. It was alien. Skinny, tall, large eyes, but it was battered and beaten. It appeared sickly. My brain engraved the image on my mind as I quickly blinked, stepped back and shook my head. The image from my eyes vanished and I collapsed under my weak knees. I sat there, on the grass for a good hour. My head was racing... If I reached out could I have touched it? I'm not trying to convey an exaggerated story for you all. It was there. If not literally, something want my eyes to see it.

And now for the record, I have no mental health issues, no background of abuse, mental illness, serious physical illness, etc, etc. To imagine something chemical, or psychological that would cause my brain to do this, is, well beyond me. And as the situation progresses, I myself was certain, this was not something festering in my brain.

For months, I've had dreams, and flash images appear in my head. Dreams that take me to underground places, bases or stations, flashes of people and places I've never met or seen. I see what appear to be spacecraft, both ours and other-worldly. I see people talking to what appear to be aliens and in other dreams I find myself seeing the Universe on a small scale, like I'm observing it from a position far away. The dreams are frequent, the flashes not so much... And when I say flashes, these are images of strange beings, or even just plain old humans I have never seen before and they disappear on every occasion in an instant. I know, to the reader, this sounds insane. I'm not naive to that. I came here, to share my experience with the hopes of trying to discover what the hell is going on here. You can inquire, interrogate, anything. I'll do my best to try and create a solid picture for those of you interested in trying to decipher what this might be...

As of now, the odd sounds of screeching and signs of rustling in the bushes at night continue. The screech is usually short, high pitched and heard from within my home. From my television room I can see out into my backyard, and at times, as crazy as it sounds, I swear I see figures running through the yard. I get up to see in a hurry, but no visible evidence of intrusion is there... Though the odd time a screech in the distance accompanies said sighting. The flashes, as I said aren't as frequent as the dreams in which I see many strange things, but the order of events and there cause and effects seems all to coordinated... And I'm concerned for what might be ahead to be honest.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time.
The legendary sirens now take on a more meaningful guise
In Argonautica (4.891-919), Jason had been warned by Chiron that Orpheus would be necessary in his journey. When Orpheus heard their voices, he drew out his lyre and played his music more beautifully than they, drowning out their voices. One of the crew, however, the sharp-eared hero Butes, heard the song and leapt into the sea, but he was caught up and carried safely away by the goddess Aphrodite.

Odysseus was curious as to what the Sirens sounded like, so, on Circe's advice, he had all his sailors plug their ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast. He ordered his men to leave him tied tightly to the mast, no matter how much he would beg. When he heard their beautiful song, he ordered the sailors to untie him but they bound him the tighter. When they had passed out of earshot, Odysseus demonstrated with his frowns to be released.[18]

'Swamp monster' threatens Auckland rail project

A MYTHICAL swamp monster "hiding" under Auckland is threatening to derail a project to improve the New Zealand city's traffic gridlock.

Glenn Wilcox, a member of the Maori Statutory Board, which protects Maori interests, complained that the plan did not take into account the monster, which "was here first".

The taniwha is a mythical protector with a powerful role in Maori folklore, but get it angry and you're in trouble, Mr Wilcox said.

"As kaitiaki, or guardians, they protect people, but they also get up and bite you if they do not like what you are doing," he said.

The clues are all there imo. They must have made it to New Zealand.
Oh my God!
That lion's eaten the top of that little girl's head!

Watu 40 Majerui 7
What's that about?
Today, Watu Simba (were-lion) stories are used to scare misbehaving children. But in the ’40s, the Watu Simba were young women who had been enslaved by East African witch doctors. They were forcefully addicted to drugs to make them compliant, forced to live in tight cages, and had their foot tendons reshaped to give them the gait of a stalking lion. The witch doctors would then send them out as assassins. The Watu Simba wore the skin of a lion and were outfitted with prosthetic claws while hunting. Most shockingly, they were primarily fed the meat of their victims. They killed approximately 300 people over the course of four years and continued to kill even after the witch doctors were captured and hanged.

Dartmoor beasts in fact.
Maybe CSS is on to something.
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