Damning a gay person to hell should be against the law

The thing is, arauca, you are operating under the fundamentally flawed assumption that ones sexual orientation is a choice similar to "what shirt should I wear today?" or "do I want pancakes or cereal for breakfast?"... it most certainly isn't.
Now let I say all homosexual will go to heaven .

Well, right now many religions are saying that heterosexuals will go to heaven and homosexuals will go to hell. If sexual orientation is a choice as you claim, then maybe people like you are choosing heterosexuality over homosexuality just for the religious benefits. You might be happier if you could choose your sexuality yourself, instead of being forced by your religion to be a heterosexual!
What ever you think that you know. In view it is a mater of promotion for sexual orientation. Now let I say all homosexual will go to heaven . Would that have a positive promotion for people to choose sexual orientation ? and be honest don't give me a fancy foot work !!!!. Now I will say all homosexual will go to hell , would that have for sexual orientation for a society ?

Throughout history, gays have been getting beaten, ostracized, denied jobs, places to live, the list goes on and on. Through all of that, there have still been gays. All of that horrible treatment could not make them disappear. Certainly in this country, their lot in life has improved very much. Trying to promote or reduce homosexuality by promising them heaven or hell isn't going to have any measurable effect at this point. Though I think most people in the United States today will think you're a bad person for preaching that gays will burn in hell just for being who they are (see the Westboro Baptist Church).

Why not just say that all good humans will go to heaven, and leave sexual orientation out of it? I don't see how anyone could be offended by that.
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Lets get to the objective of the post intention " GIVE MORE PROTECTION FOR THEM" Please don't wave to me the flag , I have son who spent in the military. The homosexuals pretty soon will ask for an special II. so that they should be protected. NO No. They should not have any more right nor protection that we have . They have chosen such style of life , let them take the burden also. They just whine and whine .

I only mentioned that my husband was in the military because homosexuals just recently got the right to serve no questions asked. The LGBT community are not asking for separate or special rights they only want equal rights. If some fool wants to damn them to hell so be it, I am sure just like me as a heterosexual the LGBT can just turn and walk away. Most gay people if not all would not want the special treatment of disallowing the free speech of some fool.
I only mentioned that my husband was in the military because homosexuals just recently got the right to serve no questions asked. The LGBT community are not asking for separate or special rights they only want equal rights. If some fool wants to damn them to hell so be it, I am sure just like me as a heterosexual the LGBT can just turn and walk away. Most gay people if not all would not want the special treatment of disallowing the free speech of some fool.

Let me understand something .. You claim to be a female and your husband is a male homosexual ?
I don't understand . Homosexual male is a man. I am a heterosexual man , what other rights the homosex. want , This means that the homosex wants to have additional privilege , that is not tight . If the male chooses in his life to be different then the majority, and the majority does not supports that kind of sexual orientation , then is the homosexual prerogative to bear the burdon.
Let me understand something .. You claim to be a female and your husband is a male homosexual ?

No, she didn't claim that.

If the male chooses in his life to be different then the majority, and the majority does not supports that kind of sexual orientation , then is the homosexual prerogative to bear the burdon.

You're an immigrant and therefore are currently in the minority in the US. Sounds like it is your prerogative to bear the burden.
Anti-gay rants in church should certainly be against the law. That being said, I haven't actually seen any in the churches I used to attend.
It's an environmentally and genetically determined threshold trait. Penetrance (no pun) probably varies ontogenetically.
The thing is, arauca, you are operating under the fundamentally flawed assumption that ones sexual orientation is a choice similar to "what shirt should I wear today?" or "do I want pancakes or cereal for breakfast?"... it most certainly isn't.
Personally, I couldn't care less if it is a choice. A person's choice of sexual partner, shirt or breakfast is nobody's business but their own.
No, she didn't claim that.

You're an immigrant and therefore are currently in the minority in the US. Sounds like it is your prerogative to bear the burden.
Yes I am an immigrant , for over one half of a century , and I have been discriminated many times so what I piss on many of you who discriminate me I am not going to cry and ask for protection Even I am a citizen of this country over 30 years , I vote and I have run for township president and because of my accent I had some hard time so what should I cry I am not black nor I am homosexual.
I vote and I have run for township president and because of my accent I had some hard time so what should I cry I am not black nor I am homosexual.

Right. So stop complaining. You deserve the discrimination you get; you are a minority, and minorities must bear the burden when the majority doesn't like them. You don't get any special privileges that let you avoid that discrimination.
it is incredible how far u r all stupid while u keep rambling on and on thinking all u know to brag about before each others

the idea that genders dont exist really, cant justify homosexuality, on the contrary

it shows how u keep getting to the end u can exploit to get smthg from careless about the fact and right reality

homosexuality by definition is what insist to b a gender so not a human nor a conscious being
what sees its positive life in itself condition of being, so nothing to objective present positive things nor the right to realize its own free positive sense

the idea of genders interactions, is to get out of genders, so where in principle they would meet where the being is true n not the condition

but that principle is false, bc speculating on truth is evil
Right. So stop complaining. You deserve the discrimination you get; you are a minority, and minorities must bear the burden when the majority doesn't like them. You don't get any special privileges that let you avoid that discrimination.

I like the way you said this, it's the central argument against discrimination, and, if we think about it, just about every kind of common hatred.

In a biological sense, it speaks to the most fundamental reasons for cooperation among individuals in a population, and no doubt the reasons humans ever began to settle in cities in the first place. It covers an awful lot of ground.

Your posts are always insightful, informative, logical and often witty. This post is the perfect example of an appeal to reason to achieve justifiable reason for ethical thoughts and behavior. You are a great asset to the site. For every person like me who notices this there are evidently hundreds of silent readers (although quite a few bots) who must get the same vibe from your posts. Just giving credit where credit is due. If I were king for a day you'd get an automatic beer dispenser with membership, and for a post like this, you'd get a free refill. (Or beverage of choice, of course. ;))
it is incredible how far u r all stupid while u keep rambling on and on thinking all u know to brag about before each others

the idea that genders dont exist really, cant justify homosexuality, on the contrary

it shows how u keep getting to the end u can exploit to get smthg from careless about the fact and right reality

homosexuality by definition is what insist to b a gender so not a human nor a conscious being
what sees its positive life in itself condition of being, so nothing to objective present positive things nor the right to realize its own free positive sense

the idea of genders interactions, is to get out of genders, so where in principle they would meet where the being is true n not the condition

but that principle is false, bc speculating on truth is evil
It's very difficult to understand your posts. If you would take the time to run your text through a spelling and grammar check, it would help casual readers try to figure out what you mean. For example, I don't understand homosexuality by definition is what insist to b a gender so not a human nor a conscious being.
It's very difficult to understand your posts. If you would take the time to run your text through a spelling and grammar check, it would help casual readers try to figure out what you mean. For example, I don't understand homosexuality by definition is what insist to b a gender so not a human nor a conscious being.[/QUOTE

it has nothing to do with grammar, why cant u say the thing u mean really why another must keep even saying ur means??? it is incredible how far u r egocentric selfish beings

only intelligent people get in touch with my sentences, while i dont have to precise anything bc freedom for others is the rule to me

u should thank me for not forcing my idea on a public subject upon ur head n not blame me for, but of course u r an animal and not any right thing

a human is an individual free of its condition bc he realized it

a conscious being is a person free existing right bc he realized objective existence rights

wat do u get now more, moron

n stop repeating that my posts are hard to read, dont read it this is the point

when any is its own opinions how dare u force others to explain theirs, u dont get enough from eating others stuffs, eat urself
My son posited to me once that "what if" Nature was fed up with humanity for so screwing up Gaia, that Mother Nature had just decided to turn all of mankind "gay" so as to cease reproduction ( and force extinction ) of humans.
And BTW, Aqueous ID , I must confess that I have yet to make complete sense of Absols's (Absols') posts. Of course he stated ; "only intelligent people get in touch with my sentences" - which was understandable to me!
But then I must admit that that understanding might just be more proof that I am, indeed, the dumbest man on earth !!
when any is its own opinions how dare u force others to explain theirs, u dont get enough from eating others stuffs, eat urself
It's an Internet forum. The reason we're here is to explain out ideas and (hopefully) to try to understand other people's ideas. If you just want to whap at your keyboard randomly, you could have saved yourself the trouble of joining.
He's an ex gay?
Most people who "change" from gay to straight or straight to gay are actually bisexual. Sexuality is a spectrum. Most of us are way over at this end, completely heterosexual to the point that the thought of having gay sex is frightening or even nauseating. Five to ten percent of the population is at the other end, feeling exactly that way about the prospect of straight sex.

But there's a few percentage points at the boundary of those two groups. Some people are perfectly bisexual, enjoying both kinds of sex equally well and not having a preference for one over the other. Other people are a little to one side or they other; they have a preference but doing it the other way is not entirely unpleasant and they may do it because of parental or social pressure, or out of curiosity, or simply for variety.

It's these people who can be "converted" or browbeaten into adopting a different lifestyle. It's not as disgusting to them as it would be for us (either gay or straight) to swing the other way.

The Religious Redneck Retards who make it their business to "cure" gays know nothing at all about human sexuality (or about anything else except Jesus, guns and racism), so of course they're not aware of this spectrum. They think they really have changed these people from gay to straight.