Craterchains, natural or ?

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That's right WCF and you won't because no matter what these researchers do with their computer programs they cannot duplicate CS chains using asteroid as the base cause. It won't work because an asteroid did not make CS crater chains, period.
and you haven't yet proved that. Thankful this is in psuedoscience because of your lack of evidence. :D
Haven't you heard of the Incompetency Syndrome?

Incompetency Syndrome = you are incapable of seeing.
The evidence bites you on the butt, WCF. The evidence is all there, just look.
yes it is you that is incapable of seeing, where is the evidence of aliens? there is none, just a line of craters that could have been formed naturally, where is your proof they can't be formed naturally, you have none, yet you can’t see the natural theory as more plausible thus you’re the blind one.
Well, it’s official. You two (craterchains and fieryice) are cranks. I first encountered your crater chains web-site in the first week of March. I carefully reviewed all the links to confirm that it was not a prank web-site. You both appeared to be sincere in your proclamations of doom and gloom. I submitted your site to crank dot net in late March and on April 6 you made the list. I’d like to think that I can take credit for your inclusion on that list but there’s a real possibility that others had beaten me to the punch and submitted your site as well simply because you two are just so wrong about everything you’ve proposed.

First, you have essentially ignored the recognized methodologies of science while (incredibly) claiming to embrace them.

Second, you have wantonly raped logic and reason in your efforts to persuade others to your point of view.

Lastly, you have demonstrated cult characteristics when you discovered that virtually no one agrees with you. (dis-info agents, aliens among us and everyone else ignorant dupes)

Let’s begin with your basal (and rather outrageous) claim. From your web site:

“Somebody had to align these meteors to land like that!”

A nit-pick. If the meteoroid does not plow through an atmosphere, then it does not qualify as a ‘meteor’. And no, no one arranged those impacts.

Your attempt to extend -one- example (sl-9) to represent all possible tidally disrupted objects is inappropriate and inaccurate. Let’s begin with what we know to be true. A little over half a century ago, sl-9 began orbiting Jupiter instead of orbiting the Sun.

Neato. Like a really big etch-a-sketch. But this is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional occurrence. What you can’t see is that sl-9’s orbit dips well below the plane of the ecliptic. Let’s take a closer look at the final orbit:

What’s really important here is that sl-9 did not simply pass within Jupiter’s Roche limit; it closed to less than half the Roche limit. Und yah, that’s germane. Within the Roche limit tidal forces overwhelm (but do not negate) gravitational forces. The efficiency of tidal disassembly increases as the interloper gets closer to the planet.

Although you have correctly pointed out that the sl-9 ‘string of pearls’ was too long to leave a tight formation crater chain, you have ignored an obvious possibility; what if sl-9 entered Jupiter’s gravity well from the plane of the ecliptic? Instead of taking a two year lap around the neighborhood, what if sl-9 impacted Ganymede or Callisto on it’s outbound leg with only a day or two at most to separate? This is only one example of the poignant irony you’ve displayed in this forum: you are able to develop elaborate and imaginative fantasies involving trigger happy, star faring aliens and improbable conspiracies and still claim that you can not imagine a natural cause for crater chains. As if that wasn’t bad enough, you then have the audacity to invoke the razor. You actually believe that space war is a simpler explanation than natural causes? Yikes. Rather biased imagination.

Two fucking years you’ve been looking at those pix and you didn’t notice that the impact structures are on the Jupiter facing hemispheres? (*the moons in question are tide-locked)

In light of this possibility, let’s re-examine that catena on Ganymede:

Beginning at the lower right and extending to the upper left, we can see that the first couple of craters are much smaller than the 7th and 8th craters. This is consistent with a natural cause and very problematic for your bizarre proposal. And you are seriously suggesting that this is evidence of a ‘strafing run’? Well, what the hell were ‘they’ shooting at? (rrrrrrrrr-tut-tut-tut-tut-whump-whump-whump) And why employ such a wide variety of explosive yields? I see no evidence of anything but barren icescape. Considering that a lot of those craters are over 20 miles in diameter, I’d call that an unjustifiable waste of ordinance. Oh yeah, why haven’t ‘they’ stomped Earth into submission? The capabilities you’ve proposed are more than sufficient to crush our civilization in less than a day. What’s the holdup?

There are so many problems with your ideas that it would take pages to properly address each one. I’m going to shift the focus from the (lack of) content to the style of presentation. On your web site you attempted spin control before the fact by claiming others wanted to stifle ‘discussion’. That is so false. Posters simply pointed out that you have not provided evidence in support of your outrageous claims. And yes, of course you bear the burden because you are the one making the proposal. And hell no, nothing you’ve provided thus far qualifies as evidence worthy of serious consideration. Your attempts at rhetoric fail for a reason. Mere assertion does not an argument make.

From “For Argument’s Sake”. Mayberry and Golden,

“Argument is traditionally defined as the process of demonstrating, through the presentation of reasonable evidence, the likelihood or certainty of a given proposition (a statement that can be affirmed or denied).”


“An argument is different from an opinion. An opinion is a comparatively soft point of view---a position based not so much on reasonable evidence as on belief, intuition, or emotion. Argument, on the other hand, is a position supported by clear thinking and reasonable evidence, with a secure connection to documented facts. While arguments rarely prove a proposition to be absolutely true, they do demonstrate the likelihood or probability of that proposition. Opinions tend to be expressions of personal taste or experience and are untested by the systematic application of reasonable principles.”

You have not presented an argument at all. You’ve simply declared your (far-fetched and unsupported) opinion.

Your glaring lack of knowledge in the fields of geology, astronomy and rhetoric are not my major objections to your ideas. My primary peeve here is that fear mongering is extremely irresponsible. Nancy and the planet X’ers are bad enough; we don’t need another ‘the end is neigh’ cult group.

FieryIce wrote:

“You really don't understand it, WellCookedFetus? really don't see how simplistic it is?”

That’s the problem. Your belief is too simplistic. Any one could counter with a tabloid headline of their own, like:

“Captain Nemo and his navy of lizard men caused those crater chains.”

You have no case, you have no argument and your wild speculations do not qualify as a theory.
Welcome AKA Heathen!, Nice spanking of these kooks.

I vote that this thread be closed as it has been debunked so many times it not funny. Craterchains (Norval and FieryIce refuse to listen and have even resorted to delusional insulting, their lack of reasonable replies over the last several pages is practically spaming as they do not even reply to our arguments.
Hello WellCookedFetus. Thanks for the warm welcome.

Our efforts to stand fast against the rising tide of imbecility may prove futile, but what the heck, it was worth a shot.
Wonderful post AKA Heathen! It warms my heart to see pseudoscience get a spank in the ass like this.

Doubtless Fiery and Norval will post some nonsense to justify their claim in spite of your refutation. Or they will ignore it altogether and keep on like it never was posted. That is how the cranks work.
You pseudo debunkers just keep posting the same OLD crap and so called refutations that are already replied to. Besides being the ONLY other offered THEORY accepted by NASA as having any semblance of reality and probability the DISINFORMATION agents just keep popping off at the fart lips.

Disclosure IS inevitable. Will YOU survive it?
you guys are delusional! If disclosure never happens will you survive it, I don't think so you will die old and will have "loser" marked on your grave stones!
This is a perfect example of a thread which should be locked.

Craterchains posted some obscure theory of his, with little evidence. Then somebody (Heathen) posts a breakdown of why it is wrong, and all they respond with is "FUCK!" No scientific discussion, just "FUCK!"

Well I guess our response should be:
FUCK! Lock this thread already!
I vote it be the first thread to be placed in the "recycling bin" sub-forum that will hopefully be created.
the master fish made the suggestion of a recycling bin thread. I wouldn't think the entire thread should go into it, but atleast the 'fuck your are a turd face' posts could.
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