Cured of Being Gay


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member

well, apparently Ted Haggard (disgraced minister) is no longer gay. He has been cured. And now his marriage is better than ever. I just wanna slap his wife for being so stupid and living in an ivory tower of denial.

Seriously, was he really gay to begin with?
Good for Ted. He made a choice: a false life with a lovely wife, kids and a white picket fence.

Every choice in life comes with consequences. One has to evaluate what is a priority. For some, the sacrifice of the quintessential American life is too much of a trade off for being an openly gay man.

He's still gay, he's just made a very difficult and potentially problematic life choice.

A haggard joke? (I know. I know.)

Thank you for posting this, Orleander. I think the last time I posted on Haggard in "The Gay Fray", it had to do with dildos, and I asked why the story wouldn't just die. For a while, I wondered if it was people like me, who wouldn't stop laughing. Now I realize that it's people like Ted and Gayle, who want so badly for their fifteen minutes run long that they'll continue to embarrass themselves for us.

The problem is that politically speaking, Ted's dead as an example. I mean, there's beating a joke to death, and beating a dead horse. But this is getting indecent.
Do you think he seriously believes he has been cured or does he know he's still gay but willing to live the lie?
Why can't he have actually been 'cured'? Maybe he saw a hot chick and it went up!
It's entirely possible (but unlikely) that he's bisexual and genuinely gets turned on by his wife. Sexuality is not so black and white.
Why can't he have actually been 'cured'? Maybe he saw a hot chick and it went up!

I love this idiotic nonsense coming from straight guys--usually the dumbest amongst them, so no surprise that it comes from you, of all people norse. Gay people aren't "lacking" access to a chick who's just hot enough. Get a fucking clue. It's an intrinsic non-attraction to the opposite sex. Parading around hotter and hotter women, shocking with electrical probes, hypnotism and prayer won't change a thing, except brainwash the poor fool into thinking he's straight.

He can act straight, he can play the game. But in the end, the guy likes dick. He's made a trade-off for what is more important to him, which is fine. But there is not curing something that isn't curable to begin with.

I love this idiotic nonsense coming from straight guys--usually the dumbest amongst them, so no surprise that it comes from you, of all people norse. Gay people aren't "lacking" access to a chick who's just hot enough. Get a fucking clue. It's an intrinsic non-attraction to the opposite sex. Parading around hotter and hotter women, shocking with electrical probes, hypnotism and prayer won't change a thing, except brainwash the poor fool into thinking he's straight.

He can act straight, he can play the game. But in the end, the guy likes dick. He's made a trade-off for what is more important to him, which is fine. But there is not curing something that isn't curable to begin with.


there are one group who can generally make a choice, as spider said bisexuals COULD chose to ignore one sex or the other if they really wanted to just like people in a relationship for the most part chose to ignore all the other atractive people walking around. Doesnt "cure" you but its not "living a lie" either. Not everything is black or white
String, I never said it was because they lacked access to hot chicks. I'm only saying that they might have gotten turned on by one, one day, just because. Who knows? It could happen.
there are one group who can generally make a choice, as spider said bisexuals COULD chose to ignore one sex or the other if they really wanted to just like people in a relationship for the most part chose to ignore all the other atractive people walking around. Doesnt "cure" you but its not "living a lie" either. Not everything is black or white

I wasn't addressing the possibility of him being bisexual. If I were, then I would have addressed that point. I was, however, addressing Norse. That, and only that, was the point I was making. Spider's big enough and smart enough to defend himself. He doesn't need my help.


well, apparently Ted Haggard (disgraced minister) is no longer gay. He has been cured. And now his marriage is better than ever. I just wanna slap his wife for being so stupid and living in an ivory tower of denial.

Seriously, was he really gay to begin with?

yes he was cured.

I am happy Ted Haggard found the true path of his life.
I think that usage of the term "cured" is in very poor taste, if not downright offensive. How odd [and childish] that people choose to designate something that they disagree with, or are afraid of, or don't understand, as being diseased.
There's that ideological myopia again...
I think that usage of the term "cured" is in very poor taste, if not downright offensive. How odd [and childish] that people choose to designate something that they disagree with, or are afraid of, or don't understand, as being diseased.
There's that ideological myopia again...
Um...nah, decided not to go there.
It doesn't matter what Ted says, the whole thing is just a free plug for his wife's book.