Crater Research

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That is a very good point Avatar - but if I did, wouldn't I be stooping down to their level?
Any chance folks like "craterchains (Norval" or of other folks within this "Crater Research" topic can speculate as to how many tonnes, if not mega tonnes worth of lunar debris/shards obtained from our moon have long since arrived upon Earth?

I mean to infer, that of all the horrific impacts upon the moon; where's the beef?

If a few Mars rocks made it onto Earth, without the help of any cold-war ruse/sting from those Apollo rusemasters that still can't qualify a single Kodak moment, and since the moon is just a wee bit closer to Earth, and Earth being a wee bit more of a gravity-sink than Mars, as such where are those damn moon rocks?
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Talk about the pot calling the kettle black brad. You're asking Norval for evidence? You're the one trying to reinvent physics without a lick of understanding of the subject plus you obsession with Venus and lizard people! Where is YOUR evidence?
You must realize that I have my own weird notions that do NOT exclude your "crater chain" as "weapons" theories, as though mine are also equally backed by perfectly good logic which so happens to include SAR images, and of simply loads of viable science to boot, much of which utilizing them same pesky laws of physics that supposedly placed man upon the moon, and as to such an extent being that, I perceive there's survivors of the intrusion of Venus along with it's moon (now our moon) into our solar system (an transition as of perhaps just a few thousand years ago), are in fact responsible for their still kicking something about on the surface of Venus.

After all, those UFOs have got to be coming from somewhere that's not too damn far away, as I do not believe ETs are immortals capable of outliving thousands of years worth of fully exposed space travel (within a geode pocket of some suitable moon is a maybe). They're only much better at space travel than us, but not so damn good as to be making 10% light speed, nor hardly even 1% LS is my best guestimate as to what a reasonable terminal velocity of space travel might suggest, unless cruising outside of our nullification zone as headed towards Sirius, in which case 10% LS(3e7 m/s) seems doable but, still highly lethal if you should encounter as much as a dust-bunny. Thus the best alternatives outside of our solar system are simply too damn far away, and otherwise downright nasty about avoiding as little as a gram worth of just about anything at 1% LS (3e6 m/s), which is easier said than accomplished, though imperative. As for encountering a full kg at 1% LS(3e6 m/s), there's simply no contest whatsoever, because you're quite dead.

As I've informed others, there's absolutely no question that we need to goto the moon. As such, there's a first time for everything;

The enormous scientific values and direct humanitarian benefits of our establishing the LSE-CM/ISS before someone other is also imperative, although any notion of achieving this quest by 2040 is once again too little too late;

If in fact some renegade group of nasty warlords were running amuck, as in fleeing from the intergalactic law, such as escaping from the enormous confines of the Sirius star system, and as such they took advantage of a certain near-miss fly-by opportunity as to jump-ship sort of speak, by way of their commandeering a Venus like planet (Sirius/c) and of its moon in order to make their break for it while the getting was good enough. Chances are that not all of their mission team of individuals would have survived, especially if they were still being chased down by those intergalactic cops. Trying out a short stint for a few thousands years upon Mars may have been their first mistake, especially as the mostly UV/a illumination and sufficient added warmth of their Sirius star system started to fade off into the distance, as for otherwise trying to make an even tougher go of it within a lunar geode pocket might have been their big-ass mistake No.2, though as for surviving upon their home world (once it had settled into a stable orbit, thus certain it wasn't going to become a solar fuel pellet), whereas that environment was essentially going to hell in that hand-basket, might have offered their only hot and nasty greenhouse alternative at surviving, and that's even in spite of their being situated nextdoor to the otherwise most absolutely dumb and dumber dumfounded other planet in the entire universe, as that was simply an unfortunate happenstance that their best efforts couldn't correct (not that a few of them, at least according to the Dogon and perhaps a few Cathar/Christ like folks, didn't try).

In case you're interested, I've had some ongoing topics (some of them becoming locked-down):
What's the Terminal Velocity of Space
NASA uses LLPOF anti-flak to protect Apollo butts
Venus Offers Whatever It Takes For UFOs
Superconducting Photons via Atomic Oort Zones
And I've even replied nicely into several other related topics of science and social morality issues, even got another perfectly good topic into their cesspool to boot.

Besides these before mentioned links, and of what's otherwise accessible from the UPDATE link, I have a couple of relatively specific topic/research papers on that of Sirius, Earth, moon and Venus associations. Of course, closed minds of intellectually bigoted folks like "Persol" need not apply, nor the likes of "blackholesun" that as usual offer damn little if anything that's on-toipc, other than to bash the ideas of others into his personal space toilet (without remorse), and/or fully snookered minds need not bother, as there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to help these souls, much less expect any viable feedback of whatever their supposed expertise has to offer.

Of course, the likes of such all-knowing folks as "blackholesun" and his personal incest borg cloning partner "Persol" could answer upon my original question, as to the available tonnage of moon rock as other than acquired by their "Skull and Bones" astronauts. Any chance?

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
mine are also equally backed by perfectly good logic which so happens to include SAR images, and of simply loads of viable science to boot...

Funny how that statement completely contradicts this one:

If in fact some renegade group of nasty warlords were running amuck, as in fleeing from the intergalactic law, such as escaping from the enormous confines of the Sirius star system, and as such they took advantage of a certain near-miss fly-by opportunity as to jump-ship sort of speak, by way of their commandeering a Venus like planet (Sirius/c) and of its moon in order to make their break for it while the getting was good enough.

And then to follow up with this gem:

After all, those UFOs have got to be coming from somewhere

Yes Brad, from the deep abyss of your twisted imagination - as is everything else you claim.
Brad, you and Norval are one in the same.

I can group people like you guys together their own category:

1). Never believe you are wrong regardless of how much counterevidence you encounter or how little proof you have.

2). Resort to namecalling when they aren't taken seriously and get pissed when namecalling bounces back at them.

3). Are good story tellers (well sometimes...).

4). Doesn't seem to know what math is or how to use it.

5). Doesn't take the time to learn anything. When provided with any sort of criticism, constructive or otherwise, you insult others and demand them to know that you are right...which jumps back to number one.

I've seen too in my time...from one guy that doesn't believe in the neutron to a guy that sees a cement foundation in the MRE images...and lastly a guy that thought for sure that a plateau on Mars was a 10km sea creature. And lets not forget you, Norval and Zarkov. You all fall under this category and the delusions that back its existence.
Once again, you and your incest cloning partners are not contributing squat.

Of course, the likes of such all-knowing folks as "blackholesun" and his personal incest borg cloning partners "Persol" and "Semblance" could answer upon my original question, as to the available tonnage of moon rock, as other than acquired by their "Skull and Bones" astronauts, that has arrived here on Earth. Any chance?

Apparently NOT, as in no freaking chance in hell.

BTW; this is "Pseudoscience" isn't it?

As such, borgism and incest cloning doesn't actually belong in this topic, at least I can't perceive the merits of such.
Of course, let's not forget to include Dwayne - who most likely does live on another planet bringing some credence to Brads theory.

Now, I've never met anyone like these fine upstanding individuals and caretakers of the the pseudoscience realm in person and can't determine whether they are original and sincere or are merely seeking attention and yanking our chains.

So, what do you think - "Clueless in Sciforums" or "Chain-yanking?"
Brad sez:

...answer upon my original question, as to the available tonnage of moon rock, as other than acquired by their "Skull and Bones" astronauts, that has arrived here on Earth...

So Brad, what would be the point of answering your question?
Does anybody else think that this thread is tired and worn?

Perhaps it's time for Norval to start a new one: "My real agenda - Evangelical approach to extraterrestrial intelligence and the religion of UFOs."
Actually this thread has pretty much run it's limit. I think that 20 Page threads (standard viewing) is probably a maximum especially since the originally topic has long since disolved into spiteful commentary and unresearched propagation on the thread starters part.

However stating that might seem unfair as afterall peer review might of been used to do the research to see if the theorum held weight. Since a mixture of the findings and the continued degeneration of the topic has occured, it's time to fold the thread.

Another one for the history log.
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