Craterchains, natural or ?

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Ya but the moderators have been jerking off lately (that and we can’t report threads or post anymore) so we have to deal with this crap.
craterchains (Norval said:
factor. It also stands to reason many scientists would use excel if it worked on this type of complex problem.

No physicist would ever use Excel for this type of problem. Mathematica or Matlab perhaps, never a spreadsheet. Almost certainly a pen and paper and proper text books.

You really should read up on space physics motion properties, or go ask your teacher.

You don't seem to know about the word 'mechanics' in this context. That says a lot about your lack of knowledge of space physics motions aka mechanics.

Maybe you should change educators?

Maybe you should get an education.
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craterchains: Motion in two axes is sufficient to explain the break up, since most meteorites that make a crater are moving very quickly toward the planet before they hit it. The minor velocity changes for the meteorite pieces along the axis of travel don't really mean much compared to its previous high velocity... as a result, unless some pieces of the meteorite actually move behind other pieces, two axes are sufficient to describe their motion. The Z-axis (which you can define as the axis parallel to the vector of travel) can pretty much be normalized out of the equations, no?
thed said:
No physicist would ever use Excel for this type of problem. Mathematica or Matlab perhaps, never a spreadsheet. Almost certainly a pen and paper and proper text books.
I think anything besides excel is overkill here. The only issue is to show that this is possible. This can e shown using VERY simple math. I'm not wasting time putting equations into matlab and plotting just so crater can ignore it.

Granted, if you was actually researching this you would use more complex equations (hence a need for matlab) to find out what the probability of such an impact is. To prove that it is possible however, only excel is needed.
crater said:
You Wrote "They all still land in the same exact place UNLESS there is drag, which causes them to impact in a line." WCF corrected you also
Would you like to point out exactly where he corrected me. I claimed it was the result of drag. You said drag requires an atmosphere. He said that gravity serves perfectly well.
You run all the formulas you want, what we want is critical assessments by weapons experts. As has been stated, we have only just begun to investigate Mars. We have been investigating CS types of crater chains for about two years and have noted all scientists’ remarks as to their uniqueness. What we have discovered are crater chains on Mars where scientists have said there were none. Look that up. What we see is one thing, it is what we don’t see that is also very important. We don’t see any disruption to these catinas from later strikes. That indicates that they are the newest formations on those surfaces. It is also that they are the newest formations all over the solar system because of no infringements. Note also that Phobos is heavily crater chained. There are no older chains partially obscured by other craters. As I stated there is more evidence, if you but look and think and stop flapping your fingers at your keyboards.

We don’t have to defend another theory, and Bottke’s et all can try to defend their own as we are doing here. Everyone has their own idea on how these CS types of crater chains may have formed, only one will prove true in the end. We have already been recognized as having a valid point concerning the probability of being caused by intelligence by several scientists and they are investigating it further. They also agree that the possibility of these having been formed by a comet or meteor breaking up and impacting the surface is infinitesimally small. Where as you have had a couple of weeks to think about this, if at all, we have been studying these for a couple years and NASA for about 14 months. Catch up, but that is what all students, learners, and runners do, till one day you find yourself by the wayside, back in the pack, or out in front.

Earth is the only planet photographed where we have yet to find pictures of CS types of crater chains. Food for thought.
And you want these 'weapons experts' to tell you what? That nobody would waste that kind of 'ammo' on a straight line.That we don't have weapons that can do this. That a 'weapons expert' has nothing relevant to tell you about comet/meteor craters.

we have been studying these for a couple years
Fine, then show us some actual evidence of your claims... not some silly comparison to rolling of dice.

Why is it that kooks always resort to 'we have been doing this for years, but can't explain it'
Persol said:
Why is it that kooks always resort to 'we have been doing this for years, but can't explain it'

Probably a variation on Casti's Anachronistic Thinking characteristic of a pseudoscientist.

Another common thread, particularly among the "extraterrestrial intelligence" nutters, is the impending doom angle. It always comes back to the trepidations of man brought on by the whatever is considered the malignant threat of the day. I'm not surprised to see the doomsayers bringing up the topic of "global war" and "nuclear threat."

These are, afterall, contemporary topics of our culture at the moment with the so-called "Global War on Terror" and the nuclear proliferation in N. Korea.

Before he finally goes, I would expect craterchains to leave us with a warning to change our ways lest we end up like Mars and offer us a brief sermon, urging the acceptance of some soul-redeeming diety.
There are many ways to debate and discus, yours is not the way and reflects poorly on your social and debating skills.
Have you found the indigenous home of the Venus flytrap yet? When you do, you will know why we know its home area and why it became a part of our research archives.. Post a picture of that area. Want another hint?
The Carolina Bays are in the CS type crater chain data archive for obvious reasons.

Try searching things out for yourself, or are you used to the silver platter? The pictures are there along with the scientist’s comments. There are two threads, one has to do with CRATER CHAINS of the CS type, which is HERE, and the other thread has to do with the “potential” of war on Mars and our solar system.

What is YOUR idea of proof that these crater chains are or are not what we propose?
PS, You obviously have no weapons, combat, or tactical experience. I would recommend some research along those lines before you respond.
craterchains (Norval said:
PS, You obviously have no weapons, combat, or tactical experience. I would recommend some research along those lines before you respond.
Well, sorry... but wrong again. Now, you have yet to explain the 'tactical advantage' of laying down a line of nukes in a straight line. You obviously have no weapons, combat, or tactical experience. I would recommend some research along those lines before you respond.
Persol, I do know Norval is Vietnam Veteran with automatic weapons and explosives experience.

What would a fire wall of nuclear weapons going off be like and what advantage would that have?
That neither makes him an expert, nor proficiently knowlegeable. As evidenced by his insistance that a "chain" of atomic explosives has tactical or strategic value.
I ask you WHY are you interested in my strategy thoughts concerning potential ETI weapons and their possible applications? Address the issue of CS crater chain properties or open a thread concerning the other. And about your Venus Flytrap, any progress?
craterchains (Norval said:
I ask you WHY are you interested in my strategy thoughts concerning potential ETI weapons...
This looks like a very dense comment. Your claim is that they are not natural, but the result of a war. That these chains would provide little benefit in a war is clear.
Everyone has their own idea on how these CS types of crater chains may have formed, only one will prove true in the end.

Yes, but clearly you’ve let your imagination run wild by asserting alien weapons and considering the likeliness for natural cause as infinitesimally small. Any scientist worth his salt would never make such a proposal.

But then, you’re not a scientist.
Persol, I believe the dropping of a bomb or two on Japan made its point in war, so nuclear weapons in war has already established itself as a means to an end, a weapon of mass destruction.
Yes, we dropped a bomb on japan. We DIDN'T continue to drop a straight line of bombs across the countryside and into the ocean. I am refereing to the chains of explosion having no benefit... which would have been clear to anybody who actually read my post.
craterchains (Norval,

Your the on presenting your idea, you have to present evidence not I, I only need to contradict you, you said "Earth is the only planet found without crater chains” I say "oh ya, prove it!"

WCF I moved your question to its proper thread.

Earth, being the most photographed planet in our solar system is with out CS (Cunningham / Smart) type of crater chain as after two years of searching by us and a couple decades by scientists we would have a photograph of one. NOT. Also it is noted that you can't find a photo of a CS type of chain on Earth either. :D
WCF I moved your question to its proper thread.

This entire thread should be moved to the proper forum. The sheer lack of scientific method involved in this last post of craterchains should be reason enough.

This is pseudoscience or alternative science. Not "Astronomy, exobiology, or cosmology."
craterchains (Norval said:
WCF I moved your question to its proper thread.

Earth, being the most photographed planet in our solar system is with out CS (Cunningham / Smart) type of crater chain as after two years of searching by us and a couple decades by scientists we would have a photograph of one. NOT. Also it is noted that you can't find a photo of a CS type of chain on Earth either. :D

I don't think so as I just saw on one of these threads of yours someone post a crater chain of three craters, thats not much but its a start.
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