Cured of Being Gay

Troll, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll

Norsefire said:

I've never met a single homophobic person. Homophobic would mean 'fear of gays', but who is scared of them?

Take a quick visit to almost anywhere in the United States sometime.

Or, actually, just take a look in the mirror:

"And that's exactly why gays are not allowed in the military. I don't want to be asleep in my barracks, and getting violated by some homo at the same time. No thanks." (Norsefire, October 11,2007)

No, really, quit trolling.
Tsk, Tiassa. That was posted ages ago.

That's shameful of's even childish. Haven't I made it abundantly clear that my opinions have changed? I believe I've even made a thread or two to that end.
Come now, pay attention to what you're posting

Norsefire said:

Tsk, Tiassa. That was posted ages ago.

Well, you did say "never".

That's shameful of's even childish. Haven't I made it abundantly clear that my opinions have changed? I believe I've even made a thread or two to that end.

Yes, you were arguing in the current DADT thread on behalf of other people's fear and loathing.

Yeah, big change. I mean, now instead of a rape fantasy, it's a voyeuristic one. In terms of homophobia, it's not much of a change. You're still arguing based on what heterosexuals are allegedly afraid of.

If you want to talk about what's shameful, you might consider how you're pulling out these old arguments that nobody gives any real credit. Just because we haven't heard them much in the last couple years doesn't mean we've forgotten hearing it all our lives in some form or another.

well, apparently Ted Haggard (disgraced minister) is no longer gay. He has been cured. And now his marriage is better than ever. I just wanna slap his wife for being so stupid and living in an ivory tower of denial.

Seriously, was he really gay to begin with?

May he only fancied one particular fellow, and then went off him?
Man habit

Mordea said:

May he only fancied one particular fellow, and then went off him?


Q: Have you been attracted to people of the same sex all your life?
A: Yes, I have. But not to the exclusion of women. I think women are beautiful and I’m attracted to women, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with my wife. And according to the national statistics, our relationship is more vibrant than average heterosexual monogamous couples. And so it is confusing and complex. I think -- I believe sexuality, at least for me, is confusing and complex. But I am grateful that I am now to a place where I’m able make decisions and walk them through. Where for a long time I would try to make decisions and I’d pray about them and I’d fast and I’d memorize scripture and I really wanted to be a virtuous, wonderful man, but I had to fight hard to be a man of integrity. Where now it’s much easier.


In that same interview last year, Haggard refused to discuss any other relationships he might have had.

But shortly after, another of Haggard's male lovers came forward, despite having been paid hush money by the church. Pam Spaulding posted some of the details—which do unsettle some people—of Grant Haas' appearance on Michelangelo Signorile's radio show a year ago.

It's pretty clear he had a man habit.


Gold, Maeta. "Q&A with Ted Haggard". Show Tracker. January 27, 2009. February 5, 2010.

Spaulding, Pam. "Haggard beans-spiller Grant Haas on Mike Signorile Show". Pam's House Blend. February 3, 2009. February 5, 2010.
the whole notion that you can be cured of being gay is ridiculas. you can be cured of being gay as much as you can be cured of being stupid.
Good grief! Where did you get that idea?
An education just makes you better informed, it does nothing about intelligence.
How would we know? You an certainly teach people to think and analyze and do better on IQ tests.

If you take one kid and leave him in front of a TV and his twin and give him a wide variety of learning activities his intelligence will be higher than his no doubt fatter and more depressed brother.

All the intelligences we can measure - by whatever method - we certainly can educate up.

If it is not something we can measure I can only assume the scientists here will not accept it as existing.
Granted people can be taught to do better, and how to think.
But does education, e.g. that which is provided by the state/ school system, do so?
Does having a degree make someone smarter or just better informed?
Especially outside of their subject.
Technically, you could be 'cured' of anything. All it requires is

A) First viewing it as a problem
B) Changing the problematic detail to a more favorable one

Is there any medical reason why gays cannot be made straight or nonsexual? I would be surprised if there were; and further, what of the prospects of the future? Tolerance will quickly become unnecessary in the future.


...because man will be able to choose and engineer exactly what the next generation will be, how it will be, etc; if we have control over how people come out, then we don't need tolerance anymore.
no that cures ignorance(the lack of knowledge) it does nothing to make one smarter.

Yet, won't technological enhancements make you smarter? A real prospect for the future!

I mean, for people in general, not for you (if you take it the wrong way).
Technically, you could be 'cured' of anything. All it requires is

A) First viewing it as a problem
B) Changing the problematic detail to a more favorable one


well, if heterosexuality is ever seen as needing cured, I'm in for a world of problems

Q: Have you been attracted to people of the same sex all your life?
A: Yes, I have. But not to the exclusion of women. I think women are beautiful and I’m attracted to women, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with my wife. And according to the national statistics, our relationship is more vibrant than average heterosexual monogamous couples. And so it is confusing and complex. I think -- I believe sexuality, at least for me, is confusing and complex. But I am grateful that I am now to a place where I’m able make decisions and walk them through. Where for a long time I would try to make decisions and I’d pray about them and I’d fast and I’d memorize scripture and I really wanted to be a virtuous, wonderful man, but I had to fight hard to be a man of integrity. Where now it’s much easier.


In that same interview last year, Haggard refused to discuss any other relationships he might have had.

But shortly after, another of Haggard's male lovers came forward, despite having been paid hush money by the church. Pam Spaulding posted some of the details—which do unsettle some people—of Grant Haas' appearance on Michelangelo Signorile's radio show a year ago.

It's pretty clear he had a man habit.


Gold, Maeta. "Q&A with Ted Haggard". Show Tracker. January 27, 2009. February 5, 2010.

Spaulding, Pam. "Haggard beans-spiller Grant Haas on Mike Signorile Show". Pam's House Blend. February 3, 2009. February 5, 2010.

umm just by that (assuming he is telling the truth and even KNOWS the truth) it sounds like hes bi not gay
what would make anyone think he was telling the truth. He's been lying most of his adult life. He got married and had children because that was what he was supposed to do.
what would make anyone think he was telling the truth. He's been lying most of his adult life. He got married and had children because that was what he was supposed to do.

Beleive it or not he probably is not lying. When they are saying 'cured', they may very well be referring to something else that was part of this story.
Beleive it or not he probably is not lying. When they are saying 'cured', they may very well be referring to something else that was part of this story.

well, I don't believe it. Why would I? Why would anyone?:shrug:
The article mentions drug use. People using meth or similar drugs can do things they would never do. The examples and occurrecnes are very well know so going to a male prostitute can easily fit into this. Well, its none of my business and its not like i am getting piad to resond or offer the answers to all these issues.