Cured of Being Gay

I'm sure your theory will be of great comfort to his wife who clearly did not 'do it' for him.

Not so fast! You can say that about ANY man who cheats on his wife: that she clearly did not do it for him. Not saying that's the case with Haggard, but I just wanted to point that out.
This and that

Spidergoat said:

It's entirely possible (but unlikely) that he's bisexual and genuinely gets turned on by his wife. Sexuality is not so black and white.

It's not that I'm aiming to be hostile if I say, "You've been warned". However—

—yeah, you've been warned. Especially that last one.

I wouldn't rate bisexuality as especially unlikely, but I'm more inclined toward a broad psychological complex involving some aspect of autogynephilia.

Sexual psychology is, to put it simply, completely fucked up.

• • •​

Orleander said:

Do you think he seriously believes he has been cured or does he know he's still gay but willing to live the lie?

He's not "cured". He probably believes he is cured. His psyche is so ensconced in the lie that we could easily do a Platonic Cave analogy.

Hopefully, the slow return of the repressed will culminate somewhere well out of public view.


Savage, Dan. "Straight Acting". The Stranger. November 7, 2007. February 1, 2010.
Not so fast! You can say that about ANY man who cheats on his wife: that she clearly did not do it for him. Not saying that's the case with Haggard, but I just wanted to point that out.
No, you have to look at my quote in context. I was responding to someone who said that he had seen some 'hot chick' who finally gave him a heterosexual erection.

That was the story I was responding to.
The beautiful simplicity of nature

Norsefire said:

... it's kind of common sense to see that men and women go together

I'll remember that the next time I'm wandering through an overpopulated slum full of hungry children. I'll just tell myself, "Common sense. This is what men and women are for."

I mean, that would be correct, right?

(And nobody should tell me about birth control, because I know about it, and I also know it can fail. So the only real guarantee of not knocking up your partner if you get laid is if your partner can't conceive and carry a child. There aren't enough barren women to go around, so either get in line for the town pump, or find yourself a nancy boy.)
But, Tiassa, that is what men and women are for. Reproduction. Of course, nowadays it's as much about pleasure as it is about reproduction; but that can't ignore the fact that sex has its origins in the need for reproduction.
seems like straight men should hope for more and more gay men on the planet because that leaves more women available for them.
That seems like common sense to me
The obvious

Norsefire said:

But, Tiassa, that is what men and women are for. Reproduction. Of course, nowadays it's as much about pleasure as it is about reproduction; but that can't ignore the fact that sex has its origins in the need for reproduction.

Nor can we ignore the fact that homosexuality is part of nature.