Cured of Being Gay

seems like straight men should hope for more and more gay men on the planet because that leaves more women available for them.
That seems like common sense to me
Good deal!:D

Nor can we ignore the fact that homosexuality is part of nature.
I absolutely agree, which is why I am fairly pro-gay rights (in fact, I don't think it is the government's place to tell you how to live your life, you see).

I am simply remarking upon the logic behind opposing homosexuality; it's understandable, especially for people that have been raised into a culture that is dominated by heterosexual love and tales of love. And even myself, being in support of gay rights, I cannot say that I would not be uncomfortable in the presence of two gay men making love. It's still awkward and not 'normal', regardless of whether or not I support it.

But really, at the end of the day, I don't care.
At the restaurant ....

Norsefire said:

I am simply remarking upon the logic behind opposing homosexuality; it's understandable, especially for people that have been raised into a culture that is dominated by heterosexual love and tales of love.

As one who was raised in a culture dominated by heterosexual love and tales of love, I disagree. There is no logic to it. The "logic", such as it is, comes afterward, to justify the hatred:

"It's not hatred! It's just disgust! I'm disgusted! After all, it isn't very common to see two guys going at it!"

Well, how often do you see heterosexuals going at it?

And where does the rest of that conversation go? Hell, even up here in Seattle, two women either hug or kiss at a baseball game (depending on whether you go with witness reports or stadium management's explanation) and they get thrown out of the park. Apparently, someone complained about the lesbians. To the other, a guy fingers his girlfriend at the baseball game, nobody says a word. Says something about the family values of homophobes, to be certain, but, really, how does the rest of the conversation go?

"All the time!"


"Just last night."

You mean at home, sitting in front of your computer, downloading porn?

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Just don't download gay porn.

"Fuck you!"

Rather than pointing out the obvious, I'll just try again: Where do you see hets going at it all the time?

What? At the bookstore? In a restroom? Okay, yeah, I've seen that latter, too. But in general, I don't see people going at it unless I go out and try to see it. What, when you come across hets randomly fucking somewhere, do you just stand around and watch?

How does this sort of argument even work?

It's not the heterosexual love in people's upbringing that makes them homophobes, but homophobia.

Or maybe they're the same things to you.
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Human beings naturally tend to reject things that are outside the norm; heterosexual love is seen as normal, homosexual love isn't, culturally
Ah, yes. Normal. The last refuge of the pathetic.

Norsefire said:

Human beings naturally tend to reject things that are outside the norm; heterosexual love is seen as normal, homosexual love isn't, culturally

Human beings are also naturally ignorant, weak, and incapable of caring for themselves.

On a more useful level, the norm in such circumstances is merely the result of conditioning that originated in superstitious, ignorant conditions.

Go watch the highest-rated American television show, and listen to the most popular album on the charts. Ninety-nine times out of one hundred, it is disappointing to think this is the best people can come up with.

And, in truth, it's not. Statistical normalcy is one thing. What we do with it is entirely another. With humans and belief, just because it's normal doesn't mean it's correct, or makes any logical sense.
I don't see a moral issue with homosexuality.

Even if the population were going down and more children were needed, what's artificial insemination for?
You say it with such conviction that I am left no alternative explanation other than YOU are Ted Haggard.

If I was indeed him ( and I am not ) than this would be a day to rejoice! A day I have found the truth in myself and about myself and my true sexual attraction for women. The way nature intended.

Give it a rest, Draqon

Draqon said:

The way nature intended.

Is nature extraneous, Draqon? That is, why would nature intend that homosexuality occur at all? Random variation? Sure. That's a possibility. But why does it persist? Why does homosexuality reassert itself in disparate generations? Why is it observed in other animals than humans? You want to tell us what nature intended? You might wish to start with reality, then.

So drop that bigoted punch line. Everybody should. That homosexuality exists in nature is so ordinary a fact these days that you're simply reposting a debunked assertion without ever addressing the counterpoint.

So stop trolling us with your hatred.
Interesting, I don't know that one can be "cured" through non genetic therapy. I think it has been tried many times with little if any success. I saw them the other day doing an interview. Ted sounded like he still had the impulses, it is just that he now has impulse control where as before he did not...something like a drug addict. He still gets the urge from time to time.

I am sure they are looking to make some money. They went from a very wealthy lifestyle to subsistance living overnight. I could see them going on to reestablish a church and use their experiences as examples of Christian redemption and will further the notion that gayness is curable much to the chagrin of many homosexuals around the world.

I think people, society, makes much to much of gayness. It is what it is...nothing to get upset about, nothing to be ashamed about. It is I think sad that we make a big deal about it. But things are getting better for gay folks as more and more people understand their plight.
Anatomically, dicks aren't supposed to go in mouths. I guess you are so uptight because you've never had a bloody good BJ.

Some of these guys are so homophobic it's a wonder they can masturbate. After all, it involves putting your hand on a penis! I mean, how gay is that?

I doubt the fact that they are uptight has ever entered into why they've never had a good BJ though.
I've never met a single homophobic person. Homophobic would mean 'fear of gays', but who is scared of them?