Crater Research

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By process of elimination based on known laws of physics of the possible ideas, till you have a few hypothetical and probable theories that the known facts allow for. Because of the known trajectories and physical properties of the impacts we thus eliminate “rubble pile comets” from causing them. We offer the only other plausible and logical theory.

We have seen a comet tidally disrupted. We have not seen any evidence indicating a spactacular interplanetary war. No city ruins, no floating abandoned spacecraft..your "theory" (more like a hypothesis) is based more on the laws of Star Trek than anything else. Therefore you offer nothing in evidence other than some photos and the belief that you are good at probability without a lick of an ETI factor. Rolling a die is not a comet breaking up. It is not flipping a coin or mixing a bag of M&M's around. It has been proven by that statistics tread that is NOT impossible for those type of impacts to happen. For a universe this big and all the time its had in the world there is no reason impacts like that can't happen multiple times on Moons and Planets that have virtually no atmosphere.
Cool post SkinWalker. I was familiar with Casti but not Park.
To add to the list of ‘things not to do’:

Abuse of cap-lock or punctuation gets my spidy-senses on alert. It usually works against the pseudo-science believer’s intention, yet they persist in thinking that caps or large font will convey their thoughts more clearly. The mistaken assumption underlying this practice is probably that if someone disagrees, then they must not understand, or have been 'skull kicked by a mule'. In realty, folks understood just fine, they merely disagreed.

Another dead giveaway is using marketing tactics to ‘sell’ an idea. I consider “buy or die” to be one of the more easily recognized sales tricks. Sound reasoning and solid theories sell themselves and do not require bells and whistles.

Norval and Gale. I was not exaggerating when I said that it would take pages to cover all of the problems with your beliefs. One of the greatest of these problems is that you are True Believers driven by blind faith and appear to be unaware of this. This certainly explains the emotive content and defensive reactions.(As opposed to rational responses)

Evasion of points becomes obvious by the second or third “We already answered that”.
For example:

“AKA Heather, see page 2 of this thread, your questions were addressed and answered”

Actually, no. You see, I wanted you guys to see those characteristics for yourselves. These statements are irrefutable facts.

The chains on Callisto are longer than the chains on Ganymede.
There are more craters per chain on Callisto than in the chains on Ganymede.
And the chains with fewest craters do have larger average diameters.

Therefore, your non responsive reply was little more than a clumsy evasion.

“You might expect that, even postulate such a thing but your speculating that the asteroid or comet would travel similar as SL9 in creating crater chains on Callisto”

No postulating or speculating. Just the facts. Orbital mechanics works the same regardless of the composition of the object.

I’d clearly stated that the objects travel for a couple of days at most before impacting one of the moons. Your “Gang of four” pix are about a year out from Jupiter. You really can’t bluff your way through this.

Norval wrote:

“It ain’t gonna happen any more than you will win EVERY LOTTO FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS”


“Try throwing 50 die till they all line up in a row touching each other?”

Everyone knows that those are fake stats; you made them up.
The Galileo Effect

On December 27, 2002 we were warned by Dr. Barry Jacobs, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, Greenbelt, MD., “However, keep in mind Rudyand Kipling’s words “He who runs the fastest, runs the lonliest”. So keep on pluggin away.” And Barry’s subsequent email, “They didn’t believe Louise Pasture either”. So maybe this effect should be called Pasture Effect.
We have been requested not to disclose the names of some contacts we have had because of the sensitivity of their situations. If you don’t like it that is just too darn bad, until these ones that have contacted us quit huddling from fear in their closets disclosure will come about with or with out these ones.
But the thing to keep in mind about Galileo, Copernicus and Pasture is they did achieve truth of discovery.

So we were warned about the reception from ones like Walker-in-someone-elses-skin.

first a note to Norval: see how FieryIce is speaking and interacting? Notice how no one has been rude or screamed at him? You may want to ask him for tutoring on how to debate/converse.

Anyway, FieryIce you said that, "We have been requested not to disclose the names of some contacts we have had because of the sensitivity of their situations." While I respect that, it doesn't give us much. If you can neither verify the source nor research it leaves us in a bit of a bind. Until said scientists are willing to come forward we have nothing but your word and for such an earth shattering revelation we need a lot more than that.
First I would like to apologize to Dr. Jacobs, but as I am sure you are fully aware of all that is taking place by now it probably doesn’t mater much any more, my apology is for not giving your words greater heed till now. To Dr. David Darling that admitted we may have something about CS crater chains being unnatural., thanks. To Gary Zeitlin of Open SETI who also admits that we have a point about CS crater chains not being natural, we thank you.

What Fiery posted is true, but those names we can give. We are not under a gag order and are free agents, except bound by the laws of our respective countries. There are other contacts that decidedly agree with us and have even provided us with evidence and information, but that evidence is even less provable without expert testimony of analyses. To our knowledge, outside of certain governments that do know, we are the first to put this out to the public as what we theorize as signs of intelligence.

As I have stated, unfortunately it is also easily recognizable as signs of war by those that have experience in those maters and weaponry. Now how do you tell Joe Public we have contact with ET and their Kung Foo is strong? You don’t. There have been gag orders given to some that got accidentally involved in the past with what I was then researching. Compared with what we have now disclosed for public thought, that wasn’t shit. It was just a small piece of the overall picture. It really is a tease, these CS crater chains, but the rest of the story was yet to unfold. That we discovered with the Mars data and satellite solar system explorers. The question is how do you break this news to the public that ET is real and oh by the way they had one hell of a war in our solar system.

Point being here, we know, and they know that we know, but they have made deals with the BET’s here on earth and now what the hell do they do?

It’s not what you know or don’t know, but what you know that isn’t so, that will hurt you.

You have misrepresented the position of one of the people you listed in your last post.


I’ve noticed a reluctance to link to other fora or even identify them outright. I’m in a bit of a pickle here. I have located solid evidence that Norval is misrepresenting the actual position of one of the people he claims gave him encouragement,

Is there a way I can direct interested people to this other forum page without violating the guidelines?
I do not see Goofyfish mentioned in Norval's last post.
Norval mentioned, Gerry Zeitlin, David Darling, Barry Jacobs and un-named NASA contact but no Goofyfish.

I have posted at half a dozen forums and so has Norval. What is your problem AKA? Actually I think I am a member of atleast a dozen forums but some I don't frequent.

“What is your problem AKA?”

You mean, besides going out of your way to misinterpret my previous post? Where to begin? Crackpottery and magical thinking masquerading as science. Shouting fire in a crowded theater. Except the theater is Earth and there is no exit.

From your web-site:

“1. War has been occurring between ET factions here in our solar system for centuries.
2. That war recently escalated into a solar system wide conflict with the losers coming to earth.
3. The winners of that solar system war are still out there.
4. Earth is the only place we have yet to find CS crater chains.
5. We are being lied to and the biggest cover up in mankind's history is being perpetrated against us.
6. The entire race of mankind is at stake.”

Lacking even one shred of evidence to support these wild claims, yeah, I see both of your actions as very irresponsible. The stuff cults are made of. Did I fail to mention that I despise cults? My bad.

For clarity, I was not identifying goofyfish as one of the people whose views are being misrepresented. Rather, I list the name of someone I want to address.

The person whose position Norval deliberately misrepresented is Dr David Darling.
these discussions seem so out of hand that i feel i can post the following

- the war you guys speak of (or reject) was (and is) an evergoing battle between polarity. its happening here ON the earth, throughouts its entire ancient past, and extends beyond to Stars that originated life in this corner of the universe.

now, as i may expect from modern day man, most do not pay any attention to the stars that govern the night skies. alas, for in our past we were more in touch with our mystical past. there are some minds that remember parts of the souls past, perhaps even some of you.

for those who bash our cries, we ask one thing: do you really think that our ancient civilizations were worshipping HOGWASH, and their religions hold NO IMPORTANCE TODAY ? how can you discount the ancient past. especially when it is SHOWN that they had ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE of the STARS?!?

i ask some to take a look at ancient Sumerian texts, they speak of ancient wars and fires in the sky, even about beings who came from the sky. research it and see what you think. there are texts with stories so Epic you could make a blockbuster movie on it.

look at the egyptians. they worshipped both God and Bad Gods. Greeks as well say there was 2 types of Gods. they knew there was polarity, if only subconsciously.

polarity is the only constant ACROSS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
its the only 2 things that can be guaranteed to exist.

if u know any Egyptian history, you notice they worshipped Orion as their main star. it has been proven that in their time (3000+ years) the STARS in the SKY were in different positions from today. their Pyramids pointed up to Orion.

Greek mythology depicts Orion as the HUNTER. a man with a weapon, on the HUNT. you will be surprised to learn what kind of life forms came from Orion- HUNTERs. This star system is the main home for those beings that are labeled "negative"
they are the CONTROL freaks. they are the ones who probably blasted planets and who knows what else HERE.
and, truth be told that they are the ones who are manipulating our governments in attempts to hold the earth in its clutches.

well, wish i had time to talk about the lighter, more positive side of this epic battle, but time controls all. and i must leave.

take care
Actually The greeks used stories to help depict the constellations when they were out sea-faring, Orion on a Hunt as a story was just a way of remembering how they should align in the particular instance in question (like docking at a port) rather than about some ETI out there.

Advanced knowledge of the stars is just about navigation, the only reason the perception evolved was because they realised the heavens moved (well the earth did).

If a interspacial war had occured, don't you think their would be space hulks and wreckage a drift surrounding our planet that directly relates to alien technology?
Actually I have an email of appology from Dr. David Darling concerning his actions at his web sites forum. So fuck off yah lier AKA. Actually he is about as imature as you AKA, maybe even less mature.
Norval wrote:

“Actually I have an email of appology from Dr. David Darling concerning his actions at his web sites forum.”

For the interested lurkers, a little googleing, a little imagination and you’ll find it. Decide for yourselves.

“So fuck off yah lier AKA.”

Actually I never lie.

And I can not say I’m surprised at your crash and burn. A pithless provincial to the very end.

Hasta la nunca Norval.
I am well aware of David’s apology letter.
All your attempting to do AKA is distract from the information we have presented so that anyone that is really interested will be disinterested.
Anyone can see this is not natural even the splash area is indicative of something to anyone with bomb damage assessment skills:

FieryIce wrote:

“All your attempting to do AKA is distract from the information we have presented”

That is certainly not my intention. I suppose it’s time we do the definition dance regarding which ‘info’ you are talking about.

From the very first thread, you two have been showing pix and asking “Look, do you see?”, and about 95% of respondents have replied “Yes, we see craters, no, we do not see artificiality”.

At which point you guys say “Well, it’s obviously artificial.” Is this what you mean by ‘information’? I see little of substance to distract from. A baseless declaration does not acquire foundation through mere repetition.

You keep saying that the craters were laid down at exactly the same instant but have never proven it. There is no evidence that contradicts the mainstream view that the impacts took place one after the other, whappity-whap-whap. Rapid succession of impacts separated by seconds in time.

“so that anyone that is really interested will be disinterested.”

That is an unfair accusation. From early childhood I have been fascinated by the moons of Jupiter. In fact, I would encourage everyone to learn more about comparative planetology. I would not encourage leaps of faith regarding natural phenomena. So, again, what type of ‘interest’ are you referring to? If people want to learn more about the solar system, I’m for it.
If people want to invent fanciful tales which require one to ‘just believe’, then I oppose.

“Anyone can see this is not natural”

Do tell? Have you been keeping track of the replies? By my tally, the majority see no such thing. The bulk of posters have stated, more or less ‘interesting but natural’.
ummm, yeah perfect AKA, well said.

I'd say that sums up my view of what's been said here exactly.
even the splash area is indicative of something to anyone with bomb damage assessment skills

And you think you have those skills to make the final judgement? Now I'm no expert but I see nothing "indicative" in the splash area. A bomb makes splash damage, an impact makes splash damage. The plains in front of the crater chain would show that the comet was moving forward toward the plains when it impacted; the ejecta mostly thrown forward. Why would aliens want to make a bomb do that? They would want to concentrate the blash on the target.
Blackholesun: I believe in the past, Norval postulated that these crater chains are mostly from spacecraft firing at one another in the vicinity of planets, and largely not attacks on ground targets.

This, of course, means that we'd have to make a few postulations:

1) The aliens use unguided weapons (since a string of unrelated guided weapons probably would not produce a straight, even line of impacts after chasing a target and missing it)
2) They also do not maneuver while deploying them (because the chains are always in a straight line)
3) The target is always hit by either the first or the last bomb in the group, since we don't have any pictures of crater chains with one missing in the middle (since the bomb/kinetic kill mass that hit the off-planet target would therefore not strike the planet's surface)
4) The weapons were either relatively low-velocity explosive ones, or (if kinetic kill weapons) were fired very close to perpendicular to the planet's surfaces

So, alien warfare was a mite peculiar...

PS. Has Disclosure happened yet? I'd hate to miss it.
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