Creationist questions evolution

There you have it. The video you posted does not come from a reliable source and cannot be held to any scientific standard of evidence.

This is no better than Behe and his "irreducible complexity". You cannot expect such evidence as proof of anything.

As to ad hominem, I never start any confrontation except where it concerns fact. But if someone starts an ad hominem against me, they usually end up riding a tiger, productive or not......:oops:

p.s. That's an ad hominem and does not in any way contribute to the conversation.

Moreover, it is utterly false and that makes you a Liar.

You've got a good memory.
Our resident Creationists have all conveniently, and not surprisingly, ignored three specific genetic examples that provide direct evidence that human beings share common ancestors with (a) chimpanzees and (b) chickens. As you will recall, Alex posted a video here:

Why is it that our Creationists cannot or will not face this kind of evidence? Why do they turn a blind eye and tell straight-out lies about there being a supposed lack of evidence of evolution? Is this willful blindness, or deliberate dishonesty?
Why is it that our Creationists cannot or will not face this kind of evidence?

Their self esteem is so low, due to being told all their life that they are miserable sinners, that they can not manage being wrong...being wrong is just impossible for crazy is that.

What young whitey..He owes me an appology but it wont come...why...because he will be unable to say that he was wrong...

If their self esteem was present they firstly would be able to look at the evidence for Evolution with an impartial approach and form an opinion...secondly they may then be able to muster some rational understanding to realise the theory is not outrageous in the least and certainly could figure the theory does not say it is possible for one species to give birth to a different species.

Imagine if all your life you had been told you are a miserable sinner that your natural thoughts about sex are evil and that your miserable ass will go to hell if you even have a bad thought...and anything that could seem not to fit their religious brainwashed mind has been sent by Satan. .... crazy...I just imagined what it would be would secretly hate yourself and also hate anyone who showed that they were not screwed up.

..heck we see that here all the time...the insults from these folk shows their self esteem is zero.

But what gets me is the dishonesty.

To me being honest with others and with yourself is the key to happyness and high self esteem and can these folk sleep..I can imagine one chap I have been talking with recently going to sleep with me on his mind and him thinking and wishing me to be in hell.

And how can they think folk dont see their dishonesty

.it is just so obvious....

You then you see them on the Atheist Experience declaring with delight that "well you dont realise but you will go to hell" ....what causes folk to be so screwed up.... religion thats what.

How do these folk get delight by thinking someone will go to they even understand what eternity means...and to wish that on someone shows such an evil twisted mind it seems inhuman.

Only an inner hatred can generate such a hatred of others. ..its truely sick in the head.

Many of them tend to be Ignorant, dishonest, evasive, lacking self esteem and determined to avoid learning or using logic or reason.

Justifying all stupidity and ignorance on the stupidest one liner ever..."its my faith" is lack of evidence reason and logic and an empty head to put all that in...

Then the worst of all these intellectual cripples talk down to others as though they have a clue...they dont.

Still we have to see them as victims and somehow help them to escape this con that imprisons them and destroys their lives.

I really wish that there was a god who could come down and send all the religious leaders or conmen as they are best described to someplace where they will never hurt anyone ever again....

And the cash these poor victims pay out..its criminal. .obtaining money under false pretences...that is a crime.

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And the cash these poor victims pay out..its criminal. Obtaining money under false pretences...that is a crime.

What is even worse, IMO, is that that these con-men justify their graft by declaring that it gives the victim pleasure and comfort to be so bamboozled.

To me that is so dishonest, I can not imagine bearing the evil of knowingly so corrupting innocent minds....:(
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There is a utube video with a con man tellytubbyevangalist asking for money for his third private jet...telling poor folk they can get a $1000 loan so send that in...and the lord will repay them....people like that should do time...lying scum bag mongrel theiving dogs....a d yet do I wish them an eternity in of course not because I aint a christian.

Just to add to the long list of proofs;
All great apes apart from man have 24 pairs of chromosomes. There is therefore a hypothesis that the common ancestor of all great apes had 24 pairs of chromosomes and that the fusion of two of the ancestor's chromosomes created chromosome 2 in humans. The evidence for this hypothesis is very strong.

Our resident Creationists have all conveniently, and not surprisingly, ignored three specific genetic examples that provide direct evidence that human beings share common ancestors with (a) chimpanzees and (b) chickens. As you will recall, Alex posted a video here:

Why is it that our Creationists cannot or will not face this kind of evidence? Why do they turn a blind eye and tell straight-out lies about there being a supposed lack of evidence of evolution? Is this willful blindness, or deliberate dishonesty?

Yeah, and bananas share 60% of human DNA. Do you not think that regardless of evolution, we would share most of our DNA with our closest relative. You using this as proof that a chimp give birth to something different than a chimp is a joke. They would die out, but no they certainly haven't.

Obviously you won't use common sense you'll probably post a graph or tree picture. If you want to actually learn about the evolution of man read 2 books. They have got the same name but one is written by a theist the other by an atheist, Bones of Contention. It's so easy for the uneducated fools on this forum to paste videos, pictures etc without looking at videos from theists, you do not want to learn. This thread was dead, as I answered a question no one decided to debate.

Now I'll let the fools attack while you really should be reading actual books about the most important evidence we have, fossils.
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Yeah, and bananas share 60% of human DNA. Do you not think that regardless of evolution, we would share most of our DNA with our closest relative.
No. If we weren't related to chimpanzees (or any other life on Earth) we wouldn't be related in other ways, either.
You using this as proof that a chimp give birth to something different than a chimp is a joke.
Humans have one head, two arms and legs and ten toes and ten fingers. They don't have tails. Humans have given birth to organisms with two heads, with twelve fingers, and with tails. They have given birth to creatures with bifurcated hands, with extra arms and legs, and with their legs fused like a mermaid's. So no, it's not a joke that organisms can give birth to something different than what they are. Some are mutations; some are developmental mistakes.
They would die out, but no they certainly haven't.
Right. Others have. In fact, most species over the course of history have died out.
you won't use common sense . . . uneducated fools . . . do not want to learn. . . . I'll let the fools attack
It is unfortunate that you resort to personal attacks when others present facts to you. You must be pretty uncertain of your beliefs to lash out in anger like that.
No. If we weren't related to chimpanzees (or any other life on Earth) we wouldn't be related in other ways, either.


Humans have one head, two arms and legs and ten toes and ten fingers. They don't have tails. Humans have given birth to organisms with two heads, with twelve fingers, and with tails.

They have given birth to creatures with bifurcated hands, with extra arms and legs, and with their legs fused like a mermaid's. So no, it's not a joke that organisms can give birth to something different than what they are. Some are mutations; some are developmental mistakes.

So you don't know. It's a joke is it. You atheist worms get worse and worse. I love it.

Right. Others have. In fact, most species over the course of history have died out.

Homo Erectus, Neanderthal etc. why did they die out(they were supposedly far ahead of chimps therefore had a better chance to survive based on Darwinism)? Did modern man kill them all of? Did chimps kill them? Your logic and reasoning on this subject is farcical, look at what you are saying and think about what I've said. If it goes through one ear and out the other, then I can't help you.

The fact is that chimps are alive and some humans are, a small %. You think you are related to a chimp. Fair enough.

It is unfortunate that you resort to personal attacks when others present facts to you. You must be pretty uncertain of your beliefs to lash out in anger like that.

It's unfortunate you do. Hypocrite.
Good! We agree.
So you don't know.
We DO know. Is there something you don't understand about what I posted?
Homo Erectus, Neanderthal etc. why did they die out
99% of all species have died out. It's the rule, not the exception. (BTW Homo Erectus didn't die out; they evolved into homo sapiens.)
(they were supposedly far ahead of chimps therefore had a better chance to survive based on Darwinism)?
Homo Erectus DID survive.
Did modern man kill them all of? Did chimps kill them?
Homo Erectus DID survive.
The fact is that chimps are alive and some humans are, a small %. You think you are related to a chimp. Fair enough.
Yes. All of humanity shares an ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos. This should come as no surprise - all life on Earth shares a common ancestor.
t's a joke . . . atheist worms . . .Hypocrite . . .farcical.
Looks like science makes you very, very mad. (BTW I am not an atheist, if you care.)
Humans have one head, two arms and legs and ten toes and ten fingers. They don't have tails. Humans have given birth to organisms with two heads, with twelve fingers, and with tails. They have given birth to creatures with bifurcated hands, with extra arms and legs, and with their legs fused like a mermaid's. So no, it's not a joke that organisms can give birth to something different than what they are. Some are mutations; some are developmental mistakes.

So you are now calling deformities proof for evolution? If so my cousin has 3 fingers, so why hasn't half the people in the world got 3 fingers?

"Some are mutations; some are developmental mistakes"

Give me a few examples Darwin.
99% of all species have died out. It's the rule, not the exception. (BTW Homo Erectus didn't die out; they evolved into homo sapiens.)

What is the point of writing this? "99% of all species have died out" that is your proof? you think because you've written this it actually explains everything? is "i don't know" can you not physically say it? don't worry, you're not alone, every atheist on here can't either. It would make you look less foolish if you said it more often instead of just reading random pages off the web and presenting it as a fact.
Good! We agree.

No we never will, because you do not think, you do not question your beliefs. Your an ape thirsting for some mental masturbation on this site.

We DO know. Is there something you don't understand about what I posted?

You know nothing, the sooner you realize this the better it "would" be for you..

99% of all species have died out.

So you believe.

Homo Erectus DID survive.

Really, where are they? Chimps still look like chimps. Use that as your mantra.

Yes. All of humanity shares an ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos. This should come as no surprise - all life on Earth shares a common ancestor.

"Ancestor" is pure speculation and a word science should never use because none of this has been observed therefore it is not science. Did you hear about the fruit fly? Look it up, hopefully it won't take 2 years.
Looks like science makes you very, very mad. (BTW I am not an atheist, if you care.)

Without science... hmmm what would life be without it? Short? I love science done properly where I can observe and use something that was produced from science which improves my quality of life. You must hate me.
So you are now calling deformities proof for evolution?
Nope. You claimed that a chimp could not give birth to anything other than another chimp. Anything else, you claimed, was "a joke." I gave you several examples where regular humans gave birth to something VERY different than a regular human. They are very much not jokes. (Same thing happens to chimps, but since that mostly happens in the wild, we don't see as much of it.)
If so my cousin has 3 fingers, so why hasn't half the people in the world got 3 fingers?
Because having 3 fingers is not advantageous for survival. If only 3 fingered people survived, and your cousin's phenotype was heritable, very soon all humans would have three fingers. If 3 fingered people survived and reproduced significantly better than 5 fingered people, then over time more and more people would have 3 fingers.

Evolution in action.

Want a concrete example? Dogs are evolving into four "fingered" animals. They have four pads on their feet, and their thumb (which they share with most mammals) is going away. It is now called a "dewclaw" and in most dogs is a vestigial remnant of a thumb that often causes more problems (damage, infection) than it's worth. So it is slowly being evolved away. In some dogs (the African wild dog, for example) it has been evolved away entirely.

"Some are mutations; some are developmental mistakes" Give me a few examples Darwin.
Ectrodactyly, or "lobster claw hand," is a genetic change - a mutation - affecting human hands. It effectively splits the hand into two halves. It can be inherited, so people with the genetic marker for this can pass the trait down to their children. It is not beneficial, so is rare.

Polycephaly, or two-headed organisms, is a developmental defect. It results in organisms with two heads. They are rarely viable. Since this is developmental, a woman with two heads can (and most likely will) have normal children, assuming their anatomy allows pregnancy and carrying the child to term.
What is the point of writing this? "99% of all species have died out"
You seemed puzzled that Neanderthals died out. That is nothing to be puzzled by. In fact, extinction is the rule, not the exception.
don't worry, you're not alone, every atheist on here can't either.
Still not an atheist. Sorry, is that blowing your mind?
you do not think . . .Your an ape thirsting for some mental masturbation . . .You must hate me.
Nope. Just surprised at your fury and anger at science.