Damning a gay person to hell should be against the law

Thanks. I didn't even know what that meant.

It's that kind of moderation that makes this place a joke. He knew what he was saying yet moderation gives this peanut brain crank another chance to show his ass and embarrass this forum once again. I'm done with this nonsense. The hallowed halls of crankdom and social misfits.
Thanks. I didn't even know what that meant.

It's that kind of moderation that makes this place a joke. He knew what he was saying yet moderation gives this peanut brain crank another chance to show his ass and embarrass this forum once again. I'm done with this nonsense. The hallowed halls of crankdom and social misfits.
Magical Realist,

"On The O'Reilly Factor last night, Bill O'Reilly asserted that berating
a gay person by telling them "you're going to Hell" should be against
the law in particular circumstances.

What circumstances are those?

O'Reilly posited a hypothetical situation in which
a preacher "gets in a gay man's face" and tells him "you're going to
Hell, you're going to Hell."

Okay, but why should only homosexuals get that privelidge?

'"Going to Hell is pretty violent," O'Reilly joked. "It's pretty hot down
there. It doesn't feel good!

But is trying to prevent someone from going there, violent?

Definitions are Often Unstable in Theology

Jan Ardena said:

But is trying to prevent someone from going there, violent?

Can be. One thing to bear in mind is that those who wish to invoke for themselves, via the state, the authority of God—i.e., judgment—in order to suppress other people for reasons purely aesthetic, are faithless. That is, they have no faith in God.

One could argue under the O'Reilly Principle, such as it is, that presuming such judgment as to claim to know whose name is written in the Book of Life since before time began is actually suicidal.

These are people who don't trust God's judgment, and haven't faith that God's purpose appropriately aligns with their aesthetics.

Or, put simply, they would be better off at this point praying that the atheists are right.
I don't see any thing wrong man having Platonic love for each other . Beside I did not ever said I hate homosexual . It is degrading to manhood for a man putting his rear so the other man would stick his penis in the rectum . I am not the only one that feels that way . The Russian government and other nations have expressed that position also. Such acts are used as punishment to degrade man in African nation .

Ah yes, Mother Russia...

Bastion of goodness.

So you think being homosexual is degrading for men? Lets see how well Russia's society has responded to the Russian Government's stance on homosexuals, shall we?

A neo-Nazi group in Russia has apparently enacted a disturbing campaign against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth by allegedly using a popular social network to lure in victims and torture them.

The Spectrum Human Rights Alliance (SHRA), an LGBT rights group focusing on Eastern Europe, claims the campaigns -- called "Occupy Pedophilyaj" and "Occupy Gerontilyaj" -- were launched by former skinhead and Russian ultranationalist Maxim Martsinkevich to purportedly identify and report pedophiles. However, the group's method may be to target male teens who respond to same-sex personals ads on Russia's Facebook equivalent, VK.com. Group members are said to meet the boys when they show up for the supposed date; they bully the boys and even torture them, all while recording the encounters on camera.

"These self-proclaimed 'crime fighters' perform their actions under the broad day light, often outside and clearly visible to general public that indifferently passes by or even commend them," writes SHRA on its website. "Video recordings of bullying and tortures are freely distributed on the Internet in order to out LGBT teens to their respective schools, parents and friends. Many victims were driven to suicides, the rest are deeply traumatized."

SHRA points to a YouTube video showing a group of young people allegedly connected with this movement who are seen interrogating a teen boy at what appears to be a housing compound, according to a translation by The Huffington Post.

The group approaches the teen and asks him if he had come there to meet someone named "Uncle Dima." Then they bring him over to a bench and continue the interrogation. They ask why he was there to meet Dima and the boy admits he is there to have sex, possibly for money. Although the group members mock him, they are friendly at times, and the teen is willing to admit things about himself and his sexual preference. He says who he is, where he's from, what school he goes to and that he is 15 years old.

Toward the end of the video the aggression heightens. At one point, one person who stepped slightly out of frame and appeared to urinate into a bottle, attempts to pour the contents of the bottle onto the teen's head. Another kicks the teen. Then the video cuts off.

Earlier this month, Russian online newspaper Lenta met with those who have joined the "Occupy-Pedofilyay" campaign to learn more about the movement.

"We do not like homosexuals," the leader of one local gathering explained, according to a HuffPost translation. "If it was up to me, I'd kill them but the government doesn't allow that."

See, this is what attitudes such as yours leads to.

So homosexual sex is degrading to men? How degrading do you think it is to torture and beat boys who are homosexual? Or do they not count because they are gay?
Ah yes, Mother Russia...

Bastion of goodness.

So you think being homosexual is degrading for men? Lets see how well Russia's society has responded to the Russian Government's stance on homosexuals, shall we?

See, this is what attitudes such as yours leads to.

So homosexual sex is degrading to men? How degrading do you think it is to torture and beat boys who are homosexual? Or do they not count because they are gay?

You try to be part of a movement there are consequences. My aunt was sent to Siberia twice . My uncles were part of gerrilla they got killed . Christian were part of a movement in Rome they suffered . This in the west they are attempting to softening the evil and eventually the evil is taking over the society. Please don't use the word Gay it is mot gay but homosexual.
That gays all do anal sex is a myth. In fact most gay sex doesn't involve it all. It certainly has never attracted me.

"In the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers from Indiana University and George Mason University surveyed nearly 25,000 gay and bisexual men in an effort to better understand how they experience sex. The study hopes to combat "the almost exclusive focus" on HIV in most academic research on gay male sexual behavior, as well as to increase understanding of the "diversity and complexity of these men’s sexual lives." To do that, they asked gay and bisexual-identified men ages 18 to 87 to chart their most recent sexual experience. Did it involve kissing, cuddling, masturbation, oral sex, anal sex? Did it happen with a boyfriend, spouse, stranger, or sex worker? Was it in a car, a home, a club? Were condoms used?

The results: Despite the popular perception, "sexual behaviors involving the anus were least common," researchers found. Around 75 percent of participants reported kissing their partners, giving oral sex, and/or receiving oral sex in their most recent sexual encounters. By contrast, only 36 percent of men reporting receiving anal sex and 34 percent of men reporting giving it. Half of participants who engaged in anal sex employed a condom. The most common series of activities in the encounter—reported by 16 percent of men—involved "holding their partner romantically, kissing partner on mouth, solo masturbation, masturbating partner, masturbation by partner, and genital–genital contact."---http://www.good.is/posts/gay-sex-is-not-anal-sex
I don't see any thing wrong man having Platonic love for each other . Beside I did not ever said I hate homosexual

You think of yourself so smart by mixing up " consent of two adults " this is just a camouflage, and there are many more of the pervert attitude which are camouflaged . Why don't you guy become human instead degrading social values.

Yes the compromise is stay in the closet and don't make yourself ridicules . Be a man

I get it. It's not that you hate homosexuals, It's just that you're not happy with the "uppity" ones. You know, the ones that don't "know their place" and aren't properly ashamed of being gay so that they keep it secret and live out their lives in fear of being outed like they should.
You try to be part of a movement there are consequences. My aunt was sent to Siberia twice . My uncles were part of gerrilla they got killed .
You think it is acceptable to torture and murder gays because you think it is a mere consequence of "a movement"?

Christian were part of a movement in Rome they suffered .
So Russians acting as if they were in the middle ages and uneducated is acceptable?

This in the west they are attempting to softening the evil and eventually the evil is taking over the society.
And what evil is that?

Please don't use the word Gay it is mot gay but homosexual.
In the context of this discussion, gay and homosexual mean the same thing.
You try to be part of a movement there are consequences. My aunt was sent to Siberia twice . My uncles were part of gerrilla they got killed .

Really? You wanted your uncles killed so they would "face the consequences?"