crop circles

One can never be completely dismissive of things that require one to prove a negative. My pet dragon, for instance. He's purple, yet invisible. Incoporeal and can float. He lives in my garage. You cannot prove otherwise, yet it is safe for you to mostly dismiss him.
but if you would throw paint into the gaurage there owuld be a outline of yellow for ur dragon know? after all your invisable dragon has mass and isnt made of pure air right? so it would be possible to dismiss htat what ur trying to sat i assume is

i have a pet snake , its indvisile and it got away. it is possible to provie if its in the cage or not . but youd never know if you found the damn thing!

( my pointless post)

sorry i jsut had to try to disprove your dragon theory.
But , you are right you can never fulyl dismiss aleinns ( kalinans lol)
but then why dotn out micro scoes catch them? the ones pointed up in sapce that are sapposed to be lookni to see if metores and such are comming to kill the earth?
do you know what i am tlaknig about?
My dragon is incoporeal, therefore the paint simply passes through his body. Trust me, for every test you devise, I've got a rule that the dragon can escape.
SkinWalker is right that the research is bogus. Crop circles are ALL HOAXES. They are so easy to create. Aliens don't exist. Even if they did, why would they come all the way to earth just to create artwork in cornfields?

Let's deal with those so-called "changes" in the plants. Even the website that scorpius posted shows that these changes can be cause by things other than aliens. Here is my theory. Crops are how farmers make their money. However, what if a significant portion of the crop was diseased or ruined? Then he might play a prank and create a crop circle. This existing crop damage could be those peculiar "changes" in the plants.

The truth is, all crop circles are hoaxes.
whats incorprel mean?

and from what skinwlaker is saying ribiks master then how can you disprove ALL of them sure alot maby even almost all.
but you must admit osem designs are so great and look so great that it surprises me man could make it.
you owuld have to have a above ground camera or be a very good artist ( in my opinion) to creat such things though.
so i dont see how regular farmers who ( most likkly) arent very educated could make such desighns.
ether a great artist who doesent liek paint and paper are alians are very good pranksters who take weeks and monthes to devise this sceam
you understnad what im saying no normal person liek i could make one of thsoe w/o having a education in art.
First, let me say that aliens probably do exist. I think that there are far to many suns and planets in the galaxy and far to many galaxies in this universe for there not to be many worlds that have developed sentient, intelligent life.

Second, we may not be able to disprove all the crop circles with regard to they being of "alien" or "extraterrestrial" origin, but we can certainly demonstrate that many alternatives exist that could have created their characteristic attributes (i.e. "extended nodes"): most hoaxes, some more prosaic.

Third see the definition for "coporeal" and apply the opposite and you have the definition for incoporeal (or noncoporeal might be more accurate).

Forth, farmers are typically well educated. I know several that have associates or even bachelors degrees in agriculture. But the pranksters/hoaxsters need not be "farmers," indeed, I recall that many are not.

See these links:

Lastly, I challenge you to take note of the rise of complexity among crop circles. The early circles were very basic. As time has gone by, the circles have steadily increased in complexity and daring ability (circles in various restricted or difficult locations). Much in the same manner as neighborhood graffiti artists as they improve their skills and make efforts to impress their peers.
i wasent saying the farmers were maknig it i was saying the " praksters" would have to have a very good eye of art.
SkinWalker said:
Hoaxes. All of them. Some guys confessed and demonstrated how they did it a long time ago. There's even a website dedicated to their exploits that includes some "how-to" methods.


I highly disagree. Some of the recent crop cirlcles would have been impossible to create. 1 actually depicts a human face in 3d. and one actually has like 350 crop circles contained in one.
A quick reference to some amazing crop circle in which some could not have been created by humans.

No humans with yarn etc could do that. I don't know what can. I highly debate accrediting to aliens on earth however.

With a lot of these crop circles being alligned at stone henge, which is supposed to have some underwater stream that connects the stones. These stone patterns are still not completly understood of what they meant. However, the water underneath connects them, and it is hypothesized they were some sort of energy "meditation" or somethign ritual. however, we all know water is a form of energy conduction. So, some sort of energy flowing underground through stonehenge could be something.. I dont know what.
The crop circles I hypothesize come from some sort of energy. Some scientists attribute this to a "atmospheric energy raindown" im not a physicst, but some sort of atmospehric raining of energy creates these particles. Any woo, I think the crop circles are created by a energy not on earth, or at least not in the 3rd dimension.

AT the very least, scientists do claim that the seeds inside the corn actually do not "pop". they are still entact, and are some what mutated afterwards. They cannot reproduce normally. So some sort of energy with extreme radiation is evident. I am not claiming aliens are doing this. I dont necessarily think aliens have ever visited earth. However, I do as many scientists know, that a different dimension could exist. We just cannot see it with our limited sense perceptions. As a deer has better hearing and bad vision as a bat has radar perception. This shows that difference in sense perceptions do exist. It proves it.

But to go ahead and say that there are beings and forces that are right in front of us that we cannot see is somewhat extreme. But it does have some face validity. There very well may be God and angels right in front of us at all times, along with the spirits of the dead.. but since there is sensory differentation, we cannot "sense" them.

Interesting thinking at the least... I am not declaring this fact or even trying to be crazy like all (99.99%) abductees. Im just providing a theory. I am a believer in science but more importantly a believer in Spirituality.

Terp said:
No humans with yarn etc could do that. I don't know what can.
Then you really can't discount humans then, eh?

Terp said:
With a lot of these crop circles being alligned at stone henge, which is supposed to have some underwater stream that connects the stones
I've become pretty familiar with the geology and archaeology of Stonehenge of late. I can tell you that there isn't any "underground stream" in the underlying chalk.
SkinWalker said:
Then you really can't discount humans then, eh?.

Yea I pretty much can discount humans because humans with yarn could not reproduce those crop circles. However, Im sure humans account for a majority of the crop circles, especialy the traditional "landing" circles.

SkinWalker said:
I've become pretty familiar with the geology and archaeology of Stonehenge of late. I can tell you that there isn't any "underground stream" in the underlying chalk.

But you cannot deny that they are symmeterical in there arrangment indictating some soft of "path".

Seems you cannot debunk all of this, as I can not prove all of this. So its a coin flip... Essentially a probability that it is intriguing.
that one about the stars was pretty cool...
did any one get sick loonkig at that sight? i was reading it felt sick ran to the bathroom and didnt feel sick anymore then when i came back i felt sick again.... did that happen to any one else?
terpinator72 said:
I highly disagree. Some of the recent crop cirlcles would have been impossible to create. 1 actually depicts a human face in 3d. and one actually has like 350 crop circles contained in one.
A quick reference to some amazing crop circle in which some could not have been created by humans.
So which of those crop cricles would humans not be able to make?
How do you deal with this kind of stuff? (from
The Hard Facts

1. The crop circles are formed within a few minutes, a fact substantiated by numerous eyewitness accounts and film footages. A genuine film footage okayed by experts showing a crop circle being formed by two interacting luminescent light balls can now be seen on any of the major crop circle documentaries. In the footage, the circle took precisely 3 seconds to form.

There is, of course, no link to the footage referred to (nor even the supposed eyewitness accounts of the three minute formation).

The site isn't always that helpful to debunkers, only talking about circles being "discovered" and "reported", and even expressing amazement at the big Milk Hill classic since they reckon each one of 1500 circles would have to be made every thirty seconds.

On the other hand, the osfa site evidently won't have any truck with alien explanations - because they state categorically that the circles are made by "Earth spirits". Though presumably not the Nike and UK Olympic-bid adverts!
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If you or another party are caught attempting to make a crop circle in somebodies field without permission. The owner of the field can seek damages based upon the content of the whole field and type of crop, not the estimated amount of damage you have done. This means they can sue for the whole field and still attempt to harvest what's leftover. and the Moderators of Sciforums currently accept no responsibility for people making crop circles or UFO's in general, unless otherwise stated.
Stryder said:
If you or another party are caught attempting to make a crop circle in somebodies field without permission. The owner of the field can seek damages based upon the content of the whole field and type of crop, not the estimated amount of damage you have done. This means they can sue for the whole field and still attempt to harvest what's leftover. and the Moderators of Sciforums currently accept no responsibility for people making crop circles or UFO's in general, unless otherwise stated.
Oh, come on! There's one link to the circlemakers' site, you really think you're going to get sued by some farmer!?

There must be a million links posted on this site that are potentially actionable one way or another (in Looney-land, I hasten to add!).
All I can say is dont let some mindless, unspiritual puppet dictate the way you think. That is like trapping yourself in a prison.
Your mind is all that truly exists, and everyone else is just a abstract into the subject matter you create.
In reality you probably sleeping somewhere and all these puppets will one day wake up and realize they were wrong about everything.
Yes Spurious, Most alien fanatic would have you believe that money was invented by aliens and the proof was with the UFO on a coin (Seperate thread).

Okay admittedly both the comment above and the "Warning" was a slight joke, although the warning wasn't a fabrication, I heard a story of a company of soldiers that were out on manovres that lost control of their APC that went into a field. The Farmer supposedly sought damages for the whole field from the Ministry for the corner that the men had cut across so apparently they snuck back late one night and finished the rest of the field off.

I don't know how true the story was, but I always thought about it everytime someone said they wanted to make a crop circle.