crop circles

Itseemstome said:
I don't, for one second, believe that there is anyone with the ability to produce some of the more complicated patterns we have seen, and without the slightest error. (Where, incidentally, are the ones that went wrong?) Since nobody has the ability to produce them they cannot possibly be there; but they are; Ooh!
Have you actually read any of the posts in this thread?

Perhaps you should check out
I think I will stick by what I said, particularly the first sentence. Just because I can build a model aeroplane it doesn't mean I can build a real one.

I tend to have similar feelings about the various explanations of the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico etc..
And yet we have ample archaeological, epigraphical, and ethnographical evidences that the peoples of "Egypt, Mexico etc.." constructed the pyramids in their lands.

And we have ample evidence that the crop circles are constructed by people. I suspect you lack the artistic and mechanical ability to create something complex and amazing, but that certainly doesn't mean that there are not those that do. Indeed, the designs of some of the most complex are detailed by those that created them. They've even commissioned some of their designs.

But, to be sure, crop circles appeal to the significance-junkies and the mystery-mongers.