Damning a gay person to hell should be against the law

Some people see this as a zero sum game. If other groups are treated with respect and kindness, there's less respect and kindness "left over" for them. Look at the recent "protect the sanctity of marriage!" arguments - there were people who actually thought that their marriages would lose value if other people were allowed to marry. Same with interracial marriage, black rights, women's rights etc.[\quote]

I know.
Meanwhile...heterosexuals have enough weeds to pull out of our own yards than going into others yards and telling them to pull theirs.

The divorce rate is like 55%? Lol
If it weren't so sad it would be funny.

[\Quote]I actually take the opposite view. By showing respect for people who are different than you, you end up with more respect from them in the long run.

Yep. Agreed. You're a kind soul. :)
omg lol ^^

I hate my iPhone.

Hope u can decipher my reply to you billvon :)
If you are going to make damning illegal, how about making it illegal to damn anyone and not just homosexuals?
Noticed that you did not mention exploitation, so I guess we agree on that, good. Teaching children through fear of hell and damnation if they do not believe in their specific god,or that evolution is a hoax, that the world was created in six days, that humans should not lean to their own understanding but believe whatever abomination is spewing out of a preacher's mouth as to what they should believe and how they should live their lives with nothing to back it up except speculation based on nothing. This really can hinder the education process as those children are more likely to believe in magic than scientific process.

I see you are a smart man, Do you know if your parents going 7 generation back if they were illiterate ? Now if they were were illiterate who do you think thy would be listening as far life and from were did they come from ?
next , Education far back was not mandatory , If your gtand grand .......grand parents were Farmer ( peasants ) as kids they were sent to take the cow, sheep or goats for pasture . If your parent were not peasants and were trades man , again they hardly would be educated , If your parent were educated they probable were monks or philosophers, but phulosopher are good to ask questions , but they newer have an answer , but speculation . please don't brag how educated you are

Maricon is hate speech in much of the Spanish-speaking world. It's equivalent to calling someone a "faggot."

This kind of language is not allowed on SciForums. Please do not use it again or you will be banned.

Mr. you are full of the brown material . You don't know Spanish to make such translation, wen I was growing up , the word homosexual was not known by common man . Even your common braceros probably don't know the word homosexual unless they have learned here.
Mr. you are full of the brown material . You don't know Spanish to make such translation, wen I was growing up , the word homosexual was not known by common man . Even your common braceros probably don't know the word homosexual unless they have learned here.

What in the world does a "common Mexican seasonal laborer" have to do with what the meaning of a word is?

As for Fraggle being full of "brown material"; do you claim his translation of the word is incorrect? If so, I suggest you highlight the area between the asterisks...

WARNING: The following could be HIGHLY profane and unpleasant - please read at your own risk:

Maricón (lit.: "big Mary" {see below for explanation]) and its derivative words marica and marico are words used for referring to a man as a gay, or for criticizing someone for doing something that, according to stereotypes, only a gay person would do (marica was originally the diminutive of the very common female name María del Carmen, a usage that has been lost). The suffix is -on is often added to nouns to intensify their meaning.

In Spain, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Cuba the word has a stronger meaning with a very negative emphasis; akin to "faggot" or "poof" in the English language. In Argentina, Peru, Chile, and Mexico maricón or marica is especially used to denote a "chicken" (coward). In Chile, maricón also means "irrationally sadistic."

Some examples of the uses of this word are:

Eres una marica. ("You are a faggot.")
Mano, eres tremendamente maricón. ("Bro, you are so gay!"; here maricón is used as an adjective)
Yo sí soy maricón, ¿y qué? ("I am certainly gay—so what?")


PS - I apologize in advance to anyone who doesn't use the typical white background, as that is my primary method of "hiding" text (we really need a spoiler tag)
I see you are a smart man, Do you know if your parents going 7 generation back if they were illiterate ? Now if they were were illiterate who do you think thy would be listening as far life and from were did they come from ?
next , Education far back was not mandatory , If your gtand grand .......grand parents were Farmer ( peasants ) as kids they were sent to take the cow, sheep or goats for pasture . If your parent were not peasants and were trades man , again they hardly would be educated , If your parent were educated they probable were monks or philosophers, but phulosopher are good to ask questions , but they newer have an answer , but speculation . please don't brag how educated you are

Hate to disappoint you but I am not a man. Where in my statement was I talking about past generations, we all live in an age where information is readily available to anyone and as an adult if I choose to remain ignorant then it is on me and I cannot blame someone else. I was specifically talking about how fundamentalists hinder the education process of children. Furthermore, they teach intolerance and divisiveness:eek:

Is this what happened to you, dear?
What in the world does a "common Mexican seasonal laborer" have to do with what the meaning of a word is?

As for Fraggle being full of "brown material"; do you claim his translation of the word is incorrect? If so, I suggest you highlight the area between the asterisks...

WARNING: The following could be HIGHLY profane and unpleasant - please read at your own risk:

Maricón (lit.: "big Mary" {see below for explanation]) and its derivative words marica and marico are words used for referring to a man as a gay, or for criticizing someone for doing something that, according to stereotypes, only a gay person would do (marica was originally the diminutive of the very common female name María del Carmen, a usage that has been lost). The suffix is -on is often added to nouns to intensify their meaning.

In Spain, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Cuba the word has a stronger meaning with a very negative emphasis; akin to "faggot" or "poof" in the English language. In Argentina, Peru, Chile, and Mexico maricón or marica is especially used to denote a "chicken" (coward). In Chile, maricón also means "irrationally sadistic."

Some examples of the uses of this word are:

Eres una marica. ("You are a faggot.")
Mano, eres tremendamente maricón. ("Bro, you are so gay!"; here maricón is used as an adjective)
Yo sí soy maricón, ¿y qué? ("I am certainly gay—so what?")


PS - I apologize in advance to anyone who doesn't use the typical white background, as that is my primary method of "hiding" text (we really need a spoiler tag)

I really don't think is a derogatory word . by the same argument the word "gay " should be a derogatorily word . The word Mar.....n is equivalent to gay. Why should the word gay be acceptable. gay is an adjective , but they borrowed the and converted to a noun which is not right If I come from an other land and some one point on a person and it would tell ne this is a gay person , I would understand that gay is a happy person , it does not tell me about sexual orientation.
Mr. you are full of the brown material . You don't know Spanish to make such translation, wen I was growing up , the word homosexual was not known by common man . Even your common braceros probably don't know the word homosexual unless they have learned here.

Who are you trying to kid here arauca! My husband's first language is Spanish and he considers maricon an insult. Sooo, go sell it somewhere else.
Who are you trying to kid here arauca! My husband's first language is Spanish and he considers maricon an insult. Sooo, go sell it somewhere else.

You husband probable knows that they are not acceptable . Ask your husband, what would he do if some call him mari con I very well know it is an insult and you don't call a man tat way
Unlike you, my husband an American soldier, has no problem with the LGBT community. My husband does not insult someone because of their sexual orientation, he might very well insult someone for their intolerance though.
I really don't think is a derogatory word . by the same argument the word "gay " should be a derogatorily word . The word Mar.....n is equivalent to gay. Why should the word gay be acceptable. gay is an adjective , but they borrowed the and converted to a noun which is not right If I come from an other land and some one point on a person and it would tell ne this is a gay person , I would understand that gay is a happy person , it does not tell me about sexual orientation.

What are you, like 70 years old? The Spanish word for homosexual is... homosexual.
I honestly think that life would be easier if we just treated everyone the same ..,with respect and kindness. Regardless of race religion status...etc. Why is this so damn hard?!?!
Humans are a pack-social species by nature. It's wired into our brains. In the Paleolithic Era we had to hate and fear other packs because during hard times we were competitors for scarce food supplies.

But the Abrahamic religions reinforce that. Jews, Christians and Muslims are encouraged to believe that they are just a teeny-weeny bit better than all the rest of us, because they have "the word." Except for the Jews, they're even actually supposed to evangelize us into adopting their beliefs, because otherwise we'll all go to hell and it's simple kindness for them to save us from that fate, even if it means trampling all over our rights in this life.

The Jews don't evangelize, but the hard-core Orthodox certainly regard other Jews and the rest of us as inferior. Especially the Palestinians. The fundamentalist Christians in Stone Age cultures like the South don't think anybody else is worth shit. And the hard-core Muslims don't even allow Christian churches to be built in their countries.

It's gotten so bad that the individual sects of these religions regard other sects as heathen, and often rise up in battle against them. The era which we euphemistically call the "Reformation" was a century of non-stop warfare between Protestants and Catholics, and ultimately between competing Protestant sects. The "true" Christian denominations who obey Jesus's teachings and don't believe in killing, like the Quakers, are rare. These people deserve all the love and support we can give them. (Before the Civil War, Quakers risked their lives to teach slaves to read and write.) (Just ignore Richard Nixon. :))

And look at the Sunni and Shiite Muslims, killing each other over something that (allegedly) happened more than a millennium ago.

So if you're wondering why we don't "treat everyone the same with respect and kindness," you can start with the Children of Abraham and their (supposedly) God-granted arrogance.

What in the world does a "common Mexican seasonal laborer" have to do with what the meaning of a word is?
Obviously in addition to discriminating against people for their sexual orientation, he also discriminates based on social class. An elitist. I wonder if people say elitista in Spanish?

Mano, eres tremendamente maricón. ("Bro, you are so gay!"; here maricón is used as an adjective)
It's common in Spanish, virtually the rule, that every noun can be used as an adjective. Vd. es mas caballero que el. -- "You are more gentleman(ly) than he."

The opposite actually is a rule: El pobre: "the poor man." This is also true in German, der Arme.

I apologize in advance to anyone who doesn't use the typical white background, as that is my primary method of "hiding" text (we really need a spoiler tag)
We have one:
This is it.
Damning a gay person to hell should be against the law

Let me get this straight (no pun intended!). There should be a LAW against someone using an IMAGINARY ABILITY to condemn someone else to an IMAGINARY PLACE because of their perceived or professed LIFESTYLE CHOICE ?!!
So would I end up in prison if I told someone that I immediately Banish them to the Land of Oz because they wear both Suspenders AND a Belt ?
To me it would seem worse to say to them ; "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubic hairs." BTW - is saying something like that against the law?
In my younger days, I was told that " Sticks and Stones could break my bones but Words could never hurt me !" I have since been shown that petty individuals who consider themselves human beings try to use words to hurt other human beings - and get this - LAWS have been enacted against SLANDER and DEFAMATION !! So it would not surprise me if such would become LAW !!
I will close by saying :
Real eyes realize real lies !
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Unlike you, my husband an American soldier, has no problem with the LGBT community. My husband does not insult someone because of their sexual orientation, he might very well insult someone for their intolerance though.

Lets get to the objective of the post intention " GIVE MORE PROTECTION FOR THEM" Please don't wave to me the flag , I have son who spent in the military. The homosexuals pretty soon will ask for an special II. so that they should be protected. NO No. They should not have any more right nor protection that we have . They have chosen such style of life , let them take the burden also. They just whine and whine .
I don't support derogatory statements towards any group of people. But my ethics dictate everyone should have the right to free speech. If we start locking up members of the Westboro church every time they picket, we set a precedence for which there may be no line to drawl. That doesn't stop certain, other groups of people from seizing their domain and defacing their websites from time to time. ;) Justice has a way of finding the people most deserving of the judge's gravel.
Lets get to the objective of the post intention " GIVE MORE PROTECTION FOR THEM" Please don't wave to me the flag , I have son who spent in the military. The homosexuals pretty soon will ask for an special II. so that they should be protected. NO No. They should not have any more right nor protection that we have . They have chosen such style of life , let them take the burden also. They just whine and whine .

Here's what everyone else reading this understands; telling people they are going to hell for being homosexual is the same as telling black people they are going to hell for being black. You can pretend it's a choice all that you want, but it does not make it so. The choice available to individuals hardwired to find members of the same sex attractive is to hide in the closet, or to be themselves. It seems that you would prefer that they go through life pretending to be something that they are not, for reasons I doubt that you even understand. I would prefer that gays just laugh off such nonsense, just as I would for being told that I'm going to hell for being an atheist. I'm not threatened by mythical nonsense.
Here's what everyone else reading this understands; telling people they are going to hell for being homosexual is the same as telling black people they are going to hell for being black. You can pretend it's a choice all that you want, but it does not make it so. The choice available to individuals hardwired to find members of the same sex attractive is to hide in the closet, or to be themselves. It seems that you would prefer that they go through life pretending to be something that they are not, for reasons I doubt that you even understand. I would prefer that gays just laugh off such nonsense, just as I would for being told that I'm going to hell for being an atheist. I'm not threatened by mythical nonsense.

What ever you think that you know. In view it is a mater of promotion for sexual orientation. Now let I say all homosexual will go to heaven . Would that have a positive promotion for people to choose sexual orientation ? and be honest don't give me a fancy foot work !!!!. Now I will say all homosexual will go to hell , would that have for sexual orientation for a society ?