Damning a gay person to hell should be against the law

Why don't you guy become human instead degrading social values.

We are human; so are gays.

And if bigotry is the thing you are talking about when you mention "degrading social values" I am all for degrading bigotry.
We are human; so are gays.

And if bigotry is the thing you are talking about when you mention "degrading social values" I am all for degrading bigotry.

I respect your position we have different understanding I agree with you to some point to eliminate bigotry , but my point is not to give in and accept the forces to change the system. The bigot is criticizing the changes , but in may cases there should be a compromise from bot sides
The bigot is criticizing the changes , but in may cases there should be a compromise from bot sides
One side wants equality; the other side wants inequality. How do you compromise between equality and inequality?
You think of yourself so smart by mixing up " consent of two adults " this is just a camouflage, and there are many more of the pervert attitude which are camouflaged . Why don't you guy become human instead degrading social values.

You still haven't answered the first question I gave you.

And are you saying that gays aren't human? You know, what is interesting about your stupidity is that it was the exact same attitude that whites had against blacks. They weren't classified as human. Laws ensuring equality were deemed to be giving them special privileges.

Face it, people like you are just angry that you can't bash gays and get away with it. Because for people like you, gays do not even classify as human beings. That you could even say such a thing shows what a hypocritical and dishonest little pleb you are. You then speak of compromise. How do you compromise actively denying human beings (yes arauca, contrary to your beliefs, they are human beings) equal rights? How do you do that?
(Something, something, Burt Ward)

Arauca said:

Thanks for telling this smart a.. s woman, in such a way I would not be able to point it out to her .

Oh, well, you know.


It's my pleasure.
You still haven't answered the first question I gave you.

And are you saying that gays aren't human?

I don't know were did you got that , but you are a misguided woman and on top lesbian so what else can be expected .

You know, what is interesting about your stupidity is that it was the exact same attitude that whites had against blacks.

I have black friend, as long they are over 40 years old.

Face it, people like you are just angry that you can't bash gays and get away with it.

You asked me to any law , you just mentioned protect against bashing homosexuals . I don't use that stupid word "gay "

You then speak of compromise. How do you compromise actively denying human beings (yes arauca, contrary to your beliefs, they are human beings) equal rights? How do you do that?

Yes the compromise is stay in the closet and don't make yourself ridicules . Be a man
I don't know were did you got that , but you are a misguided woman and on top lesbian so what else can be expected .
Are you suggesting it is an insult to be a lesbian?

As for where I got that:

arauca said:
You think of yourself so smart by mixing up " consent of two adults " this is just a camouflage, and there are many more of the pervert attitude which are camouflaged . Why don't you guy become human instead degrading social values.

Perhaps you can explain that statement?

I have black friend, as long they are over 40 years old.
Ah yes, the standard go to line for bigots.

Tell me, are they not their friends when they are below 40 years of age?

You asked me to any law , you just mentioned protect against bashing homosexuals . I don't use that stupid word "gay "
Oh, so you think not being able to bash gays gives them (homosexuals) a special privilege?

Just so you know... Assault and battery is illegal, regardless of the sexuality of the person you are bashing.

So try again.

I'm still waiting.

Yes the compromise is stay in the closet and don't make yourself ridicules . Be a man
Well lets see. You are straight. And yet, you are ridiculed, constantly. Not for your sexuality, but because of your inane and ridiculous stupidity and bigotry. Suffice to say, you are this village's idiot. Because you are such a ridiculous figure. Which I guess, by your own definition, it would mean you are not really a man.

You see arauca, people don't laugh at others for their sexuality. Well no one with half a brain would. But we do laugh at people who are stupid (ie, people who are stupid are usually those who laugh at homosexuals and complain that they consider it a special privilege to homosexuals because it is illegal to assault and beat homosexuals for being homosexuals)...
Ducks in a Barrel

Connect the Dots (Or Something Like That)

The evidence mounts:

Bells: You then speak of compromise. How do you compromise actively denying human beings (yes arauca, contrary to your beliefs, they are human beings) equal rights? How do you do that?

Arauca: Yes the compromise is stay in the closet and don't make yourself ridicules . Be a man​


Wellwisher: I look at it this way, if one can argue that being homosexual is innate, and not subject to control, then it is also possible that people who don't like homosexuals behavior, is also based on innate behavior.

Tiassa: As far as I'm concerned, Wellwisher is perfectly welcome to continue arguinig that homophobia is a psychiatric impairment.​


Arauca said:

Yes the compromise is stay in the closet and don't make yourself ridicules . Be a man

Is it possible, sir, that you could please clarify whether there is a punch line we're all missing, or should we simply put a check mark next to your name to indicate its demonstrative support of Wellwisher's defense of homophobia as a psychiatric impairment?
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the website man cave daily summed up hating gays the best. hating 2 people for loving one another doesn't make you manly or strong, or right...... it makes you a care bear villian.
the website man cave daily summed up hating gays the best. hating 2 people for loving one another doesn't make you manly or strong, or right...... it makes you a care bear villian.

I don't see any thing wrong man having Platonic love for each other . Beside I did not ever said I hate homosexual . It is degrading to manhood for a man putting his rear so the other man would stick his penis in the rectum . I am not the only one that feels that way . The Russian government and other nations have expressed that position also. Such acts are used as punishment to degrade man in African nation .
I don't see any thing wrong man having Platonic love for each other . Beside I did not ever said I hate homosexual . It is degrading to manhood for a man putting his rear so the other man would stick his penis in the rectum . I am not the only one that feels that way . The Russian government and other nations have expressed that position also. Such acts are used as punishment to degrade man in African nation .

so what your trying to say is your a care bear villian?
The irony is...no one knows who is going to heaven or hell. (I'm a believer in God and I cringe when I see or hear fellow believers spouting this nonsense) As if they know.
The real irony would be when they decide not to warn them and then after they die they actually do.

Preachers yell at entire audiences that everyone is going to hell all the time, if they arrested them all we would no longer have preachers or religion. This type of behavior should be expected of them.

Would it be wrong to say that a compulsive lair is going to hell? Where or how could you set any types of limits on this legally? If they made it against the law before you know it we would have to change our beliefs that anyone is ever going to hell. Then it could just be a big surprise to everyone when they get there. I don't think the afterlife would have to become as civil as the real world just because we have outlawed forms of torture. If that is the reality that we face after death, then not believing in it because you don't feel it is right is not going to change that.
I agree with you to some point to eliminate bigotry , but my point is not to give in and accept the forces to change the system.

Sometimes we do have to change the system. We changed the laws that allowed people to keep slaves. We changed the laws that kept blacks from marrying whites. We changed the laws that allowed men to keep women as property. Those were all good things.

The bigot is criticizing the changes , but in may cases there should be a compromise from bot sides

Let's take slavery. What should the compromise have been? Should blacks have accepted a compromise that did not free them but gave them better health care?

The US is all about equality. It's one of the best things about this place. Fortunately there are plenty of places (say, Saudi Arabia) where people who prefer inequality can live.
Sometimes we do have to change the system. We changed the laws that allowed people to keep slaves. We changed the laws that kept blacks from marrying whites. We changed the laws that allowed men to keep women as property. Those were all good things.

Look guy I grew up in an environment with out slaves , man marries any kind of woman , and woman never have been a property to man , so don't throw me that.
. What should the compromise have been? Should blacks have accepted a compromise that did not free them but gave them better health care?

Again I believe in universal health care

The US is all about equality. It's one of the best things about this place. Fortunately there are plenty of places (say, Saudi Arabia) where people who prefer inequality can live.

Let them evolve them self and is non of our business to dictate how to conduct their nation , that is there culture .
Look guy I grew up in an environment with out slaves

And your grandkids will grow up in an environment without anti-gay laws.

man marries any kind of woman , and woman never have been a property to man , so don't throw me that.

Cool! It's a good thing that the people who ended slavery, freed women etc didn't just "accept compromise."

Let them evolve them self and is non of our business to dictate how to conduct their nation , that is there culture .

Agreed. Just make sure they are equal under the law and then let them (and you) do whatever they choose to do. That's freedom.
Sometimes we do have to change the system. We changed the laws that allowed people to keep slaves. We changed the laws that kept blacks from marrying whites. We changed the laws that allowed men to keep women as property. Those were all good things.
There was no way that gays could have been having sex in wedlock so then it would have been a sin...
So, Yeah, What's Up With That?

Unnatural Focus?

Arauca said:

I don't see any thing wrong man having Platonic love for each other . Beside I did not ever said I hate homosexual . It is degrading to manhood for a man putting his rear so the other man would stick his penis in the rectum . I am not the only one that feels that way . The Russian government and other nations have expressed that position also. Such acts are used as punishment to degrade man in African nation .

Yes, well think of it this way:

(1) You're entitled to your opinion and its unnatural focus on penises and recta, even if it does rely on phrases of such unbounded stupidity as "degrading to manhood".

(2) Wow. Putin and Lokodo. Yeah, I suppose I can see how it would be comforting to find myself in company with Vladimir Putin and Simon Lokodo; but then again, I'm not Scott Lively.​

And a nickel's worth of free advice: Nobody buys that just because you do not explicitly say something that you are not in accord with it. To wit, you don't have to ever come right out and declare openly your hatred for homosexuals. It's pretty damn obvious.

I also find it quite ... (ahem!) ... suggestive that you are so focused on the penis and rectum in the gay experience. Setting aside the question of whether you find it degrading to womanhood for her to present herself for a man's penetration as such, we have an occasion to remind of the sufficiently invisible lesbian:

Although it's probably not surprising that the OCA, an organization responsible for a statewide anti- abortion initiative in 1986, would fail to use gender- neutral language, the elision of lesbians is even clearer in the catalogue of "homosexual practices" in Argument in Favor 5. In addition to drawing on the "child protection" and "family values" rhetoric prominent throughout the GVP, this argument attempts to marshal disgust through the following statistics, obviously chosen for visceral appeal:

Studies by leading researchers show that the following practices are regularly engaged in by many homosexuals: fellatio 100%, fisting 41% (inserting fist and forearm into rectum), rimming 92% (licking rectum), water sports 29% (urinating on partners, drinking urine), mud wallowing 17% (defecating on partner), sadomasochism 37% (beating, piercing, another person for sexual pleasure), public sex 66% (public restrooms, bathhouses, parks), pedophilia 46% (sex with minors). (Nebraska Medical Journal, 1985 and Lancet, June 9, 1984).

Sodomy and other routine homosexual practices tear and rupture the tissue of the lower bowel and allow for easy transmission of viral and bacterial infections. It's no wonder that Portland's homosexual newspaper JUST OUT (July, 1992), reports that homosexuals account for 92% of all AIDS cases in Oregon to date....A 1982 Center for Disease Control study showed that homosexual men infected with the AIDS virus had averaged 1160 partners. (GVP 96)​

In addition to its (mis)use of scientific authority, this list interests me for two reasons. First, although the list of statistics (as well as the legal force of Measure 9) is supposed to apply to all homosexuals, lesbians are completely elided in this argument ("fellatio, 100%"), as well as in most other OCA propaganda. Historical lesbian invisibility, combined with the (near-) absence of lesbians from AIDS discourses, seem to collude to erase lesbians from this particular debate. As Eve Sedgwick has said,

...a certain anal-erotic salience of male homosexuality is if anything increasingly strong under the glare of heterosexist AIDS-phobia; and several different historical influences have led to the de-genitalization and bodily diffusion of many popular, and indeed many lesbian, understandings of lesbian sexuality.​

In other words, lesbians are not a target in Measure 9's discourse because they are already effectively closeted.


The thing is that appeals to masculinity, such as you have made, are appeals to emotion and aesthetic. It's meant to inspire a "yuck" factor.

I saw this in 1992, the election cycle Kent wrote about. You could literally sit in a strip club and talk to a guy about it, and he would talk about how no two men should act like that. And then you point to the two oiled-up women dancing out of their g-strings together onstage and start counting, "One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi ...."

Usually you didn't get past five before it clicks in that they're putting down hard-earned cash to watch women pretend to be homosexual.

Incestuous lesbianism onstage? Hells yeah.

They can't do it for real onstage? Effin' government and their stupid rules!

But the thought ... the mere thought ... of one man putting his mouth to another's swollen, fevered sex organ? Of that contented sigh as the rigid heat presses through to throb and pulse and seem to fill him up with passion and sunlight? Oh, heaven help us. The only mouth or rectum a man's penis should enter belongs, nominally, to a woman.

No, really, that's pretty much how it goes. I've witnessed this dissonance regularly over the last twenty-two years. In the end, the problem isn't homosexuals. Well, not exactly. The problem is that people who purport some sort of moral pretense against homosexuals spend far too much time thinking about penises and recta.

Which brings us to the obvious question.


° Kent — The text in the citation is altered from the source format; two paragraphs of quotation have been blocked together for clarity; the source document is at least third generation, having been reproduced from its original format to its first web posting, and then again to a later server. It is possible that block quote should have been there from the start, as this was originally a paper for study at the University of Washington, and no professor would accept nine lines of quoted text without block isolation.

Works Cited:

Kent, Le'a. "Abnormal, Wrong, Unnatural and Perverse: Taking the Measure (9) Out of the Closet". (n.d.) Cultronix.eServer.org. July 26, 2013. http://cultronix.eserver.org/kent/