Craterchains, natural or ?

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WCF, Please read the post besides just looking at the pictures. Our criteria for CS types of crater chains are more stringent than Bottke’s. The Carolina Bays do NOT qualify as a CS chain. Or, you are referring to the close up of a crater chain on Calisto?

Another astute and irrelevant comment that adds nothing.
craterchains (Norval said:
Earth, being the most photographed planet in our solar system is with out CS (Cunningham / Smart) type of crater chain as after two years of searching by us and a couple decades by scientists we would have a photograph of one. NOT. Also it is noted that you can't find a photo of a CS type of chain on Earth either. :D

We do see crater chains. They might not exactly match the CS criteria, but that would be absurd, as the Earth and Mars differ significantly.

There's a crater chain in Chad (Aorounga) and another stretching across Kansas and Missouri. Anoter spanning continents, with craters in The Ukraine, France, and Canada.

You won't see the same structures for various reasons. Atmosphere, some objects burn up before hitting. Thin Martian atmosphere doesn't do this, everything that hits leaves a mark. The fact that 2/3 of the Earth is water, so there would be no craters in that. Erosion, plate tectonics, ice ages and continental drift all changing the face of the Earth, not applicable on Mars.

There are about 150 observed craters on the Earth. For us to see crater chains, we'd have to be bombarded by many more weak meteorites, and thankfully, that doesn't happen.
Phlogistician you are entirely correct in that we do not want to see a bombardment of any type on earth.

How far apart is the Ukraine, France, and Canada? The crater chains being investigated on earth are not true crater chains even by the definition W. Bottke uses himself in his research these crater sites are not shoulder to shoulder and do not fit his own crater chain definition.
I haven't seen Wet1 for some time - I wonder where he is?

Most likely, if he was still here, he would have moved this thread to Pseudoscience long ago.

Hello Wet1, anyone there?
I say we just never come back to this thread again. They'll get bored enough.
FieryIce said:
The crater chains being investigated on earth are not true crater chains even by the definition W. Bottke uses himself in his research these crater sites are not shoulder to shoulder and do not fit his own crater chain definition.

I don't care what his definition is, I'd rather look at the evidence. We do see lines of craters on Earth formed by a broken up incoming object. The fact that they are spread out over a large area sometimes is immaterial. We would expect differences between crater chains on Mars and Earth as I have explained. We see differences. But the cause is the same, comets or meteorites broken up by tidal forces. The fact that one guy draws a line in the sand, and chooses to exclude some evidence is bad science.
You may say,
“The fact that they are spread out over a large area sometimes is immaterial.”

It is very material in that we agree with Bottke and all that say that a comet does break up at times and will land somewhere some time. The difference is that we are examining a series of inline craters that have the resemblance of machine like precision. Haven’t you ever taken a pattern recognition test? You know, pick the picture that most resembles the example given? A Bottke splatter chain may have fallen across the usa, but it is highly contended by many scientists as to being from the same comet, nor did they impact at the same time. It is far from anything we are investigating as Cunningham / Smart chains of machine like precision. CS chains are selected by a much more rigid parameter of formation qualifications. We exclude no scientific data.

THIS is where we discuss CS chains versus Bottke chains.

"could you get a picture?
all I could find was this:
I did not know it takes 2 to make a chain?"

I would think not, and keep searching. The pictures are out there.
My search of the net last night found me one on Venus we didn't have before.
craterchains (Norval said:
The difference is that we are examining a series of inline craters that have the resemblance of machine like precision.

Despite the images you have posted, I have not seen that in them. I have seen enough variability in the size and spacing of the craters to accept the cometary/meteorite breakup explanation. We can see similar structures on earth, we accept cometary break up for those, so this case is solved as far as I'm concerned.

Have I taken a pattern recognition test. Yes, many different types of psychometric test, and an ex-gf was getting her degree in Psychology, I was often roped in, and took part in her experiments. A lot of them have a lot to say about out preconceptions affecting our perception. We look for familiar things in jumbles of data, we see faces on clouds, and canals on Mars. Our perception of these things is faulty.
I find it interesting that so many seem to not see what the scientists are seeing, that I do find most interesting indeed. Or, you failed to read the other poster’s arguments to this CS chain theory that couldn’t see the uniqueness of them either and our responses. Be what it may, you state “We can see similar structures on earth, we accept cometary break up for those, so this case is solved as far as I'm concerned.” As this is about CS chains and NOT Bottke chains being on earth which are far different I would ask where you have found a CS chain on earth? Got a picture? You may want to remember our requirement of CS crater chain qualification is far more constrictive than Bottke’s.

You do bring up a good point about pattern recognition though, and preconceptions. As you stated “A lot of them have a lot to say about out preconceptions affecting our perception. We look for familiar things in jumbles of data, we see faces on clouds, and canals on Mars. Our perception of these things is faulty.”

If you had taken the time on the web to actually read up on the scientist’s comments, and our comments you would have noted we were guilty of that also. We actually thought that someone may have guided space rocks of enormous size to impact like this, but then as that didn’t seem probable we thought some more. Facts were over shadowed by our “common knowledge acceptance” that all craters are formed by impacts of meteors or what ever as we all have learned. When the mathematical probability of this kind of impact structure is done it becomes clear that some other answer is needed. Thus we developed our Cunningham / Smart crater chain theory based on what we know could produce such impacts of nonrandom linearity and sizing.

WCF, any luck on finding Venus crater chains pictures?
Not at all, so I believe your wrong in that earth is not the only planet without CS craters :D
Venus doesn't have many craters at all. Maybe meteorites have a hard time getting through that atmosphere all the way down to the ground.
Ah... well, that makes sense. I'd understood that Venus resurfaced itself pretty regularly, because of the heat or something like that. Although I guess that didn't work for Mercury.
OK, did we miss anything here? We have CS chains on all the planetary bodies we have so far photographed with enough resolution to see them. Even found them on Mars where scientists seem to have mistakenly said there were none. Everywhere except Earth.
craterchains (Norval said:
OK, did we miss anything here? We have CS chains on all the planetary bodies we have so far photographed with enough resolution to see them. Even found them on Mars where scientists seem to have mistakenly said there were none. Everywhere except Earth.
Um... yeah... a planet with high errosion factors. You won't find much of ANY crater here.
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