Dartmoor Beast Identified As New Species Of European Giant Hyrax?

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Don't be silly!
Everybody knows the talking ones are actually giant flying rays in disguise.
The idea of something else talking does go against mankind's claim to superiority but research has shown that dolphins 'talk' to one another by using individual names just like humans do. It's a stretch of the imagination even for myself that a dogman could actually talk english learnt from humans, but they would have the vocal capacity to do so in theory. Take a look at the evidence here Talking Rock Hyrax
"This three-toed footprint was found between Chama and Dulce in New Mexico on October 26, 2010. We also saw a bright glowing light moving strangely in the sky to the West, most evenings, but we regrettably did not get any pictures."

P.S Take a close look to the right hand side of the print. It looks as though there is another smaller three-toed print inside the larger one. I suggest a young one is walking in the footfalls of it's parents to conceal it's identity.
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Here's three-toed prints on You-Tube:

(i) three toed print

(ii) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmoCeSxsnaQ&NR=1]More Footprints With 3 (Three) Toes
Once again, two days after we noticed the first 3-toed track, we looked out the window and saw an entire set of 3-toed tracks. The first print was at the base of a tree, with no other tracks around. These start at the deck and lead to the base of a nearby tree, where they end. Any insight is appreci

(iii) Footprint With 3 (Three) Toes
Video of a footprint with 3 toes. Besides a sloth, various birds like a Heron (and the Chupacabra : ) I do not know of any animals with three toes. If anyone has any idea what this is from, please drop me a line or post a video response. If you see my other posts, you'll realize this is no hoax.

(iV) unidentified animal tracks
Filmed these tracks while in mammoth moutains in 2004. I deleted part of the camcorder footage by mistake which clearly showed how far apart the tracks were. I couldnt jump from one to the other!

(v) Alien Footprints In the Snow?
This video was taken January 27, 2009 - Dixon, Missouri - 8:30 pm. The shape of these footprints are 3 toed with a high arch and a crooked heel. They measure 4-1/2 to 5 feet apart in stride.
Here's one which identical to the Australian track shown earlier:

This was seen in North East Texas this past weekend. It was huge, about the size of my hand. I'm 6'0, 180 lbs. It was pretty deep too. Any thoughts as to what this is. I'm baffled as it appears to only have 3 toes and I don't know what could fall into that category, unless one or more didn't imprint. I would suggest that maybe it was more than one animal but don't think so as the back pad appears to be intact and completley from only one animal. Thanks for your help.
Photo of three-toed print
Vietnam as well, May7 2011:

Mystery beast causing panic in Quang Ngai province

VietNamNet Bridge - Hundreds of households in Binh Dong Commune of Binh Son District in Quang Ngai are living in panic after mysterious footprints were seen on the sand and loud roaring sounds heard in the area.

According to Cao Tan Son, police chief of the Binh Dong Commune, these mysterious incidents have been occurring since May 7 at the foot of Dinh Mountain in Son Tra Commune.

However, no one has seen the strange creature that could have caused such large footprints measuring almost 12-15cm. Over 20 dogs have also been killed in the area and now around 280 households of the commune are living in panic.

Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc, a 70-year-old woman was the first to find her dead pet dog on the night of May 7. She said that her dog was found without its head and some body organs.

On the same night, four dogs were also found dead in the same manner, approximately 15-20 kilometres from Ngoc’s neighborhood.

Many households living near the Dinh Mountain said they had heard very loud roaring sounds.

In related news, in the border districts of Si Ma Cai and Muong Khuong in the northwestern province of Lao Cai, people have repeatedly seen strange species of dog like animals.

The strange creatures have bitten about 15 people in Ban Me, Thao Chu Phin, Quang Than San and Si Ma Cai communes in the two districts.

According to local residents, the strange doglike creatures have slender, long bodies, slanting red eyes and their fur coat is marked with white spots, black and white spots or yellow stripes.

They are seen wandering in the villages trying to prey on housedogs or attacking other domestic bred animals like chickens, pigs, goats and horses. They attack any person who tries to drive them away.
Are you saying that local rural people are idiots when it comes to identifying wildlife or is it something against the Vietnamise in particular??

nope - but neither am I starting with an a-priori assumption that they must familiar with every canine phenotype and all local wildlife and using that to jump to the conculsion that it must be a cryptid.

until something other than anecdotal evidence is put forward, occams razor suggests that if it looks like a dog its probably a dog
Dogs of Darkness

Dogs of Darkness

A lane in the parish of Marchwiel south of Wrexham, NE Wales, called Lon Bwbach Ddu (Lane of the Black Spectre) probably recalls such a haunting. An encounter near Ruthin with one of these hell hounds was recorded by T Gwynn Jones in his 'Welsh Folklore and Folk Custom' (1930). He says:

"My grandmother declared that as she and my grandfather were riding on horseback from Ruthin one evening, in passing a roadside house, the nag suddenly shied and pressed to the hedge. At the moment a very tall mastiff was passing on the other side. My grandfather who rode behind saw nothing and his horse had not been startled. They had just come to live in the district and only got to know afterwards that the house had the reputation of being haunted."

A more alarming adventure was had by a Mr Edward Jones when he was returning home late one night from a fair at Cynwyd, near Corwen. "The Black hound of destiny", as he called it, chased him across the moor, literally dogging his footsteps, keeping just behind as he hurried along. He said it was "a beast of fearsome visage and blood-shot eye".

At any moment he expected to feel its jaws clamp upon him and he suffered terrible anxiety "as in the horrible, cold sweat of a nightmare". The dreaded climax never came, however, and when, nervous and exhausted, he eventually reached his farm gate, he found the beast had vanished.

North Carolina again (9/7/2009)
strange animal with red eyes in back yard
Just curious. Last night I let my dogs out before we went to bed. My dogs had jumped on the fence barking at something in the yard. I turned on the light to the back yard went outside and saw a medium. size animal with the light shinning on the eyes it had big red round eyes. I first thought that it was a stray dog I called for the dog thinking it was, it was too exotic and different by the way it was standing and moving. Any ideas of what it may be. If it helps we live in NC. Thank You
THE LEGEND OF THE LEYLAND CAT CREATURE AND THE BEAST OF BUCKSHAW VILLAGE. The thing is, It couldn't have been a big cat. It would have to walk on it's hind legs whilst carrying the stone block. The "large eyes" are also a give away as well as the all black colouring. It fits the black dog phenomenon, which is reported to move with a feline grace a.k.a giant hyrax imo

Published on Wednesday 20 January 2010 14:34

This is the savage beast blamed for mauling animals in and around Buckshaw Village.
Dubbed the Buckshaw Beast, it has been described as a mix between a wild boar and a ferocious wolf.
The Guardian has been sent photographs of a deer the creature savaged, but the images were too gruesome to publish.
Tony Kenvig, who lives on Bamber Avenue, says he caught sight of the beast as it rifled through his bins late one night.
He said: "All the rubbish was strewn over my garden. This happened on a few occasions and one night I heard snuffles and looked out of my window and saw some kind of hyena stood rigid on its back legs."
He said incidents involving the wolf-like creature first began in early October last year.
Since then, residents of Buckshaw Village on social networking sites have been busy trying to establish what the animal is.
Shelley Levene, who lives on Oxford Mews, said: "I've seen it too. It's not a dog.
"I have two Alsations, both ex-police dogs. I saw it going through my bins.
"I couldn't understand why they weren't barking, so I went down to investigate and they were shaking and cowering in their kennel.
"Just the scent of this thing must have been enough to spook them.
"I no longer walk the streets of Buckshaw alone at night anymore and would advise all other residents to start to be vigilant.
"This beast in dangerous."
John Russell, who photographed the beast on Dawson Lane, said: "This is crazy. I can't work out what it is.
"This was no boar. I saw it move and it had a feline movement. They say it's to blame for the recent deer slayings."
Chris Bailey, from Chipping Wild Boar Park, said it was possible a wild boar could display such behaviour – but it was very unlikely.
He said: "If they are really hungry they could eat a deer.
"There is lots of countryside around there that they could go into so it is possible. But I'm surprised. I have heard of cases like this before – but only when they are very hungry and looking for food."
After examining the picture, Mr Bailey said the animal's features did not appear to match those of a wild boar.
He said: "Unfortunately, the picture isn't too clear, but from what we can see the nose seems shorter and the back legs are different. They look similar to that of a dog."

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THE LEGEND OF THE LEYLAND CAT CREATURE AND THE BEAST OF BUCKSHAW VILLAGE. The thing is, It couldn't have been a big cat. It would have to walk on it's hind legs whilst carrying the stone block. The "large eyes" are also a give away as well as the all black colouring. It fits the black dog phenomenon, which is reported to move with a feline grace a.k.a giant hyrax imo

As I am sure you know the rock hyrax is rather closely related to elephants. So for that reason I think the LLC and the BBV are probably very small, agile elephans that have lost there trunks. My guess is that they have also developed opposible thumbs and are tree duelling - which would explain why they are not regularly seen or found. In all probability they also hibernate which again indicates why they are not seen in the winter much. They have been around for a while which means they have a breeding population. They are probably egg layers. The female will leave her on the bark of hawthorn trees around 20 ft up and the male will fertilize them at his leisure. The pupa probably burrow into the tree and after several years metamorphose into adults. That accounts for the high number of hollow trees in the area.

It all fits so perfectly.
The Deerman sightings have led to this similarity in the "red eye" description
Galva chiropractor Dr. C. L. Cunningham told how years ago he and fellow Boy Scout leader Jim Stringer took the troop camping at Giant Goose Conservation Area and one night told them the legend of Deerman who, he claims, had a red eye that people spotted in the dark. As the tale grew scarier, Stringer slipped away into the nearby woods with a red flashlight and started “blinking” it at the Scouts who became even more terrified. Cunningham said his son, Jon, one of the boys in the group, is now a Scout leader himself in Batavia, and shares the Deerman story with wide-eyed boys around the campfire. “Doc” sent a copy of last week’s Deerman column to Jon who is sharing the origin of Deerman with another generation of Scouts.
The Giant Hyrax hypothesis can also explain the mermaid myths of legend!

Eureka! The Giant Hyrax hypothesis can also explain the mermaid myths of legend!

People on the banks of the Buffelsjags River at Suurbraak, a village close to Swellendam in the Western Cape, have reported spotting a legendary mermaid-like creature, known locally as the Kaaiman.

At a nearby low water bridge, a man said he saw a figure, “like that of a white woman with long hair thrashing about in the water”.

Thinking to save her, he waded toward her, but said he stopped in his tracks when he noticed a reddish shine in her eyes. The sight sent “shivers” down his spine, yet he was pulled forward as if hypnotised.

He said the figure made “the strangest sound”, like a woman crying. His mother, Dina, said the figure sounded so sorrowful “my heart could take it no more”.

The Kaaiman is described as a half human, half fish creature which lives in deep pools. It is white and has long hair and red eyes.
So giant hyraxes look like half human, half fish? You're so funny CSS...you see GH everywhere.
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