crop circles

riku_124 said:
I wasn't saying the farmers were making it i was saying the "pranksters" would have to have a very good eye of art.
If they didn't have a good eye for art, they wouldn't undertake this particular prank.

Stryder said:
The Farmer supposedly sought damages for the whole field from the Ministry for the corner that the men had cut across so apparently they snuck back late one night and finished the rest of the field off.
Please note the farmer (quite rightly) got damages from the Ministry of Defence, who were nominally in charge of the men who had done the damage. Nobody has ever suggested that a site that only had a hyperlink to a site which encouraged actionable activity would ever be liable to being sued. It is the site with the information which is liable, if that.

(I'm not making any claims about links to sites with illegal activities or content.)
Those wacky drunk pranksters have been at it again !!


Peace to all

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Yeah, it's interesting... the circlemakers create hoaxed crop circles, then use their own work to "prove" that all crop circles are fake. What they don't tell you is no one can still account for 10% of all crop circles. And it begs the question; If people stopped making crop circles, would crop circles stop appearing? That is ALL that hoaxers would have to do to prove the phenomenon was fake.

Yet, they don't do this...
Xevious said:
Yeah, it's interesting... the circlemakers create hoaxed crop circles, then use their own work to "prove" that all crop circles are fake.
Circlemakers creating crop circles doesn't prove that they are all fake. It does, however, prove that humans can make the even the most complex ones.
Xevious said:
What they don't tell you is no one can still account for 10% of all crop circles.
Where did you get the figure of 10%?

There will always be crop circles not accounted for because people don't tend to come forward and admit that they have damaged crops.
Xevious said:
And it begs the question; If people stopped making crop circles, would crop circles stop appearing? That is ALL that hoaxers would have to do to prove the phenomenon was fake.
All we need to do to prove the phenomenon is fake is to get a global agreement from all the hoaxers to stop making crop circles? That should be easy...
Xevious said:
Yet, they don't do this...
Therefore the phenomenom must be real.... right?
You're missing the point. Refer to the circlemakers website and the additudes of those who wrote it. A lot of hoaxers (some of which are "skeptics") seem to have began making crop circles to make fun of people who thought something unusual was going on.

Hoaxers interfear with genuine research by creating dubious circles. Most researchers can tell the difference, but each time hoaxers create another circle that is time wasted from investigating the real phenomenon. To me, it is the antics of silly children. If skeptics have to resort to such tactics to "debunk" crop circle investigation, what does that say?
Well, we could get into how circlemakers are getting prosecuted now, but silly children don't have to create tons hoaxes to prove their point. A few would have been sufficient. Their is the "art" argument is just the excuse of vandals.
im not arguing about whether or not aliens do it,im just saying the things they make are hardly the work of children.complex and beautiful,i think they are art.
Xevious said:
Hoaxers interfear with genuine research by creating dubious circles.

There are those that would argue if it weren't for the hoaxers, there wouldn't be any circles and the "researchers" wouldn't have anything to examine.

I'd be one of those that would argue that.
I disagreed but I don't think I missed the point, and you didn't answer my question.
Xevious said:
You're missing the point. Refer to the circlemakers website and the additudes of those who wrote it. A lot of hoaxers (some of which are "skeptics") seem to have began making crop circles to make fun of people who thought something unusual was going on.
What does the attitudes and motivations of the circlemakers have to do with anything? Sure some of them are skeptics. I don't see why that is important.

Xevious said:
Hoaxers interfear with genuine research by creating dubious circles. Most researchers can tell the difference, but each time hoaxers create another circle that is time wasted from investigating the real phenomenon. To me, it is the antics of silly children.
These circlemakers are proving something very important. Many claims have been made by cerealogists (and someone in this thread) regarding humans not being capable of making circles this complex. They are showing that perhaps this "genuine research" is totally unecessary. Maybe we don't need to assume that aliens made these circles....
Xevious said:
If skeptics have to resort to such tactics to "debunk" crop circle investigation, what does that say?
Well circlemakers aren't necessarily skeptics but anyway, I don't know, what does that say?
Well circlemakers aren't necessarily skeptics but anyway, I don't know, what does that say?

Already answered that, I'll move on. It still leaves the question of all the "wierd shit" even the circle makers admit to. You must account for that as well in order to rule our an extrordinary phenomenon. BTW - Aliens from outer space are only the most extrordinary explanation. A Russian scientist recently claimed it might be some kind of unusual lightning. Well, lightning or aliens, the point is that so long as not every aspect of the phenomenon is accounted for in the explanation that they are created by humans, their is something to investigate.
Xevious said:
Already answered that, I'll move on. It still leaves the question of all the "wierd shit" even the circle makers admit to. You must account for that as well in order to rule our an extrordinary phenomenon. BTW - Aliens from outer space are only the most extrordinary explanation. A Russian scientist recently claimed it might be some kind of unusual lightning. Well, lightning or aliens, the point is that so long as not every aspect of the phenomenon is accounted for in the explanation that they are created by humans, their is something to investigate.
So all we are left with is that weird stuff is seen in the fields at night such as moving lights. That's not particularly compelling evidence for a new phenomenon worth investigating...

If a circlemaker sees something weird in the field while making a crop circle what does that have to do with "genuine" crop circles? A "genuine" crop circle was not created.
You are trying very hard to link anything weird with a completely explainable event.
I've mentioned a theory before that explains it completely, however none of the "Alien-huggers" want to believe it.

Quite simply it utilises an antenna array, which is hooked up together to generate a Matrix array. Each antenna has a processing node that can for one be used to not just recieve radio communications but also "broadcast". All the nodes are then linked together as a Parallel processing array, so that one Controller terminal can cause all of the antenna's to generate a combine matrix effect.

It then just takes a simple computer design done in a CAD package to cause a macroprogram to run and cause the cornstalks to bend/flatten.

The macro itself would involve "Genetic modification" of the stalks, where the actual gene sequences are manipulated to create the bending. (It explains the nodes on the stalks of some of the circles that are suggested to be genuine)

Such equipment is either in use by Defense Contractors or the Military, take your pick. Their reason for such circles could be for testing or just to keep everyone "confused".
I don't, for one second, believe that there is anyone with the ability to produce some of the more complicated patterns we have seen, and without the slightest error. (Where, incidentally, are the ones that went wrong?) Since nobody has the ability to produce them they cannot possibly be there; but they are; Ooh!

I don't think anybody would deny that there is intelligence behind their creation.

There must, therefore, be a form of intelligence of whose existence we are unaware but that knows we are here. Why, therefore, is it doing it? Has any 'normal', level headed scientist ever tried to figure out if it is trying to tell us something other than just that things are far more complicated than you're aware?