Craterchains, natural or ?

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Earth craters of note are Barringer Crater, and Wolf Creek Crater. but they arn't CS crater chains. Just big craters.
The point is that the hypothesis of CS crater chains being natural is not in any way harmed by earth not having them. What you can CS crater chains are considered to be a natural percentage of the total number of craters. It just so happens that this percentage is small enough that earth doesn't have any left.

You'll also note that the chains you showed on venus have none of the features which you claim make these chains special.
To reiterate for Persol's benefit:

Try this page for two crater chains in the same image of smaller size craters on Venus. We are not stating they are CS types for obvious reasons by our criteria they fail and could be caused by natural means on that strange planet.

I cannot understand your first paragraph, either it is missing words or just not typed to make full sense.
Oh my god, I may have made a mistake. It looks like Mars and not Phobos has the greater amount of CS chains.

Just wanted to say good bye to all the ones I have met here at sciforums. Judging from the responses we have stimulated here at these boards and threads we are certain of one thing. Not everyone here is human. There are those that will, at any cost, try to keep ones from learning about them. Why they are here and what their agenda was and is. Reverse engineering has given us these technologies of computers and much more. It would be shear stupidity to think that “they” wouldn’t be out here on the web. The demons of our religions are the same ET’s that are mutilating our animals and abducting many humans. They have been kicked out of the heavens and if they try to leave they get their ships blown out of the heavens by the victors that are still out there. The deception is over.

Good bye, and thanks for all the fish.
I'm an alien? Gosh I didn't know. And all I thought I was doing was providing a little common sense to the world. But Norval comes along, and like a Heaven's Gate member, shows just how much of a nut he can be. We good riddens. There's enough nuts in the world as it is. Guess I'll go back to repairing my spacecraft!
blackholesun said:
I'm an alien? Gosh I didn't know. And all I thought I was doing was providing a little common sense to the world. But Norval comes along, and like a Heaven's Gate member, shows just how much of a nut he can be. We good riddens. There's enough nuts in the world as it is. Guess I'll go back to repairing my spacecraft!

haha, that guy is a freakin loon
blackholesun said:
This is the second science forum he has failed to defend his "research" on. So his petty excuses begin
And I find it truly pathetic that his final defence is to point his finger at the forum and cry "aliens are among us!" If that is the best argument he can find to support his crap, I mean claims, then his time is probably better spent at home wallpapering his room with tinfoil.
Is anyone following the research by SMSU on the Crater Chain through Missouri? Preliminary research supports another structure as an impact crater.
FieryIce said:
How far apart is the Ukraine, France, and Canada? The crater chains being investigated on earth are not true crater chains even by the definition W. Bottke uses himself in his research these crater sites are not shoulder to shoulder and do not fit his own crater chain definition.

The research by SMSU on the Crater Chain through Missouri is the same research as I referred to previously.

By the way, it seems Cornell University has taken all of Dr. Bottke's research web pages down, does that mean maybe Cornell University disagrees with Bottke or that there is another explaination for crater chains?
Dear craterchains (Norval,

This is amazing; you and FieryIce have hit on a very real thing. You are fine examples of revolutionary logic. Crater chains are not natural and are made by explosives. These chains are made during sexual celebrations by the nakkakkakkarrap people, according to their celebrations they must explode bombs in a line on uninhabited natural bodies of mass. Only as the flaming blast is rising can they have sex. The nakkakkakkarrap follow a bizarre algorithm that proclaims how many of these sex bomb chains can be detonated on a said planet in a set time period. They are not scheduled to come back to our system again until they detonate one on mercury in the year 71,896,038AD
craterchains (Norval said:
Earth craters of note are Barringer Crater, and Wolf Creek Crater. but they arn't CS crater chains. Just big craters.

Those were the same craters that Eugene Shoemaker was interested in.

These chains are made during sexual celebrations
Exploding_Necquim, would you like to advise as to where you would like your nuke shoved so you can enjoy it the most?
good riddens = good riddance

i have just shed any reliability in Exploding_Necquim's statements

too bad, he had a good one going.

i too, believe that ETI can, and would probably, have some peoples dedicated to watching information flow on the internet.

this means good AND bad... not just BAD IC agents trying to confuse/mix the discussions up.

plus- i am not sure whether the ETs are actually themselves accessing the internet (because of certain situations/rules/laws) or if they channel thru humans, or even less mystical, they suggest to humans who have pledged their alliance to the aliens of particular orientation what to say.

Norval, thanks for the efforts, I, for one, appreciate them.
perhaps we can still converse and help bring these evidences to other places.
I'm sorry to hear you don't believe me. ETI don't come here often during this time, the last time ETI access the internet is during the great internet porn explosion of the earthly 90's. Just local nymphomaniacs, sadly the damage they did to the internet would never be reversed. About craterchains though: I saw a detonation once it was quite a sight, they would build all these love huts around it and during the blast the huts would explode from a blast not of hot gas but of spawning fluid. In the heated plasmafid gas the babies would fly out of their little eggs and feed on hot gas. They blow the bombs up in rows so that the babies can jump from one cloud of hot gas to another as quickly as possible and to gain speed so they can fly off into space in a neat line towards a target far of at a distant star.
Since Bottke et. al. computer model for asteroids does not explain these CS crater chains and Bottke's model at Cornell University has been taken off the net a new computer model has been developed at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The developer admits this new computer model also has a flaw and still cannot explain "those that could cause widespread regional or even global damage".

Small Stony Asteroids Will Explode and Not Hit Earth, Study Shows
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