Crater Research

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Good postulations Big Blue.
Yes, there are some peculiar traits as you point out.
1. and 2. Can be answered by specific programming of the missile (what ever delivery system?).
The 3rd. postulation can only be based on the known released images we have seen. It does not account for the missing pictures of known CS types of crater chains that are listed at various sites. It is estimated that we are only seeing about 20 – 30% of the pictures of crater chains.
And the 4th marks a close resemblance to what subs would do if capable of launching straight down at times.

How and with what is all speculation at this time to me. Sure would like to examine all the other images.
AKA Heathen said:
You keep saying that the craters were laid down at exactly the same instant but have never proven it. There is no evidence that contradicts the mainstream view that the impacts took place one after the other, whappity-whap-whap. Rapid succession of impacts separated by seconds in time.

Well AKA, don't take our (Norval's or my) word for it, read the research papers that are out there, in particular Bottke et. al.

A crater chain is a regularly spaced row of three or more impact craters with simular sizes and apparently identical ages.

Icarus, Can Tidal Disruption of Asteroids Make Crater Chains on the Earth and Moon? Icarus 126, 470-474
Note: report format is pdf


Even though all the craters formed nearly simultaneously
PIA01610: Anatomy of a Torn Comet

AKA, this information has already been stated over and over again, if your really interested then read what is stated at and the references. Otherwise your wasting everyones time with redundant statements.
And the 4th marks a close resemblance to what subs would do if capable of launching straight down at times.

You you even know how sub warfare works? They just don't use they're missles and fire them into a straight line into the ground, they use their MIRVs to independently target points of interest like nuke silos and military bases.
You don't seem to understand this theory blackholesun. It's a bunch of stupid space faring aliens with very low tech atomic bombs. Kinda like Alien Apocolyse Now.

See, now you understand the plausibility?
Yes lek, imagine we actually searched out research work that has been done that mentions crater chains, for several years actually.
Here is an example of Bottke et. al. rubble pile crater chains

Rubble Pile Crater Chain

PIA02960: Folds on Europa

CS Crater Chain

PIA01087: Geological mysteries on Ganymede

Bottke et. al. even developed a computer-modeling simulator, which is flawed and cannot create CS crater chains. So at the Russian University a new computer-modeling simulator was developed and the developers also admit their program is flawed.

Bottke, Richardson and Love's computer animations, Comet Movies!

Tidal Disruption of Rubble-Pile

Shoemaker-Levy 9 Encounter Geometry

Comet D/SL9: A Cosmic Rubble Pile

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Arch Rival
This is the last post in a reply to you in this thread unless you address MY questions. But first, why would ever think we would post a link to this scifoolem forum from the research site? We have no desire to baby sit kids, like this forum does. It is not our place to test the level of, or apparent lack of education college kids have today. But there seems to be a great lack of independent thinking. Parrot the professor and pass. That is the main point of colleges today. Learn what we want you to know, Don’t question what you are being taught. And so on goes the crap.

Life has a way of teaching you what you never learn in schools. Experience is what will allow you to acquire wisdom, if you live long enough. The math education I have from formal education allowed me to be an internationally published naval architect by the time I was 27. Now at 53 years old all I can say is, “wisdom” allowed me to check with better mathematicians than myself to verify that, and that which Dr. Bottkey admits fails to account for the trajectories of rubble pile comets to form CS types of crater chains.

Never have I stated that I did the math. So take your little questions about math to those that profess to be great mathematicians if you can’t formulate the equations. That is not my “profession”. My experience, not my education, is what allowed me to recognize the uniqueness of CS types of crater chains and what they represent. Familiarity with other structures and events gave me the needed cause. When a mortar is walking its way up your ass you don’t sit down and do the math to figure out if it is going to hit or miss. So take your time in all the math you want, please. Take all the time you want to figure in all the variables of trajectories, the variables of break up in size, the variables of gravitational effects on all those pieces and there interrelationships with each other. Be my guest. Enjoy. Shall I pack you a lunch? FOCLMFAO

Stryder, what a waste of talent. Unless of course it’s your job? FOCL

Lek, go back to school.
Norval said:
Now at 53 years old all I can say is, “wisdom” allowed me to check with better mathematicians than myself

Are they the ones who gave you the "50 dice" analogy? You need better mathematicians Norvy.
Well, I would suggest that you not try to couch astrophysics in layman's terms, as most people are (apparently) intelligent enough to understand that the dice analogy does not relate in any way to tidally disrupted objects, or what have you.

As for my 1) and 2) objections, why would the aliens bother to make guided weapons that lined up in straight lines if they missed, compensating for the movement of their failed attack to arrange their vectors so linearly in relation to a nearby planet?

If the guided weapons are fired seperately (and sequentially, apparently) they would tend to pursue their airborne target, not the planet. We have to assume in this case that the guided weapons are not smart enough (or move too fast) to reacquire their target before they hit the planet.

(The concept of a guided weapon that deploys a series of unguided submunitions doesn't really fit here, since the straight-line deployment is strategically poor in space combat; sattelite-killing systems of this type designed by the US military use more of a shotgun kinetic-kill approach.)

The natural pattern that would be adopted by missed guided weapons (assuming they become effectively unguided when they miss their target) has a few possibilities.

Drawing font:

If the attacker and the target had matched relative velocities, the attacker was directly above the target, and the target was in geosynchronous orbit, all bombs that missed would hit the same spot.



(A is the attacker, T is the target, O is the planet, and -> is my poorly drawn arrow.)

If the target was moving relative to the planet (any other orbit than geosynch) and the attacker matched velocities with the target and was directly above, the bombs that missed would fall in a line.



However, if the attacker is moving in a different direction from the target, then the guided weapons actually have to guide themselves. This is where we get a problem.

Since the weapons don't appear to all be fired at the same time, each guided weapon would assume a different vector to strike the target. As the target moves away from the attacker, the distance between the approach vectors of the guided weapons will increase also, and you'll get an impact pattern on the planet that looks like this:


If both craft are moving, the guided weapons will take both vectors into account (or at least they need to to ever be successful). In that case, the impact chain would be curved.

Are there any examples of curved or increasing-ratio crater chains?
buffys wrote;

“I'd say that sums up my view of what's been said here exactly.”

Cool. So, if the majority do hold the position that crater chains are natural, then, according to Norval and FieryIce, the majority are wrong. Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to tread carefully here so I don’t get accused of using the “popular appeal” fallacy.


I am going over the material and will address it later today (pressed for time at the moment). For now I have a question concerning one of the images from your latest post:

You’ve provided four images in the post. The bottom two are computer graphics and the top two are photos. The top photo bears the caption “Rubble Pile Crater Chain”.

This has every appearance of stacking the deck or slanting the issue. That is, it looks as if you have invented your own caption to give the impression that rubble pile impacts can only be chaotic and scatter-shot. May I have the source of this image so that we can all decide for ourselves if your biased caption is justified or not?

One more nit-pick. There really is no such thing as ‘cs type’ crater chains. I would caution you that inventing your own special terminology is not a good sign.
Are there any examples of curved or increasing-ratio crater chains?
Yes BBH, and several more that we have heard of, but not yet seen. Look at some of the photos of CS types of crater chains and you will note that some of the images seem to have curved CS types of chains also. They have only been identified once by someone else (a scientist making comments about it) besides me that I know of. It was also stated some time ago that there were no crater chains on Mars by scientists. So I guess what we see on Mars and Phobos aren’t crater chains. FOCLMFAO

What I was wondering was about the MATH you would suggest to prove these are comet fragments impacting,,, grins.
I see one curved path in your pictures, with the subtitle "PIA01087: Geological mysteries on Ganymede"

It doesn't show craters, but a ditch... which looks exactly like a dry river.
Oh mean you are already 57??

The reason i suggested you link to this site is for visitors to your site to see all sides of the theory and decide the truth for themselves. Surely you want everyone to know the truth? Unless of only want people to see your side of the story.

By these statements:

"Never have I stated that I did the math. So take your little questions about math to those that profess to be great mathematicians if you can’t formulate the equations. That is not my “profession”. My experience, not my education, is what allowed me to recognize the uniqueness of CS types of crater chains and what they represent. Familiarity with other structures and events gave me the needed cause. When a mortar is walking its way up your ass you don’t sit down and do the math to figure out if it is going to hit or miss. So take your time in all the math you want, please. Take all the time you want to figure in all the variables of trajectories, the variables of break up in size, the variables of gravitational effects on all those pieces and there interrelationships with each other. Be my guest. Enjoy. Shall I pack you a lunch? FOCLMFAO"

i take it you finally admit you haven't any mathematical proof at all. What you have are only a set of opinions.

Let me address these statements:

"Life has a way of teaching you what you never learn in schools. Experience is what will allow you to acquire wisdom, if you live long enough. The math education I have from formal education allowed me to be an internationally published naval architect by the time I was 27. Now at 53 years old all I can say is, “wisdom” allowed me to check with better mathematicians than myself to verify that, and that which Dr. Bottkey admits fails to account for the trajectories of rubble pile comets to form CS types of crater chains. "

From what i see about Dr Bottkey's research, i gather he failed to obtain a simulation to produce craterchains from impactors. He did not prove it is IMPOSSIBLE for impactors to form craterchains. Neither did he show any relation of probability for creation of these craterchains with respect to alien civilizations. You just went ahead and insisted it was aliens who formed the craterchains.

Let me educate you a little, Norval. i've seen your type before. Old men who think they have seen everything, thinking they are wiser and smarter than others. In the end, they only show themselves to be stubborn old farts who refuse to see other's positions or change their opinions.

Don't blame college education for all the flak you are receiving. College education allowed people to raise reasonable questions to your theory. You just haven't suceeded in smoking the people in this forum, who happen to be able to think, that's why you are so pissed.

And i suppose you aren't so dumb you can't guess the reason why this thread was moved to pseudoscience.
I realise that this thread has taken a different direction now, but I feel I must confess something that has been torturing me for days...

On May 16th I posted this:

The impactor responsible for the Sudbury crater in Canada constitutes one of the richest nickel deposits known.

It appears that I am a disinformation agent after all, because after looking a little deeper it seems that the ore deposit was not delivered by the impactor, but that the impact helped trigger the melting and the formation of an igneous pluton. Segregation of which probably concentrated the metal.

Thankyou all for indulging me! :)
Faulty, you might find out that the wording to use would be high energy hot explosive not necessarily impactor. The same process was discovered to create the oil pockets. Dr. Shoemaker discovered coesite in the craters in Nevada test sites, simular to the green glass that is created with nuclear explosions but different base elements, like you mention nickel.
I find it very interesting the worlds finest Jade is in one place, Burma.

The occurrence of green and lavender jadeite is independent of the deposit type, but reddish orange to brown jadeite is found only in those boulders that are recovered from an iron-rich soil. The reddish orange results from a natural iron-oxide staining of the skin of the porous jadeite, and is sometimes intensified with heat (Chhibber, 1934b).
It is interesting to note that even if the overall color is uneven or low in saturation, jadeite can still be quite valuable if it has good transparency. The “glass” jade bangles in figure 24 sold for U.S. $116,000 at the November 1999 Christie’s Hong Kong auction.


I find this research fasinating Faulty, I had looked into this some time ago, even though it is off topic. Apparently there is a some trading ban on Burmese jade, something like the wording, they will not be able to sell or buy, comes to mind.
FieryIce said:
Well Persol how about a larger version of the image then?
I'm sorry, but I still see a river bed. (Assuming you mean the 2 curved lines) Do you see any impact craters there?
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