Creationist questions evolution

I was not quoting you.
I was accusing you because you declared that you question the concept of evolution. Your post #359
If you doubt evolution you must be a creationist, apes were created ape and humans were created human.
And then you are just plain wrong.
Not even close.

No matter what I post you just wriggle around like a worm. You're writing complete trash, making things up, confusing posts all just to try and make yourself look good. You are disgusting.
davewhite04 said:
Your cut and paste pictures prove nothing and it is bad form to assume I didn't know anything about evolution, in truth I've probably read more books on it then you.
So why not discuss it, instead of just hurling personal attacks at people you disagree with?
So why not discuss it, instead of just hurling personal attacks at people you disagree with?

I started to, and I got no answers. Instead I got bombarded by a devious atheist about crap I have no interest in. You atheists are generally a complete waste of time, you don't want to learn anything. Instead you want to try and make fools out of anyone who do not believe in your religion. For example, Jan is light years ahead of all you believers in science yet know nothing about it. Stick to learning on the web as quite clearly none of you have got a clue all you're interested in is getting one up on someone.

How does this response relate to the quote you posted, or to anything I’ve ever said on these forums. :rolleyes:

Can you point to the unorthodox viewpoint?
As far as I am aware, theists don’t find my theism, unorthodox.

Well, that is the problem, you haven't said anything definitive on this forum. You never stated your religion or defined your god, so it must be some hybrid personal interpretation of a compilation of religious claptrap that makes you feel comfortable. You don't believe in Darwinian evolution, just little cosmetic adjustments over a few centuries. In your book, all kinds were created in a few days and that's it.

Of course, all originally created kinds have long since become extinct and what we see today is a result of....:?

You do realize that there are as many gods as there are theists. Each god is a personal god.
To atheists there is only one non-existent god. Even in that respect atheists are more consistent than theists

At least atheists don't bother a theist god with millions of prayers asking for this and that. On Sunday, his day off.
I find that rude and selfish. No way to treat a friend.
Well, that is the problem, you haven't said anything definitive on this forum. You never stated your religion or defined your god, so it must be some hybrid personal interpretation of a compilation of religious claptrap that makes you feel comfortable. You don't believe in Darwinian evolution, just little cosmetic adjustments over a few centuries. In your book, all kinds were created in a few days and that's it.

"you never stated your religion" - You
"in your book all kinds were created in a few days..." - You(in same post)

What is Jan's book?
What are you talking about Alex?
I thought I was entirely clear Jan.
I was talking about how much religion must cost you personally.
No doubt you pay your favorite group something.
But the thing to remember is that the non religion that is the eternal universe costs nothing and you dont have to believe to make it real as it will always be there even when you are not.

Keep producing those beautiful photos.
Thank you for your kind encouragement Jan.
I leave as soon as I finish here for my dark site and hopefully a productive week of photography.
"you never stated your religion" - You
"in your book all kinds were created in a few days..." - You(in same post)

What is Jan's book?
We are still waiting for Jan to tell us. What's is left but to infer from a few remarks that give a hint of actual belief.
By his words, his religion is not of the average kind and is a result of deep research and meditation.
OK, enlighten us how this affects his views on "evolution' and "natural selection".

If there is no conflict with Darwinian evolution, what's all the hullaballoo about?
Have you got a link to that book?
We're waiting for Jan to tell us which book he uses. 21 pages into "questioning evolution" and not a single definitive statement as to why Darwinian evolution is not an acceptable natural potential of self-organizing systems.

Jan is avoiding clarity for fear he will be proven incorrect as all scripture is scientifically incorrect.
Atheists have no need for "slippery" statements. Scientific statements are sufficient.

No one can prove atheism wrong, unless theism produces evidence of a god.
OTOH, everyone can prove theism wrong without fear of being presented with proof that god exists.
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Jan is avoiding clarity for fear he will be proven incorrect as all scripture is scientifically incorrect.
Atheists have no need for "slippery" statements. Scientific statements are sufficient.
Yep. He tends to argue with me until I back him into a corner. Then he stops responding and starts another thread.
I have been traveling now for 2 hours and starting to feel like I am a sovereign citizen☺...mmm sovereign citizens another crazy bunch who believe god has more power than the law of the land...a cult started by some guy who repairs car windows I suspect.

So today I am not driving my car ...I am travelling☺

Got to go only another 7 hours and I am there.

OK, enlighten us how this affects his views on "evolution' and "natural selection".

I don't know, this debate is senseless in anyway, so the motive is either he enjoys riling the darwin gang or he has got a different view to you. instead of ad hominem every post you don't understand maybe you should debate and learn? believe it or not scientists are wrong all the time, checkout the video I posted and look up the kids books that included two dinosaurs that never existed.
I don't know, this debate is senseless in anyway, so the motive is either he enjoys riling the darwin gang or he has got a different view to you. instead of ad hominem every post you don't understand maybe you should debate and learn? believe it or not scientists are wrong all the time, checkout the video I posted and look up the kids books that included two dinosaurs that never existed.
When scientists get it wrong other scientists are ready to correct them. When theists get it wrong they start a new schism.
I don't know, this debate is senseless in anyway, so the motive is either he enjoys riling the darwin gang or he has got a different view to you. instead of ad hominem every post you don't understand maybe you should debate and learn? believe it or not scientists are wrong all the time, checkout the video I posted and look up the kids books that included two dinosaurs that never existed.
There you have it. The video you posted does not come from a reliable source and cannot be held to any scientific standard of evidence.

This is no better than Behe and his "irreducible complexity". You cannot expect such evidence as proof of anything.

As to ad hominem, I never start any confrontation except where it concerns fact. But if someone starts an ad hominem against me, they usually end up riding a tiger, productive or not......:oops:

No matter what I post you just wriggle around like a worm. You're writing complete trash, making things up, confusing posts all just to try and make yourself look good. You are disgusting
That's an ad hominem and does not in any way contribute to the conversation.

Moreover, it is utterly false and that makes you a Liar.