crop circles

Yorda, I think you're playing semantics here. Clearly we are talking about the realm of perceptual, mental, or physical phenomena that seem to transcend known physical laws.

"Moving your hand" would certainly fall under a physiological ability. Electrical signals are transmitted in a well understood method from the brain to the muscles of the hand via neurons, dendrites, ion gates (potassium, sodium, etc.), and so on.
I would not call motor function a psychic ability, but I will rephrase it anyway. if there were people who really practiced telekinesis/clairvoyance, don't you think at least of one of them would prove it?

I refer you again to read "demon haunted world" by Carl Sagan. hell, if you pay the shipping, I will send you the book.
SkinWalker said:
"Moving your hand" would certainly fall under a physiological ability. Electrical signals are transmitted in a well understood method from the brain to the muscles of the hand via neurons, dendrites, ion gates (potassium, sodium, etc.), and so on.

That don't explain the question. I know impulses go from the brain to my arm. But that's not really an explanation. Who/what initiates the impulses, and how? You can't find the answer by thinking, because lifting your arm is a sort of thinking. By thinking about thinking you just go in circles.

cato said:
if there were people who really practiced telekinesis/clairvoyance, don't you think at least of one of them would prove it?

They could, but they're not interrested in proving it I guess. Not in public. There has been certain rare cases though. Eyewitnesses and photographic evidence. Those who have psychic abilities like telepathy are usually on a much higher level of consciousness than people like you and me. They might not think like we do. They're not interrested in proving their abilities. I wouldn't be interrested if I had them. If you're famous you just get in trouble.

Abilities like that are rare now, people will have them later, when we evolve. We'll have an bigger skull like the ancient humans and stuff... All things live under the right circumstances.
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cato how much is the book? and ca ni get it at a local library? and thirdly what is it about?
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They could, but they're not interested in proving it I guess
how do you know?

Those who have psychic abilities like telepathy are usually on a much higher level of consciousness than people like you and me
what do you base this on? other than the fact that it is the only way to save your argument. however, it is not a god argument. simply say "things are they way they are, but nobody can know why" is not worth the time I spent explaining it.
Someone, riku? It was you! :D
Yorda said:
They could, but they're not interrested in proving it I guess. Not in public. There has been certain rare cases though. Eyewitnesses and photographic evidence.
There's this regularly appearing idea among the psi-believing world that people with psi powers all unilaterally have some kind of higher moral fibre than everybody else, saintly-ly keeping their abilities to themselves except in exceptional circumstances, and never using them for self-enrichment. Why would this make any sense? Surely people with psi abillities would be morally no different from the rest of the population, and there would be at least some who would be completely unable to regularly demonstrate their abilities in a way that would be completely unmistakeable for trickery. And those people wouldn't be that rare, either. As it is, public "psychics" are all clearly illusionists.
Yeah, most are signs from the aliens. However this is harder to believe due to all the idiots who go out and do fake ones. If we look at only the decent ones, we are provided with more firm evidence that there is something out there. Its just a shame about hoaxes.
i know i did it orrigninally but then soem one siad soemthnig like " kalians yes of course" or soemthnig liek that.....
i jsut got it whoever did it haha funny...... ( sigh i need typing classes...)
riku_124 said:
( sigh i need typing classes...)
You surely are typing that badly on purpose,no?if not, PLEASE do get some classes-infact i'll pay for them for you :D
wil lyou rly jhon smith?
ok send money to my email account (
Silas said:
Someone, riku? It was you! :DThere's this regularly appearing idea among the psi-believing world that people with psi powers all unilaterally have some kind of higher moral fibre than everybody else, saintly-ly keeping their abilities to themselves except in exceptional circumstances, and never using them for self-enrichment. Why would this make any sense?

I think the idea, and I'm not sayign I believe it, but fight the proper argument; Is that it goes the other way around. Once you're a better person, things start happening. Alternatively, when you do try to fuck with it, it fucks with you. Not being a psychic, I can't be sure.
scorpios you compeltly lost me with that.
so what im aksing yuou is these...anomalies are they satying tehy were amde form palts humane feet etc?
or are htey saying that the way it was made was a anomaliy itself?
scorpius said:
ok then how do they create these abnormalities in those plants

The off-the-cuff answer is that BLT research was a pseudoscientific and completely contrived organization by Nancy Talbot and her close knit group who are advocates of alien (or otherwise paranormal) explanation for crop circles. I remember reading somewhere, though the source escapes me at the moment, that some of there "researched plants" with the "extended nodes" were confirmed by the hoaxers as plants they flattened.

The important thing to note with BLT Research is that their "findings" were not published in any actual journals, nor were their methodologies well documented.

But, short of actually replicating their methods independently using plants from sets of crop circles, some of which are known to be hoaxes, there is no real way of totally dismissing their claims. We can mostly dismiss them, however.
mosly dismiss the paranormal but not compleatly is this what ur saying skinwalker?